Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Happy, Barry?


Dear Mr. Soetero,
Yesterday I wrote an open letter to you. Iwas sort of, kind of, hoping for a response from you. Then I realized that you were on your annual Allah retreat in Hawaii. Other than that I'm sure you would have responded. After all the hard work you're put in this year, you certainly deserve an Allah Akbar vacation.

Are you happy today Mr. Soetero. I mean, you just calmed the American people that you are sworn to protect, that ISIS is contained, and you have a tremendous strategy in place to defeat ISIS. By the way, is there any chance you could give us the specifics of that strategy. Probably buried somewhere in your infamous teleprompter, right?

Just yesterday, after hours of your announcing to the American public that ISIS is contained, your (unknown) strategy is working, six, yes six, American men/woman soldiers were slaughtered in Afghanistan. Yeah, Barry your strategy is really working. We can see that very clearly now.

But hey, let's forget about all the horror and mayhem your ISIS is committing in the mid-east and even here on our own soil. Let's focus on your happiness for sinking that long chip shot on the golf course yesterday. That actually got more media/press attention than the slaughtering of our beloved warriors dying to protect  our freedoms.

You've made your thus far, seven, soon to be eight years in our White House, as nothing more than a personal glorification adventure for you and your husband Michael. You care nothing about the protection, safety, and future of our beloved country. Your goal is to venture throughout the country after you leave office just boasting and bragging more lies about what you did for our country. How do you think that's going to float with the world starting January, 2017?

You are a disgrace to the highest office in our land. You have done so much damage to our great country, that there are many who believe it will take years, if ever at all, to recover from what you have destroyed. What is so astoundingly ridiculous to Americans is that you fully believe you have done nothing to contribute to the awful mess our country is in today.

You've even gone so far as to blame the media for stirring up Americans; for mis-leading us with lies and distortions. How egotistical and fault-proof can you be when you actually claim that all this mess is blamed on you because you're Black. Really Barry, are you going to hide behind that? Talk about stirring the racist fires. Did you get that idea from Sharpton?

You've had ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, and MSNBC in your back pocket since January, 2009, and now that more and more journalists and anchors that they are questioning your ethics and policies you quickly spin your downfall on the media. Are you so thin-skinned sir that you are not man enough to step up to your responsibilities and failed policies? You are definitely not the leader our country needs today.

The main reason Donald Trump is doing so well campaigning today is because he is the complete and total antithesis of you. He is strong while you are completely spineless. Still happy Barry?

You wander around the country claiming there has been no terrorist attacks since you've been in office, while you claim Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernardino to name just a few, are just "bumps in the road", and are truly nothing more than workplace violence.

There is nothing, not one single thing, that you have done while in office that the American people respect and would like repeated beginning in 2017. Nothing Mr. Soetero. You are nothing more than a power-hungry egotist, and will go down in history as one of America's biggest mistakes. Please do us all a favor and resign today, and let us begin the save our great country.

A true American

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs,, Politics with Pete)

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