Sunday, June 16, 2013

Really...why not?

In my last blog I had this great idea on how to save Americans millions and millions of dollars, and allow government to operte in the real best interests of Americans. Remember my idea of abolishing the offices of the President and Vice President?

Yes, I must admit idea kept rattling around my empty head more and more every day. then I discovered that Hitler Jr. and his family are going to spend $60- $100 million dollars of taxpayers' money for a vacation to Africa.  Of course WH spokesman Art (Jay) Carney says taxpayer dollars is a "good bang for our buck".  Please explain that will  you Jay?

Anyway, back to abolishing the offices of Hitler Jr. and his chief gaffer Joe.  I mean, really, it's a great idea. Yes, I know it's such a tradition buried in the archives of our great nation that the American people elect a President of the United States every four years. I ask you what is he doing now? He's just an absentee President anyway, isn't he?

Of course our Founding Fathers and the Constitution framers had no idea that elections could be subverted  and "fixed" electronically. They never thought there would be groups harassing voters as they went to the polls.  Our Founding Fathers never felt there would be citizens voting multiple times. They never felt ballot boxes would be unlawfully "stuffed" or worse that our Military members votes would not be counted because of their political affiliation.

I mean, why have this Hitler Jr. and his gaffer Biden in our White House now? Since the Benghazi scandal emerged nine months ago, and the scandals that followed, the President hasn't been in front of the American people anyway explaining any facts to these scandals.

Look at what Hitler Jr. did just two days ago. Instead of speaking to America about the Syrian dictator using deadly gasses to kill the people of his country, what does Hitler Jr. do instead? He's too busy golfing, so he sends Deputy Ben Rhoads out to explain the "red line in the sand" scenario.

This arrogant man has shut down tours of OUR  White House that belongs to all Americans just to shove his ideology down the throats of Republicans for his "sequester". And yet this month he will spend $60-$100 million dollars for him and Michelle to vacation in Africa.

Just what has this man accomplished since January, 2009 that Americans want him to repeat or continue? His 20 million Americans increase in food stamps? His national debt of $6.Trillion that's on its way to $20.Trillion?  Companies cutting back employee hours due to the premium increase because of Obamacare? The 27 states filing suit so they won't have to utilize Obamacare? His Obamacae insurance premiums rising to over 50% in most states? 

Do you want him to continue destroying our economy, with no hope in sight? Can anyone tell me the last time this man even talked about jobs and the economy?  When he's not vacationing or golfing he's either campaigning or try to justify the NSA spying on all Americans.  Will someone please explain to me when is the last time his man exemplified any form of leadership? Oh yeah, he's buying all the ammo, so I can't continue with my ammo reloading hobby.

Think of that White House staff we could abolish and save taxpayer monies. Just think, no more Valerie Jarret, Jay (Art) Carney, no more press conferences.  American taxpayers could save billions in the long haul. What good do these people serve to Americans?

Face it, our House Representative and Senate members all campaign for Americans' votes. Why not have campaigning and American voting for Secretary of State, Attorney General, FBI and CIA Directors, Treasury Secretary, Homeland Security Director; even our Supreme Court Justices. Wouldn't that be great and is really what our Founding Fathers wanted for us all? By the way can you imagine Sheriff Joe Arpaio for Director of Homeland Security? That would be great.

The bottom line here folks is we have a man in our White House that is trying to "fundamentally transform" our American way of life into a life that will destroy our freedoms and rights. If this man is not a radical Muslim, he certainly is a Muslim sympathizer that wants to destroy our freedom.

No, he will not be impeached. You can bet Harry Reid will never let that happen. I just hope that he spends all his time shooting baskets, playing golf, and vacationing. At least we'll know where he is, and he won't be involved in our government's tactics.

What is so frightening however, is that this man has three-and-a-half year left on his term. Can you imagine how many more scandals are going to emerge? I won't be surprised if another scandal surfaces by the time I post this blog. God help us all.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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