Today, to me it doesn't matter if you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent. Today, to me it doesn't matter if you Jewish or Christian. Today, to me what matters i if you're an American that loves this great country.
After our Labor Day picnic this past weekend I've decided today to vent and express my selfishness. I watched my great granddaughter, and her young toddler cousins run around the big backyard enjoying the day, and in the evening enjoying and taking in the fireworks.
I took many pictures of the young ones hugging each other, sharing their toys, and just plain expressing love to one another. So much joy shown on the faces of the adults. I was sitting next to my nephew enjoying a cold beer, when he said, "isn't this great today? No hassles, no worries, just watching the young ones have a great time".
Just then my grandson jumped on the ATV, loaded it up with the young ones and drove off to show them a scenic path in the woods. Can't say enough about this beautiful scenario.
Just then I started to think that at this very moment when we are teaching our young ones love and faith there are Muslim children of the very same age being taught hatred, being taught how to hold a saber to behead someone. What if we could gather up ALL the young infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers in the world and teach them that someday they will inherit this entire planet, and war and slaughtering will not make our world a better and safer place to live.
My selfishness today comes from watching my 20-month old great granddaughter run around playing and laughing with her cousins at the picnic. What kind of world will she inherit?
This week the House and Senate in Congress will cast votes for what could be the most impactful move to either protect my great granddaughter, or start a world of nuclear wars starting against our greatest ally, Israel, and then spreading to America.
Iran is not working to develop nuclear bombs to destroy only Israel. They are developing a nuclear bomb to reach Manhattan, New York.
Barry Soetero is so transfixed on passing this law to enable his radical islamic brethren that he has taken to threatening his fellow Democrat Congress members if they don't vote in support of him so he can attain veto status. Barry has struck fear in the hearts of his fellow Dems by threatening to hold any funds for their respective constituent programs. He has threatened that without their vote to support him he will not help in their upcoming re-election campaigns.
DNC chairwoman Debbie Schultz, a full Jewish woman, knows full well what the dangers are to Israel if Iran is granted to continue their uranium enrichment, but how did she vote? Yes, she voted in favor of Barry giving millions to Iran while allowing them to build a nuclear bomb. It's clear her own well being and future mean more to her than her Jewish heritage.
Is it any wonder that our members of Congress have such low approval ratings? Is it any wonder that three of the GOP candidates running for president are Trump, Carson, and Florina? What these three have in common is that they are not part of the D.C. insiders. They have no political experience. they are what we need to overturn Barrys' legacies.
I'm 80 years old, and no matter how well I take care of myself I know I haven't got a lot of time left, but today I'm very selfish, because if Americans don't take action through voting and contacting our House & Senate members, then I'm in heavy fear of the world my great granddaughter will grow up in.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow my on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
Don't let Iran rule our country