Sunday, June 9, 2013

What can YOU do?

I am proud to write my conservative blog, "Politics with Pete", that is posted daily on the Bing, Google, and Twitter web sites.  However, I am most proud and grateful to have my daily blog posted in the Tea Party Community website. To date I've had 102 "Politics with Pete" blogs posted on the Tea Party Community (TPC) site.

This past Wednesday evening I was privileged to have an hour-long phone conversation with the Tea Party Community web-site co-founder Ken Crow.  It was a great learning experience for me, discussing topics that our TPC family members visit every day on our site.

Of course we talked about today's scandals that are emanating from the White House.  We talked about how many Americans feel there is nothing we ordinary citizens can do to stand up against the scandals are keep on occurring daily from this current administration.

Many good Americans are just throwing up their hands, almost surrendering by even refusing to vote anymore. Their attitude is, "what can I do against this powerful D.C. machine?"  Mr. Crow and I both agreed, "there is much we can all do, and if you're not part of the solution then you are part of the problem".

Voting for our GOP leaders to take back our Senate and maintain leadership in our House is the frosting on the cake that will occur next November, 2014, so what can we do for the next seventeen months? There is so much we do do.

The very first thing Americans must do is never forget what our forefathers did to fight against the tyranny of Britain to win our freedom. We must never forget the Constitution that our framers gave us to establish our freedoms. Never, ever forget that please.

Then, at that point we can begin our move to take back our country from the scandals that are destroying our freedoms today. Join the great Tea Party Community organization to help spread the word we need. Spreading the word is needed to take back our freedom from the dangers that exists now under the burden of the scandals surrounding us today.

Contact your House and Senate representatives. Let them know what we expect of them if we vote for them next November. If and when you can you should donate to the campaigns of those GOP candidates. Even a few dollars of a donation can help. Sacrifice that pizza once in a while and donate to the Tea Party movement through the TPC web site.

It was a privilege speaking to Mr. Crow for over an hour this past week. He energized me, and I want to pass that spark on to anyone who will read my blog. 

We need to stand strong and stand together to take back our Senate and keep our House, because the next seventeen months are going to fly by very fast. Don't waste it people.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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