I used to be kind and professionally correct when I called all those that voted Barry Soetero into America's White House just plain "uninformed" voters. Now, after all, this evil radical Islamic Muslim has done in the past seven years, I call the people that voted for him, just plain stupid.
In 2008 I managed a golf league of 32 seniors; guys from all walks of life. Professionals, teachers, CPA's, veterans, etc. Of the 32 there were only 3 of us that were devout conservative Republicans, so when Barry Soetero won the Presidency you can imagine the razzing and outrageous teasing the 3 of us received from the "Hope & Change' supporters.
And then it started; low work force participation, increasing food stamps participation, followed by lies, corruption, and never ending scandals. At first the Hope & Change Soetero supporters still clung to their leader Barry saying, "well, he's still better than Bush".
And then, as if all the lies, scandals, and corruption weren't enough Americans noticed this president's loyalty to Islam, and now his overwhelming desire and self-proclaimed destiny to bring down the American way of life, refusing to protect our great land.
Suddenly, many of the progressive liberal Democrats on my golf league became "Independents". They wouldn't pledge any change to Republican conservatism, but they certainly distanced themselves from Barry's policies by declaring they were now Independents.
What a joke that was to me.
Initially I felt bad criticizing those that voted for and help put Barry in power, not once, but twice. Acquaintances, that I once called friends, and even family members that to this day still believe Barry is the answer to all of America's problems, "that he inherited America's current problems from the previous administration".
Well, now I don't apologize for calling these people "uninformed". These acquaintances and family members are just plain stupid. Yes, stupid for not being objective and looking at the facts and policies that have emanated from this radical Islamic Muslim that lives in America's White House.
We are at war with ISIS. Everyone in the world has acknowledged this. We have a man that will not acknowledge ISIS. He keeps telling us that we cannot attack the wonderful peaceful religion of Islam. He says we are at war, but with conditions. America knows we cannot win a war fighting the enemy with conditions.
Can you imagine president FDR in 1941 put conditions on our war against Hitler? What if FDR refused to use the word "Nazi" when describing the dastardly deeds of Hitler? What if Eisenhower, Patton, Clark, etc., were told they cannot do any fighting in areas that may have civilians? You can bet we would have lost the war in Europe. Remember president LBJ? He told the Japanese to surrender, or else. Well, they didn't surrender, so he dropped A-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Suddenly they surrendered.
So, I just want to ask the "stupid" and uninformed liberal progressives that voted this man in office to ask themselves objectively, when did America's war against radical Islam really take off? Of course these uninformed and stupid people that voted this Muslim in office won't admit that this all took off in 2009.
They forget that Barry's first foreign speech was to "apologize" to the world for America's freedom way of life. That alone should have put all Americans on high alert about this man. Today this man continues his onslaught against America. This should have been a wake-up call to those that cast their vote TWICE allowing this man to govern in America's White House.
Now, are those uninformed stupid voters want any more proof as to the designs this Islamic Muslim has in store for our great country? He is now advocating thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees to enter the U.S., while refusing Christians religious asylum in our country. One of the radical Islamist terrorists that took part in the Paris massacre admitted that he sneaked into Europe posing as a Syrian refugee.
The initial and foremost duty of the American president is to protect its citizens. It's very obvious this is not the intent of this Muslim in our White House. Congress has passed a veto-proof bill that will stop Syrian refugees from entering, and yet Barry is ignoring this bill and vows to by-pass Congress and sign executive action to allow these refugees into our country.
This man's intent is to flood America with radical Islamist Muslims so that our great country will someday honor and promote Islam as our chief religion and Sharia Law will be maintained. There is no such thing as freedom of religion to this man.
However, all hope is not lost for the "uninformed" and "stupid" Americans who voted for this man TWICE. We have an election just a short year from this month to begin the change our country back to the freedom loving land we fought for and deserve.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Pls follow me on my YouTube video blogs Politics with Pete)
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