For seven years now our White House resident, Barry Soetero, keeps insisting that we must welcome Islam and the Muslim population into our country, into our cultures, into our hearts, and make them feel embraced by all of America.
However, it seems to me that Barry and his major sidekick Valerie Jarrett wants to make this a one-sided outreach program. We must allow the Islamic Muslims to pray anywhere they want. Hey, they can even drag their rugs around to pray for their Koran's directive of five times a day, even in the middle of our streets.
We must give up our own way of life for fear we may insult or degrade our Islamic Muslim "brothers & sisters". No more mangers in our city parks on Christmas, so as not to offend our Muslim faithful. Heck, in many cites and school districts we're not even allowed to say "Christmas". Really, is that the correct way to welcome and integrate Islamic Muslims in our great country?
And am I the only American that notices all the Islamic gripes and overt dislike they have against our great country? Not only will they not go to a restaurant that serves bacon, they actually petition to have the restaurant STOP serving bacon or other pork-related cuisine. They are so outspoken with their dislikes one wonders just why did they come here? certainly it wasn't that our great country was better than their "great" country. Ya think?
We have to eliminate the word "under God" in our pledge, so as not to offend Muslims. They voice their strong opinions and ask school districts to do something about they way our females dress in schools, while they run around in floor-length burkas, with only their eyes showing. They show complete and total disdain for our western way of life. Islamic Muslim women are even allowed to take their photo ID's with their burkas on.
A great percentage of Islamic Muslims that Barry wants us to embrace fully believe in their dastardly Sharia Law, which allows honor killings of women and children. In many cases Judges have actually not even allowed prosecution or even persecuted many Islamic Muslim fathers for brutally physically punishing their young daughters who want to indoctrinate themselves into our western culture. Some have even killed their own off-springs for being just an average "western" teenager.
So, back to this integration into our country that Barry and Valerie want. How come this is strictly a one-sided avenue? There are so many lies from the mouth of Barry as he sings his praises of the Islamic Muslim culture. They have contributed absolutely nothing to mankind, and yet Barry touts all of their "so-called" progress to the world. All complete falsehoods.
Has anyone ever seen a Muslim candy-striper in a hospital? Has anyone ever seen or witnessed an Islamic Muslim charity drive for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or any other medical malady? Have you even ever seen any musical contribution in the way of concerts or parades solely supported by the Islamic Muslim faithful?
Has anyone ever seen an Islamic Muslim hospital being erected here in the U.S.? Has anyone ever witnessed a Mosque reaching out to a Catholic church, or any other Christian religion?
To sum it up has anyone seen or witnessed anything the Islamic Muslim faithful has contributed to grasp and contribute to this great country they are migrating to? I already know your answer.
At first I was going to apologize that I don't trust any Islamic Muslims that I come in contact with. But now I will not apologize for writing, saying, and believing that I simply do not trust ANY Islamic Muslims I meet. Not until they can prove to me that they have fully accepted our American cultures and way of life, and done something to show for it.
There are Muslims that live in my condo complex, and I just plain do not trust them. No, I don't protest or voice any outward signs against them, but I will not welcome them into my home or display any friendship toward them. I will not show, or vocalize any outward displeasure towards them, but I also will not ingratiate myself to any Islamic Muslim that I meet. A simple and professional handshake is the most they will receive from me.
Go ahead, call me a racist, bigot, Islamophob of you want. I really don't care. I love my country so much more than I even care for any Islamic Muslim. Just remember one thing they all have in common: Every single one of them live by their Koran, or Quran, or whatever they call that book of blasphemy.
I am the proud son of an Italian immigrant who came to this great country, and immersed himself in the American way of life by firstly obey ALL American laws.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, "Politics with Pete"
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