Friday, June 14, 2013

Where is he?

Come out, come out where ever you are Barry! Has anyone seen the President of our country lately? Someone must have told him there's a war, and the Secret Service have him hidden in some bunker. I mean, really Barry, you've taken this "leading from behind" policy to a whole new level.

I know there are millions, 51% to be exact, who give him a pass because his only experience in leading is as a community organizer.....well, there was that 143 days as an Illinois Senator, where he voted "present" all the time. 

Did anyone honestly think he was going to "get out in front" of all the scandals; Benghazi,
IRS debacles, DOJ spying, NSA spying on all communications of all Americans, Hillary's prostitution, drugs, and pedophelia Ambassador cover-up, EPA turning over records of farmers to liberal groups, Fast & Furious, and of course The Ft. Hood terrorist attack.

The horrific sad speculation to all this is I can almost write with confidence that by the time I finish today's blog another scandal will surface and the White House will of course deny it. 
And where is Barry Hitler Jr. in all this? Why isn't he explaining the complete, thorough, and honest details in all these scandals to the American people he promised to lead?

Well, we do know where he can be found, instead of attending to business, and that is traveling around campaigning for his Dem party for the 2014 mid-term elections.  And he can't even do that if his speech notes are forgotten or his teleprompter isn't turned on. He just hems & haws, and yells, "people, where are my notes"? Then he just laughs and shrugs it off. Then he, Michelle, and the girls are off to a nearly $100 million dollar African vacation. 

Some very scary news erupting now folks; all Americans are being spied on by the NSA with phone and e-mails being stored in a large million-square foot facility in Utah that has a cost of over $2.Billion. Oh yes, did I mention that Barry Hitler Jr. has declared that no Mosques will be under surveillance Wonder why that is. Could it be he's nothing more than a Muslim himself? Well, we actually have no proof of what and who he is do we now?

Wednesday, on the golf course every time someone in our foursome hit a good shot they'd look up and yell, "did ya see that you never hit a shot like that". Of course I got royally teased with, "Hey, Pete, Barry knows all about you buying all those ammo reloading supplies, and your wife won't walk with you cause she's afraid a drone is gonna get ya". Funny yes, but serious.

I used to think that Barry Hitler Jr. was the puppet master, but when you give it any thought he's really just a puppet and the strings are being pulled by Jarret, Axelrod, Holder, Reid, and Pelosi. It's been nine months since the Benghazi massacre of four Americans, and we still have no answers. We now know that Hitler Jr. had to cover it up because he was afraid news that Benghazi was a terrorist attack would hurt his reelection chances. We also now know he and his minions all blamed  Benghazi on a You-Tube video.

Gotta leave you with this great idea of mine. Why don't we just abolish the offices of the President and Vice President?  Americans vote for House and Senate members, why not let the American people vote for all Cabinet members; even Supreme Court Justices.  We can have House and Senate leaders present bills, and then have them vote to pass or deny any new legislation.

Think of the millions we can save in salaries, secret service, Air Force I & II. White House operations. I mean we could make money by turning the White House into a Congressional Museum and charge tours of Americans to walk through it. Can you imagine how much taxpayer money could be saved on Michell's personal life, Hitler Jr.'s golf, and the first family vacations?

Really, when you fully understand what this man has done for the past four and half years, it's a slam-dunk decision. He's in hiding all the time now, so let's put him and Biden in permanent hiding. I mean, what do we need him for? 

His Obamacare has proven to be a job destroyer. I live in northeast Ohio, and an independent group has declared Obamacare will cause Ohioans an increase of 88% in their premiums. 
Walmart, the country's largest retailer is already beginning to hire only part-time workers so as not to offer health insurance. Fast food chains are cutting hours back to twenty hours a week, so they don't have to offer health care insurance.

I'll bet if you ask Americans to donate to make up Hitler Jr.'s and Biden's salaries from now till January, 2017 you could collect that amount in less than a week. Why, why, why do we need this man in our White House?

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our troops...and our country.

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