Dear Mr. Soetero,
While many Americans are overtly joyously celebrating your final 395 days as a resident in our White House, you seem to want to start a revolution against the 2nd. Amendment as another of your attempts for a legacy before you leave our White House. We Americans are supposed to learn to accept this as law. Or should I say as your "executive direction" again.
Do you realize how ridiculous that appears to all Americans that strongly believe in all the Amendments in our constitution, not least of all our 2nd. Amendment? There are many lies, scandals, and faults in your seven years in office....actually too many to write about here. But maybe one of your biggest faults is your self-appointed dictatorship in surrounding yourself with only those that totally agree with you.
You isolate yourself so strongly, that even if someone squeezes through your isolation and utters, or dares to utter anything that you disagree with, they are dismissed and ruined and thrown away much like the daily trash. There are just too many of this people here to mention. We all know who they are. So do you and Valerie.
Are you too ignorant to foresee the millions of NRA members that legally own their firearms are not going to let you start a crusade to violate our 2nd. Amendment rights? I am an active NRA member that owns four firearms, all legally purchased and registered. I make my own re-loads and go target shooting, weather permitting, at least once a week.
You alone, Mr. Soetero, have caused an explosive increase in firearm sales. Ever wonder why that is sir? The number one reason is we just don't believe you are up to the task of protecting the freedoms of Americans, and we strongly feel we can and will do it alone, without you.
The second reason so many Americans are legally purchasing firearms, along with joining the NRA, is because Americans are readying themselves for any Government tyranny led by you and your main cohort Valerie. Evidence of this is in DHS warehouses that contain almost 2 billion rounds of hollow point ammo. There is only one major reason for hollow points, and it's not for target shooting. Can you explain that sir? Didn't think so.
Mr. Soetero, to date, do you have any strong evidence, or any evidence at all, that an NRA member, or for that matter, any American that has legally purchased and registered their firearm, has committed a crime using their firearm? Didn't think so sir.
Here's a suggestion for you Mr. Soetero. Why not start your gun confiscation in Chicago, where the highest gun crime prevails. Take a guess Mr. Soetero on just how many of those evil gun-toting Chicago criminals own firearms that are legally purchased and registered. Well, my guess is zero.
So I strongly suggest you and your spa buddy Rahm start your gun-confiscation legacy in Chicago.
Then after Chicago, you can go to other cities that exercise gun-control; L.A., Detroit, Baltimore. Mr. Soetero, do you know what all these gun-free, gun-control cities have in common? They have the highest gun crimes in our country to date. But it's almost a foregone conclusion that if you make other cities gun-free with your executive action gun confiscation you will many more high gun crime committed here in the U.S. Is that what you really want?
Just what reason(s) do you have to repeal our 2nd. Amendment and confiscate firearms from decent law-abiding Americans? Believe it or not Mr. Soetero, many believe you want to completely disarm all Americans, so you can gain more control over the populous. Did you know that a man in Germany in the '30's did the exact same thing? There are some people who believe you are trying to do the same thing. Any truth to that sir?
You do know how it works don't you Mr. Soetero? First, a no-good evil criminal picks up an illegally obtained gun. Then they wrap their hands and fingers around the gun, pull the trigger, and that's how a gun crime is committed. Firearms, do not discharge by themselves. Now are you and Rahm Emanuel clear on that sir? Nah, didn't think so.
Firearms don't shoot by themselves, people shoot firearms. Firearms don't kill people. People kill people. Isn't it about time you really think and realize that before you attempt to repeal our Constitutional right to bear arms under our 2nd. Amendment?
In closing Mr. Soetero, all of us millions who legally own firearms combined make up the largest armed forces in our country, so don't make the stupid mistake of trying to disarm us. It won't work.
Speaking for all NRA members and citizens who legally own firearms let me give you a very, very,
succinct warning from one of our famed leaders, Charlton Heston: "from our cold dead hands".
A proud NRA member, and licensed citizen to legally carry a firearm for protection against unlawful violators of my rights, along with a tyrannical government led by you.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my video You Tube blogs, Politics with Pete)
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