Thursday, December 24, 2015

My life matters!

I thought I'd get up this morning, go to a big shopping mall, and lay down in front of a store, to see if I could block anyone from entering so they could shop. Sound like a great idea to you? Don't know how much good that will do cause I'm pretty much a self-deprecating guy, making fun of myself at gatherings to make people smile or laugh, or sometimes making a fool out of myself. Ask my wife.

As a soon to be an 81-year old senior citizen, I must admit my life has been pretty standard, even bordering on boring. Pretty standard stuff; grew up, high school, college, four years in the military, husband, and father. Only laws I've broken is parking and speeding tickets.

I usually say my life story is so boring that it's played for patients suffering from severe insomnia, to help them sleep. Yeah, just a boring old man, and oh yeah, I'm a lousy golfer. But for everything I've done and accomplished through good times and bad I kind of like the guy in the mirror every morning when I shave.

So, to all you Black Lives Matter group, my little insignificant life matters too. And I'm just going through the rest of my life doing the same old things, but also finding much love and and peace in what I do.  Now why would I lay down in front of a store to hinder a shop owner from making a decent living? Why, in God's name, would I march down the streets screaming for the deaths of police officers sworn to protect me? Stupid huh?

My Dad came to America as a teen-ager that couldn't speak a word of English. He always taught me that life isn't fair, and if you want to change something do it legally, honestly, and with integrity through hard work. Blaming others just doesn't get you anywhere or anything, according to Dad. He also reminded me that hard work won't kill you, but worrying about it just may.

I've always taken full responsibility for what I've become in life.  I, and I alone, own all of it. The "should have, could have, would have" excuses just won't cut it in today's world. I should have become a starting shortstop for the Yankees. I could have become a famous Dr.  discovering a cure for cancer. I would have become a famous golfer, movie star, etc.

Can you guess why none of these things never happened? Plain and simple, I wasn't good enough, and I didn't work hard enough to accomplish any of these goals.  Yeah, I was good enough to make the roster of the athletic teams, but never was a starter, and I still have the splinters to prove it.

My point in all this is my very strong message to the Black Lives Matter coalition. Things don't go all the way you want them to, so you think the problem(s) will be solved by laying down in front of a store, while you scream for the deaths of the very policemen/women that are sworn to protect you.

What is your end game BLM people? What are you accomplishing by stopping an employee and/or an employee from making an honest living? Do you really think that's going to bring notoriety to your cause?  

Do you BLM people ever take responsibility for where you are right now in your life?  Have you BLM folks ever given any though to do more than just lying flat on your back, in front of of a store, doing absolutely nothing 

Nothing is ever your fault is it? It's always someone else's responsibility to take care of you with all the entitlement programs out there, right? Have you BLM folks ever thought of standing on your own two feet, obey our Constitutional laws, get educated, work hard, and take good care of yourself and your family? Do you think that might just help you a little more than walking in gangs in the streets screaming for the deaths of police officers? Do you think that might just be a little more productive than lying down in front of a store?

Wake up BLM this is your life, not anyone else's. So what if life doesn't always go the way you want it to. Who said life was fair? You want change? Do it the right way, the honest way, the lawful way, the ethical way, and the decent way. Think enough of yourself to believe you can.

The only people that support you are the people that want to control you; Sharpton, Jackson, and yes even Barry Soetero. You mean nothing to them. They are not going to help you wake up.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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