We've all heard the beginning story line, "I've got good news, and I've got bad news". Well, in today's blog I would like to start with bad news.
There are many valid reasons why I have such disdain for Hitler Jr.'s residency in our White House. Maybe the latest reason is one of the most troubling for me. Did you know that for four years, since Hitler Jr. has been living a life of luxury in the White House, there has been a U.S. Army Sergeant that is being held as a prisoner in the mid-east, most likely being starved and tortured.
This young man volunteered, yes freely volunteered, to take up arms and protect our freedoms and our Constitution. So, while fighting for America he is captured by radical Jihadist Muslims, and to this day is being held as a prisoner of war.
For four years, since Hitler Jr. has been in the White House, this brave Army fighting American has been held a prisoner, and Hitler Jr. has done absolutely nothing about it. Instead he's been golfing, playing basketball, and of course spending millions for his vacations. Has anyone from the Hitler Jr.'s administration even addressed this matter, or even reached out to the parents of this American hero?
Is it any wonder the overwhelming majority of our military personnel despise this man. Yes, our military is so anti-Obama that he even saw to it that military bases, camps, and bases had much difficulty in casting their votes in the November, 2012 presidential election, and getting their votes validated. Why are returning war heroes having so much trouble receiving proper medical attention in our V.A. hospitals? It's because he actually cares nothing for our military personnel.
Did anyone really expect Hitler Jr. to do anything? I certainly didn't. He's been in hiding since Benghazi, since the IRS scandals, since Fast & Furious, since DOJ and NSA spying, and even since Ft. Hood. But he sure knows how to campaign, and how to golf, and how to shoot baskets.
This man is a thorough disgrace to the highest position in our land.
Now for the "Good News". We only have to put up with this abomination of a man for just three more years, and we know most of that time will be on the campaign trail, the golf course, the basketball court, and on vacation paid for by us taxpayers. Actually that may a good thing.
I mean, really, how much harm can he do by going around the country talking about global warming? What a great topic. Instead of how broke Obamacare will make our country, instead of talking about job creation, this man wants to talk about shutting down coal plants and stopping the start of the Keystone Pipeline.
How come the lame stream media won't report that one of Hitler Jr.'s biggest donors stands to make tons of money IF the Keystone Pipeline DOES NOT get approved by Hitler Jr.
Yeah, you 51% that voted him back in the White House keep on believing this man is for all Americans. He is only in office for one person, and that's him. We all need to remember this when we go to the polls next November, 2014.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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