Before I start my conservative views on today's blog I'd like to disclose that I legally own four firearms; two .38's, one .22, and a .357. I am an NRA member, and spend at least twice a week, weather permitting, at the local outdoor pistol shooting range. When I leave the house my snub-nosed .357 is tucked into my shoulder holster. (by the way before I sat down to type today's blog I peeked in on my 4 firearms, and they were just lying there....believe me they did not get off the the safety shelf and open fire)
I'm not going to bore you and/or waste my time writing about Barry Soetero's Fast & Furious, the illegitimate Obamacare debacle, or the rest of his former lying corrupt and scandalous eruptions. Rather I just want to address some very recent FACTS.
Let's take a look at our military first. At a time when we now need powerful military to protect America than ever before, what is the radical Islamic Muslim, aka, Barry Soetero, doing to our military? He is literally weakening our once-powerful Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force, by heavily reducing military funding.
He's cutting back on funding our military, actually stopping the purchase of much needed arms to fight ISIS. He's also forbidding our Air Force jet pilots to fire ordinances into areas "Where there just maybe be citizens", when going after ISIS. After the Ferguson, Missouri riots he actually stopped our police departments throughout the country from using military tanks, ammo, etc., because, "it looks to much like military warfare".
Also, when all indications that evil ISIS terrorists are working to set up cells in America, this radical Islamic Muslim, Barry Soetero, is stopping funding to our FBI causing them to seriously limit surveillance of suspected terrorists because they don't have enough FBI a gents and analysts. What does that a fact sound like to you?
Here's an alarming fact: Seven years ago hardly any American knew of the existence of Al Qiada or ISIS. The escalating uprising of these organizations became aware to Americans starting January, 2009. Subsequent to his inauguration Barry traveled the world telling everyone that America was not as great as everyone believes. He went so far as to call us "dismissive and arrogant". He was laying his "groundwork".
While 65% of Americans have voiced that we do not want Syrian refugees here, and the overwhelming majority of the refugees want to stay in "safe zones" within their own countries, Barry is on the verge of issuing an executive order allowing the refugees entrance in the U.S.
Even a no-veto bill has been passed in the House to stop the influx of Syrian refugees, but that won't stop the radical Islamic Muslim at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Every time a mass shooting occurs Barry wants more "gun control to make it harder to have mass shootings". Another pure fact is that these recent mass shootings have occurred in "gun-free" zones, most notably recently in San Bernadino, California. So, adding another fact, is that Barry wants to limit arms to our military and local police, while gun crime is on the rise in states and cities that are noted as "gun free zones". He wants to repeal our 2nd Amendment rights and privileges to protect ourselves legally. In other words, this radical Muslim wants to take our guns away from us.
The two San Bernadino shooters yesterday were of Muslim faith. Moreover further ongoing FBI investigation is heavily leaning toward indications that these two evil radicals were of the radical Islamic following.
And what is so very devastating to America is we know what has precipitated this evil massacre of Americans. It wasn't the NRA, or a need for stronger gun laws. It was ISIS with the support of Barry and his leader Valerie Jarrett. What our great country really need is a leader in the White House that is willing to call our enemy what it really is; ISIS.
Many Americans have even go so far as to believe Barry Sotero, for the past seven years, has been paving the way for Muslims to enter our great country to establish themselves as the leaders of our country. I'm starting to believe it. How about you? Do we really want to waste our time on stupid gun control laws, or do we want to attack the head of the snake and completely destroy it?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my YouTube video blog, Politics with Pete)
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