I only joined Facebook for two reasons. One was to use it as another venue to post and promote my blogs. The other reason was to view pictures of my grandchildren on the west coast. Many of my Tea Party associates, along with my conservative friends cautioned me against joining.
Then I noticed the double standards that Facebook and their leader Zuckerbeerger live by. Facebook has allowed the writings of a Black journalist to write that GOP candidate Dr. Ben Carson is a "coon". Facebook has also allowed an article by GQ magazine where the writer posted F**K Carson in the headlines of the article.
Yet, this morning in the "comment" space on Facebook I posted my views on 2nd. Amend. rights, being a U.S.A.F. veteran, an NRA member, being a licensed concealed carry citizen, owning four firearms, and my disdain for the left wing progressives and their leader Barry Soetero wanting to take away the rights of Americans to defend themselves.
Almost immediately after I hit the "post" key my comments were deleted from Facebook. Any opposing views of Barry, liberals, and progressives that appear in Facebook are quickly scrutinized and are usually deleted before or shortly after the comments are posted.
However, I am very proud of the American people. We are starting to see through the double standards that the media and people like Zuckerberger of Facebook are doing. Can you imagine a White journalist calling a known Black leader a "coon"?
What if a writer in The Blaze wrote and published in their headline F**K Hillary? Can you imagine the uproar from the left wing? Can you hear Sharpton now screaming for someone's scalp?
Everyone knows how Barry Soetero pontificated over the shootings in a Black church. He even went there to sing "Amazing Grace". When the three Muslims were shot dead in North Carolina he screamed, "no one should be attacked for their religious beliefs".
But not a word from Barry about the American soldiers killed by people with terrorist ties in Mississippi. The main stream media wants you to believe we need much stronger anti-gun laws, but have no specific agenda. Like Barry, they use it as a platform for ratings. Not a word from Barry to the family of the beautiful young woman shot and killed by an illegal in San Francisco.
How aboutDemocrat Congressman Guiterrize, saying "we shouldn't let a little thing like the shooting in San Francisco by an illegal prevent us from passing immigration reform". Really, Congressman "little thing"? What if your child was gunned down by an illegal, you double standard hypocrite? In Hillary's case she compares the NRA to terrorists, Iran, and communism. Of course the media goes right along with it.
Here's a story the media won't report: an 11-year old girl was home alone in Montana when two illegals broke into her house. The illegals didn't know she was a national skeet shooting champion. She ran upstairs got her rifle, knelt in a shooting position, and blasted away at the illegal intruders. One died in the house, the other staggered outside, fell, and bled out dead. You'll never hear that on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC, Fox broadcasted it.
And now the media, and my favorite network MSNBC. are scathing against Ben Carson for saying he would have rushed the shooter in the Oregon college where nine were killed by a deranged shooter.
And what does Barry do? He goes to Oregon and "talks" to the families of the victims promising them stricter anti-gun laws. Everyone knows this was just a political stance he was using to leave quickly and go to cities to fund raisers.
Kudos to the people of Rosburg, Oregon where hundreds showed up on roadsides leading into Roseburg with signs telling Barry he wasn't welcome there. He was so flabbergasted by this he wouldn't allow the media into the auditorium when he talked to the families. He wouldn't take questions, and he quickly left for his fund raising to use this trip as fodder.
The left wing media, along with Barry, Hillary, Reid, and other progressive libs are being seen for what they truly are, just a bunch of self-centered, headline grabbing narcissists. Why do you think MSNBC is going further in the tank every day, while Fox's ratings are climbing?
To sign off now I would like to exercise my 1st. Amend rights much like Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and GQ magazine have, as I post this blog on Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Tea Party: **** you Zuckerberger, **** you GQ, **** you Facebook, and a special **** you to the Black journalist who called Dr. Carson a "coon".
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
(pls follow me on my video blog on You Tube, Politics with Pete)
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