Monday, June 17, 2013

I found him!

I found him. I found the President. Is there a reward out for locating his whereabouts? Whew, I even went to several grocery stores checking out milk cartons, and then I located him in Ireland. Experts have claimed that Hitler Jr. has been in hiding since the scandals have erupted all through his administration.

Depending on your perspective the good, or bad, news is that Hitler Jr. will be out of the country for the next eleven out of seventeen days. As I'm writing this the word is that he and Putin are arm wrestling now in Ireland, and then going out for Vodka shots. What a guy.

With all the problems and scandals surrounding the White House, I guess we have to fully understand this man. He's a friendly, likable guy, speaks well, and is a good husband and father figure. You almost want to feel sorry for him right? Nah!

He just has no idea of the leadership that's needed to be President of this great country. It's more than kissing babies and ladies on the cheek. And what's with this embracing every man he meets. Can you see Patton, Eisenhower, or Lincoln going around embracing other men? Nah!

Will someone please tell Hitler Jr. that bunker in the White House is only to be entered when there is a physical war-like threat on the White House. You're not supposed to run in there when your buddy Holder screws up, or when the IRS or NSA act like idiots. Come on man, step up to the plate, take your swings, and at least try to be a leader of our great country. Quit being a wuss.

Have you read about the Secret Service intimidating a popular political blogger that writes daily blogs that are completely opposite of Hitler Jr.'s policies.  The Secret Service even came to the blogger's home. The blogger cooperated and declared that, even with his strong dislike of the President, he has never blogged anything threatening or declaring harm to the President and his family.

That didn't seem to be good enough for Hitler Jr. He is so thin-skinned he wanted to go after this political blogger because he stood against all of Hitler Jr.'s policies. Gee, you think he hurt the President's feelings? Of course I'm frightened, but not of the President; I'm terrified of my wife. She thinks I'm next on the Secret Service list, or a drone will get me. I told her, that while I'm flattered honey, I'm just small potatoes. Now, she's threatening me with sleeping on the couch if I don't stop with calling him Hitler Jr. What's a guy to do?

We just want a leader for a President who will take a stand. I think he's going to hurt himself if he keeps straddling the fence of indecision.

By the way, if Hitler Jr. cancelled his family trip to Africa he could take those funds, give it to the Secret Service and keep White House tours open for almost four years. Just sayin', and I demand my reward for finding our lost President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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