Thursday, June 27, 2013

Here's more evidence

Let's say you have a husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, fiancee, or close friend who served in the military, or is now now serving in the middle east conflicts. One step further; what if your loved one was severely injured in combat, or worse, was killed by the enemy in the conflict?

 How would you feel toward the people that initiated these conflicts of fighting that caused the injury or death to your loved ones? Would you invite anyone from this group to your home? Would you honor an individual from this group in your home? Would you prepare a dinner honoring the very same individual that belongs to a group dedicated to capturing, torturing, and slaying your own loved ones? I think not.

Now here's an outrageous fact you will not see or hear from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC. You can bet "leg man" Matthews and Maddow from MSNBC will not report this fact.

It is a fact that Hitler Jr., who resides in our White House, invited, on June 13, 2013, members of the National Security Council to meet with Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah. Guess where this man was invited to attend? To our very own White House.

This man, Abdullah Bin Bayyah, is one of the ranking members of a Muslim Brotherhood of the International Union of Muslim Scholars. The ultimate leader of this group, Yusuf Qaradawi, that calls for the deaths of Jews and Americans.

Will someone please explain to me why this man, who represents a group that advocates the death of Jews and Americans, be invited to enter our White House? Please someone explain the logic of having our National Security Council "break bread" with a man like this? I would dearly love to have the "leg man" Matthews of MSNBC to justify this meeting. You can bet Mr. Matthews will never, ever bring this topic up in one of his Hardball TV shows.

I am so very grateful to Fox News, whose charter is "News, Fair & Balanced", or their closing of their Special Report program, "Fair, Balanced, and Unafraid". Wouldn't it be great if all news outlets would follow the honest charter of Fox News? 

There is only one valid reason that Hitler Jr. would allow this man, who proclaims death to Jews and Americans, to be in our White House. This man, Hitler Jr., wants to "fundamentally transform" our great country by destroying us economically, to pave the way for take-over of our Constitution, along with our freedoms and rights. He wants to run America much the same way Chicago criminals run Chicago. Or just maybe Hitler Jr. is himself a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

We must not let this happen. Remember this next November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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