Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Here comes the thug(s)

Our American way of life is being jeopardized by the leaders we have voted in office to protect us under our Constitution. Democrat members of the House Ways & Means Committee today actually blamed, yes, blamed the six witnesses that came to the committee to testify about the felonious acts of the IRS to deny them their rightful tax-exempt status.

These Democrat committee members actually lied in their verbal attacks on the six witnesses. One Democrat went so far as to accuse the witnesses of using political subterfuge to have American taxpayers subsidize their organizations.  Of course these are lies, as these organizations are all solely supported by personal donations and grants.

Democrat members lied when they alleged that liberal groups were also denied tax-exempt status. Finally Chairman Camp announced that liberal groups were invited to testify today, if they felt their tax-exempt status was denied by the IRS. Then Chairman Camp dropped the bomb by announcing, "no liberal groups accepted our invitation to attend and testify".

The Democrat congressmen on the committee went further to express that it was the fault of the six witnesses that they were targeted by the IRS, based on their political beliefs. It was so difficult to watch their verbal attack on these honest Americans, only because they were "not in step" with the Hitler Jr. agenda.

Recently Senator Rand Paul did an "Old MacDonald" song parody when he was speaking a few days ago. He mimicked, "here a scandal, there a scandal, everywhere a scandal". It's so true. Now we almost need a score card to keep track of all the scandals driven by this Hitler Jr. in our White House. What a movie this is going to make some day.

We can have the late night comics make stand up jokes about all these scandals.  I watched those six witnesses today, trying to assemble in my own mind,  how their lives have been turned upside down, while being blamed by some Democrat congressional leaders. What have we come to? What are we willing to accept? Why can't the American people have a right to know who the responsible parties are for these scandals?

First there were the lies surrounding Obamacare, then Fast & Furious, followed by the Benghazi massacres and cover up. Soon after that it was discovered the IRS admitted that they "targeted GOP groups to prevent them from acquiring a tax-exempt status. Then Goebell Holder and his DOJ staff not only wire tapped telephones of AP reporters, they actually attempted to discredit a Fox News journalist, by seizing his journalist documents and phone records, along with the phone records of his own parents, "just for doing his job".

Oh wait, there's more. I think Senator Rand Paul should've started to sing, "And the hits keep coming". We now have discovered that Health and Human Resources Director Sebillus is seeking private donations to further Hitler Jr.'s Obamacare agenda, and soon will be investigated.

OK, I'll stop now. Wait, what's that? There's one more. Yep, just today we're finding out that our own beloved Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is under congressional investigation for their bias in overseeing companies that want EPA approval for their businesses. Some of their "favorites" receive "OK's" to go ahead with their project(s), while some companies get denied. Want to guess the political party allegiances  of these companies? Hmm.

Hitler Jr., along with his other Chicago thugs; Jarrett, Axelrod, Reid, Pelosi, etc., and other Democrat leaders are trying to overrun our country and our Constitution. They must be stopped. Yes, it's a long way to 2016, but we start with our first step of the mid-term elections of 2014. 

Fellow Americans, our forefathers fought the tyranny of the British, and we won. If we don't make moves to halt the Constitutional onslaught of this man and his "army" we'll  be in a situation that we may never recover from.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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