We know that there has only been one person that walked the face of this world that everyone loved. You know who; Our Lord, along with his son Jesus Christ. And yet he even suffered under a tyrannical government and was literally nailed him on a cross. OK, you ask, where are you going with this?
We all have those that don't like us; some people may even actually hate you. I could probably fill this blog with a long list of people that don't care for yours truly, yes, may even hate me.
How many of these people that don't like you are you willing to give or loan money to as part of a normal ritual? I've always figured people that don't like you are not going to change because you give or loan them money. They're going to dislike you anyway, whether you give to them or not.
What's worse is when these people that don't like you keep asking for more money, even when you can't afford to give them any more money. Now, would you take your credit card and max it out just to give money to someone who doesn't like you?
Sounds really stupid huh? Well, the man, Hitler Jr., who lives in our White House is doing exactly that. This man is actually putting our country in debt borrowing money to give to countries that actually hate us, and some countries that would do us great harm if they could.
How stupid is this man that actually borrows money from China to pay interest on the loan on the money that China has already loaned to us. Who runs a business like that? If Hitler Jr. were in the private sector and ran a business like this he would've been fired long ago.
And while all this is happening, and John/Jane Doe cannot find a job to take care of their families, this man is spending $100. million for a family trip to Africa. And of course you know who is paying for Hitler Jr.'s trip don't you? Yep, us taxpayers.
Want some frosting on the cake? While all this is occurring, and jobs are needed so badly this man is talking only about climate control. It's been proven that over many decades the temperature of the planet has risen less than one per cent. Hitler Jr. is on a mission to completely stop the Keystone Pipeline from opening up, while declaring a war on coal. He actually wants to shut down coal plants in West Virginia and Kentucky, putting thousands out of work.
While this is being attempted by this evil man in our White House, India and China are opening up on the average of one coal plant per week.
Folks, this man is on a mission to economically destroy our great country And when you go to bed tonight please say a prayer thanking our Constitution for instituting term limits on the Presidency. A certainty is that after January, 2017 he can do no more harm.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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