Webster's dictionary defines amnesty as, "a pardon for political prisoners". Well, that means that I definitely qualify for a "political pardon" from the way Hitler Jr. is leading this country. OK, forget the word "leading". Let's just say I want amnesty from the puppet man.
For decades now I kept believing I was doing the right things. I started working at twelve years old with my first paper route. I remember my first job as a stock boy in a grocery store, and this thing called "taxes" and F.I.C.A. was taken out of my paycheck.
So, up until Hitler Jr. came into office I always believed I was following the American dream; military service, college, marriage & fatherhood, all while holding jobs and a professional career. During all those years, including today, I always felt proud to get educated, work hard, pay taxes, and live like a proud American.
In accomplishing all this the only thing my government ever paid for were my meals and housing while in the U.S. Air Force. For my loyal service and honorable discharge I was afforded the G.I Bill of Rights to enter college. I always felt this was part of my reward for serving my country.
Now, it appears that our government wants to award "a pardon for being a political prisoner" to nearly twelve million people that are here illegally. Wow, what a great deal....well a great deal for the illegals.
There is however, something that I'm a little confused with. We're about to give amnesty to millions upon millions of illegals and infuse them into an already disastrous economy. We're already suffering from an unemployment of well over 7%. So with all the illegals just "pardoned" of course this means these illegals become legals, and they'll legally be placed on the work force causing our unemployment to surely climb.
Something else to bring to the equation; we will have millions of "pardoned" illegals/legals living here that will take many labor jobs from our own Americans. You know what happens then; welfare/food stamps/unemployment climbs even higher for Americans as well as the "pardoned".
Final thought; now that we may have millions of "pardoned" illegals that may have serious problems finding a job in this disastrous and wandering around, just who will be paying for their healthcare, housing, and education when they can't find a job? Can you guess who? Well, you can bet it will be all who have worked hard all their life, and paid taxes. Also, you can get ready for more tax increases to pay for the welfare of these "pardoned" illegals.
Please forgive me for being a little bias in this matter. My father came to this country in 1915 at the age of seventeen. Dad, gramps, and all their siblings came through Ellis Island LEGALLY.
They had enough money to get as far as northeast Ohio, where Dad got a job in the steel mills.
Dad worked for forty-eight years in the mills.
Dad never received an education, but made sure my two sisters and I received a college education. Dad must be spinning in his grave today with all the nanny state freebies taking place in these entitlement programs. Dad used to brag in his broken-English dialect, "I never go on unemployment". He was so proud that he worked hard in the steel mills for everything he received.
The protective border fences supposedly protecting our southern states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California are a joke. Why aren't the citizens of Mexico striving to work hard in their own country to return Mexico into the beautiful and rich country that it once was, and quit sneaking over in droves every day to our country?
While living in southern California I visited Mexico frequently. It's a beautiful country, with many oil fields and fertile farming capabilities. Mexico just needs leadership and the fine Hispanic people of Mexico to return their beloved country it richly deserves. Strong government leadership and the strength of the people will even be able to erode the power of the drug cartels.
Like many Americans, I want Mexico to grow and prosper, but there is one country I want to prosper and grow more.....and that's my United States of America.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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