Well, you really have to give it to the pants suit lady. She's got a big brass pair underneath those slacks. With all her lies, scandals, and acts of corruption, she's accusing Trump of being un-American, anti-women, not to mention a misogynist.
A Jewish friend of mine explained that the word "schlong" is really a multi-definitive word. Yes, it's used in a slang reference to a part of a man's anatomy. He reminded me that the word schlong is also used as a sports metaphor, alluding to a team being beaten badly, trounced, and doing very poorly on the field.
But the pants suit lady has chosen to use it with a negative sexual meaning. Really Hillary, after what your husband did as Arkansas governor and eight years in the White House? If you want to use the word "schlong" in a negative sexual meaning, that you should definitely include your husband when using your own personal definition of that word.
You are married to a womanizing, infidelity-driven sex maniac, and yet you have the audacity to accuse Donald Trump of waging a war on women, while degrading women. Mr. Trump has done so much FOR women over the years, while your husband has done much TO women over the years. Is it true Slick Willy had a nick-name for the cigar he and Monica used in the Oval Office?
And then there's the pants suit lady. She's using a must-definition word to attack Mr. Trump, but we all know it's just another of her ploys to distract the American people from what she's trying to hide. Starting with getting fired during Watergate reflects just how inept she is. She actually feels she is "entitled" to the presidency. Really?
Then she keeps reminding everyone on her campaign trail of all the great things "we did" when "we were in the White House". Is Hillary referring to her failed "Hillarycare" she failed at trying to implement while Slick Willy and Monica were using the cigar in the Oval Office?
And did anyone else hear her two-paragraph explanation when she was asked to recount her accomplishments as Secretary of State? She rambled on in the interview of absolutely nothingness regarding incoherent tales of accomplishments that never really happened, and no one could make sense of.
Hillary really believes that Trumps using the word "schlong" is so much worse than her lying, scandalous, and corruption. Oh yes, using the word "schlong" is so much worse than lying to Americans about the Benghazi attack that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.
And using the word "schlong" is so much more damaging the allowing classified correspondence flowing through her own personal private server that remain unprotected in a store in Colorado. Oh yes, saying "schlong' is much worse.
Then there's the generously famous Clinton Charity Foundation, where millions of donated dollars from countries who hate us find their way into the personal coffers of Hillary, Slick Willy, and yes, even dear Chelsea. This woman, who wants to be the leader of the world, in reality is a corrupt, lying, and unethical disgrace that should be arrested instead of campaigning for America's White House.
The frosting on the cake? While she calls Trump a misogynist wall toward women, Hillary unleashes the wildest woman chaser on her campaign trail. She is so naive she thinks her Slick Willy is going to help her sure the white female vote. I wouldn't be surprised if Monica accompanies the Slick One on the campaign trail.
Will someone please tell the pants suit criminal that when Trump said "Hillary was schlong'd" he was using the sports metaphor that Barry Soetero beat her soundly in the 2008 Democratic primaries. Anyway, in these heated campaign back-and-forth rants and raves should we give credence to someone using a multi-definitive word, or should we think heavy about allowing a lying, corrupt, and unethical woman in America's White House?
Think America, really think. We have less than a year to decide if we want this woman in a position to make decisions for the safety and economic well-being for this country. This is our chance to start the reversal of all the "executive' damage Barry has done.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs Politics with Pete)
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
My life matters!
I thought I'd get up this morning, go to a big shopping mall, and lay down in front of a store, to see if I could block anyone from entering so they could shop. Sound like a great idea to you? Don't know how much good that will do cause I'm pretty much a self-deprecating guy, making fun of myself at gatherings to make people smile or laugh, or sometimes making a fool out of myself. Ask my wife.
As a soon to be an 81-year old senior citizen, I must admit my life has been pretty standard, even bordering on boring. Pretty standard stuff; grew up, high school, college, four years in the military, husband, and father. Only laws I've broken is parking and speeding tickets.
I usually say my life story is so boring that it's played for patients suffering from severe insomnia, to help them sleep. Yeah, just a boring old man, and oh yeah, I'm a lousy golfer. But for everything I've done and accomplished through good times and bad I kind of like the guy in the mirror every morning when I shave.
So, to all you Black Lives Matter group, my little insignificant life matters too. And I'm just going through the rest of my life doing the same old things, but also finding much love and and peace in what I do. Now why would I lay down in front of a store to hinder a shop owner from making a decent living? Why, in God's name, would I march down the streets screaming for the deaths of police officers sworn to protect me? Stupid huh?
My Dad came to America as a teen-ager that couldn't speak a word of English. He always taught me that life isn't fair, and if you want to change something do it legally, honestly, and with integrity through hard work. Blaming others just doesn't get you anywhere or anything, according to Dad. He also reminded me that hard work won't kill you, but worrying about it just may.
I've always taken full responsibility for what I've become in life. I, and I alone, own all of it. The "should have, could have, would have" excuses just won't cut it in today's world. I should have become a starting shortstop for the Yankees. I could have become a famous Dr. discovering a cure for cancer. I would have become a famous golfer, movie star, etc.
Can you guess why none of these things never happened? Plain and simple, I wasn't good enough, and I didn't work hard enough to accomplish any of these goals. Yeah, I was good enough to make the roster of the athletic teams, but never was a starter, and I still have the splinters to prove it.
My point in all this is my very strong message to the Black Lives Matter coalition. Things don't go all the way you want them to, so you think the problem(s) will be solved by laying down in front of a store, while you scream for the deaths of the very policemen/women that are sworn to protect you.
What is your end game BLM people? What are you accomplishing by stopping an employee and/or an employee from making an honest living? Do you really think that's going to bring notoriety to your cause?
Do you BLM people ever take responsibility for where you are right now in your life? Have you BLM folks ever given any though to do more than just lying flat on your back, in front of of a store, doing absolutely nothing
Nothing is ever your fault is it? It's always someone else's responsibility to take care of you with all the entitlement programs out there, right? Have you BLM folks ever thought of standing on your own two feet, obey our Constitutional laws, get educated, work hard, and take good care of yourself and your family? Do you think that might just help you a little more than walking in gangs in the streets screaming for the deaths of police officers? Do you think that might just be a little more productive than lying down in front of a store?
Wake up BLM this is your life, not anyone else's. So what if life doesn't always go the way you want it to. Who said life was fair? You want change? Do it the right way, the honest way, the lawful way, the ethical way, and the decent way. Think enough of yourself to believe you can.
The only people that support you are the people that want to control you; Sharpton, Jackson, and yes even Barry Soetero. You mean nothing to them. They are not going to help you wake up.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
As a soon to be an 81-year old senior citizen, I must admit my life has been pretty standard, even bordering on boring. Pretty standard stuff; grew up, high school, college, four years in the military, husband, and father. Only laws I've broken is parking and speeding tickets.
I usually say my life story is so boring that it's played for patients suffering from severe insomnia, to help them sleep. Yeah, just a boring old man, and oh yeah, I'm a lousy golfer. But for everything I've done and accomplished through good times and bad I kind of like the guy in the mirror every morning when I shave.
So, to all you Black Lives Matter group, my little insignificant life matters too. And I'm just going through the rest of my life doing the same old things, but also finding much love and and peace in what I do. Now why would I lay down in front of a store to hinder a shop owner from making a decent living? Why, in God's name, would I march down the streets screaming for the deaths of police officers sworn to protect me? Stupid huh?
My Dad came to America as a teen-ager that couldn't speak a word of English. He always taught me that life isn't fair, and if you want to change something do it legally, honestly, and with integrity through hard work. Blaming others just doesn't get you anywhere or anything, according to Dad. He also reminded me that hard work won't kill you, but worrying about it just may.
I've always taken full responsibility for what I've become in life. I, and I alone, own all of it. The "should have, could have, would have" excuses just won't cut it in today's world. I should have become a starting shortstop for the Yankees. I could have become a famous Dr. discovering a cure for cancer. I would have become a famous golfer, movie star, etc.
Can you guess why none of these things never happened? Plain and simple, I wasn't good enough, and I didn't work hard enough to accomplish any of these goals. Yeah, I was good enough to make the roster of the athletic teams, but never was a starter, and I still have the splinters to prove it.
My point in all this is my very strong message to the Black Lives Matter coalition. Things don't go all the way you want them to, so you think the problem(s) will be solved by laying down in front of a store, while you scream for the deaths of the very policemen/women that are sworn to protect you.
What is your end game BLM people? What are you accomplishing by stopping an employee and/or an employee from making an honest living? Do you really think that's going to bring notoriety to your cause?
Do you BLM people ever take responsibility for where you are right now in your life? Have you BLM folks ever given any though to do more than just lying flat on your back, in front of of a store, doing absolutely nothing
Nothing is ever your fault is it? It's always someone else's responsibility to take care of you with all the entitlement programs out there, right? Have you BLM folks ever thought of standing on your own two feet, obey our Constitutional laws, get educated, work hard, and take good care of yourself and your family? Do you think that might just help you a little more than walking in gangs in the streets screaming for the deaths of police officers? Do you think that might just be a little more productive than lying down in front of a store?
Wake up BLM this is your life, not anyone else's. So what if life doesn't always go the way you want it to. Who said life was fair? You want change? Do it the right way, the honest way, the lawful way, the ethical way, and the decent way. Think enough of yourself to believe you can.
The only people that support you are the people that want to control you; Sharpton, Jackson, and yes even Barry Soetero. You mean nothing to them. They are not going to help you wake up.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Happy, Barry?
Dear Mr. Soetero,
Yesterday I wrote an open letter to you. Iwas sort of, kind of, hoping for a response from you. Then I realized that you were on your annual Allah retreat in Hawaii. Other than that I'm sure you would have responded. After all the hard work you're put in this year, you certainly deserve an Allah Akbar vacation.
Are you happy today Mr. Soetero. I mean, you just calmed the American people that you are sworn to protect, that ISIS is contained, and you have a tremendous strategy in place to defeat ISIS. By the way, is there any chance you could give us the specifics of that strategy. Probably buried somewhere in your infamous teleprompter, right?
Just yesterday, after hours of your announcing to the American public that ISIS is contained, your (unknown) strategy is working, six, yes six, American men/woman soldiers were slaughtered in Afghanistan. Yeah, Barry your strategy is really working. We can see that very clearly now.
But hey, let's forget about all the horror and mayhem your ISIS is committing in the mid-east and even here on our own soil. Let's focus on your happiness for sinking that long chip shot on the golf course yesterday. That actually got more media/press attention than the slaughtering of our beloved warriors dying to protect our freedoms.
You've made your thus far, seven, soon to be eight years in our White House, as nothing more than a personal glorification adventure for you and your husband Michael. You care nothing about the protection, safety, and future of our beloved country. Your goal is to venture throughout the country after you leave office just boasting and bragging more lies about what you did for our country. How do you think that's going to float with the world starting January, 2017?
You are a disgrace to the highest office in our land. You have done so much damage to our great country, that there are many who believe it will take years, if ever at all, to recover from what you have destroyed. What is so astoundingly ridiculous to Americans is that you fully believe you have done nothing to contribute to the awful mess our country is in today.
You've even gone so far as to blame the media for stirring up Americans; for mis-leading us with lies and distortions. How egotistical and fault-proof can you be when you actually claim that all this mess is blamed on you because you're Black. Really Barry, are you going to hide behind that? Talk about stirring the racist fires. Did you get that idea from Sharpton?
You've had ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, and MSNBC in your back pocket since January, 2009, and now that more and more journalists and anchors that they are questioning your ethics and policies you quickly spin your downfall on the media. Are you so thin-skinned sir that you are not man enough to step up to your responsibilities and failed policies? You are definitely not the leader our country needs today.
The main reason Donald Trump is doing so well campaigning today is because he is the complete and total antithesis of you. He is strong while you are completely spineless. Still happy Barry?
You wander around the country claiming there has been no terrorist attacks since you've been in office, while you claim Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernardino to name just a few, are just "bumps in the road", and are truly nothing more than workplace violence.
There is nothing, not one single thing, that you have done while in office that the American people respect and would like repeated beginning in 2017. Nothing Mr. Soetero. You are nothing more than a power-hungry egotist, and will go down in history as one of America's biggest mistakes. Please do us all a favor and resign today, and let us begin the save our great country.
A true American
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs,, Politics with Pete)
Dear Mr. Soetero,
Yesterday I wrote an open letter to you. Iwas sort of, kind of, hoping for a response from you. Then I realized that you were on your annual Allah retreat in Hawaii. Other than that I'm sure you would have responded. After all the hard work you're put in this year, you certainly deserve an Allah Akbar vacation.
Are you happy today Mr. Soetero. I mean, you just calmed the American people that you are sworn to protect, that ISIS is contained, and you have a tremendous strategy in place to defeat ISIS. By the way, is there any chance you could give us the specifics of that strategy. Probably buried somewhere in your infamous teleprompter, right?
Just yesterday, after hours of your announcing to the American public that ISIS is contained, your (unknown) strategy is working, six, yes six, American men/woman soldiers were slaughtered in Afghanistan. Yeah, Barry your strategy is really working. We can see that very clearly now.
But hey, let's forget about all the horror and mayhem your ISIS is committing in the mid-east and even here on our own soil. Let's focus on your happiness for sinking that long chip shot on the golf course yesterday. That actually got more media/press attention than the slaughtering of our beloved warriors dying to protect our freedoms.
You've made your thus far, seven, soon to be eight years in our White House, as nothing more than a personal glorification adventure for you and your husband Michael. You care nothing about the protection, safety, and future of our beloved country. Your goal is to venture throughout the country after you leave office just boasting and bragging more lies about what you did for our country. How do you think that's going to float with the world starting January, 2017?
You are a disgrace to the highest office in our land. You have done so much damage to our great country, that there are many who believe it will take years, if ever at all, to recover from what you have destroyed. What is so astoundingly ridiculous to Americans is that you fully believe you have done nothing to contribute to the awful mess our country is in today.
You've even gone so far as to blame the media for stirring up Americans; for mis-leading us with lies and distortions. How egotistical and fault-proof can you be when you actually claim that all this mess is blamed on you because you're Black. Really Barry, are you going to hide behind that? Talk about stirring the racist fires. Did you get that idea from Sharpton?
You've had ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, and MSNBC in your back pocket since January, 2009, and now that more and more journalists and anchors that they are questioning your ethics and policies you quickly spin your downfall on the media. Are you so thin-skinned sir that you are not man enough to step up to your responsibilities and failed policies? You are definitely not the leader our country needs today.
The main reason Donald Trump is doing so well campaigning today is because he is the complete and total antithesis of you. He is strong while you are completely spineless. Still happy Barry?
You wander around the country claiming there has been no terrorist attacks since you've been in office, while you claim Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernardino to name just a few, are just "bumps in the road", and are truly nothing more than workplace violence.
There is nothing, not one single thing, that you have done while in office that the American people respect and would like repeated beginning in 2017. Nothing Mr. Soetero. You are nothing more than a power-hungry egotist, and will go down in history as one of America's biggest mistakes. Please do us all a favor and resign today, and let us begin the save our great country.
A true American
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs,, Politics with Pete)
Monday, December 21, 2015
Chicago first Barry
Dear Mr. Soetero,
While many Americans are overtly joyously celebrating your final 395 days as a resident in our White House, you seem to want to start a revolution against the 2nd. Amendment as another of your attempts for a legacy before you leave our White House. We Americans are supposed to learn to accept this as law. Or should I say as your "executive direction" again.
Do you realize how ridiculous that appears to all Americans that strongly believe in all the Amendments in our constitution, not least of all our 2nd. Amendment? There are many lies, scandals, and faults in your seven years in office....actually too many to write about here. But maybe one of your biggest faults is your self-appointed dictatorship in surrounding yourself with only those that totally agree with you.
You isolate yourself so strongly, that even if someone squeezes through your isolation and utters, or dares to utter anything that you disagree with, they are dismissed and ruined and thrown away much like the daily trash. There are just too many of this people here to mention. We all know who they are. So do you and Valerie.
Are you too ignorant to foresee the millions of NRA members that legally own their firearms are not going to let you start a crusade to violate our 2nd. Amendment rights? I am an active NRA member that owns four firearms, all legally purchased and registered. I make my own re-loads and go target shooting, weather permitting, at least once a week.
You alone, Mr. Soetero, have caused an explosive increase in firearm sales. Ever wonder why that is sir? The number one reason is we just don't believe you are up to the task of protecting the freedoms of Americans, and we strongly feel we can and will do it alone, without you.
The second reason so many Americans are legally purchasing firearms, along with joining the NRA, is because Americans are readying themselves for any Government tyranny led by you and your main cohort Valerie. Evidence of this is in DHS warehouses that contain almost 2 billion rounds of hollow point ammo. There is only one major reason for hollow points, and it's not for target shooting. Can you explain that sir? Didn't think so.
Mr. Soetero, to date, do you have any strong evidence, or any evidence at all, that an NRA member, or for that matter, any American that has legally purchased and registered their firearm, has committed a crime using their firearm? Didn't think so sir.
Here's a suggestion for you Mr. Soetero. Why not start your gun confiscation in Chicago, where the highest gun crime prevails. Take a guess Mr. Soetero on just how many of those evil gun-toting Chicago criminals own firearms that are legally purchased and registered. Well, my guess is zero.
So I strongly suggest you and your spa buddy Rahm start your gun-confiscation legacy in Chicago.
Then after Chicago, you can go to other cities that exercise gun-control; L.A., Detroit, Baltimore. Mr. Soetero, do you know what all these gun-free, gun-control cities have in common? They have the highest gun crimes in our country to date. But it's almost a foregone conclusion that if you make other cities gun-free with your executive action gun confiscation you will many more high gun crime committed here in the U.S. Is that what you really want?
Just what reason(s) do you have to repeal our 2nd. Amendment and confiscate firearms from decent law-abiding Americans? Believe it or not Mr. Soetero, many believe you want to completely disarm all Americans, so you can gain more control over the populous. Did you know that a man in Germany in the '30's did the exact same thing? There are some people who believe you are trying to do the same thing. Any truth to that sir?
You do know how it works don't you Mr. Soetero? First, a no-good evil criminal picks up an illegally obtained gun. Then they wrap their hands and fingers around the gun, pull the trigger, and that's how a gun crime is committed. Firearms, do not discharge by themselves. Now are you and Rahm Emanuel clear on that sir? Nah, didn't think so.
Firearms don't shoot by themselves, people shoot firearms. Firearms don't kill people. People kill people. Isn't it about time you really think and realize that before you attempt to repeal our Constitutional right to bear arms under our 2nd. Amendment?
In closing Mr. Soetero, all of us millions who legally own firearms combined make up the largest armed forces in our country, so don't make the stupid mistake of trying to disarm us. It won't work.
Speaking for all NRA members and citizens who legally own firearms let me give you a very, very,
succinct warning from one of our famed leaders, Charlton Heston: "from our cold dead hands".
A proud NRA member, and licensed citizen to legally carry a firearm for protection against unlawful violators of my rights, along with a tyrannical government led by you.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my video You Tube blogs, Politics with Pete)
Dear Mr. Soetero,
While many Americans are overtly joyously celebrating your final 395 days as a resident in our White House, you seem to want to start a revolution against the 2nd. Amendment as another of your attempts for a legacy before you leave our White House. We Americans are supposed to learn to accept this as law. Or should I say as your "executive direction" again.
Do you realize how ridiculous that appears to all Americans that strongly believe in all the Amendments in our constitution, not least of all our 2nd. Amendment? There are many lies, scandals, and faults in your seven years in office....actually too many to write about here. But maybe one of your biggest faults is your self-appointed dictatorship in surrounding yourself with only those that totally agree with you.
You isolate yourself so strongly, that even if someone squeezes through your isolation and utters, or dares to utter anything that you disagree with, they are dismissed and ruined and thrown away much like the daily trash. There are just too many of this people here to mention. We all know who they are. So do you and Valerie.
Are you too ignorant to foresee the millions of NRA members that legally own their firearms are not going to let you start a crusade to violate our 2nd. Amendment rights? I am an active NRA member that owns four firearms, all legally purchased and registered. I make my own re-loads and go target shooting, weather permitting, at least once a week.
You alone, Mr. Soetero, have caused an explosive increase in firearm sales. Ever wonder why that is sir? The number one reason is we just don't believe you are up to the task of protecting the freedoms of Americans, and we strongly feel we can and will do it alone, without you.
The second reason so many Americans are legally purchasing firearms, along with joining the NRA, is because Americans are readying themselves for any Government tyranny led by you and your main cohort Valerie. Evidence of this is in DHS warehouses that contain almost 2 billion rounds of hollow point ammo. There is only one major reason for hollow points, and it's not for target shooting. Can you explain that sir? Didn't think so.
Mr. Soetero, to date, do you have any strong evidence, or any evidence at all, that an NRA member, or for that matter, any American that has legally purchased and registered their firearm, has committed a crime using their firearm? Didn't think so sir.
Here's a suggestion for you Mr. Soetero. Why not start your gun confiscation in Chicago, where the highest gun crime prevails. Take a guess Mr. Soetero on just how many of those evil gun-toting Chicago criminals own firearms that are legally purchased and registered. Well, my guess is zero.
So I strongly suggest you and your spa buddy Rahm start your gun-confiscation legacy in Chicago.
Then after Chicago, you can go to other cities that exercise gun-control; L.A., Detroit, Baltimore. Mr. Soetero, do you know what all these gun-free, gun-control cities have in common? They have the highest gun crimes in our country to date. But it's almost a foregone conclusion that if you make other cities gun-free with your executive action gun confiscation you will many more high gun crime committed here in the U.S. Is that what you really want?
Just what reason(s) do you have to repeal our 2nd. Amendment and confiscate firearms from decent law-abiding Americans? Believe it or not Mr. Soetero, many believe you want to completely disarm all Americans, so you can gain more control over the populous. Did you know that a man in Germany in the '30's did the exact same thing? There are some people who believe you are trying to do the same thing. Any truth to that sir?
You do know how it works don't you Mr. Soetero? First, a no-good evil criminal picks up an illegally obtained gun. Then they wrap their hands and fingers around the gun, pull the trigger, and that's how a gun crime is committed. Firearms, do not discharge by themselves. Now are you and Rahm Emanuel clear on that sir? Nah, didn't think so.
Firearms don't shoot by themselves, people shoot firearms. Firearms don't kill people. People kill people. Isn't it about time you really think and realize that before you attempt to repeal our Constitutional right to bear arms under our 2nd. Amendment?
In closing Mr. Soetero, all of us millions who legally own firearms combined make up the largest armed forces in our country, so don't make the stupid mistake of trying to disarm us. It won't work.
Speaking for all NRA members and citizens who legally own firearms let me give you a very, very,
succinct warning from one of our famed leaders, Charlton Heston: "from our cold dead hands".
A proud NRA member, and licensed citizen to legally carry a firearm for protection against unlawful violators of my rights, along with a tyrannical government led by you.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my video You Tube blogs, Politics with Pete)
Sunday, December 20, 2015
We are San Bernardino
We all know who Michael Moore is by now. He makes those movies where he subtlety sends the message of "do as I say not as I do". His first few movies were interesting because he inadvertently attacked the very rich accusing them of robbing the middle class.
Two things quickly came to mind. Two-faced Moore is part of that "elite" rich class that is worth millions. He's been found cheating on his taxes, but of course like Sharpton, Barry gives him a pass because he's one of his Hollywood buddies.
The other item that needs mentioning is Michael Moore's movies(does he make any anymore?) are now discovered as a disaster to good Americans. Ah, but I digress. I want to thank Mr. Moore for making me think of a strong retort to his recent escapade.
This low-life stood outside Trump Tower with a sign that read, We are all Muslims. Wonder how many armed body guards he had with him. Well, you over weight piece of inhuman flesh, I've got a very strong response for you.
WE ARE ALL SAN BERNARDINO We Americans would love to live in piece with Muslims of Islamic faith. But they are the people who come to this country, sequester themselves in their own communities here, and then try to spread their beliefs on all of us. Even those Muslims that "proclaim" they are not radical terrorists still defy our Bible while they live by and preach their strong beliefs in their Quran, mainly their Sharia Law.
They strongly believe in their so-called "Honor killings". Tell me Mr. Moor, where is the honor in a father murdering his own daughter just because she wants to acclimate herself to the American way of life. Have you heard the stories Mr. Moore? You should hold a sign up telling Americans the number of Muslim teen-agers slain by their fathers in their "Honor Killings".
As I asked in a previous blog, what do these Muslims contribute to America? Absolutely nothing, while they make outrageous demands in our American schools, in restaurants, stores, and just about every aspect of our cultures we cherish in our country.
If they hate us so much, why don't they go back to their oil-rich countries and flourish in the Muslim ways of life, with their Sharia Law? I'll tell you why...they are slaughtered, raped, and behaded by terrorists in their own homeland. And these ISIS terrorist want to set up shop(cells) right here in America.
And it seems our White House resident is paving the way for them. Attorney General Lynch and DHS Director Johns says they will protect Muslims, and prosecute any American that stands against them. Now doesn't that give us all piece of mind? It seems the only truthful Washington leader that is telling the truth is FBI Director Coomey. He's not afraid of Barry and Valerie. He says it like it is.
Director Coomey says we should be watchful that Muslim "gangs" may appear on the American scene. And the ignorant gun control nuts are angry because gun sales and concealed carrying is going rampant in this country. You can bet Americans are going to protect themselves. Our White House resident sure won't protect us.
Even with D.C. Intelligence saying there may be radical Islamic terrorists "mixed in" with the thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees Barry is now threatening to exercise another of his infamous executive orders allowing the refugees entrance into our country. Ever wonder why?
As I've asked and answered before....when did all this start? SEPTEMBER 20, 2009!
So Mr. Moore you can believe we are all Muslims, but I choose to write we are all San Bernardino; living our American way of life while fearing while the radical Islamic Muslims are plotting to kill us all. You are one pathetic American.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Two things quickly came to mind. Two-faced Moore is part of that "elite" rich class that is worth millions. He's been found cheating on his taxes, but of course like Sharpton, Barry gives him a pass because he's one of his Hollywood buddies.
The other item that needs mentioning is Michael Moore's movies(does he make any anymore?) are now discovered as a disaster to good Americans. Ah, but I digress. I want to thank Mr. Moore for making me think of a strong retort to his recent escapade.
This low-life stood outside Trump Tower with a sign that read, We are all Muslims. Wonder how many armed body guards he had with him. Well, you over weight piece of inhuman flesh, I've got a very strong response for you.
WE ARE ALL SAN BERNARDINO We Americans would love to live in piece with Muslims of Islamic faith. But they are the people who come to this country, sequester themselves in their own communities here, and then try to spread their beliefs on all of us. Even those Muslims that "proclaim" they are not radical terrorists still defy our Bible while they live by and preach their strong beliefs in their Quran, mainly their Sharia Law.
They strongly believe in their so-called "Honor killings". Tell me Mr. Moor, where is the honor in a father murdering his own daughter just because she wants to acclimate herself to the American way of life. Have you heard the stories Mr. Moore? You should hold a sign up telling Americans the number of Muslim teen-agers slain by their fathers in their "Honor Killings".
As I asked in a previous blog, what do these Muslims contribute to America? Absolutely nothing, while they make outrageous demands in our American schools, in restaurants, stores, and just about every aspect of our cultures we cherish in our country.
If they hate us so much, why don't they go back to their oil-rich countries and flourish in the Muslim ways of life, with their Sharia Law? I'll tell you why...they are slaughtered, raped, and behaded by terrorists in their own homeland. And these ISIS terrorist want to set up shop(cells) right here in America.
And it seems our White House resident is paving the way for them. Attorney General Lynch and DHS Director Johns says they will protect Muslims, and prosecute any American that stands against them. Now doesn't that give us all piece of mind? It seems the only truthful Washington leader that is telling the truth is FBI Director Coomey. He's not afraid of Barry and Valerie. He says it like it is.
Director Coomey says we should be watchful that Muslim "gangs" may appear on the American scene. And the ignorant gun control nuts are angry because gun sales and concealed carrying is going rampant in this country. You can bet Americans are going to protect themselves. Our White House resident sure won't protect us.
Even with D.C. Intelligence saying there may be radical Islamic terrorists "mixed in" with the thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees Barry is now threatening to exercise another of his infamous executive orders allowing the refugees entrance into our country. Ever wonder why?
As I've asked and answered before....when did all this start? SEPTEMBER 20, 2009!
So Mr. Moore you can believe we are all Muslims, but I choose to write we are all San Bernardino; living our American way of life while fearing while the radical Islamic Muslims are plotting to kill us all. You are one pathetic American.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Our Presidency degraded
Most Americans will agree by an overwhelming margin that future history will record Barry Soetero as the worst White House resident this country has ever been forced to endure. Not for four years, but because of our "uninformed" voters, we will be forced to stomach this man for eight years.
From the moment he took office in January, 2009 his goal has been to tear down and degrade our American way of life. His thin skin, arrogance, and hubris has marked him for a non-leader. This is certainly evidenced by his first act as President; going on European tours to apologize for the greatness of America, even name calling this great country that voted him in office.
This man has proven time and time again for the past seven years that he cares nothing for the security, growth, and success of our country. He has overtly downgraded and minimized every entity of our country, mainly our military. He has literally taken the strength out of our military, defying the words of a former great President, Ronald Reagan, who proclaimed, "in strength there is peace".
It's very obvious this man refuses to believe in the security of our great country. Even with our eager military wanting to physically destroy ISIS, annihilate them, so the world will never have to fear them again. Instead this horrible White House resident continues to stymie our military while ISIS continues to slaughter and maim "in the name of Allah".
What were the first words uttered from Barry's two-sided mouth after the San Bernardino terror attack? He claimed we needed stronger gun-control laws, while still unwilling to recognize the evil radical Islamic terrorists for who they really are, ISIS,
And all this while Barry is threatening to use his executive order pen to ally hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria to march right into our country. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson has even admitted that our government believes "there will most likely be ISIS terrorists sliding in with the Syrian refugees when they enter here".
So instead of ramping up security measures to protect America, our own Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, has declared that any taunts, ridicules, degrading speaking against Muslims or the Islam faith will not be allowed and will be dealt with as a crime.
Really, Ms. Lynch? ISIS is killing Americans right here on our soil. They are slaying Christians and Jews throughout the middle east. They are raping and stabbing women, while forcing them to watch the decapitation of their precious children. And you want us to "make nice" with them? How can you even think that, much less, speak this to the American people you are sworn to protect?
Barry, Loretta, and our Homeland Security inept bunch are even going so far as to protect the suspected terrorists migrating into our country by forbidding any Government department from reading the social media internet messages of these suspects, as we may be violating their rights.
Gun control? You want gun control Barry, Loretta, and Jeh Johnson of DHS? Me, along with millions of Americans, including my NRA brothers and sisters will give you our interpretation of gun control: (1) buy a firearm legally and register it, (2) take CCW classes to become licensed to carry the firearm, (3) visit the local shooting range once a week to stay familiarized with your firearm, and (4) keep your firearm loaded and on your nightstand when you go to bed, and (5) use both hands when firmly gripping your firearm.
And that's our version of gun control. NRA members and millions of Americans that legally own and register firearms have become the largest and most "spread out" fighting force in America, so don't worry about us Barry. You would be better off pursuing gun criminals and terrorists here in our country. We are not the problem. You, Loretta, DHS, and all the evil terrorists and criminals are the big problem. Work on that. Now!
Final note to all of Americans. As you sit in your comfortable home and watch the terror being heaped on Christians and Jews in the mid east on your nice plasma TV and having a nice dinner, do not, do not think for a second that kind of horror cannot happen right here on American soil. And with Barry Soetero, Loretta Lynch, and DHS protecting us, there is a better than average chance it will happen here.
In face of the type of tyranny that Barry is trying to impose on us, quite possible the greatest gift our founding fathers gave us was our Second Amendment. And Barry, we will use it if you press us to use it against your tyrannical dictatorship.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
From the moment he took office in January, 2009 his goal has been to tear down and degrade our American way of life. His thin skin, arrogance, and hubris has marked him for a non-leader. This is certainly evidenced by his first act as President; going on European tours to apologize for the greatness of America, even name calling this great country that voted him in office.
This man has proven time and time again for the past seven years that he cares nothing for the security, growth, and success of our country. He has overtly downgraded and minimized every entity of our country, mainly our military. He has literally taken the strength out of our military, defying the words of a former great President, Ronald Reagan, who proclaimed, "in strength there is peace".
It's very obvious this man refuses to believe in the security of our great country. Even with our eager military wanting to physically destroy ISIS, annihilate them, so the world will never have to fear them again. Instead this horrible White House resident continues to stymie our military while ISIS continues to slaughter and maim "in the name of Allah".
What were the first words uttered from Barry's two-sided mouth after the San Bernardino terror attack? He claimed we needed stronger gun-control laws, while still unwilling to recognize the evil radical Islamic terrorists for who they really are, ISIS,
And all this while Barry is threatening to use his executive order pen to ally hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria to march right into our country. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson has even admitted that our government believes "there will most likely be ISIS terrorists sliding in with the Syrian refugees when they enter here".
So instead of ramping up security measures to protect America, our own Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, has declared that any taunts, ridicules, degrading speaking against Muslims or the Islam faith will not be allowed and will be dealt with as a crime.
Really, Ms. Lynch? ISIS is killing Americans right here on our soil. They are slaying Christians and Jews throughout the middle east. They are raping and stabbing women, while forcing them to watch the decapitation of their precious children. And you want us to "make nice" with them? How can you even think that, much less, speak this to the American people you are sworn to protect?
Barry, Loretta, and our Homeland Security inept bunch are even going so far as to protect the suspected terrorists migrating into our country by forbidding any Government department from reading the social media internet messages of these suspects, as we may be violating their rights.
Gun control? You want gun control Barry, Loretta, and Jeh Johnson of DHS? Me, along with millions of Americans, including my NRA brothers and sisters will give you our interpretation of gun control: (1) buy a firearm legally and register it, (2) take CCW classes to become licensed to carry the firearm, (3) visit the local shooting range once a week to stay familiarized with your firearm, and (4) keep your firearm loaded and on your nightstand when you go to bed, and (5) use both hands when firmly gripping your firearm.
And that's our version of gun control. NRA members and millions of Americans that legally own and register firearms have become the largest and most "spread out" fighting force in America, so don't worry about us Barry. You would be better off pursuing gun criminals and terrorists here in our country. We are not the problem. You, Loretta, DHS, and all the evil terrorists and criminals are the big problem. Work on that. Now!
Final note to all of Americans. As you sit in your comfortable home and watch the terror being heaped on Christians and Jews in the mid east on your nice plasma TV and having a nice dinner, do not, do not think for a second that kind of horror cannot happen right here on American soil. And with Barry Soetero, Loretta Lynch, and DHS protecting us, there is a better than average chance it will happen here.
In face of the type of tyranny that Barry is trying to impose on us, quite possible the greatest gift our founding fathers gave us was our Second Amendment. And Barry, we will use it if you press us to use it against your tyrannical dictatorship.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, December 12, 2015
How low will he go?
I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, or an Independent. I don't give a rat's behind what your religious affiliation is. I don't really care if you believe in God at all. Who I want to direct this blog to is any and all red-blooded Americans that truly love this country, and want to live by ALL rights, privileges, and amendments given to us in our great Constitution.
In today's chaotic climate there is so much unrest that there are many leaders in Washington and influential businesses that only extrapolate those items in our Constitution that will advance their own ideologies or goals. At the head of this list is Barry Soetero.
Forget all the lying scandalous things this man, Barry Soetero, has done since he's been in America's White House. The last two directives he has issues and approved is completely and totally worse than Obamacare, Fast & Furious, and all the others combined.
First, this radical Islamic Muslim supporter made a "trade' with America's worst enemy without any congressional approval, which we all know is against the law and against our Constitution. Barry Soetero literally bartered with ISIS and Al Quida for the release of five top Taliban Generals. Throwing gasoline on the fire he traded these five war criminals for an American Army deserter.
And as I write this one of the five war criminals "traded" for deserter Burgdahl is currently a top Taliban General that plans and plots every day to slaughter Christians, Jews, and even American military forces. He began this as soon as he was returned to his Taliban forces.
Barry Soetero did this "under cover of night' without congressional approval, which, as all know, is agains the law, against the Constitution and is grounds for arrest for treasonous acts. This act alone should grant our Congress to direct our military Generals and Admirals to arrest this man.
The second horrific act this man, Barry Soetero, committed should also be, far and away, another reason to arrest this man for treason against our country and Constitution. Another despicable dangerous act he committed was to lift all sanctions against Iran, and begin the flow of $150. Billion straight to a Muslim country that we all know hates and despises our great country, and all it stands for.
One of the "game breakers" or conditions on Iran is that they, Iran, do not develop any nuclear arms or missile war heads. So can you guess what Iran started, and is doing right now before the ink dried on the treaty? Yes, you guessed it. The Iranians are literally loading and test firing war missiles that can reach as far as our own country.
This is a complete and total game breaker. Secretary of State Kerry vehemently stated that if Iran begins an missile war head head testing then we will reinstitute sanctions and cut off all funding. However, not only has nothing been done, nothing has even been broadcasted about this on any network except Fox.
Everyone know the will of the Muslim Qaran is to slay all Christians, Jews, and any who oppose Islam, and they want us to believe Islam is a religion of peace. Don't think so. Barry is offering sanctuary to all Muslims and refugees from Syria, but will not allow the condemned Christians and Jews trying to escape the horrific massacres from ISIS, and entrance into the United States.
Are not all of these acts, or even one of these acts, reason enough to arrest this man in our White House for acts of treasons against America and our Constitution? How much more damage to our country are we going to allow this man to do before he leaves office? How low is this man going to reach or continue to push the envelope before our Congress stops him?
This is about the safety and security of our country. This is about radical Islamic Muslims wandering our streets setting up terror cells because it was so easy to enter our country.
Congress, Admirals, and Generals isn't it time you acted upon the oaths you took to protect our great country before this man drags us down even lower?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
In today's chaotic climate there is so much unrest that there are many leaders in Washington and influential businesses that only extrapolate those items in our Constitution that will advance their own ideologies or goals. At the head of this list is Barry Soetero.
Forget all the lying scandalous things this man, Barry Soetero, has done since he's been in America's White House. The last two directives he has issues and approved is completely and totally worse than Obamacare, Fast & Furious, and all the others combined.
First, this radical Islamic Muslim supporter made a "trade' with America's worst enemy without any congressional approval, which we all know is against the law and against our Constitution. Barry Soetero literally bartered with ISIS and Al Quida for the release of five top Taliban Generals. Throwing gasoline on the fire he traded these five war criminals for an American Army deserter.
And as I write this one of the five war criminals "traded" for deserter Burgdahl is currently a top Taliban General that plans and plots every day to slaughter Christians, Jews, and even American military forces. He began this as soon as he was returned to his Taliban forces.
Barry Soetero did this "under cover of night' without congressional approval, which, as all know, is agains the law, against the Constitution and is grounds for arrest for treasonous acts. This act alone should grant our Congress to direct our military Generals and Admirals to arrest this man.
The second horrific act this man, Barry Soetero, committed should also be, far and away, another reason to arrest this man for treason against our country and Constitution. Another despicable dangerous act he committed was to lift all sanctions against Iran, and begin the flow of $150. Billion straight to a Muslim country that we all know hates and despises our great country, and all it stands for.
One of the "game breakers" or conditions on Iran is that they, Iran, do not develop any nuclear arms or missile war heads. So can you guess what Iran started, and is doing right now before the ink dried on the treaty? Yes, you guessed it. The Iranians are literally loading and test firing war missiles that can reach as far as our own country.
This is a complete and total game breaker. Secretary of State Kerry vehemently stated that if Iran begins an missile war head head testing then we will reinstitute sanctions and cut off all funding. However, not only has nothing been done, nothing has even been broadcasted about this on any network except Fox.
Everyone know the will of the Muslim Qaran is to slay all Christians, Jews, and any who oppose Islam, and they want us to believe Islam is a religion of peace. Don't think so. Barry is offering sanctuary to all Muslims and refugees from Syria, but will not allow the condemned Christians and Jews trying to escape the horrific massacres from ISIS, and entrance into the United States.
Are not all of these acts, or even one of these acts, reason enough to arrest this man in our White House for acts of treasons against America and our Constitution? How much more damage to our country are we going to allow this man to do before he leaves office? How low is this man going to reach or continue to push the envelope before our Congress stops him?
This is about the safety and security of our country. This is about radical Islamic Muslims wandering our streets setting up terror cells because it was so easy to enter our country.
Congress, Admirals, and Generals isn't it time you acted upon the oaths you took to protect our great country before this man drags us down even lower?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Thursday, December 10, 2015
You're no FDR Barry!
I was six years old in 1941 when my first grade teacher wrote on the black board that our country was at war with Japan, and that Pearl Harbor was savagely bombed by Jap bombers.
President F.D. Roosevelt immediately radio-broadcasted to Americans that December 7, 1941 "is a day that will live in infamy". There was no double talk in FDR's message who our enemy was, and more importantly, what we were going to do about it.
Our Army, Army Air Force, Navy, and Marines did not hesitate to "take it to them" by dispatching the greatest fighting force in the world to our enemies' homelands. We did not want to give our enemies any chance of bringing this horrible war to our land.
The United States of this great America all came together to fight our common enemies. There was no confusion as to who the enemies of America were then. There were no discussions about 2nd. Amendment rights. In fact our Constitution was hardly ever discussed. With our great leader FDR, our powerful armed forces knew what had to be done, and in 1945, under the presidency of Harry S. Truman, our country's goal was accomplished. the Japanese, along with Adolph Hitler from Europe was conquered and defeated.
I remember that night in 1945. I was ten years old, and my older old sister took me to to see a Disney movie. When we exited we saw dancing in the streets and joyous singing and screaming that our American forces had defeated Hirohito from Japan and Hilter from Germany.
Today our great country is being led by a spineless leader that blames the victims of ISIS more than he does our enemies. I know I speak for millions of "old-timers" when I say thank God Barry Soetero wasn't this country's White House resident in 1941. We would probably be speaking German or Japanese, or both now. Some strongly feel he would like like us all to speak Arabic today.
Why, just why, would Barry want to take firearms away from law abiding citizens that have a 2nd. Amendment right to arm and defend ourselves? Immediately after the ISIS attack in San Bernardino, California Barry began speaking while the fourteen slain Americans' bodies were still warm.
He began his speech by saying that guns and easy access to guns caused the massacre. He wouldn't even use the term radical Islamism. He blamed Congress, the Republicans, and our 2nd. Amendment that he is now threatening to repeal. He is even speaking of an executive order to confiscate firearms of Americans.
So, this man won't even acknowledge that we are at war with ISIS. Instead, he wants to take away firearms from Americans that are being slaughtered by evil radical gun criminals in our country, forbidding us from lawfully protecting ourselves and our families. Where is the logic in that? Who will give immediate protection to us if and when ISIS starts slaughterings in the streets of America? Certainly not you Barry. You'll be on the golf course.
As a proud NRA member and lawful owner of firearms, and someone who even re-loads his own ammo, I can say the only good Barry has done is increase sales in firearms and ammo sales here in the U.S., while also increasing NRA membership. Thanks Barry.
What does one attribute to these gigantic increases in firearms, ammo, and NRA membership?
Can all these Americans that caused these great sales and NRA increases be wrong? The increase in gun sales has become so overwhelming that many cities have temporarily halted sales and background checks because their offices and departments cannot handle the gigantic overload demands by 2nd. Amendment loving Americans.
Let me close with writing that the hundreds of thousands of firearms sold on Black Friday could almost become another military force here in America.
What we are saying Barry is that we really don't care what you say about your precious Islam. We Americans are arming ourselves just in case your precious radical evil Islamic Muslims come knocking on our doors the wrong way.
By the way, from the age of six I learned all about President Roosevelt, and let me tell you Barry....you're no FDR.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
President F.D. Roosevelt immediately radio-broadcasted to Americans that December 7, 1941 "is a day that will live in infamy". There was no double talk in FDR's message who our enemy was, and more importantly, what we were going to do about it.
Our Army, Army Air Force, Navy, and Marines did not hesitate to "take it to them" by dispatching the greatest fighting force in the world to our enemies' homelands. We did not want to give our enemies any chance of bringing this horrible war to our land.
The United States of this great America all came together to fight our common enemies. There was no confusion as to who the enemies of America were then. There were no discussions about 2nd. Amendment rights. In fact our Constitution was hardly ever discussed. With our great leader FDR, our powerful armed forces knew what had to be done, and in 1945, under the presidency of Harry S. Truman, our country's goal was accomplished. the Japanese, along with Adolph Hitler from Europe was conquered and defeated.
I remember that night in 1945. I was ten years old, and my older old sister took me to to see a Disney movie. When we exited we saw dancing in the streets and joyous singing and screaming that our American forces had defeated Hirohito from Japan and Hilter from Germany.
Today our great country is being led by a spineless leader that blames the victims of ISIS more than he does our enemies. I know I speak for millions of "old-timers" when I say thank God Barry Soetero wasn't this country's White House resident in 1941. We would probably be speaking German or Japanese, or both now. Some strongly feel he would like like us all to speak Arabic today.
Why, just why, would Barry want to take firearms away from law abiding citizens that have a 2nd. Amendment right to arm and defend ourselves? Immediately after the ISIS attack in San Bernardino, California Barry began speaking while the fourteen slain Americans' bodies were still warm.
He began his speech by saying that guns and easy access to guns caused the massacre. He wouldn't even use the term radical Islamism. He blamed Congress, the Republicans, and our 2nd. Amendment that he is now threatening to repeal. He is even speaking of an executive order to confiscate firearms of Americans.
So, this man won't even acknowledge that we are at war with ISIS. Instead, he wants to take away firearms from Americans that are being slaughtered by evil radical gun criminals in our country, forbidding us from lawfully protecting ourselves and our families. Where is the logic in that? Who will give immediate protection to us if and when ISIS starts slaughterings in the streets of America? Certainly not you Barry. You'll be on the golf course.
As a proud NRA member and lawful owner of firearms, and someone who even re-loads his own ammo, I can say the only good Barry has done is increase sales in firearms and ammo sales here in the U.S., while also increasing NRA membership. Thanks Barry.
What does one attribute to these gigantic increases in firearms, ammo, and NRA membership?
Can all these Americans that caused these great sales and NRA increases be wrong? The increase in gun sales has become so overwhelming that many cities have temporarily halted sales and background checks because their offices and departments cannot handle the gigantic overload demands by 2nd. Amendment loving Americans.
Let me close with writing that the hundreds of thousands of firearms sold on Black Friday could almost become another military force here in America.
What we are saying Barry is that we really don't care what you say about your precious Islam. We Americans are arming ourselves just in case your precious radical evil Islamic Muslims come knocking on our doors the wrong way.
By the way, from the age of six I learned all about President Roosevelt, and let me tell you Barry....you're no FDR.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Sunday, December 6, 2015
ISIS, Guns, & 2nd Amend.
Just before my wife left the house on this busy shopping day during the Christmas season I said three things to her; (1)"Be careful out there, (2) "I love you", and (3) Is your .38 in your purse"? My wife and I both have our conceal-carry permit license to maintain a firearm when we are in public. In a previous blog I disclosed that I make my own bullets and own four firearms; all purchased legally with background checks, and all four are registered.
Many sheriffs across the country are encouraging Americans that are legal firearms owners with ability to operate a firearm safely to have their guns in close proximity at all times. American gun owners are even encouraged not to ignore the threats from radical Islamic terrorists that exist today. We have a right to protect ourselves, and our families. We can't let Barry and the Holder drag queen Lynch take this away from us.
However it seems to Barry Soetero and Eric Holder in drag, Loretta Lynch, I am the problem and a cause for gun crimes, riots on campuses, and in the streets, robbery, and even murder.Yes, according to Barry and Lorett,a my NRA brothers and sisters, along with my wife and I, are causing all the gun crime mayhem in the country.
One of my facts today is the last I checked, no gun crimes were committed by NRA members since Barry has been in office, and yet one of the very first things spoken about the massacre of fourteen Americans in San Bernardino was the NRA and Wayne LaPierre was the major cause of the killing in San Bernardino, and is also responsible for all the gun crimes in our country.
The very first words uttered by Barry Soetero is, "we have to make it more difficult to purchase firearms". Really Barry? You're going to go with that? Even after the FBI has successfully lined Sayed Farook and his wife Malik to radical Islamic terrorists, officially named ISIS, you still will not declare this was an act of terror committed by two followers of ISIS.
And then "Holder-in-drag queen" says she will prosecute anyone who speaks out against Islam or Muslims in general. Is she nuts? She even further stated that these two evil ISIS killers were "by all accounts nice law-abiding citizens living in their quiet neighborhood". And yet Barry and his politically correct rhetoric so frightened a neighbor of these "nice people" that she was afraid to speak out about their suspicious activity for fear she could get sued for racial profiling.
Why was it that the massacred bodies were still warm and yet Barry, Lynch, along with the overwhelming majority of the media and liberal progressives started screaming that we need to confiscate firearms away from ALL citizens, and initiate stricter gun-control laws. California and Illinois have the strictest gun-control laws, and yet are two of the states with the most gun crimes. I'm still amazed that Senator Dick Durbin-D from Illinois has the stupid, idiotic, ridiculous gall to ask that ALL of America initiate stricter gun laws. Hey Sen. Durbin, let's start with stricter gun laws in your own state of Illinois. You should be ashamed of yourself.
So help me understand something. Barry wants to repeal our 2nd. Amendment by taking away guns from citizens who are being massacred by his evil radical Islamic Muslim culture. Didn't a guy from Germany do that in the '30's and '40's? We all know how that turned out huh? What is the logic in taking guns away from the people who are getting killed by the real evil radicals that should not have guns in the first place. Huh?, or as the young would text WTF!
Tonight at 8:00 PM, Americans will be tuned to their TV's listening to Barry's speech about the massacre at San Bernardino. You can bet he won't say radical Islamic terrorists are responsible for the San Bernardino terrorist attack. He'll just preach that America needs stronger gun-control laws. (by the way, just peeked in on my four firearms, and yep, they're still laying there, unfired). Latest news just in is that Fareek and his wife were supplied guns from a radical terrorist living in the midwest, with ties to ISIS.
And of course our main stream liberal media is just supporting Barry with their unfounded ridiculous rhetoric. A CNN anchor, Erin Burnett, broadcasted that just maybe Ms. Malik was suffering from postmortem depression, causing her to go on a killing spree. Some news broadcasters went so far as to actually blame God, saying "he can't fix this".
In closing a message to our younger generations. Us old folks are going to turn over this great country to you sooner than you expect. Some advice; quit worrying about make-up, how you look, Botox, your X-Box, FaceBook, being skinny, your fancy car, and other useless hopes and dreams. Remember while you're learning the words to a Beyonce song there's an ISIS family showing their 3-year old how to decapitate their little dolly to prepare them for the future.
Wake up young people this is your future freedom we're talking about.
And that's Politics with Pete for today......God bless our country...and our troops
(please watch me on my You Tube video blogs, "Politics with Pete")
Many sheriffs across the country are encouraging Americans that are legal firearms owners with ability to operate a firearm safely to have their guns in close proximity at all times. American gun owners are even encouraged not to ignore the threats from radical Islamic terrorists that exist today. We have a right to protect ourselves, and our families. We can't let Barry and the Holder drag queen Lynch take this away from us.
However it seems to Barry Soetero and Eric Holder in drag, Loretta Lynch, I am the problem and a cause for gun crimes, riots on campuses, and in the streets, robbery, and even murder.Yes, according to Barry and Lorett,a my NRA brothers and sisters, along with my wife and I, are causing all the gun crime mayhem in the country.
One of my facts today is the last I checked, no gun crimes were committed by NRA members since Barry has been in office, and yet one of the very first things spoken about the massacre of fourteen Americans in San Bernardino was the NRA and Wayne LaPierre was the major cause of the killing in San Bernardino, and is also responsible for all the gun crimes in our country.
The very first words uttered by Barry Soetero is, "we have to make it more difficult to purchase firearms". Really Barry? You're going to go with that? Even after the FBI has successfully lined Sayed Farook and his wife Malik to radical Islamic terrorists, officially named ISIS, you still will not declare this was an act of terror committed by two followers of ISIS.
And then "Holder-in-drag queen" says she will prosecute anyone who speaks out against Islam or Muslims in general. Is she nuts? She even further stated that these two evil ISIS killers were "by all accounts nice law-abiding citizens living in their quiet neighborhood". And yet Barry and his politically correct rhetoric so frightened a neighbor of these "nice people" that she was afraid to speak out about their suspicious activity for fear she could get sued for racial profiling.
Why was it that the massacred bodies were still warm and yet Barry, Lynch, along with the overwhelming majority of the media and liberal progressives started screaming that we need to confiscate firearms away from ALL citizens, and initiate stricter gun-control laws. California and Illinois have the strictest gun-control laws, and yet are two of the states with the most gun crimes. I'm still amazed that Senator Dick Durbin-D from Illinois has the stupid, idiotic, ridiculous gall to ask that ALL of America initiate stricter gun laws. Hey Sen. Durbin, let's start with stricter gun laws in your own state of Illinois. You should be ashamed of yourself.
So help me understand something. Barry wants to repeal our 2nd. Amendment by taking away guns from citizens who are being massacred by his evil radical Islamic Muslim culture. Didn't a guy from Germany do that in the '30's and '40's? We all know how that turned out huh? What is the logic in taking guns away from the people who are getting killed by the real evil radicals that should not have guns in the first place. Huh?, or as the young would text WTF!
Tonight at 8:00 PM, Americans will be tuned to their TV's listening to Barry's speech about the massacre at San Bernardino. You can bet he won't say radical Islamic terrorists are responsible for the San Bernardino terrorist attack. He'll just preach that America needs stronger gun-control laws. (by the way, just peeked in on my four firearms, and yep, they're still laying there, unfired). Latest news just in is that Fareek and his wife were supplied guns from a radical terrorist living in the midwest, with ties to ISIS.
And of course our main stream liberal media is just supporting Barry with their unfounded ridiculous rhetoric. A CNN anchor, Erin Burnett, broadcasted that just maybe Ms. Malik was suffering from postmortem depression, causing her to go on a killing spree. Some news broadcasters went so far as to actually blame God, saying "he can't fix this".
In closing a message to our younger generations. Us old folks are going to turn over this great country to you sooner than you expect. Some advice; quit worrying about make-up, how you look, Botox, your X-Box, FaceBook, being skinny, your fancy car, and other useless hopes and dreams. Remember while you're learning the words to a Beyonce song there's an ISIS family showing their 3-year old how to decapitate their little dolly to prepare them for the future.
Wake up young people this is your future freedom we're talking about.
And that's Politics with Pete for today......God bless our country...and our troops
(please watch me on my You Tube video blogs, "Politics with Pete")
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Did you ever see....
For seven years now our White House resident, Barry Soetero, keeps insisting that we must welcome Islam and the Muslim population into our country, into our cultures, into our hearts, and make them feel embraced by all of America.
However, it seems to me that Barry and his major sidekick Valerie Jarrett wants to make this a one-sided outreach program. We must allow the Islamic Muslims to pray anywhere they want. Hey, they can even drag their rugs around to pray for their Koran's directive of five times a day, even in the middle of our streets.
We must give up our own way of life for fear we may insult or degrade our Islamic Muslim "brothers & sisters". No more mangers in our city parks on Christmas, so as not to offend our Muslim faithful. Heck, in many cites and school districts we're not even allowed to say "Christmas". Really, is that the correct way to welcome and integrate Islamic Muslims in our great country?
And am I the only American that notices all the Islamic gripes and overt dislike they have against our great country? Not only will they not go to a restaurant that serves bacon, they actually petition to have the restaurant STOP serving bacon or other pork-related cuisine. They are so outspoken with their dislikes one wonders just why did they come here? certainly it wasn't that our great country was better than their "great" country. Ya think?
We have to eliminate the word "under God" in our pledge, so as not to offend Muslims. They voice their strong opinions and ask school districts to do something about they way our females dress in schools, while they run around in floor-length burkas, with only their eyes showing. They show complete and total disdain for our western way of life. Islamic Muslim women are even allowed to take their photo ID's with their burkas on.
A great percentage of Islamic Muslims that Barry wants us to embrace fully believe in their dastardly Sharia Law, which allows honor killings of women and children. In many cases Judges have actually not even allowed prosecution or even persecuted many Islamic Muslim fathers for brutally physically punishing their young daughters who want to indoctrinate themselves into our western culture. Some have even killed their own off-springs for being just an average "western" teenager.
So, back to this integration into our country that Barry and Valerie want. How come this is strictly a one-sided avenue? There are so many lies from the mouth of Barry as he sings his praises of the Islamic Muslim culture. They have contributed absolutely nothing to mankind, and yet Barry touts all of their "so-called" progress to the world. All complete falsehoods.
Has anyone ever seen a Muslim candy-striper in a hospital? Has anyone ever seen or witnessed an Islamic Muslim charity drive for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or any other medical malady? Have you even ever seen any musical contribution in the way of concerts or parades solely supported by the Islamic Muslim faithful?
Has anyone ever seen an Islamic Muslim hospital being erected here in the U.S.? Has anyone ever witnessed a Mosque reaching out to a Catholic church, or any other Christian religion?
To sum it up has anyone seen or witnessed anything the Islamic Muslim faithful has contributed to grasp and contribute to this great country they are migrating to? I already know your answer.
At first I was going to apologize that I don't trust any Islamic Muslims that I come in contact with. But now I will not apologize for writing, saying, and believing that I simply do not trust ANY Islamic Muslims I meet. Not until they can prove to me that they have fully accepted our American cultures and way of life, and done something to show for it.
There are Muslims that live in my condo complex, and I just plain do not trust them. No, I don't protest or voice any outward signs against them, but I will not welcome them into my home or display any friendship toward them. I will not show, or vocalize any outward displeasure towards them, but I also will not ingratiate myself to any Islamic Muslim that I meet. A simple and professional handshake is the most they will receive from me.
Go ahead, call me a racist, bigot, Islamophob of you want. I really don't care. I love my country so much more than I even care for any Islamic Muslim. Just remember one thing they all have in common: Every single one of them live by their Koran, or Quran, or whatever they call that book of blasphemy.
I am the proud son of an Italian immigrant who came to this great country, and immersed himself in the American way of life by firstly obey ALL American laws.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, "Politics with Pete"
However, it seems to me that Barry and his major sidekick Valerie Jarrett wants to make this a one-sided outreach program. We must allow the Islamic Muslims to pray anywhere they want. Hey, they can even drag their rugs around to pray for their Koran's directive of five times a day, even in the middle of our streets.
We must give up our own way of life for fear we may insult or degrade our Islamic Muslim "brothers & sisters". No more mangers in our city parks on Christmas, so as not to offend our Muslim faithful. Heck, in many cites and school districts we're not even allowed to say "Christmas". Really, is that the correct way to welcome and integrate Islamic Muslims in our great country?
And am I the only American that notices all the Islamic gripes and overt dislike they have against our great country? Not only will they not go to a restaurant that serves bacon, they actually petition to have the restaurant STOP serving bacon or other pork-related cuisine. They are so outspoken with their dislikes one wonders just why did they come here? certainly it wasn't that our great country was better than their "great" country. Ya think?
We have to eliminate the word "under God" in our pledge, so as not to offend Muslims. They voice their strong opinions and ask school districts to do something about they way our females dress in schools, while they run around in floor-length burkas, with only their eyes showing. They show complete and total disdain for our western way of life. Islamic Muslim women are even allowed to take their photo ID's with their burkas on.
A great percentage of Islamic Muslims that Barry wants us to embrace fully believe in their dastardly Sharia Law, which allows honor killings of women and children. In many cases Judges have actually not even allowed prosecution or even persecuted many Islamic Muslim fathers for brutally physically punishing their young daughters who want to indoctrinate themselves into our western culture. Some have even killed their own off-springs for being just an average "western" teenager.
So, back to this integration into our country that Barry and Valerie want. How come this is strictly a one-sided avenue? There are so many lies from the mouth of Barry as he sings his praises of the Islamic Muslim culture. They have contributed absolutely nothing to mankind, and yet Barry touts all of their "so-called" progress to the world. All complete falsehoods.
Has anyone ever seen a Muslim candy-striper in a hospital? Has anyone ever seen or witnessed an Islamic Muslim charity drive for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or any other medical malady? Have you even ever seen any musical contribution in the way of concerts or parades solely supported by the Islamic Muslim faithful?
Has anyone ever seen an Islamic Muslim hospital being erected here in the U.S.? Has anyone ever witnessed a Mosque reaching out to a Catholic church, or any other Christian religion?
To sum it up has anyone seen or witnessed anything the Islamic Muslim faithful has contributed to grasp and contribute to this great country they are migrating to? I already know your answer.
At first I was going to apologize that I don't trust any Islamic Muslims that I come in contact with. But now I will not apologize for writing, saying, and believing that I simply do not trust ANY Islamic Muslims I meet. Not until they can prove to me that they have fully accepted our American cultures and way of life, and done something to show for it.
There are Muslims that live in my condo complex, and I just plain do not trust them. No, I don't protest or voice any outward signs against them, but I will not welcome them into my home or display any friendship toward them. I will not show, or vocalize any outward displeasure towards them, but I also will not ingratiate myself to any Islamic Muslim that I meet. A simple and professional handshake is the most they will receive from me.
Go ahead, call me a racist, bigot, Islamophob of you want. I really don't care. I love my country so much more than I even care for any Islamic Muslim. Just remember one thing they all have in common: Every single one of them live by their Koran, or Quran, or whatever they call that book of blasphemy.
I am the proud son of an Italian immigrant who came to this great country, and immersed himself in the American way of life by firstly obey ALL American laws.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, "Politics with Pete"
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Just the facts
Before I start my conservative views on today's blog I'd like to disclose that I legally own four firearms; two .38's, one .22, and a .357. I am an NRA member, and spend at least twice a week, weather permitting, at the local outdoor pistol shooting range. When I leave the house my snub-nosed .357 is tucked into my shoulder holster. (by the way before I sat down to type today's blog I peeked in on my 4 firearms, and they were just lying there....believe me they did not get off the the safety shelf and open fire)
I'm not going to bore you and/or waste my time writing about Barry Soetero's Fast & Furious, the illegitimate Obamacare debacle, or the rest of his former lying corrupt and scandalous eruptions. Rather I just want to address some very recent FACTS.
Let's take a look at our military first. At a time when we now need powerful military to protect America than ever before, what is the radical Islamic Muslim, aka, Barry Soetero, doing to our military? He is literally weakening our once-powerful Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force, by heavily reducing military funding.
He's cutting back on funding our military, actually stopping the purchase of much needed arms to fight ISIS. He's also forbidding our Air Force jet pilots to fire ordinances into areas "Where there just maybe be citizens", when going after ISIS. After the Ferguson, Missouri riots he actually stopped our police departments throughout the country from using military tanks, ammo, etc., because, "it looks to much like military warfare".
Also, when all indications that evil ISIS terrorists are working to set up cells in America, this radical Islamic Muslim, Barry Soetero, is stopping funding to our FBI causing them to seriously limit surveillance of suspected terrorists because they don't have enough FBI a gents and analysts. What does that a fact sound like to you?
Here's an alarming fact: Seven years ago hardly any American knew of the existence of Al Qiada or ISIS. The escalating uprising of these organizations became aware to Americans starting January, 2009. Subsequent to his inauguration Barry traveled the world telling everyone that America was not as great as everyone believes. He went so far as to call us "dismissive and arrogant". He was laying his "groundwork".
While 65% of Americans have voiced that we do not want Syrian refugees here, and the overwhelming majority of the refugees want to stay in "safe zones" within their own countries, Barry is on the verge of issuing an executive order allowing the refugees entrance in the U.S.
Even a no-veto bill has been passed in the House to stop the influx of Syrian refugees, but that won't stop the radical Islamic Muslim at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Every time a mass shooting occurs Barry wants more "gun control to make it harder to have mass shootings". Another pure fact is that these recent mass shootings have occurred in "gun-free" zones, most notably recently in San Bernadino, California. So, adding another fact, is that Barry wants to limit arms to our military and local police, while gun crime is on the rise in states and cities that are noted as "gun free zones". He wants to repeal our 2nd Amendment rights and privileges to protect ourselves legally. In other words, this radical Muslim wants to take our guns away from us.
The two San Bernadino shooters yesterday were of Muslim faith. Moreover further ongoing FBI investigation is heavily leaning toward indications that these two evil radicals were of the radical Islamic following.
And what is so very devastating to America is we know what has precipitated this evil massacre of Americans. It wasn't the NRA, or a need for stronger gun laws. It was ISIS with the support of Barry and his leader Valerie Jarrett. What our great country really need is a leader in the White House that is willing to call our enemy what it really is; ISIS.
Many Americans have even go so far as to believe Barry Sotero, for the past seven years, has been paving the way for Muslims to enter our great country to establish themselves as the leaders of our country. I'm starting to believe it. How about you? Do we really want to waste our time on stupid gun control laws, or do we want to attack the head of the snake and completely destroy it?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my YouTube video blog, Politics with Pete)
I'm not going to bore you and/or waste my time writing about Barry Soetero's Fast & Furious, the illegitimate Obamacare debacle, or the rest of his former lying corrupt and scandalous eruptions. Rather I just want to address some very recent FACTS.
Let's take a look at our military first. At a time when we now need powerful military to protect America than ever before, what is the radical Islamic Muslim, aka, Barry Soetero, doing to our military? He is literally weakening our once-powerful Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force, by heavily reducing military funding.
He's cutting back on funding our military, actually stopping the purchase of much needed arms to fight ISIS. He's also forbidding our Air Force jet pilots to fire ordinances into areas "Where there just maybe be citizens", when going after ISIS. After the Ferguson, Missouri riots he actually stopped our police departments throughout the country from using military tanks, ammo, etc., because, "it looks to much like military warfare".
Also, when all indications that evil ISIS terrorists are working to set up cells in America, this radical Islamic Muslim, Barry Soetero, is stopping funding to our FBI causing them to seriously limit surveillance of suspected terrorists because they don't have enough FBI a gents and analysts. What does that a fact sound like to you?
Here's an alarming fact: Seven years ago hardly any American knew of the existence of Al Qiada or ISIS. The escalating uprising of these organizations became aware to Americans starting January, 2009. Subsequent to his inauguration Barry traveled the world telling everyone that America was not as great as everyone believes. He went so far as to call us "dismissive and arrogant". He was laying his "groundwork".
While 65% of Americans have voiced that we do not want Syrian refugees here, and the overwhelming majority of the refugees want to stay in "safe zones" within their own countries, Barry is on the verge of issuing an executive order allowing the refugees entrance in the U.S.
Even a no-veto bill has been passed in the House to stop the influx of Syrian refugees, but that won't stop the radical Islamic Muslim at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Every time a mass shooting occurs Barry wants more "gun control to make it harder to have mass shootings". Another pure fact is that these recent mass shootings have occurred in "gun-free" zones, most notably recently in San Bernadino, California. So, adding another fact, is that Barry wants to limit arms to our military and local police, while gun crime is on the rise in states and cities that are noted as "gun free zones". He wants to repeal our 2nd Amendment rights and privileges to protect ourselves legally. In other words, this radical Muslim wants to take our guns away from us.
The two San Bernadino shooters yesterday were of Muslim faith. Moreover further ongoing FBI investigation is heavily leaning toward indications that these two evil radicals were of the radical Islamic following.
And what is so very devastating to America is we know what has precipitated this evil massacre of Americans. It wasn't the NRA, or a need for stronger gun laws. It was ISIS with the support of Barry and his leader Valerie Jarrett. What our great country really need is a leader in the White House that is willing to call our enemy what it really is; ISIS.
Many Americans have even go so far as to believe Barry Sotero, for the past seven years, has been paving the way for Muslims to enter our great country to establish themselves as the leaders of our country. I'm starting to believe it. How about you? Do we really want to waste our time on stupid gun control laws, or do we want to attack the head of the snake and completely destroy it?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my YouTube video blog, Politics with Pete)
Sunday, November 22, 2015
"Uninformed"? -No, Stupid!
I used to be kind and professionally correct when I called all those that voted Barry Soetero into America's White House just plain "uninformed" voters. Now, after all, this evil radical Islamic Muslim has done in the past seven years, I call the people that voted for him, just plain stupid.
In 2008 I managed a golf league of 32 seniors; guys from all walks of life. Professionals, teachers, CPA's, veterans, etc. Of the 32 there were only 3 of us that were devout conservative Republicans, so when Barry Soetero won the Presidency you can imagine the razzing and outrageous teasing the 3 of us received from the "Hope & Change' supporters.
And then it started; low work force participation, increasing food stamps participation, followed by lies, corruption, and never ending scandals. At first the Hope & Change Soetero supporters still clung to their leader Barry saying, "well, he's still better than Bush".
And then, as if all the lies, scandals, and corruption weren't enough Americans noticed this president's loyalty to Islam, and now his overwhelming desire and self-proclaimed destiny to bring down the American way of life, refusing to protect our great land.
Suddenly, many of the progressive liberal Democrats on my golf league became "Independents". They wouldn't pledge any change to Republican conservatism, but they certainly distanced themselves from Barry's policies by declaring they were now Independents.
What a joke that was to me.
Initially I felt bad criticizing those that voted for and help put Barry in power, not once, but twice. Acquaintances, that I once called friends, and even family members that to this day still believe Barry is the answer to all of America's problems, "that he inherited America's current problems from the previous administration".
Well, now I don't apologize for calling these people "uninformed". These acquaintances and family members are just plain stupid. Yes, stupid for not being objective and looking at the facts and policies that have emanated from this radical Islamic Muslim that lives in America's White House.
We are at war with ISIS. Everyone in the world has acknowledged this. We have a man that will not acknowledge ISIS. He keeps telling us that we cannot attack the wonderful peaceful religion of Islam. He says we are at war, but with conditions. America knows we cannot win a war fighting the enemy with conditions.
Can you imagine president FDR in 1941 put conditions on our war against Hitler? What if FDR refused to use the word "Nazi" when describing the dastardly deeds of Hitler? What if Eisenhower, Patton, Clark, etc., were told they cannot do any fighting in areas that may have civilians? You can bet we would have lost the war in Europe. Remember president LBJ? He told the Japanese to surrender, or else. Well, they didn't surrender, so he dropped A-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Suddenly they surrendered.
So, I just want to ask the "stupid" and uninformed liberal progressives that voted this man in office to ask themselves objectively, when did America's war against radical Islam really take off? Of course these uninformed and stupid people that voted this Muslim in office won't admit that this all took off in 2009.
They forget that Barry's first foreign speech was to "apologize" to the world for America's freedom way of life. That alone should have put all Americans on high alert about this man. Today this man continues his onslaught against America. This should have been a wake-up call to those that cast their vote TWICE allowing this man to govern in America's White House.
Now, are those uninformed stupid voters want any more proof as to the designs this Islamic Muslim has in store for our great country? He is now advocating thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees to enter the U.S., while refusing Christians religious asylum in our country. One of the radical Islamist terrorists that took part in the Paris massacre admitted that he sneaked into Europe posing as a Syrian refugee.
The initial and foremost duty of the American president is to protect its citizens. It's very obvious this is not the intent of this Muslim in our White House. Congress has passed a veto-proof bill that will stop Syrian refugees from entering, and yet Barry is ignoring this bill and vows to by-pass Congress and sign executive action to allow these refugees into our country.
This man's intent is to flood America with radical Islamist Muslims so that our great country will someday honor and promote Islam as our chief religion and Sharia Law will be maintained. There is no such thing as freedom of religion to this man.
However, all hope is not lost for the "uninformed" and "stupid" Americans who voted for this man TWICE. We have an election just a short year from this month to begin the change our country back to the freedom loving land we fought for and deserve.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Pls follow me on my YouTube video blogs Politics with Pete)
In 2008 I managed a golf league of 32 seniors; guys from all walks of life. Professionals, teachers, CPA's, veterans, etc. Of the 32 there were only 3 of us that were devout conservative Republicans, so when Barry Soetero won the Presidency you can imagine the razzing and outrageous teasing the 3 of us received from the "Hope & Change' supporters.
And then it started; low work force participation, increasing food stamps participation, followed by lies, corruption, and never ending scandals. At first the Hope & Change Soetero supporters still clung to their leader Barry saying, "well, he's still better than Bush".
And then, as if all the lies, scandals, and corruption weren't enough Americans noticed this president's loyalty to Islam, and now his overwhelming desire and self-proclaimed destiny to bring down the American way of life, refusing to protect our great land.
Suddenly, many of the progressive liberal Democrats on my golf league became "Independents". They wouldn't pledge any change to Republican conservatism, but they certainly distanced themselves from Barry's policies by declaring they were now Independents.
What a joke that was to me.
Initially I felt bad criticizing those that voted for and help put Barry in power, not once, but twice. Acquaintances, that I once called friends, and even family members that to this day still believe Barry is the answer to all of America's problems, "that he inherited America's current problems from the previous administration".
Well, now I don't apologize for calling these people "uninformed". These acquaintances and family members are just plain stupid. Yes, stupid for not being objective and looking at the facts and policies that have emanated from this radical Islamic Muslim that lives in America's White House.
We are at war with ISIS. Everyone in the world has acknowledged this. We have a man that will not acknowledge ISIS. He keeps telling us that we cannot attack the wonderful peaceful religion of Islam. He says we are at war, but with conditions. America knows we cannot win a war fighting the enemy with conditions.
Can you imagine president FDR in 1941 put conditions on our war against Hitler? What if FDR refused to use the word "Nazi" when describing the dastardly deeds of Hitler? What if Eisenhower, Patton, Clark, etc., were told they cannot do any fighting in areas that may have civilians? You can bet we would have lost the war in Europe. Remember president LBJ? He told the Japanese to surrender, or else. Well, they didn't surrender, so he dropped A-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Suddenly they surrendered.
So, I just want to ask the "stupid" and uninformed liberal progressives that voted this man in office to ask themselves objectively, when did America's war against radical Islam really take off? Of course these uninformed and stupid people that voted this Muslim in office won't admit that this all took off in 2009.
They forget that Barry's first foreign speech was to "apologize" to the world for America's freedom way of life. That alone should have put all Americans on high alert about this man. Today this man continues his onslaught against America. This should have been a wake-up call to those that cast their vote TWICE allowing this man to govern in America's White House.
Now, are those uninformed stupid voters want any more proof as to the designs this Islamic Muslim has in store for our great country? He is now advocating thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees to enter the U.S., while refusing Christians religious asylum in our country. One of the radical Islamist terrorists that took part in the Paris massacre admitted that he sneaked into Europe posing as a Syrian refugee.
The initial and foremost duty of the American president is to protect its citizens. It's very obvious this is not the intent of this Muslim in our White House. Congress has passed a veto-proof bill that will stop Syrian refugees from entering, and yet Barry is ignoring this bill and vows to by-pass Congress and sign executive action to allow these refugees into our country.
This man's intent is to flood America with radical Islamist Muslims so that our great country will someday honor and promote Islam as our chief religion and Sharia Law will be maintained. There is no such thing as freedom of religion to this man.
However, all hope is not lost for the "uninformed" and "stupid" Americans who voted for this man TWICE. We have an election just a short year from this month to begin the change our country back to the freedom loving land we fought for and deserve.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Pls follow me on my YouTube video blogs Politics with Pete)
Saturday, October 10, 2015
* * * * FaceBook!
I only joined Facebook for two reasons. One was to use it as another venue to post and promote my blogs. The other reason was to view pictures of my grandchildren on the west coast. Many of my Tea Party associates, along with my conservative friends cautioned me against joining.
Then I noticed the double standards that Facebook and their leader Zuckerbeerger live by. Facebook has allowed the writings of a Black journalist to write that GOP candidate Dr. Ben Carson is a "coon". Facebook has also allowed an article by GQ magazine where the writer posted F**K Carson in the headlines of the article.
Yet, this morning in the "comment" space on Facebook I posted my views on 2nd. Amend. rights, being a U.S.A.F. veteran, an NRA member, being a licensed concealed carry citizen, owning four firearms, and my disdain for the left wing progressives and their leader Barry Soetero wanting to take away the rights of Americans to defend themselves.
Almost immediately after I hit the "post" key my comments were deleted from Facebook. Any opposing views of Barry, liberals, and progressives that appear in Facebook are quickly scrutinized and are usually deleted before or shortly after the comments are posted.
However, I am very proud of the American people. We are starting to see through the double standards that the media and people like Zuckerberger of Facebook are doing. Can you imagine a White journalist calling a known Black leader a "coon"?
What if a writer in The Blaze wrote and published in their headline F**K Hillary? Can you imagine the uproar from the left wing? Can you hear Sharpton now screaming for someone's scalp?
Everyone knows how Barry Soetero pontificated over the shootings in a Black church. He even went there to sing "Amazing Grace". When the three Muslims were shot dead in North Carolina he screamed, "no one should be attacked for their religious beliefs".
But not a word from Barry about the American soldiers killed by people with terrorist ties in Mississippi. The main stream media wants you to believe we need much stronger anti-gun laws, but have no specific agenda. Like Barry, they use it as a platform for ratings. Not a word from Barry to the family of the beautiful young woman shot and killed by an illegal in San Francisco.
How aboutDemocrat Congressman Guiterrize, saying "we shouldn't let a little thing like the shooting in San Francisco by an illegal prevent us from passing immigration reform". Really, Congressman "little thing"? What if your child was gunned down by an illegal, you double standard hypocrite? In Hillary's case she compares the NRA to terrorists, Iran, and communism. Of course the media goes right along with it.
Here's a story the media won't report: an 11-year old girl was home alone in Montana when two illegals broke into her house. The illegals didn't know she was a national skeet shooting champion. She ran upstairs got her rifle, knelt in a shooting position, and blasted away at the illegal intruders. One died in the house, the other staggered outside, fell, and bled out dead. You'll never hear that on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC, Fox broadcasted it.
And now the media, and my favorite network MSNBC. are scathing against Ben Carson for saying he would have rushed the shooter in the Oregon college where nine were killed by a deranged shooter.
And what does Barry do? He goes to Oregon and "talks" to the families of the victims promising them stricter anti-gun laws. Everyone knows this was just a political stance he was using to leave quickly and go to cities to fund raisers.
Kudos to the people of Rosburg, Oregon where hundreds showed up on roadsides leading into Roseburg with signs telling Barry he wasn't welcome there. He was so flabbergasted by this he wouldn't allow the media into the auditorium when he talked to the families. He wouldn't take questions, and he quickly left for his fund raising to use this trip as fodder.
The left wing media, along with Barry, Hillary, Reid, and other progressive libs are being seen for what they truly are, just a bunch of self-centered, headline grabbing narcissists. Why do you think MSNBC is going further in the tank every day, while Fox's ratings are climbing?
To sign off now I would like to exercise my 1st. Amend rights much like Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and GQ magazine have, as I post this blog on Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Tea Party: **** you Zuckerberger, **** you GQ, **** you Facebook, and a special **** you to the Black journalist who called Dr. Carson a "coon".
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
(pls follow me on my video blog on You Tube, Politics with Pete)
Then I noticed the double standards that Facebook and their leader Zuckerbeerger live by. Facebook has allowed the writings of a Black journalist to write that GOP candidate Dr. Ben Carson is a "coon". Facebook has also allowed an article by GQ magazine where the writer posted F**K Carson in the headlines of the article.
Yet, this morning in the "comment" space on Facebook I posted my views on 2nd. Amend. rights, being a U.S.A.F. veteran, an NRA member, being a licensed concealed carry citizen, owning four firearms, and my disdain for the left wing progressives and their leader Barry Soetero wanting to take away the rights of Americans to defend themselves.
Almost immediately after I hit the "post" key my comments were deleted from Facebook. Any opposing views of Barry, liberals, and progressives that appear in Facebook are quickly scrutinized and are usually deleted before or shortly after the comments are posted.
However, I am very proud of the American people. We are starting to see through the double standards that the media and people like Zuckerberger of Facebook are doing. Can you imagine a White journalist calling a known Black leader a "coon"?
What if a writer in The Blaze wrote and published in their headline F**K Hillary? Can you imagine the uproar from the left wing? Can you hear Sharpton now screaming for someone's scalp?
Everyone knows how Barry Soetero pontificated over the shootings in a Black church. He even went there to sing "Amazing Grace". When the three Muslims were shot dead in North Carolina he screamed, "no one should be attacked for their religious beliefs".
But not a word from Barry about the American soldiers killed by people with terrorist ties in Mississippi. The main stream media wants you to believe we need much stronger anti-gun laws, but have no specific agenda. Like Barry, they use it as a platform for ratings. Not a word from Barry to the family of the beautiful young woman shot and killed by an illegal in San Francisco.
How aboutDemocrat Congressman Guiterrize, saying "we shouldn't let a little thing like the shooting in San Francisco by an illegal prevent us from passing immigration reform". Really, Congressman "little thing"? What if your child was gunned down by an illegal, you double standard hypocrite? In Hillary's case she compares the NRA to terrorists, Iran, and communism. Of course the media goes right along with it.
Here's a story the media won't report: an 11-year old girl was home alone in Montana when two illegals broke into her house. The illegals didn't know she was a national skeet shooting champion. She ran upstairs got her rifle, knelt in a shooting position, and blasted away at the illegal intruders. One died in the house, the other staggered outside, fell, and bled out dead. You'll never hear that on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC, Fox broadcasted it.
And now the media, and my favorite network MSNBC. are scathing against Ben Carson for saying he would have rushed the shooter in the Oregon college where nine were killed by a deranged shooter.
And what does Barry do? He goes to Oregon and "talks" to the families of the victims promising them stricter anti-gun laws. Everyone knows this was just a political stance he was using to leave quickly and go to cities to fund raisers.
Kudos to the people of Rosburg, Oregon where hundreds showed up on roadsides leading into Roseburg with signs telling Barry he wasn't welcome there. He was so flabbergasted by this he wouldn't allow the media into the auditorium when he talked to the families. He wouldn't take questions, and he quickly left for his fund raising to use this trip as fodder.
The left wing media, along with Barry, Hillary, Reid, and other progressive libs are being seen for what they truly are, just a bunch of self-centered, headline grabbing narcissists. Why do you think MSNBC is going further in the tank every day, while Fox's ratings are climbing?
To sign off now I would like to exercise my 1st. Amend rights much like Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and GQ magazine have, as I post this blog on Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Tea Party: **** you Zuckerberger, **** you GQ, **** you Facebook, and a special **** you to the Black journalist who called Dr. Carson a "coon".
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
(pls follow me on my video blog on You Tube, Politics with Pete)
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Just when did it start?
We all agree that our country is in a definite downward spiral, and this great America needs immediate help. One can review any subject and realize that leadership, strong leadership, is needed to take back our country, and move it to the prominence it once experienced.
Take a look at the problems facing this country, and when they all started. Crime, education, terrorism, health care, racism, poor economy, low workforce participation, government dependence, religious persecution, government lying and corruption. Not to mention racial unrest, the lowest unemployment in African-American history since WWII. The list could go on and on.
And we must not forget our tragic foreign policy implementations. Our enemies do not fear us, and our allies do not trust us. I mean, really I could go on for pages of tragedies that are befalling our great country, but when, when, did it get so bad?
When did the crime rate rise so high in cities like Chicago, Detroit, L.A., Baltimore, and D.C.?
When did the violent crimes of Black on Black begin to surge astronomically? We all know when it started and why it's continuing to rise. It started in 2009, and it's continuing because we have Barry Soetero in our White House.
When did racial tension between Blacks and Whites, and Blacks against police start, and why does it continue to escalate with threats of, "we will assassinate all sheriffs and police officers when we see them alone". It started in 2009 and it rises today because of the man in our White House.
When did the wars of Muslims vs. Christians and Jews escalate out of control? When did the double standards of Muslim acceptance and Judeo-Christian slaughterings by Muslims start?
Why is the Islamic Soldiers of Satan gaining power in their war against the western world?
When did it start? Why does it escalate so today? This is all due in totality to Barry Soetero.
Who could possibly sanction the Gitmo release and swap of five Taliban chiefs for one Army deserter that today is facing desertion charges, and may spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth? You know who....Barry Soetero.When did health care premiums rise so high that employers began cutting back employee work hours, and corporations almost halted the creation of any jobs? All this started in 2010 when a Democrat Congress passed Barry's Obamacare.
When did the United States begin to turn its back on Israel? What president would ever allow a devout enemy of Israel full permission to continue its pursuit of nuclear warheads? Friends, this all started in 2009 when Barry settled into our White House. Now the Ayatollah of Iran declares he will have not further dealings with Barry and the U.S. Why is that? It's because Iran got what they wanted from this spineless man. All that and billions of dollars from Americans to use to supply arms to terrorists. Who is responsible for that? You know who!
What about our national debt? When did our national debt begin to astronomically rise to out of control proportions? When G.W. left office we were at $6.Trillion national debt. In six short years Barry has managed to increase America's national debt more than ALL previous presidents COMBINED!
We can't wait till January, 2017 to remove this man from our White House. We need our Admirals and Generals to march in, remove this man, and try him for treasonous acts against our Constitution. We just can't wait any longer.
Don't ever forget...ever, that this all started in January, 2009.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Take a look at the problems facing this country, and when they all started. Crime, education, terrorism, health care, racism, poor economy, low workforce participation, government dependence, religious persecution, government lying and corruption. Not to mention racial unrest, the lowest unemployment in African-American history since WWII. The list could go on and on.
And we must not forget our tragic foreign policy implementations. Our enemies do not fear us, and our allies do not trust us. I mean, really I could go on for pages of tragedies that are befalling our great country, but when, when, did it get so bad?
When did the crime rate rise so high in cities like Chicago, Detroit, L.A., Baltimore, and D.C.?
When did the violent crimes of Black on Black begin to surge astronomically? We all know when it started and why it's continuing to rise. It started in 2009, and it's continuing because we have Barry Soetero in our White House.
When did racial tension between Blacks and Whites, and Blacks against police start, and why does it continue to escalate with threats of, "we will assassinate all sheriffs and police officers when we see them alone". It started in 2009 and it rises today because of the man in our White House.
When did the wars of Muslims vs. Christians and Jews escalate out of control? When did the double standards of Muslim acceptance and Judeo-Christian slaughterings by Muslims start?
Why is the Islamic Soldiers of Satan gaining power in their war against the western world?
When did it start? Why does it escalate so today? This is all due in totality to Barry Soetero.
Who could possibly sanction the Gitmo release and swap of five Taliban chiefs for one Army deserter that today is facing desertion charges, and may spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth? You know who....Barry Soetero.When did health care premiums rise so high that employers began cutting back employee work hours, and corporations almost halted the creation of any jobs? All this started in 2010 when a Democrat Congress passed Barry's Obamacare.
When did the United States begin to turn its back on Israel? What president would ever allow a devout enemy of Israel full permission to continue its pursuit of nuclear warheads? Friends, this all started in 2009 when Barry settled into our White House. Now the Ayatollah of Iran declares he will have not further dealings with Barry and the U.S. Why is that? It's because Iran got what they wanted from this spineless man. All that and billions of dollars from Americans to use to supply arms to terrorists. Who is responsible for that? You know who!
What about our national debt? When did our national debt begin to astronomically rise to out of control proportions? When G.W. left office we were at $6.Trillion national debt. In six short years Barry has managed to increase America's national debt more than ALL previous presidents COMBINED!
We can't wait till January, 2017 to remove this man from our White House. We need our Admirals and Generals to march in, remove this man, and try him for treasonous acts against our Constitution. We just can't wait any longer.
Don't ever forget...ever, that this all started in January, 2009.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Today I'm selfish
Today, to me it doesn't matter if you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent. Today, to me it doesn't matter if you Jewish or Christian. Today, to me what matters i if you're an American that loves this great country.
After our Labor Day picnic this past weekend I've decided today to vent and express my selfishness. I watched my great granddaughter, and her young toddler cousins run around the big backyard enjoying the day, and in the evening enjoying and taking in the fireworks.
I took many pictures of the young ones hugging each other, sharing their toys, and just plain expressing love to one another. So much joy shown on the faces of the adults. I was sitting next to my nephew enjoying a cold beer, when he said, "isn't this great today? No hassles, no worries, just watching the young ones have a great time".
Just then my grandson jumped on the ATV, loaded it up with the young ones and drove off to show them a scenic path in the woods. Can't say enough about this beautiful scenario.
Just then I started to think that at this very moment when we are teaching our young ones love and faith there are Muslim children of the very same age being taught hatred, being taught how to hold a saber to behead someone. What if we could gather up ALL the young infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers in the world and teach them that someday they will inherit this entire planet, and war and slaughtering will not make our world a better and safer place to live.
My selfishness today comes from watching my 20-month old great granddaughter run around playing and laughing with her cousins at the picnic. What kind of world will she inherit?
This week the House and Senate in Congress will cast votes for what could be the most impactful move to either protect my great granddaughter, or start a world of nuclear wars starting against our greatest ally, Israel, and then spreading to America.
Iran is not working to develop nuclear bombs to destroy only Israel. They are developing a nuclear bomb to reach Manhattan, New York.
Barry Soetero is so transfixed on passing this law to enable his radical islamic brethren that he has taken to threatening his fellow Democrat Congress members if they don't vote in support of him so he can attain veto status. Barry has struck fear in the hearts of his fellow Dems by threatening to hold any funds for their respective constituent programs. He has threatened that without their vote to support him he will not help in their upcoming re-election campaigns.
DNC chairwoman Debbie Schultz, a full Jewish woman, knows full well what the dangers are to Israel if Iran is granted to continue their uranium enrichment, but how did she vote? Yes, she voted in favor of Barry giving millions to Iran while allowing them to build a nuclear bomb. It's clear her own well being and future mean more to her than her Jewish heritage.
Is it any wonder that our members of Congress have such low approval ratings? Is it any wonder that three of the GOP candidates running for president are Trump, Carson, and Florina? What these three have in common is that they are not part of the D.C. insiders. They have no political experience. they are what we need to overturn Barrys' legacies.
I'm 80 years old, and no matter how well I take care of myself I know I haven't got a lot of time left, but today I'm very selfish, because if Americans don't take action through voting and contacting our House & Senate members, then I'm in heavy fear of the world my great granddaughter will grow up in.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow my on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
After our Labor Day picnic this past weekend I've decided today to vent and express my selfishness. I watched my great granddaughter, and her young toddler cousins run around the big backyard enjoying the day, and in the evening enjoying and taking in the fireworks.
I took many pictures of the young ones hugging each other, sharing their toys, and just plain expressing love to one another. So much joy shown on the faces of the adults. I was sitting next to my nephew enjoying a cold beer, when he said, "isn't this great today? No hassles, no worries, just watching the young ones have a great time".
Just then my grandson jumped on the ATV, loaded it up with the young ones and drove off to show them a scenic path in the woods. Can't say enough about this beautiful scenario.
Just then I started to think that at this very moment when we are teaching our young ones love and faith there are Muslim children of the very same age being taught hatred, being taught how to hold a saber to behead someone. What if we could gather up ALL the young infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers in the world and teach them that someday they will inherit this entire planet, and war and slaughtering will not make our world a better and safer place to live.
My selfishness today comes from watching my 20-month old great granddaughter run around playing and laughing with her cousins at the picnic. What kind of world will she inherit?
This week the House and Senate in Congress will cast votes for what could be the most impactful move to either protect my great granddaughter, or start a world of nuclear wars starting against our greatest ally, Israel, and then spreading to America.
Iran is not working to develop nuclear bombs to destroy only Israel. They are developing a nuclear bomb to reach Manhattan, New York.
Barry Soetero is so transfixed on passing this law to enable his radical islamic brethren that he has taken to threatening his fellow Democrat Congress members if they don't vote in support of him so he can attain veto status. Barry has struck fear in the hearts of his fellow Dems by threatening to hold any funds for their respective constituent programs. He has threatened that without their vote to support him he will not help in their upcoming re-election campaigns.
DNC chairwoman Debbie Schultz, a full Jewish woman, knows full well what the dangers are to Israel if Iran is granted to continue their uranium enrichment, but how did she vote? Yes, she voted in favor of Barry giving millions to Iran while allowing them to build a nuclear bomb. It's clear her own well being and future mean more to her than her Jewish heritage.
Is it any wonder that our members of Congress have such low approval ratings? Is it any wonder that three of the GOP candidates running for president are Trump, Carson, and Florina? What these three have in common is that they are not part of the D.C. insiders. They have no political experience. they are what we need to overturn Barrys' legacies.
I'm 80 years old, and no matter how well I take care of myself I know I haven't got a lot of time left, but today I'm very selfish, because if Americans don't take action through voting and contacting our House & Senate members, then I'm in heavy fear of the world my great granddaughter will grow up in.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow my on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
Monday, September 7, 2015
So much bantering being thrown around about how to name and define the evil group of radical Islamic Muslims that are raping, torturing, murdering, and even beheading Jews and Christians, including small defenseless children. Americans, starting in our White House, argue so much about the naming of this evil group. They believe the solution to this evil group is to name it correctly, and to identify it. Yeah, that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee. Let's start identifying this group for what it is.
The man in our White House, Barry Soetero, won't even address our most evil enemy by their correct name. He wants us to honor, accept, and praise Islam and love their Muhammad and Allah. Yes, of course we know that not all Muslims are evil radicals, but isn't it hard to accept a religion while some of them are beheading Jews and Christians.
Even the quiet and docile Muslims who preach Islamic peace won't speak up against their terrorist evil brethren. All this while Barry Soetero continues to praise his Islamic Muslim beliefs. I know I'm not the only one that finds it strange that Barry supports his Muslim beliefs while turning his back on Israel at the same time he is allowing Iran to continue their uranium enrichment program.
I don't care that Barry calls this evil radical Islamic group ISIL. Nor do I care what Congress or the Media calls this group. My name for this group is ISOS, simply meaning Islamic Soldiers
Of Satan. There can be no other truthful meaning and explanation for this evil group.
Their sole charter is to viciously destroy every Jew and Christian in the world. Even our own Admirals and Generals are declaring that ISOS is actually growing and continuing to do more evil damage as they advance their beliefs. Our retired Admirals and Generals our now speaking up against Barry's actions and beliefs. Where were these Admirals and Generals when they were on active duty.
Not only is Barry doing absolutely nothing about these disasters, he is actually abetting Iran in their quest to arm and enable the evil ISOS terrorists. What member of Congress would vote to pass Barry's terrible agreement with Iran, even after Iran declares that they will do their own "policing" of their nuclear sites, and will not allow inspectors from the U.N. or the U.S.
Can anyone imagine a police narcotics department calling a meth lab and asking, "Are you guys making any meth today"? Only to have the meth lab reply, "Nah, we're not making' any meth today officer". Can anyone imagine or comprehend a scenario like that? I certainly cannot, but folks that is exactly what is happening with our agreement with Iran. We are allowing them to continue with their nuclear warhead advancements.
Is there any wonder that members of the House and Senate have such horrible approval ratings. Many Americans are even strongly supporting term limits for members of Congress.
And certainly we cannot believe that the members of Congress that we voted to represent us are passing the laws that Americans want.
Even our down Congress leaders in the House & Senate, Boehner and McConnell are the biggest disappointments so far this year. Talk about broken promises. They are both just Barry's "boys". Remember how they were going to change and restructure many of Barry's directives once the GOP regained the House and Senate? I predict both of these will be in trouble during their next election cycle.
Back to ISOS; why do Americans, including Jews and Christians have to "bow" to the Muslim ways? Why do we have to accommodate their every whim? When are Muslims going to try to assimilate to our laws and our Constitution? Even in prison Muslim inmates are protesting that there are no Muslim based meals. Really?
It is still not too late to take our great country back and live under the Constitution laid out by our Founding Fathers. Barry has been trying to desecrate our American way of life and our Constitution for nearly seven years now. We have a great opportunity to stop this next November. Our time is now. Let's not waste it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my Your Tube video blog Politics with Pete)
The man in our White House, Barry Soetero, won't even address our most evil enemy by their correct name. He wants us to honor, accept, and praise Islam and love their Muhammad and Allah. Yes, of course we know that not all Muslims are evil radicals, but isn't it hard to accept a religion while some of them are beheading Jews and Christians.
Even the quiet and docile Muslims who preach Islamic peace won't speak up against their terrorist evil brethren. All this while Barry Soetero continues to praise his Islamic Muslim beliefs. I know I'm not the only one that finds it strange that Barry supports his Muslim beliefs while turning his back on Israel at the same time he is allowing Iran to continue their uranium enrichment program.
I don't care that Barry calls this evil radical Islamic group ISIL. Nor do I care what Congress or the Media calls this group. My name for this group is ISOS, simply meaning Islamic Soldiers
Of Satan. There can be no other truthful meaning and explanation for this evil group.
Their sole charter is to viciously destroy every Jew and Christian in the world. Even our own Admirals and Generals are declaring that ISOS is actually growing and continuing to do more evil damage as they advance their beliefs. Our retired Admirals and Generals our now speaking up against Barry's actions and beliefs. Where were these Admirals and Generals when they were on active duty.
Not only is Barry doing absolutely nothing about these disasters, he is actually abetting Iran in their quest to arm and enable the evil ISOS terrorists. What member of Congress would vote to pass Barry's terrible agreement with Iran, even after Iran declares that they will do their own "policing" of their nuclear sites, and will not allow inspectors from the U.N. or the U.S.
Can anyone imagine a police narcotics department calling a meth lab and asking, "Are you guys making any meth today"? Only to have the meth lab reply, "Nah, we're not making' any meth today officer". Can anyone imagine or comprehend a scenario like that? I certainly cannot, but folks that is exactly what is happening with our agreement with Iran. We are allowing them to continue with their nuclear warhead advancements.
Is there any wonder that members of the House and Senate have such horrible approval ratings. Many Americans are even strongly supporting term limits for members of Congress.
And certainly we cannot believe that the members of Congress that we voted to represent us are passing the laws that Americans want.
Even our down Congress leaders in the House & Senate, Boehner and McConnell are the biggest disappointments so far this year. Talk about broken promises. They are both just Barry's "boys". Remember how they were going to change and restructure many of Barry's directives once the GOP regained the House and Senate? I predict both of these will be in trouble during their next election cycle.
Back to ISOS; why do Americans, including Jews and Christians have to "bow" to the Muslim ways? Why do we have to accommodate their every whim? When are Muslims going to try to assimilate to our laws and our Constitution? Even in prison Muslim inmates are protesting that there are no Muslim based meals. Really?
It is still not too late to take our great country back and live under the Constitution laid out by our Founding Fathers. Barry has been trying to desecrate our American way of life and our Constitution for nearly seven years now. We have a great opportunity to stop this next November. Our time is now. Let's not waste it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my Your Tube video blog Politics with Pete)
Friday, August 7, 2015
At 80 years of age I feel so blessed that I get to spend two to three times a week with my 19-month old great granddaughter. She is such a joy to me. I can't imagine not spending time with her every week. Pushing the stroller, rocking and singing her to sleep, and walking through the stores with her are joys that make my day every time we're together.
However, every time I'm singing to her, reading to her, and just enjoying her smile I can't help but think of the disastrous, horrific, unethical, and murderous Planned Parenthood group.
To me there's no such thing as Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. It's either Pro-Life or Pro-Murder.
I don't know, nor do I care, or agree with any decision a human being would sanction to crush the skull of a baby, yes baby, not fetus just to sell the child's body parts "for medical and/or scientific research", when these human body parts are being sold for profit.
This "Nazi-type" harvesting of human parts is nothing short of barbaric. I often wonder why Democrats stand so strong with this horrible organization. Here's something extremely ironic;
a founder and proponent of this organization was Margaret Sanger, who proudly said many times, "Blacks are like weeds, and we must remove them".
It is a fact that the majority of abortions performed by this unGodly organization is performed on young Black females. And so I ask again, why is this horrible organization supported by the Democratic Party and African-American women? I'm sure I'm just one of millions of parents, grandparents, and great grandparents whose lives are enriched by these little miracles from God that we nurture every day. Why is there a sanctioned group that kills these babies.
Here's another astounding fact: If we took a moment of silence for every aborted baby since 1973, we would be silent for ten, yes, ten years. Yet, there are still thousands, maybe millions who strongly justify the horrible massacre actions of this evil group.
Videos have very recently surfaced where medical Doctors of this organization are actually negotiating the price of body parts of these young humans to sell "for medical research". This is nothing more than a gigantic falsehood. Stem cell research can be accomplished in medical labs, rather than mutilating a baby to sell the baby's human parts for profit.
Even one horrible Doctor that works for this evil organization very matter-of-factly said she wanted to make enough profit selling human baby body parts so she can buy a high-priced sports car.
Here's more factual scenarios: The very same Pro-Life Americans that despise this horrible organization are having some of their taxes going to fund this group. And then, in turn, this unethical, immoral, and illegal group donates to the Democrats including Barry softer and Hillary. That's why Barry and Hillary love and support this group.
This another impactful reason America needs to elect a GOP leader. It is the only way we can not only defund this horrible evil organization, but maybe even disband it. We can not and must not murder babies for profit. that ideology was destroyed in the '30's and '40's in Europe, and we must not let is continue here now in our great country. Just maybe in the future there will be no horrible group called Planned Parenthood.
I think of this every time I hold by little granddaughter. I hope you do too.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
However, every time I'm singing to her, reading to her, and just enjoying her smile I can't help but think of the disastrous, horrific, unethical, and murderous Planned Parenthood group.
To me there's no such thing as Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. It's either Pro-Life or Pro-Murder.
I don't know, nor do I care, or agree with any decision a human being would sanction to crush the skull of a baby, yes baby, not fetus just to sell the child's body parts "for medical and/or scientific research", when these human body parts are being sold for profit.
This "Nazi-type" harvesting of human parts is nothing short of barbaric. I often wonder why Democrats stand so strong with this horrible organization. Here's something extremely ironic;
a founder and proponent of this organization was Margaret Sanger, who proudly said many times, "Blacks are like weeds, and we must remove them".
It is a fact that the majority of abortions performed by this unGodly organization is performed on young Black females. And so I ask again, why is this horrible organization supported by the Democratic Party and African-American women? I'm sure I'm just one of millions of parents, grandparents, and great grandparents whose lives are enriched by these little miracles from God that we nurture every day. Why is there a sanctioned group that kills these babies.
Here's another astounding fact: If we took a moment of silence for every aborted baby since 1973, we would be silent for ten, yes, ten years. Yet, there are still thousands, maybe millions who strongly justify the horrible massacre actions of this evil group.
Videos have very recently surfaced where medical Doctors of this organization are actually negotiating the price of body parts of these young humans to sell "for medical research". This is nothing more than a gigantic falsehood. Stem cell research can be accomplished in medical labs, rather than mutilating a baby to sell the baby's human parts for profit.
Even one horrible Doctor that works for this evil organization very matter-of-factly said she wanted to make enough profit selling human baby body parts so she can buy a high-priced sports car.
Here's more factual scenarios: The very same Pro-Life Americans that despise this horrible organization are having some of their taxes going to fund this group. And then, in turn, this unethical, immoral, and illegal group donates to the Democrats including Barry softer and Hillary. That's why Barry and Hillary love and support this group.
This another impactful reason America needs to elect a GOP leader. It is the only way we can not only defund this horrible evil organization, but maybe even disband it. We can not and must not murder babies for profit. that ideology was destroyed in the '30's and '40's in Europe, and we must not let is continue here now in our great country. Just maybe in the future there will be no horrible group called Planned Parenthood.
I think of this every time I hold by little granddaughter. I hope you do too.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Why not Trump?
Wow, the media is having a grand old time attacking Donald Trump, and getting away with it no less. Do you think that just maybe the liberal media, along with the White House, Hillary Clinton, and our inept members of Congress led by Boehner and McConnell are afraid of Mr. Trump?
I remember lying in bed refusing to fall asleep last November until the election results reflected that the GOP had gained control of the House and the Senate once again by large margins. What followed was the best night's sleep I've had since January, 2009 when Barry Soetero took office to start his machinations to destroy America.
All I could think of the next day was waking feeling that our great country was back on its feet again, and things were going to start rolling the way Americans wanted. Things like the repeal of Obamacare, and the opening of the Keystone Pipeline.
What I didn't realize back then, but sure do now, is that the House and the Senate have weak leaders in Boehner and McConnell. And I keep wondering why are they unable to act like we expected them to when we voted for them in November, 2014. I do have some ideas and notions.
Maybe these current House and Senate leaders are looking ahead to their $5.Million a year job as a lobbyist, and really aren't focused on getting the right things done for America. Maybe, just maybe, they are afraid to challenge Barry Soetero, lest they be called racists and will be thoroughly trashed by the media. Maybe trashed so bad that they'll lose their cushy lobbyist jobs when they leave Congress. After all, isn't money the name of the game, and why we need term limits?
And maybe, just maybe these GOP House and Senate leaders, along with other GOP Congress members have some deep dark ugly secrets that the White House is holding over their heads causing them to just acquiesce to Barry's wishes. After all there are rumors that the White House got Obamacare through the Supreme Court because they had "something" on Chief Justice Roberts, and he broke the voting tie.
Most of us have now realized that Barry Soetero is not human. He's just a machine put together and in place by companies and groups that he has been "paying back" since he's been in office.
We all know what he's already done, and will continue to do, for these entities that have donated large sums of money to keep him in office. This corrupt man, Barry Soetero, has pledged loyalty only to those that have put him in power. He owes them, plain and simple.
Which brings me to my headline and topic, "Why Not Trump"? Donald Trump is a billionaire several times over. He has created jobs, he runs may conglomerates, and he doesn't owe any company, any person, any group ANYTHING. He certainly has more experience and is more truthful and honest than Barry Soetero ever was.
Donald Trump wants to take America back from the machine that created Barry Soetero, and give it back to the American people. And if you want to know anything about Mr. Trump, just Google or Bing his name and you can get all the information you need to know about him; his business enterprises, his background, his college, and even his college grades. Why is that, while Barry Soetero's life is one big dark mystery, and he has spent millions to block his information from the very Americans that voted him in office?
Really, can all these stories about Barry Soetero be exaggerations or fabricated lies? His background, his citizenship, his religion, his education, his scholastic grades, etc. No one, no one remembers him in college. A former high school classmate says she remembers him as a gay, crack-cocaine smoking boy that never had girlfriends, but had several male gay friends. There is no evidence to prove if she's lying or not.
Many feel that "the machine" picked this guy Barry because he would be so easy to manipulate and bend to their wills and wishes. They knew, from the outset, that Barry had no spine, no backbone, and he'd do anything they wanted. Sort of like the movies, "Manchurian Candidate", and "No Way Out". Barry's only job was a short-lived community organizer, followed up by only 183 days in the Senate where he only voted "present".
The media and the White House are in full attack mode on Donald Trump because they are terrified of him. The media, White House, Barry, and even Hillary knows that Trumps owes nothing to anybody. He needs n one else's money for his campaigning.
Can you imagine what Hillary will be doing in the White House if she's elected? She'll be paying back many favors to the donors that helped her during her campaigning. Can you imagine what those favors might be? Her and Slick Willie have admitted that their donations are from countries at war with the U.S. And what's Slick Willie's answer, "when it comes to charity for good causes who cares where the money comes from"?
We cannot allow this woman in America's White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America..and our troops
(Pls follow me on my You Tube video blog, Politics with Pete)
I remember lying in bed refusing to fall asleep last November until the election results reflected that the GOP had gained control of the House and the Senate once again by large margins. What followed was the best night's sleep I've had since January, 2009 when Barry Soetero took office to start his machinations to destroy America.
All I could think of the next day was waking feeling that our great country was back on its feet again, and things were going to start rolling the way Americans wanted. Things like the repeal of Obamacare, and the opening of the Keystone Pipeline.
What I didn't realize back then, but sure do now, is that the House and the Senate have weak leaders in Boehner and McConnell. And I keep wondering why are they unable to act like we expected them to when we voted for them in November, 2014. I do have some ideas and notions.
Maybe these current House and Senate leaders are looking ahead to their $5.Million a year job as a lobbyist, and really aren't focused on getting the right things done for America. Maybe, just maybe, they are afraid to challenge Barry Soetero, lest they be called racists and will be thoroughly trashed by the media. Maybe trashed so bad that they'll lose their cushy lobbyist jobs when they leave Congress. After all, isn't money the name of the game, and why we need term limits?
And maybe, just maybe these GOP House and Senate leaders, along with other GOP Congress members have some deep dark ugly secrets that the White House is holding over their heads causing them to just acquiesce to Barry's wishes. After all there are rumors that the White House got Obamacare through the Supreme Court because they had "something" on Chief Justice Roberts, and he broke the voting tie.
Most of us have now realized that Barry Soetero is not human. He's just a machine put together and in place by companies and groups that he has been "paying back" since he's been in office.
We all know what he's already done, and will continue to do, for these entities that have donated large sums of money to keep him in office. This corrupt man, Barry Soetero, has pledged loyalty only to those that have put him in power. He owes them, plain and simple.
Which brings me to my headline and topic, "Why Not Trump"? Donald Trump is a billionaire several times over. He has created jobs, he runs may conglomerates, and he doesn't owe any company, any person, any group ANYTHING. He certainly has more experience and is more truthful and honest than Barry Soetero ever was.
Donald Trump wants to take America back from the machine that created Barry Soetero, and give it back to the American people. And if you want to know anything about Mr. Trump, just Google or Bing his name and you can get all the information you need to know about him; his business enterprises, his background, his college, and even his college grades. Why is that, while Barry Soetero's life is one big dark mystery, and he has spent millions to block his information from the very Americans that voted him in office?
Really, can all these stories about Barry Soetero be exaggerations or fabricated lies? His background, his citizenship, his religion, his education, his scholastic grades, etc. No one, no one remembers him in college. A former high school classmate says she remembers him as a gay, crack-cocaine smoking boy that never had girlfriends, but had several male gay friends. There is no evidence to prove if she's lying or not.
Many feel that "the machine" picked this guy Barry because he would be so easy to manipulate and bend to their wills and wishes. They knew, from the outset, that Barry had no spine, no backbone, and he'd do anything they wanted. Sort of like the movies, "Manchurian Candidate", and "No Way Out". Barry's only job was a short-lived community organizer, followed up by only 183 days in the Senate where he only voted "present".
The media and the White House are in full attack mode on Donald Trump because they are terrified of him. The media, White House, Barry, and even Hillary knows that Trumps owes nothing to anybody. He needs n one else's money for his campaigning.
Can you imagine what Hillary will be doing in the White House if she's elected? She'll be paying back many favors to the donors that helped her during her campaigning. Can you imagine what those favors might be? Her and Slick Willie have admitted that their donations are from countries at war with the U.S. And what's Slick Willie's answer, "when it comes to charity for good causes who cares where the money comes from"?
We cannot allow this woman in America's White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America..and our troops
(Pls follow me on my You Tube video blog, Politics with Pete)
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Where's my sanctuary city?
Did you ever look up the definition of the word "sanctuary"? it's means "a place for safety and refuge". I guess it means it's a place you go to when you're in danger. I'm pretty sure a sanctuary is not someplace you go to where breaking the law is acceptable, and you receive protection from persecution for breaking the law.
Dad must be spinning in his grave right about now over these "Sanctuary Cities" here in the U.S. He came here at 17, through Ellis Island, from a foreign country, not speaking a word of English. Got a job in the steel mills where he proudly and honestly worked for 48 years. No one gave Dad any "sanctuary". He had a personal sanctuary, which was work hard, love your God, take care of your family, and don't break the law.
He was so proud to call himself an American after he received his citizenship document. It seems that pride and loyalty to this great country is eroding. Late night TV comics are even making jokes about the ease of illegals sneaking across our porous borders in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and California.
Jokes and a base for more comedy is spewed about how an illegal can go go a designated sanctuary city, and even start a life of crime if and when they are caught committing a crime the local law enforcement has many "loophole" problems about turning over the illegal criminal to ICE for the criminal to be deported.
ICE says they can't have a trial for the criminal because he/she is not a U.S. citizen, and therefore get sent back to the original sanctuary city. Therefore with all these cracks and loopholes in our judicial system regarding illegals, the illegal criminal is then released. And so local law enforcement blame ICE, and ICE blames local law enforcement.
Eventually the illegal alien is somehow deported, but still no firm responsible follow up. After this scenario of deportation to the same illegal alien criminal he somehow ends up once again in a sanctuary city. He knows he's in a good zone of protection so he continues his life of drugs and crime in this area that PROMISES him safety and refuge.
One evening while all drugged up the illegal alien criminal gets a handgun, walks on the waterfront pier of this sanctuary city, sees a lovely young lady walking with her father on the pier, and RANDOMLY shoots and kills this lovely young American. The last words her father heard from her were, "help me Daddy".
News anchor, Bill O'Reilly from Fox News, is desperately trying to establish "Kate's Law" so the U.S. can incarcerate these illegal felons for five years in prison, and then deport them permanently to their home country. Mr. O'Reilly is not receiving the support, and will have a difficult battle to accomplish this law.
Illinois Congressman Guiterriz is against this law proposal, and even went so far as to say, "we shouldn't let this LITTLE THING stop us from providing proper amnesty to these illegals". I wonder how this Congressman would feel if it was his daughter gunned down. And then there's my favorite, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin. When asked if he would support Kate's Law, he responded, "I don't know much about any Kate's Law".
And the biggest tragedy of this is that the White House and Barry Soetero act like nothing is going on. Barry is now paving the way for the illegal alien criminals with the freebies he started with Americans back in '09. Sure, you ask why is Barry doing this? Well for two reasons. Number one, he hopes to register these illegals as Democrats, and secondly he gets to control more of the masses just like the little man in Germany in the '30's and '40's.
This must be stopped before America turns into one gigantic foreign country with strong tyrannical government rule. Please remember this during Hillary's campaigning. She can't get the chance to follow in Barry's footsteps.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog Politics with Pete)
Dad must be spinning in his grave right about now over these "Sanctuary Cities" here in the U.S. He came here at 17, through Ellis Island, from a foreign country, not speaking a word of English. Got a job in the steel mills where he proudly and honestly worked for 48 years. No one gave Dad any "sanctuary". He had a personal sanctuary, which was work hard, love your God, take care of your family, and don't break the law.
He was so proud to call himself an American after he received his citizenship document. It seems that pride and loyalty to this great country is eroding. Late night TV comics are even making jokes about the ease of illegals sneaking across our porous borders in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and California.
Jokes and a base for more comedy is spewed about how an illegal can go go a designated sanctuary city, and even start a life of crime if and when they are caught committing a crime the local law enforcement has many "loophole" problems about turning over the illegal criminal to ICE for the criminal to be deported.
ICE says they can't have a trial for the criminal because he/she is not a U.S. citizen, and therefore get sent back to the original sanctuary city. Therefore with all these cracks and loopholes in our judicial system regarding illegals, the illegal criminal is then released. And so local law enforcement blame ICE, and ICE blames local law enforcement.
Eventually the illegal alien is somehow deported, but still no firm responsible follow up. After this scenario of deportation to the same illegal alien criminal he somehow ends up once again in a sanctuary city. He knows he's in a good zone of protection so he continues his life of drugs and crime in this area that PROMISES him safety and refuge.
One evening while all drugged up the illegal alien criminal gets a handgun, walks on the waterfront pier of this sanctuary city, sees a lovely young lady walking with her father on the pier, and RANDOMLY shoots and kills this lovely young American. The last words her father heard from her were, "help me Daddy".
News anchor, Bill O'Reilly from Fox News, is desperately trying to establish "Kate's Law" so the U.S. can incarcerate these illegal felons for five years in prison, and then deport them permanently to their home country. Mr. O'Reilly is not receiving the support, and will have a difficult battle to accomplish this law.
Illinois Congressman Guiterriz is against this law proposal, and even went so far as to say, "we shouldn't let this LITTLE THING stop us from providing proper amnesty to these illegals". I wonder how this Congressman would feel if it was his daughter gunned down. And then there's my favorite, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin. When asked if he would support Kate's Law, he responded, "I don't know much about any Kate's Law".
And the biggest tragedy of this is that the White House and Barry Soetero act like nothing is going on. Barry is now paving the way for the illegal alien criminals with the freebies he started with Americans back in '09. Sure, you ask why is Barry doing this? Well for two reasons. Number one, he hopes to register these illegals as Democrats, and secondly he gets to control more of the masses just like the little man in Germany in the '30's and '40's.
This must be stopped before America turns into one gigantic foreign country with strong tyrannical government rule. Please remember this during Hillary's campaigning. She can't get the chance to follow in Barry's footsteps.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog Politics with Pete)
Sunday, August 2, 2015
"_________lives matter"
I understand there's an African-American group parading around chanting, "Black Lives Matter". I agree with them one-hundred per cent. You bet Black lives matter, especially here in the greatest country on earth. Every Black child in this country has a God given right to grow up safe and free with the ability to pursue the life they want to live.
May I please repeat myself in a "four-fold" manner. Which is White, Brown, Yellow, and Red lives matter just as much as Black lives, to grow up safe and free with the God-given right to pursue the life they choose.
When a life emerges from the womb he/she doesn't arrive with a set of instructions on their body. When I was a volunteer spokesperson for the Calif. branch of National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), I gave many talks to parents, and always reminded them that parenting, if done right, is the toughest job you'll ever have, and also, if done right, the most rewarding job you'll ever have.
Of course I agree with the Black Lives Matter coalition, but I question as to what context they matter to the coalition? Marching, protests, threats, and sometimes violence will not do a thing for that Black life that matters to you.
Does this Black Lives Matter coalition really think their agenda is helping their main focus of young Black youths by what they are currently doing? Of course not. Why aren't they focusing on the astronomical rise in Black on Black crimes in our country today?
To protest agains the White "establishment" is not the answer, nor will it prevent one single crime committed by Black youth thugs. Protests and threats against the "establishment" will not stop the rise in crimes committed by young Black criminal thugs, only advance the crimes.
The latest threat by the Black Lives Matter coalition is that they will "do everything we can to cause chaos to shut down the GOP convention in Cleveland". And will this coalition please tell me that even if they can "shut down" the Cleveland GOP convention, how does that help their cause that black lives matter? How does this stop the young Black criminal from committing more crimes?
Everyone knows that the Black Lives Matter coalition is funded by billionaire George Soros, and he is just using this coalition as a means of attacking and disrupting the Republican Party for his own personal gains. Talk about going back to slavery....this coalition is just a group of slaves run by Soros. Instead, why doesn't the Black Lives Matter coalition ask billionaire Soros to use some of his billions to build schools to further the education of young Black lives. There is so much good this man can do to advance the young Black community than funding their war against others.
George Soros is smart enough to know that he can wave his money in front of this group to do his bidding while he hides in the shadows like a coward. This is the same man who helped a group in Germany to prosecute the Jews. Is this the type of man you want to support the efforts of your coalition? Think about it, please.
Just maybe, yes just maybe it's the Black community's fault that there is the rise in violent crimes within these Black communities. Maybe it's the Black communities' responsibility to find out, factually, why there is such a rise in Black on Black crime. This Black Lives Matter coalition can do so much good to advance our young Black youths. This coalition should be focusing on preventing crimes and educating the Black youths. So much more will be done to advance these youths than any protest, threat, or riot will.
Yes, of course Black lives matter, but it's more important for the young Black life to rise up and make a positive matter to our society, because ALL lives matter, and it matters how you interact with ALL lives.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog, Politics with Pete)
May I please repeat myself in a "four-fold" manner. Which is White, Brown, Yellow, and Red lives matter just as much as Black lives, to grow up safe and free with the God-given right to pursue the life they choose.
When a life emerges from the womb he/she doesn't arrive with a set of instructions on their body. When I was a volunteer spokesperson for the Calif. branch of National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), I gave many talks to parents, and always reminded them that parenting, if done right, is the toughest job you'll ever have, and also, if done right, the most rewarding job you'll ever have.
Of course I agree with the Black Lives Matter coalition, but I question as to what context they matter to the coalition? Marching, protests, threats, and sometimes violence will not do a thing for that Black life that matters to you.
Does this Black Lives Matter coalition really think their agenda is helping their main focus of young Black youths by what they are currently doing? Of course not. Why aren't they focusing on the astronomical rise in Black on Black crimes in our country today?
To protest agains the White "establishment" is not the answer, nor will it prevent one single crime committed by Black youth thugs. Protests and threats against the "establishment" will not stop the rise in crimes committed by young Black criminal thugs, only advance the crimes.
The latest threat by the Black Lives Matter coalition is that they will "do everything we can to cause chaos to shut down the GOP convention in Cleveland". And will this coalition please tell me that even if they can "shut down" the Cleveland GOP convention, how does that help their cause that black lives matter? How does this stop the young Black criminal from committing more crimes?
Everyone knows that the Black Lives Matter coalition is funded by billionaire George Soros, and he is just using this coalition as a means of attacking and disrupting the Republican Party for his own personal gains. Talk about going back to slavery....this coalition is just a group of slaves run by Soros. Instead, why doesn't the Black Lives Matter coalition ask billionaire Soros to use some of his billions to build schools to further the education of young Black lives. There is so much good this man can do to advance the young Black community than funding their war against others.
George Soros is smart enough to know that he can wave his money in front of this group to do his bidding while he hides in the shadows like a coward. This is the same man who helped a group in Germany to prosecute the Jews. Is this the type of man you want to support the efforts of your coalition? Think about it, please.
Just maybe, yes just maybe it's the Black community's fault that there is the rise in violent crimes within these Black communities. Maybe it's the Black communities' responsibility to find out, factually, why there is such a rise in Black on Black crime. This Black Lives Matter coalition can do so much good to advance our young Black youths. This coalition should be focusing on preventing crimes and educating the Black youths. So much more will be done to advance these youths than any protest, threat, or riot will.
Yes, of course Black lives matter, but it's more important for the young Black life to rise up and make a positive matter to our society, because ALL lives matter, and it matters how you interact with ALL lives.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog, Politics with Pete)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
"Oh, they're all crooks"
At 80 years old I'm a lot closer to leaving this planet than the current millennials are. But my 80 years has afforded me some wisdom and patience that some of our younger generation just can't seem to appreciate and understand.
I get teased, and even argued with because I write political blogs, and have a You Tube site for my short political takes on current issues. I get approached by some young people actually looking for an argument. When I ask simple questions about the Democrats or the GOP they just respond, "Oh, they're all just a bunch of crooks in Washington....that's why I don't even vote".
I ask them if they are worried, or even care about the direction this country is headed toward. They laugh at me, call me an old worn out news junkie, and usually reiterate, "Hey, old man...it's not my problem...tell D.C. to fix it". Of course I really get laughed at, even ridiculed, when I remind them that time doesn't stand still, and they will have to worry about the country's problems and make decisions to fix it.
Most of our young don't know, and really don't care that the Barry & Kerry team is going to allow Iran to give arms to terrorists that will be used to kill Americans. And many, many young women, who will vote, believe that Hillary should be president simply because she's a woman. Never mind that Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a cheating, scandalous, and lying politician that could damage our country much worse than Barry already has.
Hillary, in spite of all her lying, corruption, and scandals. actually believes she is above the law, and is entitled to the presidency of our great country. Of course we all know she isn't qualified to do what's best for the American people. Her motto is "I'll do what's best for those donors and interest groups that help me get elected". Wouldn't it be great if americans wake up to this before November, 2016?
Yes, Donald Trump is leading the GOP polls right now. It's because Trump is not afraid to loudly pontificate what most Americans are saying, but have no platform to speak it, and what is worse is that many of our millenials don't even care or want to be informed about what's happening to our country. So many of our young won't even vote because they reiterate, "I don't want to part of the problem...so why vote....they're all crooks anyway."
We watch movies and TV fictional and documentaries about third world countries that are being ravaged, raped, tortured, and murdered by evil thugs. We just sit back, enjoy a beer in our homes or popcorn at the movies believing, "This will never happen here in America".
And here's where I tell our young people that someday, and maybe someday soon, they will be forced to care and make decisions and votes about the course of our great country,
To add fuel to the fire we not only have porous southern borders for illegal criminals and midwestern terrorists to cross, we have recently documented that we have detained and arrested fifty American born young that are vowing their support to ISIS and want to be a military and evil part of destroying our country.
If America continues to stay lazy and indifferent to the growing rise of radical terrorists throughout the world we just may find us in the same tragic situation as many third-world countries are today. We need to wake up. The first step is to become informed about the leaders we elect , and refuse to follow our Constitution.
And so I continue to ask our young: "When are you going to wake up to be concerned about the future of your children and grandchildren"?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
I get teased, and even argued with because I write political blogs, and have a You Tube site for my short political takes on current issues. I get approached by some young people actually looking for an argument. When I ask simple questions about the Democrats or the GOP they just respond, "Oh, they're all just a bunch of crooks in Washington....that's why I don't even vote".
I ask them if they are worried, or even care about the direction this country is headed toward. They laugh at me, call me an old worn out news junkie, and usually reiterate, "Hey, old man...it's not my problem...tell D.C. to fix it". Of course I really get laughed at, even ridiculed, when I remind them that time doesn't stand still, and they will have to worry about the country's problems and make decisions to fix it.
Most of our young don't know, and really don't care that the Barry & Kerry team is going to allow Iran to give arms to terrorists that will be used to kill Americans. And many, many young women, who will vote, believe that Hillary should be president simply because she's a woman. Never mind that Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a cheating, scandalous, and lying politician that could damage our country much worse than Barry already has.
Hillary, in spite of all her lying, corruption, and scandals. actually believes she is above the law, and is entitled to the presidency of our great country. Of course we all know she isn't qualified to do what's best for the American people. Her motto is "I'll do what's best for those donors and interest groups that help me get elected". Wouldn't it be great if americans wake up to this before November, 2016?
Yes, Donald Trump is leading the GOP polls right now. It's because Trump is not afraid to loudly pontificate what most Americans are saying, but have no platform to speak it, and what is worse is that many of our millenials don't even care or want to be informed about what's happening to our country. So many of our young won't even vote because they reiterate, "I don't want to part of the problem...so why vote....they're all crooks anyway."
We watch movies and TV fictional and documentaries about third world countries that are being ravaged, raped, tortured, and murdered by evil thugs. We just sit back, enjoy a beer in our homes or popcorn at the movies believing, "This will never happen here in America".
And here's where I tell our young people that someday, and maybe someday soon, they will be forced to care and make decisions and votes about the course of our great country,
To add fuel to the fire we not only have porous southern borders for illegal criminals and midwestern terrorists to cross, we have recently documented that we have detained and arrested fifty American born young that are vowing their support to ISIS and want to be a military and evil part of destroying our country.
If America continues to stay lazy and indifferent to the growing rise of radical terrorists throughout the world we just may find us in the same tragic situation as many third-world countries are today. We need to wake up. The first step is to become informed about the leaders we elect , and refuse to follow our Constitution.
And so I continue to ask our young: "When are you going to wake up to be concerned about the future of your children and grandchildren"?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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