Wow, the media is having a grand old time attacking Donald Trump, and getting away with it no less. Do you think that just maybe the liberal media, along with the White House, Hillary Clinton, and our inept members of Congress led by Boehner and McConnell are afraid of Mr. Trump?
I remember lying in bed refusing to fall asleep last November until the election results reflected that the GOP had gained control of the House and the Senate once again by large margins. What followed was the best night's sleep I've had since January, 2009 when Barry Soetero took office to start his machinations to destroy America.
All I could think of the next day was waking feeling that our great country was back on its feet again, and things were going to start rolling the way Americans wanted. Things like the repeal of Obamacare, and the opening of the Keystone Pipeline.
What I didn't realize back then, but sure do now, is that the House and the Senate have weak leaders in Boehner and McConnell. And I keep wondering why are they unable to act like we expected them to when we voted for them in November, 2014. I do have some ideas and notions.
Maybe these current House and Senate leaders are looking ahead to their $5.Million a year job as a lobbyist, and really aren't focused on getting the right things done for America. Maybe, just maybe, they are afraid to challenge Barry Soetero, lest they be called racists and will be thoroughly trashed by the media. Maybe trashed so bad that they'll lose their cushy lobbyist jobs when they leave Congress. After all, isn't money the name of the game, and why we need term limits?
And maybe, just maybe these GOP House and Senate leaders, along with other GOP Congress members have some deep dark ugly secrets that the White House is holding over their heads causing them to just acquiesce to Barry's wishes. After all there are rumors that the White House got Obamacare through the Supreme Court because they had "something" on Chief Justice Roberts, and he broke the voting tie.
Most of us have now realized that Barry Soetero is not human. He's just a machine put together and in place by companies and groups that he has been "paying back" since he's been in office.
We all know what he's already done, and will continue to do, for these entities that have donated large sums of money to keep him in office. This corrupt man, Barry Soetero, has pledged loyalty only to those that have put him in power. He owes them, plain and simple.
Which brings me to my headline and topic, "Why Not Trump"? Donald Trump is a billionaire several times over. He has created jobs, he runs may conglomerates, and he doesn't owe any company, any person, any group ANYTHING. He certainly has more experience and is more truthful and honest than Barry Soetero ever was.
Donald Trump wants to take America back from the machine that created Barry Soetero, and give it back to the American people. And if you want to know anything about Mr. Trump, just Google or Bing his name and you can get all the information you need to know about him; his business enterprises, his background, his college, and even his college grades. Why is that, while Barry Soetero's life is one big dark mystery, and he has spent millions to block his information from the very Americans that voted him in office?
Really, can all these stories about Barry Soetero be exaggerations or fabricated lies? His background, his citizenship, his religion, his education, his scholastic grades, etc. No one, no one remembers him in college. A former high school classmate says she remembers him as a gay, crack-cocaine smoking boy that never had girlfriends, but had several male gay friends. There is no evidence to prove if she's lying or not.
Many feel that "the machine" picked this guy Barry because he would be so easy to manipulate and bend to their wills and wishes. They knew, from the outset, that Barry had no spine, no backbone, and he'd do anything they wanted. Sort of like the movies, "Manchurian Candidate", and "No Way Out". Barry's only job was a short-lived community organizer, followed up by only 183 days in the Senate where he only voted "present".
The media and the White House are in full attack mode on Donald Trump because they are terrified of him. The media, White House, Barry, and even Hillary knows that Trumps owes nothing to anybody. He needs n one else's money for his campaigning.
Can you imagine what Hillary will be doing in the White House if she's elected? She'll be paying back many favors to the donors that helped her during her campaigning. Can you imagine what those favors might be? Her and Slick Willie have admitted that their donations are from countries at war with the U.S. And what's Slick Willie's answer, "when it comes to charity for good causes who cares where the money comes from"?
We cannot allow this woman in America's White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America..and our troops
(Pls follow me on my You Tube video blog, Politics with Pete)
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