Friday, June 28, 2013

If only

From the time we were youngsters outside playing, we've all fantasized. I've been doing it since I fantasized I was hitting a bases-loaded home run to win the World Series for the Indians. And you know what....I'm a white-haired old senior citizen, and I still fantasize. 

No, I don't fantasize about some 20-year old female at the gym. I mean, I'm not a pervert, plus I'm too old. But I do "dream on"about other fantasies when I'm working out at the gym. It helps get me through the Nautilus machines and my thirty-five minutes on the life cycle. 

Which brings me to the latest fantasy I had at the gym this morning. It's crazy, but I just have to express it. Please allow me OK? Thanks.

I start my fantasy with Mexico. Mexico is a beautiful country with a gorgeous beautiful coastline along the ocean. Mexico is endowed with rich fertile soil for successful farming. It has large open land great for raising livestock.  Mexico is also rich in vast oil reserves, along with other great potentials for growth.

I know this to be true, as I lived in Southern California for thirty-five years, and had numerous opportunities to visit this beautiful country. Mexico is a vastly rich  and beautiful country. We also all know there are millions of illegals that have crossed the Mexican border to enter our country illegally. We also know that millions more of illegals will be entering our country illegally through the Mexican-U.S. borders.

I've been asking that with the influx of illegals streaming across our border, and then receiving amnesty, our near 8% unemployment will explode further out of sight. Then I wonder who is going to provide for this extra population in the areas of welfare, education, food stamps, health care, etc.? We all know that answer. Hard working successful Americans that pay taxes.

OK, now I can get to my fantasy. Why don't we completely remove all fences and barriers between Mexico and the U.S. Then broadcast that the borders are completely open, and no one, I mean no one, will be challenged when they cross over to the U.S.

This gets better, honest. With completely open borders soon the U.S. will be populated with illegals that will soon be granted amnesty and will be allowed to live here legally.

So, to move my fantasy along, let's all of us law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying Americans take a page from our Pilgrim forefathers and move to Mexico. We did it in the 1600's to get away from the tyranny of Britain. So we'll do it again to get away from the tyranny of Hitler Jr.

We can enrich the great country of Mexico with our technology, our innovative ideas, along with our great American citizens. Let Hitler Jr., and his millions of illegals have the large plot of land that once was our great United States of America. Let's see where Hitler Jr. is going to get his funding to take care of all his illegals. Hey Hitler Jr. you can even change the name of our once great U.S.A. to the Land of Islam. Heck, you can even initiate your Sharia law.

The Americans that move to Mexico can build this great land of Mexico into a flourishing nation, much like our Pilgrims did when they landed on Plymouth Rock in the 1600's,  We did it before, and we can do it again.

The big problem is that when all the illegals and Hitler Jr. see how great the 21st. century Pilgrims are doing in the new land of Mexico, and how we've made it flourish and grow, they'll probably try to "sneak" back to "our" land of Mexico.

Suddenly my thirty-five minutes on the life cycle was up, and my fantasy was over. Oh well, at least the fantasy got me through my gym workout. Got to have more of these fantasies. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Here's more evidence

Let's say you have a husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, fiancee, or close friend who served in the military, or is now now serving in the middle east conflicts. One step further; what if your loved one was severely injured in combat, or worse, was killed by the enemy in the conflict?

 How would you feel toward the people that initiated these conflicts of fighting that caused the injury or death to your loved ones? Would you invite anyone from this group to your home? Would you honor an individual from this group in your home? Would you prepare a dinner honoring the very same individual that belongs to a group dedicated to capturing, torturing, and slaying your own loved ones? I think not.

Now here's an outrageous fact you will not see or hear from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC. You can bet "leg man" Matthews and Maddow from MSNBC will not report this fact.

It is a fact that Hitler Jr., who resides in our White House, invited, on June 13, 2013, members of the National Security Council to meet with Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah. Guess where this man was invited to attend? To our very own White House.

This man, Abdullah Bin Bayyah, is one of the ranking members of a Muslim Brotherhood of the International Union of Muslim Scholars. The ultimate leader of this group, Yusuf Qaradawi, that calls for the deaths of Jews and Americans.

Will someone please explain to me why this man, who represents a group that advocates the death of Jews and Americans, be invited to enter our White House? Please someone explain the logic of having our National Security Council "break bread" with a man like this? I would dearly love to have the "leg man" Matthews of MSNBC to justify this meeting. You can bet Mr. Matthews will never, ever bring this topic up in one of his Hardball TV shows.

I am so very grateful to Fox News, whose charter is "News, Fair & Balanced", or their closing of their Special Report program, "Fair, Balanced, and Unafraid". Wouldn't it be great if all news outlets would follow the honest charter of Fox News? 

There is only one valid reason that Hitler Jr. would allow this man, who proclaims death to Jews and Americans, to be in our White House. This man, Hitler Jr., wants to "fundamentally transform" our great country by destroying us economically, to pave the way for take-over of our Constitution, along with our freedoms and rights. He wants to run America much the same way Chicago criminals run Chicago. Or just maybe Hitler Jr. is himself a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

We must not let this happen. Remember this next November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Good news-Bad news

We've all heard the beginning story line, "I've got good news, and I've got bad news".  Well, in today's blog I would like to start with bad news.

There are many valid reasons why I have such disdain for Hitler Jr.'s residency in our White House.  Maybe the latest reason is one of the most troubling for me. Did you know that for four years, since Hitler Jr. has been living a life of luxury in the White House, there has been a U.S. Army Sergeant that is being held as a prisoner in the mid-east, most likely being starved and tortured.

This young man volunteered, yes freely volunteered, to take up arms and protect our freedoms and our Constitution. So, while fighting for America he is captured by radical Jihadist Muslims, and to this day is being held as a prisoner of war.

For four years, since Hitler Jr. has been in the White House, this brave Army fighting American has been held a prisoner, and Hitler Jr. has done absolutely nothing about it. Instead he's been golfing, playing basketball, and of course spending millions for his vacations. Has anyone from the Hitler Jr.'s administration even addressed this matter, or even reached out to the parents of this American hero?

Is it any wonder the overwhelming majority of our military personnel despise this man. Yes, our military is so anti-Obama that he even saw to it that military bases, camps, and bases had  much difficulty in casting their votes in the November, 2012 presidential election, and getting their votes validated. Why are returning war heroes having so much trouble receiving proper medical attention in our V.A. hospitals? It's because he actually cares nothing for our military personnel.

Did anyone really expect Hitler Jr. to do anything?  I certainly didn't. He's been in hiding since Benghazi, since the IRS scandals, since Fast & Furious, since DOJ and NSA spying, and even since Ft. Hood. But he sure knows how to campaign, and how to golf, and how to shoot baskets.
This man is a thorough disgrace to the highest position in our land.

Now for the "Good News".  We only have to put up with this abomination of a man for just three more years, and we know most of that time will be on the campaign trail, the golf course, the basketball court, and on vacation paid for by us taxpayers. Actually that may a good thing.

I mean, really, how much harm can he do by going around the country talking about global warming? What a great topic. Instead of how broke Obamacare will make our country, instead of talking about job creation, this man wants to talk about shutting down coal plants and stopping the start of the Keystone Pipeline. 

How come the lame stream media won't report that one of Hitler Jr.'s biggest donors stands to make tons of money IF the Keystone Pipeline DOES NOT get approved by Hitler Jr.

Yeah, you 51% that voted him back in the White House keep on believing this man is for all Americans. He is only in office for one person, and that's him. We all need to remember this when we go to the polls next November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Keep biting our hand?

We know that there has only been one person that walked the face of this world that everyone loved. You know who; Our Lord, along with his son Jesus Christ. And yet he even suffered under a  tyrannical government and was literally nailed him on a cross.  OK, you ask, where are you going with this?

We all have those that don't like us; some people may even actually hate you. I could probably fill this blog with a long list of people that don't care for yours truly, yes, may even hate me.

How many of these people that don't like you are you willing to give or loan money to as part of a normal ritual?  I've always figured people that don't like you are not going to change because you give or loan them money. They're going to dislike you anyway, whether you give to them or not.

What's worse is when these people that don't like you keep asking for more money, even when you can't afford to give them any more money. Now, would you take your credit card and max it out just to give money to someone who doesn't like you?

Sounds really stupid huh? Well, the man, Hitler Jr., who lives in our White House is doing exactly that. This man is actually putting our country in debt borrowing money to give to countries that actually hate us, and some countries that would do us great harm if they could.

How stupid is this man that actually borrows money from China to pay interest on the loan on the money that China has already loaned to us. Who runs a business like that?  If Hitler Jr. were in the private sector and ran a business like this he would've been fired long ago.

And while all this is happening, and John/Jane Doe cannot find a job to take care of their families, this man is spending $100. million for a family trip to Africa. And of course you know who is paying for Hitler Jr.'s trip don't you? Yep, us taxpayers.

Want some frosting on the cake? While all this is occurring, and jobs are needed so badly this man is talking only about climate control. It's been proven that over many decades the temperature of the planet has risen less than one per cent. Hitler Jr. is on a mission to completely stop the Keystone Pipeline from opening up, while declaring a war on coal. He actually wants to shut down coal plants in West Virginia and Kentucky, putting thousands out of work. 

While this is being attempted by this evil man in our White House, India and China are opening up on the average of one coal plant per week.  

Folks, this man is on a mission to economically destroy our great country And when you go to bed tonight please say a prayer thanking our Constitution for instituting term limits on the Presidency. A certainty is that after January, 2017 he can do no more harm.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.

Monday, June 24, 2013

It could happen here

Isn't it nice to sit in our safe, well protected home and watch the evening news while having desert sitting in our comfortable chair?  Great huh? 

Then, you bite into your cake or pie for your desert, or if you're like this old-timer, you sip on some single malt Scotch as you channel surf for your dose of evening news on the TV.

Now please be objective with this next question. Your TV is blaring away with all the riots and violent protests in the streets of Egypt, Greece, Brazil, and many third-world countries. Do you pause, or miss a bite of your desert, or miss a sip of your Scotch?  Come on now be objective and truthful.

As we watch the rioting in the streets of these countries we might say, "Gee that's bad, but it won't happen here". Then we may become bored and switch over to Seinfeld re-reruns.

My wife and I can relate to these street riots in one of these countries. In fact we actually hear and read e-mails about it first hand. My wife has a close family friend she grew up with here in northeast Ohio. My wife's friend  married a fine Greek man; a restaurant and property owner,  and then they relocated to a small town in the outskirts of Athens.

Our friend and her husband has lived in the outskirts of Athens, Greece for over thirty years. My wife and her friend talked about twice a year, but when this thing called e-mails started they communicate about twice a week.

Well, the rioting and violent protest in the streets of these countries began when the governments of these countries tried to restructure the pay, vacation status, and pensions of citizens, mostly government workers. Our friend living in Greece says she remembers when Greece was a prosperous country. Greece became broke and could not live up to their promises.

She says people now do not want to walk the streets at night. She claims all most citizens have now are memories. The country is broke. Workers are so angry at the government for not living up to their promises that the rioting and violent protests are on-going.

And, as we see in other countries these riots and violent protests continue to go on. What's my point in all this?  What will happen in the streets of our country when we run out of money to sustain welfare, subsidized housing, food stamps, and extended unemployment? 

Our national debt and escalating unemployment could bring frustrated and outraged Americans who depend on welfare and food stamps for survival, to rioting in our own streets if we do not have the funds to take care of America's "nanny" state.

Our close friends in Athens, Greece witnessed this first hand, and said they wished America would wake up before this happens here.  Why do you think there are so many TV commercials advising Americans to buy food for storage? Why do you thing Goering Napolitano is buying up billions of rounds of ammunition?

Oh yeah, now let's grant millions of illegal aliens amnesty so they can become citizens to live on welfare, subsidized housing, food stamps, extended unemployment, education, and health care. All this means is there will be more people to riot here in American streets.  

Wake up America. Does anyone think adding millions of "legals" to our work force will lower unemployment? The only thing that will change is there will definitely be an increase in unemployment. It's very simple: Still no jobs, and more people wanting government help. Guess who's going to pay for it? Yep, good old American taxpayers. And you can bet our efficient IRS will make sure you pay "your fair share".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Where's MY amnesty?

Webster's dictionary defines amnesty as, "a pardon for political prisoners". Well, that means that I definitely qualify for a "political pardon" from the way Hitler Jr. is leading this country. OK, forget the word "leading". Let's just say I want amnesty from the puppet man.

For decades now I kept believing I was doing the right things. I started working at twelve years old with my first paper route. I remember my first job as a stock boy in a grocery store, and this thing called "taxes"  and F.I.C.A. was taken out of my paycheck.

So, up until Hitler Jr. came into office I always believed I was following the American dream; military service, college, marriage & fatherhood, all while holding jobs and a professional career. During all those years, including today, I always felt proud to get educated, work hard, pay taxes, and live like a proud American.

In accomplishing all this the only thing my government ever paid for were my meals and housing while in the U.S. Air Force.  For my loyal service and honorable discharge I was afforded the G.I Bill of Rights to enter college. I always felt this was part of my reward for serving my country.

Now, it appears that our government wants to award "a pardon for being a political prisoner"  to nearly twelve million people that are here illegally. Wow, what a great deal....well a great deal for the illegals.

There is however, something that I'm a little confused with. We're about to give amnesty to millions upon millions of illegals and infuse them into an already disastrous economy. We're already suffering from an unemployment of well over 7%. So with all the illegals just "pardoned" of course this means these illegals become legals, and they'll legally be placed on the work force causing our unemployment to surely climb.

Something else to bring to the equation; we will have millions of "pardoned" illegals/legals living here that will take many labor jobs from our own Americans. You know what happens then; welfare/food stamps/unemployment climbs even higher for Americans as well as the "pardoned".

Final thought; now that we may have millions of "pardoned" illegals that may have serious problems finding a job in this disastrous and wandering around, just who will be paying for their healthcare, housing, and education when they can't find a job? Can you guess who? Well, you can bet it will be all who have worked hard all their life, and paid taxes. Also, you can get ready for more tax increases to pay for the welfare of these "pardoned" illegals.

Please forgive me for being a little bias in this matter. My father came to this country in 1915 at the age of seventeen. Dad, gramps, and all their siblings came through Ellis Island LEGALLY.
They had enough money to get as far as northeast Ohio, where Dad got a job in the steel mills.
Dad worked for forty-eight years in the mills. 

Dad never received an education, but made sure my two sisters and I received a college education. Dad must be spinning in his grave today with all the nanny state freebies taking place in these entitlement programs. Dad used to brag in his broken-English dialect, "I never go on unemployment". He was so proud that he worked hard in the steel mills for everything he received.

The protective border fences supposedly protecting our southern states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California are a joke.  Why aren't the citizens of Mexico striving to work hard in their own country to return Mexico into the beautiful and rich country that it once was, and quit sneaking over in droves every day to our country?

While living in southern California I visited Mexico frequently. It's a beautiful country, with many oil fields and fertile farming capabilities. Mexico just needs leadership and the fine Hispanic people of Mexico to return their beloved country it richly deserves. Strong government leadership and the strength of the people will even be able to erode the power of the drug cartels.

Like many Americans, I want Mexico to grow and prosper, but there is one country I want to prosper and grow more.....and that's my United States of America.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.


Monday, June 17, 2013

I found him!

I found him. I found the President. Is there a reward out for locating his whereabouts? Whew, I even went to several grocery stores checking out milk cartons, and then I located him in Ireland. Experts have claimed that Hitler Jr. has been in hiding since the scandals have erupted all through his administration.

Depending on your perspective the good, or bad, news is that Hitler Jr. will be out of the country for the next eleven out of seventeen days. As I'm writing this the word is that he and Putin are arm wrestling now in Ireland, and then going out for Vodka shots. What a guy.

With all the problems and scandals surrounding the White House, I guess we have to fully understand this man. He's a friendly, likable guy, speaks well, and is a good husband and father figure. You almost want to feel sorry for him right? Nah!

He just has no idea of the leadership that's needed to be President of this great country. It's more than kissing babies and ladies on the cheek. And what's with this embracing every man he meets. Can you see Patton, Eisenhower, or Lincoln going around embracing other men? Nah!

Will someone please tell Hitler Jr. that bunker in the White House is only to be entered when there is a physical war-like threat on the White House. You're not supposed to run in there when your buddy Holder screws up, or when the IRS or NSA act like idiots. Come on man, step up to the plate, take your swings, and at least try to be a leader of our great country. Quit being a wuss.

Have you read about the Secret Service intimidating a popular political blogger that writes daily blogs that are completely opposite of Hitler Jr.'s policies.  The Secret Service even came to the blogger's home. The blogger cooperated and declared that, even with his strong dislike of the President, he has never blogged anything threatening or declaring harm to the President and his family.

That didn't seem to be good enough for Hitler Jr. He is so thin-skinned he wanted to go after this political blogger because he stood against all of Hitler Jr.'s policies. Gee, you think he hurt the President's feelings? Of course I'm frightened, but not of the President; I'm terrified of my wife. She thinks I'm next on the Secret Service list, or a drone will get me. I told her, that while I'm flattered honey, I'm just small potatoes. Now, she's threatening me with sleeping on the couch if I don't stop with calling him Hitler Jr. What's a guy to do?

We just want a leader for a President who will take a stand. I think he's going to hurt himself if he keeps straddling the fence of indecision.

By the way, if Hitler Jr. cancelled his family trip to Africa he could take those funds, give it to the Secret Service and keep White House tours open for almost four years. Just sayin', and I demand my reward for finding our lost President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Really...why not?

In my last blog I had this great idea on how to save Americans millions and millions of dollars, and allow government to operte in the real best interests of Americans. Remember my idea of abolishing the offices of the President and Vice President?

Yes, I must admit idea kept rattling around my empty head more and more every day. then I discovered that Hitler Jr. and his family are going to spend $60- $100 million dollars of taxpayers' money for a vacation to Africa.  Of course WH spokesman Art (Jay) Carney says taxpayer dollars is a "good bang for our buck".  Please explain that will  you Jay?

Anyway, back to abolishing the offices of Hitler Jr. and his chief gaffer Joe.  I mean, really, it's a great idea. Yes, I know it's such a tradition buried in the archives of our great nation that the American people elect a President of the United States every four years. I ask you what is he doing now? He's just an absentee President anyway, isn't he?

Of course our Founding Fathers and the Constitution framers had no idea that elections could be subverted  and "fixed" electronically. They never thought there would be groups harassing voters as they went to the polls.  Our Founding Fathers never felt there would be citizens voting multiple times. They never felt ballot boxes would be unlawfully "stuffed" or worse that our Military members votes would not be counted because of their political affiliation.

I mean, why have this Hitler Jr. and his gaffer Biden in our White House now? Since the Benghazi scandal emerged nine months ago, and the scandals that followed, the President hasn't been in front of the American people anyway explaining any facts to these scandals.

Look at what Hitler Jr. did just two days ago. Instead of speaking to America about the Syrian dictator using deadly gasses to kill the people of his country, what does Hitler Jr. do instead? He's too busy golfing, so he sends Deputy Ben Rhoads out to explain the "red line in the sand" scenario.

This arrogant man has shut down tours of OUR  White House that belongs to all Americans just to shove his ideology down the throats of Republicans for his "sequester". And yet this month he will spend $60-$100 million dollars for him and Michelle to vacation in Africa.

Just what has this man accomplished since January, 2009 that Americans want him to repeat or continue? His 20 million Americans increase in food stamps? His national debt of $6.Trillion that's on its way to $20.Trillion?  Companies cutting back employee hours due to the premium increase because of Obamacare? The 27 states filing suit so they won't have to utilize Obamacare? His Obamacae insurance premiums rising to over 50% in most states? 

Do you want him to continue destroying our economy, with no hope in sight? Can anyone tell me the last time this man even talked about jobs and the economy?  When he's not vacationing or golfing he's either campaigning or try to justify the NSA spying on all Americans.  Will someone please explain to me when is the last time his man exemplified any form of leadership? Oh yeah, he's buying all the ammo, so I can't continue with my ammo reloading hobby.

Think of that White House staff we could abolish and save taxpayer monies. Just think, no more Valerie Jarret, Jay (Art) Carney, no more press conferences.  American taxpayers could save billions in the long haul. What good do these people serve to Americans?

Face it, our House Representative and Senate members all campaign for Americans' votes. Why not have campaigning and American voting for Secretary of State, Attorney General, FBI and CIA Directors, Treasury Secretary, Homeland Security Director; even our Supreme Court Justices. Wouldn't that be great and is really what our Founding Fathers wanted for us all? By the way can you imagine Sheriff Joe Arpaio for Director of Homeland Security? That would be great.

The bottom line here folks is we have a man in our White House that is trying to "fundamentally transform" our American way of life into a life that will destroy our freedoms and rights. If this man is not a radical Muslim, he certainly is a Muslim sympathizer that wants to destroy our freedom.

No, he will not be impeached. You can bet Harry Reid will never let that happen. I just hope that he spends all his time shooting baskets, playing golf, and vacationing. At least we'll know where he is, and he won't be involved in our government's tactics.

What is so frightening however, is that this man has three-and-a-half year left on his term. Can you imagine how many more scandals are going to emerge? I won't be surprised if another scandal surfaces by the time I post this blog. God help us all.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Friday, June 14, 2013

Where is he?

Come out, come out where ever you are Barry! Has anyone seen the President of our country lately? Someone must have told him there's a war, and the Secret Service have him hidden in some bunker. I mean, really Barry, you've taken this "leading from behind" policy to a whole new level.

I know there are millions, 51% to be exact, who give him a pass because his only experience in leading is as a community organizer.....well, there was that 143 days as an Illinois Senator, where he voted "present" all the time. 

Did anyone honestly think he was going to "get out in front" of all the scandals; Benghazi,
IRS debacles, DOJ spying, NSA spying on all communications of all Americans, Hillary's prostitution, drugs, and pedophelia Ambassador cover-up, EPA turning over records of farmers to liberal groups, Fast & Furious, and of course The Ft. Hood terrorist attack.

The horrific sad speculation to all this is I can almost write with confidence that by the time I finish today's blog another scandal will surface and the White House will of course deny it. 
And where is Barry Hitler Jr. in all this? Why isn't he explaining the complete, thorough, and honest details in all these scandals to the American people he promised to lead?

Well, we do know where he can be found, instead of attending to business, and that is traveling around campaigning for his Dem party for the 2014 mid-term elections.  And he can't even do that if his speech notes are forgotten or his teleprompter isn't turned on. He just hems & haws, and yells, "people, where are my notes"? Then he just laughs and shrugs it off. Then he, Michelle, and the girls are off to a nearly $100 million dollar African vacation. 

Some very scary news erupting now folks; all Americans are being spied on by the NSA with phone and e-mails being stored in a large million-square foot facility in Utah that has a cost of over $2.Billion. Oh yes, did I mention that Barry Hitler Jr. has declared that no Mosques will be under surveillance Wonder why that is. Could it be he's nothing more than a Muslim himself? Well, we actually have no proof of what and who he is do we now?

Wednesday, on the golf course every time someone in our foursome hit a good shot they'd look up and yell, "did ya see that you never hit a shot like that". Of course I got royally teased with, "Hey, Pete, Barry knows all about you buying all those ammo reloading supplies, and your wife won't walk with you cause she's afraid a drone is gonna get ya". Funny yes, but serious.

I used to think that Barry Hitler Jr. was the puppet master, but when you give it any thought he's really just a puppet and the strings are being pulled by Jarret, Axelrod, Holder, Reid, and Pelosi. It's been nine months since the Benghazi massacre of four Americans, and we still have no answers. We now know that Hitler Jr. had to cover it up because he was afraid news that Benghazi was a terrorist attack would hurt his reelection chances. We also now know he and his minions all blamed  Benghazi on a You-Tube video.

Gotta leave you with this great idea of mine. Why don't we just abolish the offices of the President and Vice President?  Americans vote for House and Senate members, why not let the American people vote for all Cabinet members; even Supreme Court Justices.  We can have House and Senate leaders present bills, and then have them vote to pass or deny any new legislation.

Think of the millions we can save in salaries, secret service, Air Force I & II. White House operations. I mean we could make money by turning the White House into a Congressional Museum and charge tours of Americans to walk through it. Can you imagine how much taxpayer money could be saved on Michell's personal life, Hitler Jr.'s golf, and the first family vacations?

Really, when you fully understand what this man has done for the past four and half years, it's a slam-dunk decision. He's in hiding all the time now, so let's put him and Biden in permanent hiding. I mean, what do we need him for? 

His Obamacare has proven to be a job destroyer. I live in northeast Ohio, and an independent group has declared Obamacare will cause Ohioans an increase of 88% in their premiums. 
Walmart, the country's largest retailer is already beginning to hire only part-time workers so as not to offer health insurance. Fast food chains are cutting hours back to twenty hours a week, so they don't have to offer health care insurance.

I'll bet if you ask Americans to donate to make up Hitler Jr.'s and Biden's salaries from now till January, 2017 you could collect that amount in less than a week. Why, why, why do we need this man in our White House?

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our troops...and our country.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Page 22

When I leave the house my wallet is always in my left rear pocket. In my right rear pocket, next to my handkerchief is my pocket edition of The Constitution of the United States of America.
It's frayed, a little crumpled, but like a famous TV commercial says, "I never leave home without it".

These latest White House scandals involving the Dept. of Justice spying, leaks by a former CIA computer operator/operative has made my head spin, and deeply question my Federal government.  Just the other day a friend of mine remarked, "can you imagine if Adolph Hitler had control of the Internet, and had today's electronic spying equipment?

I just looked him straight in the eye and responded, "that's exactly what we have now, only his name is Barack Husein Obama....and that's why I refer to him as Hitler Jr."

Don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired and bored of all the jokes made by late night TV comics regarding the White House scandals. Yes, some think it's good fodder for a laugh or two, but I just don't think it's funny any more folks. It's too serious to laugh at when you realize what this government is doing to us.

But of all the scandals surrounding Hitler Jr.'s administration today, the one I'm most afraid of, and I feel the most horrified about is this administration's attack on ALL Americans involving our Fourth Amendment rights and freedoms.

So to remind myself, I grabbed my crumpled pocket edition of the Constitution, opened it to page 22, and again read Amendment IVThe rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This abusive spying administration claims all the spying on our phone records and e-mail, for as long as they want, is supposedly to keep us safe from terrorist threats.  And yet, the powers behind this were, and are still using it for political purposes. Former Google CEO E. Schmidt admitted as much. 

We were surprised to learn the IRS was spying and denying tax exempt status to Republican political groups. Soon after we were surprised to learn the DOJ was targeting news journalists from the AP and Fox. We thought that was bad enough right?  Wrong!

We now have now discovered and are outraged to learn the National Security Agency (NSA) can tap into every single American's entire lines of communications; phones, e-mails, FaceBook, Twitter,  Google, you name it.  My favorite joke was, "Ya wanna talk to the President...just pick up your phone".

Well, that's just not funny to me anymore.  Hitler Jr. claims it's necessary to spy on you in order to keep you safe from terrorists. Now does he think American people are stupid enough to believe that?   

It's obvious that Hitler Jr.'s spying on all Americans is for control only. He now knows which Americans have purchased guns, your educational status, criminal records, party affiliation, and so much more. I'm an old timer, in my 70's and spend a lot of time on the phone and Internet to purchase supplies for my pistol reloading hobby. To know this administration knows that, and that the government is continually intruding on my freedoms by spying on my Second and Fourth Amendment Rights are horrifying to me.

And just today we have learned that the IRS and NSA are now in the process of purchasing small private surveillance items.  Why? Is this spying on Americans ever going to stop? When will the attack on our Constitutional rights completely stop?

If Americans don't stand up to this violation of our Constitutional rights, it's just going to get worse folks. We have to stop this, and we can. Our first step is to contact your House and Senate representatives, and the next step is voting the right way next November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

What can YOU do?

I am proud to write my conservative blog, "Politics with Pete", that is posted daily on the Bing, Google, and Twitter web sites.  However, I am most proud and grateful to have my daily blog posted in the Tea Party Community website. To date I've had 102 "Politics with Pete" blogs posted on the Tea Party Community (TPC) site.

This past Wednesday evening I was privileged to have an hour-long phone conversation with the Tea Party Community web-site co-founder Ken Crow.  It was a great learning experience for me, discussing topics that our TPC family members visit every day on our site.

Of course we talked about today's scandals that are emanating from the White House.  We talked about how many Americans feel there is nothing we ordinary citizens can do to stand up against the scandals are keep on occurring daily from this current administration.

Many good Americans are just throwing up their hands, almost surrendering by even refusing to vote anymore. Their attitude is, "what can I do against this powerful D.C. machine?"  Mr. Crow and I both agreed, "there is much we can all do, and if you're not part of the solution then you are part of the problem".

Voting for our GOP leaders to take back our Senate and maintain leadership in our House is the frosting on the cake that will occur next November, 2014, so what can we do for the next seventeen months? There is so much we do do.

The very first thing Americans must do is never forget what our forefathers did to fight against the tyranny of Britain to win our freedom. We must never forget the Constitution that our framers gave us to establish our freedoms. Never, ever forget that please.

Then, at that point we can begin our move to take back our country from the scandals that are destroying our freedoms today. Join the great Tea Party Community organization to help spread the word we need. Spreading the word is needed to take back our freedom from the dangers that exists now under the burden of the scandals surrounding us today.

Contact your House and Senate representatives. Let them know what we expect of them if we vote for them next November. If and when you can you should donate to the campaigns of those GOP candidates. Even a few dollars of a donation can help. Sacrifice that pizza once in a while and donate to the Tea Party movement through the TPC web site.

It was a privilege speaking to Mr. Crow for over an hour this past week. He energized me, and I want to pass that spark on to anyone who will read my blog. 

We need to stand strong and stand together to take back our Senate and keep our House, because the next seventeen months are going to fly by very fast. Don't waste it people.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hooray for terms

Can anyone give the names of the two political leaders who exclaimed, "if citizens give up their guns and rifles, and only the military and police carry arms then our streets will be safer"? Can't guess huh? Both of these leaders said almost the very same words, but at different times in history.

The first one to utter these words were Adolph Hitler in Germany in the 1930's. And the other political leader to say almost the very same words just a few months ago was our very own President Obama.

I encourage all to read the book, "Seduced by Hitler",  by authors A. LeBor and R. Boyes, written in 2005. The book is only a little over 300 pages in length, and very easy to read and  understand. These authors do a fantastic and difficult job of writing this piece of history that will remain memorable for all times.

I came away from reading this book with such an understanding of what Germany and Europe endured under the dictatorship of this evil man. To any that thought Rahm Emanuel was the author of, "never let a good crisis go to waste", you are mistaken. Adolph Hitler was the ultimate believer in this phenomenon.  

Adolph Hitler used his fantastic gift of personal communications to convince the people of Germany that he was going to pull them out of poverty and a declining economy. He further convinced Germans that the pitfalls of those before him caused Germany's decline and loss of WWI.

People of Germany believed this so much they figuratively and sometimes literally lifted this man onto their backs and followed him into one of the world's most horrid disasters.

The most chilling reality that I digested from reading this book is that if Germany had term limits when Adolph Hitler was in power, then maybe, just maybe, over six million Jews would have never been sent to concentration camps to be slaughtered.

I'm not going to waste any readers' time by dredging up all the scandals surrounding the White House and Hitler Jr. now, but I do want to quickly insert a thought: What if there were no term limits on the office of the Presidency? Can you imagine if this man in our White House were allowed to continue living in our White House? If you think these scandals today are horrific,  Hitler Jr.'s new "take-over" scandals will make today's scandals seem like Sunday picnics.

Adolph Hitler did a masterful job of overtaking the entire media, along with schools and universities. It may seem hard to believe, but at the outset of his tyranny Adolph Hitler was actually beloved by most citizens of Germany, especially women and children. They adored this man, therefore his agenda moved very well in the beginning.

The very sad news is that by the time the people of Germany and Europe woke up to what Adolph Hitler was really doing, it was horribly too late.  Adolph Hitler's tyrannical reign in Germany would have been stopped if their political structure only had term limits.

OK, now I'm going to bring up today's scandals, but only to prove a point. I urge all to take a very close look at some major issues that have transpired since Hitler Jr. has been in our White House; Fast & Furious, Ft. Hood, gun control, IRS scandals, DOJ spying and lying, EPA scandals, and most recently spying on the phones and e-mails of ANY American.

Remember when Hitler Jr. said, "we are going to fundamentally change this country"? Well, it's for sure that's what he's trying to do. Of course we all know that he's not going to be impeached. But, we can slow him down by taking back the Senate and keeping the House. Then we'll know he can't do any damage. Maybe he'll just stay on the golf course.

Please don't forge that folks. We can't let him have the House & Senate next year. If that happens the damage he will do in his last two years will be monumental. And let's all give thanks that  this man is done in January, 2017. Can you imagine what he'll do to this country if he's given more presidential terms?

Next year's mid-term elections may be the most critical mid-term election in the history of our country. Get the word out people. Call and write your representatives. Get the vote out to take back our Senate and keep our house. We can do this. 

Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You think he cares?

Just turn on the TV or your radio, and you'll hear how Hitler Jr.'s approval ratings are dropping faster and faster each day. You'll also listen and watch pundits blaring away, "Obama's administration is in big trouble with his latest move".

Folks, it really kills me to write this, but do you honestly think Hitler Jr. cares what anyone says, writes, or broadcasts about him? Of course not. Of course, right now you can bet the whole country is suffering from "buyer's remorse". And you know what Hitler Jr.'s response is? He'll just smile, look smugly into the teleprompter and say, "so's too late folks...I lose".

The fact is we are stuck with this man until January, 2017. He is so well insulated and dipped in Teflon that he's better protected than our gold at Fort Knox. Nothing is going to happen to move him out of our White House until the end of this term.

A United States Army Major walked into a site on Fort Hood, shouted Allah Akbar and killed thirteen Americans. However, Hitler Jr. wanted to make sure he gets to claim there have been no terrorist attacks while he's president, so he calls it "workplace violence". 

And then, adding horrible insult to injury, he's allowing this horrible killer to have a lawful civil trial and defend himself as his own attorney. He will be allowed to grille the very people who survived his shooting on that day. Everyone knows this horrible terrorist killer will just use this platform to try to advance his agenda of radical Islamic Jihad.

Hitler Jr. immediately showed America that he placed himself and his legacy above the lives of  our four American heroes at Benghazi. He didn't want to admit it was a terrorist attack, so he can still brag that there have been no terrorist attacks on his watch. Instead, he called the Benghazi massacre as "just bumps in the road".

Of course we're all hoping and praying that the GOP takes back the Senate and holds onto the House in the 2014 mid-term elections. Yes, that will prevent Hitler Jr. from passing any serious laws if we are fortunate enough to have a GOP House & Senate.

But don't think for a second that's going to rid us of this man. Oh no; with a Democrat Senate and Chief Justice Roberts in his back pocket don't even think one second of an impeachment.
Even if we are lucky enough to have GOP House and Senate starting in 2015 we're just giving Hitler Jr. a gigantic Carte Blanche to vacation, golf, play basketball, and give speeches till January 2017.

Well maybe that's not too bad of a situation either, for this man will not be able to do anything but go on vacations, play basketball, and go golfing. At least he won't be passing anything like Obamacare anymore. 

We've only got three more State of the Union speeches where we can listen to more lies and promises we know he won't keep.  He'll just respond, "well the Republicans won't let me get anything done, so I'm going golfing....Michelle, get the girls ready for our monthly vacation".

I've written in previous blogs that if a man was actually created from the movies "Manchurian Candidate" or "No Way Out",  and was told that his main mission was to destroy the Constitution of the United States, bring the American people to their knees, and initiate Sharia law, well he couldn't do a better job than Hitler Jr. is trying to do now.

The only real fear, and it's very real we could face is that if the Democrats win back the House and keep the Senate in the 201 4 mid-term elections. If that happens then our Constitution faces a possibility of being overthrown, and our country being economically destroyed beyond repair.

So, let's wake up to the fact folks that we are going to be burdened with this man till January, 2017, and he knows there is nothing we can do about it, except to hang on to the House and take back the Senate next year. The good news then will be that he can't do much harm to our country on the golf course, shooting baskets, or vacationing. 

Hang in there folks, and pray for the best. Thank God we have term limits for the White House.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Here comes the thug(s)

Our American way of life is being jeopardized by the leaders we have voted in office to protect us under our Constitution. Democrat members of the House Ways & Means Committee today actually blamed, yes, blamed the six witnesses that came to the committee to testify about the felonious acts of the IRS to deny them their rightful tax-exempt status.

These Democrat committee members actually lied in their verbal attacks on the six witnesses. One Democrat went so far as to accuse the witnesses of using political subterfuge to have American taxpayers subsidize their organizations.  Of course these are lies, as these organizations are all solely supported by personal donations and grants.

Democrat members lied when they alleged that liberal groups were also denied tax-exempt status. Finally Chairman Camp announced that liberal groups were invited to testify today, if they felt their tax-exempt status was denied by the IRS. Then Chairman Camp dropped the bomb by announcing, "no liberal groups accepted our invitation to attend and testify".

The Democrat congressmen on the committee went further to express that it was the fault of the six witnesses that they were targeted by the IRS, based on their political beliefs. It was so difficult to watch their verbal attack on these honest Americans, only because they were "not in step" with the Hitler Jr. agenda.

Recently Senator Rand Paul did an "Old MacDonald" song parody when he was speaking a few days ago. He mimicked, "here a scandal, there a scandal, everywhere a scandal". It's so true. Now we almost need a score card to keep track of all the scandals driven by this Hitler Jr. in our White House. What a movie this is going to make some day.

We can have the late night comics make stand up jokes about all these scandals.  I watched those six witnesses today, trying to assemble in my own mind,  how their lives have been turned upside down, while being blamed by some Democrat congressional leaders. What have we come to? What are we willing to accept? Why can't the American people have a right to know who the responsible parties are for these scandals?

First there were the lies surrounding Obamacare, then Fast & Furious, followed by the Benghazi massacres and cover up. Soon after that it was discovered the IRS admitted that they "targeted GOP groups to prevent them from acquiring a tax-exempt status. Then Goebell Holder and his DOJ staff not only wire tapped telephones of AP reporters, they actually attempted to discredit a Fox News journalist, by seizing his journalist documents and phone records, along with the phone records of his own parents, "just for doing his job".

Oh wait, there's more. I think Senator Rand Paul should've started to sing, "And the hits keep coming". We now have discovered that Health and Human Resources Director Sebillus is seeking private donations to further Hitler Jr.'s Obamacare agenda, and soon will be investigated.

OK, I'll stop now. Wait, what's that? There's one more. Yep, just today we're finding out that our own beloved Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is under congressional investigation for their bias in overseeing companies that want EPA approval for their businesses. Some of their "favorites" receive "OK's" to go ahead with their project(s), while some companies get denied. Want to guess the political party allegiances  of these companies? Hmm.

Hitler Jr., along with his other Chicago thugs; Jarrett, Axelrod, Reid, Pelosi, etc., and other Democrat leaders are trying to overrun our country and our Constitution. They must be stopped. Yes, it's a long way to 2016, but we start with our first step of the mid-term elections of 2014. 

Fellow Americans, our forefathers fought the tyranny of the British, and we won. If we don't make moves to halt the Constitutional onslaught of this man and his "army" we'll  be in a situation that we may never recover from.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Be kind

I'm very proud of my background. My favorite roles are husband, father, grandfather, and patriot. I'm a writer, facilitator, and taught classes in public speaking. I spent four years as the media relations spokesperson for the California branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

I wrote several articles for a northeast Ohio newspaper, and was eventually invited to join their media lab to write political blogs under the name "Politics with Pete". I informed the editors that the views in my blogs would be slanted to the "right", as I was not a fan of the policies of the Obama administration. 

The editors of the media lab said that was fine as they had invited a young female college student into the blog writing media lab that embraced a pro-Obama point of view, and was "left-leaning". It was interesting to have blogs with opposite political views. While we disagreed, and would "argue" our views in our blogs, but what was gratifying was there was never any lies or personal attacks. We respected each other while agreeing to disagree.

Then another blogger was invited, and this blogger virtually "chased" me out of the lab. This blogger attacked my blogs with lies, personal attacks, and severe gutteral swearing-spewing.
He went so far as to threaten me, writing that he was going to report me to the NCAA, CIA, FBI, the local police, and even the newspapers editors. Don't know why, as I never swore or lied. I just proved how wrong he was. Just to prove how far into left field he was, he said MSNBC and Christ Matthews had more viewers than Fox and O'Reilly respectively.

I offered to meet with him in the editor's office, but he just blogged back with more lies, swearing, and personal attacks. He was a strong anti-gun advocate, and claimed in one of his blogs that my wife probably caressed the barrel of my gun similar to how she might caress another part of my body, and the the bullet firing out of the barrel of the gun was similar to my sexual ejaculation.

The frosting on the cake came when, I had written in a previous blog that one of my daughters was a lesbian. This man wrote horrible gutteral comments about the gay-lesbian community.
The editors informed me he was protected under the First Amendment, and therefore I decided to leave the newspaper's media lab and join the Tea Party Community website.

I have been extremely proud to have one-hundred blogs posted in the Tea Party Community website, and look forward to writing my daily blog, "Politics with Pete". I'm dedicated to writing blogs to help in any way possible to get our Senate back and keep our House in the 2014 mid-term elections. When I'm asked where I stand politically I always reply, "I'm even 'right' of Rush". I'm proud to write for the TPC site and will continue to do so.

However, I must write that I have read several blogs and comments on the site with slanderous anti-gay and anti-lesbian writings. Many TPC writers even support their comments with biblical writings.  Do you really think God cares about your sexual orientation? Of course not.

Folks, with Hitler Jr.'s scandals we have problems that need our attention and perusal much more than someone's sexual orientation. For me personally, I can't fathom being in a homosexual life-style. I've been in love with the opposite sex since I was twelve.

My wife and I have five daughters, and the oldest is a lesbian. She's a beautiful gorgeous woman, holder of two Masters Degrees, has a great career, and her and her partner Catherine have adopted a boy, and are doing a great job of raising him. He's in Jr. College now.

When I think of my daughter I don't think of her sexual orientation. I think of what she has accomplished in life, her career, and how bright and promissing her future is looking. At their civil union ceremony there were lesbian doctors, lawyers, teachers, and even a councilwoman in attendance. Almost every person there came up to me and told me what a wonderful woman my daughter is. It was so uplifting to hear that about my girl.  Do you think I gave any thought to her sexual orientation? Of course not.

Including me there were only three men out of fifty people at the reception. After the other two men left they were all teasing me that I was the only man there. There was so much fun, laughter, and love in that room. At the ritual father-daughter dance we both shed tears thanking each other for everything we meant to each other. She gave me an extra squeeze and said, "thanks Dad for being so understanding, loving, and supportive of me from the beginning".  My only response was, "hey, loving you is one of the easiest things I've ever done".

I'd like to suggest to each of you who write anti-gay and anti-lesbian comments in the TPC website to do what I did. When my daughter informed me she was a lesbian I went to the local library and checked out two books that focused on "Parents of Homosexuals". It was a great enlightenment. I strongly suggest reading these books.

Believe me Rosie O'Donnell is not symbolic of what lesbianism represents. My daughter is a big believer in the liberal progressive agenda, and she never misses a Rachel Maddow show. Oh, we really get into it on the phone. She knows I can't stand Rachel Maddow, but she also knows it's because of her political agenda, not because she's a lesbian. 

She lives far away from me, and we're on the phone a lot. I always start the "chain pulling" by bringing up one of Hitler Jr.'s scandals. We'll get into it, and soon she'll say, "OK Dad, enough".
We always end our phone calls with, I love you and miss you".

Please folks, take the time to read and understand and love ALL of God's children; not just the ones that think like you do.  I love writing blogs for the TPC; please don't "chase" me away.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...May God bless all of his children...and our troops.