At 80 years old I'm a lot closer to leaving this planet than the current millennials are. But my 80 years has afforded me some wisdom and patience that some of our younger generation just can't seem to appreciate and understand.
I get teased, and even argued with because I write political blogs, and have a You Tube site for my short political takes on current issues. I get approached by some young people actually looking for an argument. When I ask simple questions about the Democrats or the GOP they just respond, "Oh, they're all just a bunch of crooks in Washington....that's why I don't even vote".
I ask them if they are worried, or even care about the direction this country is headed toward. They laugh at me, call me an old worn out news junkie, and usually reiterate, "Hey, old's not my problem...tell D.C. to fix it". Of course I really get laughed at, even ridiculed, when I remind them that time doesn't stand still, and they will have to worry about the country's problems and make decisions to fix it.
Most of our young don't know, and really don't care that the Barry & Kerry team is going to allow Iran to give arms to terrorists that will be used to kill Americans. And many, many young women, who will vote, believe that Hillary should be president simply because she's a woman. Never mind that Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a cheating, scandalous, and lying politician that could damage our country much worse than Barry already has.
Hillary, in spite of all her lying, corruption, and scandals. actually believes she is above the law, and is entitled to the presidency of our great country. Of course we all know she isn't qualified to do what's best for the American people. Her motto is "I'll do what's best for those donors and interest groups that help me get elected". Wouldn't it be great if americans wake up to this before November, 2016?
Yes, Donald Trump is leading the GOP polls right now. It's because Trump is not afraid to loudly pontificate what most Americans are saying, but have no platform to speak it, and what is worse is that many of our millenials don't even care or want to be informed about what's happening to our country. So many of our young won't even vote because they reiterate, "I don't want to part of the why vote....they're all crooks anyway."
We watch movies and TV fictional and documentaries about third world countries that are being ravaged, raped, tortured, and murdered by evil thugs. We just sit back, enjoy a beer in our homes or popcorn at the movies believing, "This will never happen here in America".
And here's where I tell our young people that someday, and maybe someday soon, they will be forced to care and make decisions and votes about the course of our great country,
To add fuel to the fire we not only have porous southern borders for illegal criminals and midwestern terrorists to cross, we have recently documented that we have detained and arrested fifty American born young that are vowing their support to ISIS and want to be a military and evil part of destroying our country.
If America continues to stay lazy and indifferent to the growing rise of radical terrorists throughout the world we just may find us in the same tragic situation as many third-world countries are today. We need to wake up. The first step is to become informed about the leaders we elect , and refuse to follow our Constitution.
And so I continue to ask our young: "When are you going to wake up to be concerned about the future of your children and grandchildren"?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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