Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hooray for terms

Can anyone give the names of the two political leaders who exclaimed, "if citizens give up their guns and rifles, and only the military and police carry arms then our streets will be safer"? Can't guess huh? Both of these leaders said almost the very same words, but at different times in history.

The first one to utter these words were Adolph Hitler in Germany in the 1930's. And the other political leader to say almost the very same words just a few months ago was our very own President Obama.

I encourage all to read the book, "Seduced by Hitler",  by authors A. LeBor and R. Boyes, written in 2005. The book is only a little over 300 pages in length, and very easy to read and  understand. These authors do a fantastic and difficult job of writing this piece of history that will remain memorable for all times.

I came away from reading this book with such an understanding of what Germany and Europe endured under the dictatorship of this evil man. To any that thought Rahm Emanuel was the author of, "never let a good crisis go to waste", you are mistaken. Adolph Hitler was the ultimate believer in this phenomenon.  

Adolph Hitler used his fantastic gift of personal communications to convince the people of Germany that he was going to pull them out of poverty and a declining economy. He further convinced Germans that the pitfalls of those before him caused Germany's decline and loss of WWI.

People of Germany believed this so much they figuratively and sometimes literally lifted this man onto their backs and followed him into one of the world's most horrid disasters.

The most chilling reality that I digested from reading this book is that if Germany had term limits when Adolph Hitler was in power, then maybe, just maybe, over six million Jews would have never been sent to concentration camps to be slaughtered.

I'm not going to waste any readers' time by dredging up all the scandals surrounding the White House and Hitler Jr. now, but I do want to quickly insert a thought: What if there were no term limits on the office of the Presidency? Can you imagine if this man in our White House were allowed to continue living in our White House? If you think these scandals today are horrific,  Hitler Jr.'s new "take-over" scandals will make today's scandals seem like Sunday picnics.

Adolph Hitler did a masterful job of overtaking the entire media, along with schools and universities. It may seem hard to believe, but at the outset of his tyranny Adolph Hitler was actually beloved by most citizens of Germany, especially women and children. They adored this man, therefore his agenda moved very well in the beginning.

The very sad news is that by the time the people of Germany and Europe woke up to what Adolph Hitler was really doing, it was horribly too late.  Adolph Hitler's tyrannical reign in Germany would have been stopped if their political structure only had term limits.

OK, now I'm going to bring up today's scandals, but only to prove a point. I urge all to take a very close look at some major issues that have transpired since Hitler Jr. has been in our White House; Fast & Furious, Ft. Hood, gun control, IRS scandals, DOJ spying and lying, EPA scandals, and most recently spying on the phones and e-mails of ANY American.

Remember when Hitler Jr. said, "we are going to fundamentally change this country"? Well, it's for sure that's what he's trying to do. Of course we all know that he's not going to be impeached. But, we can slow him down by taking back the Senate and keeping the House. Then we'll know he can't do any damage. Maybe he'll just stay on the golf course.

Please don't forge that folks. We can't let him have the House & Senate next year. If that happens the damage he will do in his last two years will be monumental. And let's all give thanks that  this man is done in January, 2017. Can you imagine what he'll do to this country if he's given more presidential terms?

Next year's mid-term elections may be the most critical mid-term election in the history of our country. Get the word out people. Call and write your representatives. Get the vote out to take back our Senate and keep our house. We can do this. 

Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.

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