We all know who Michael Moore is by now. He makes those movies where he subtlety sends the message of "do as I say not as I do". His first few movies were interesting because he inadvertently attacked the very rich accusing them of robbing the middle class.
Two things quickly came to mind. Two-faced Moore is part of that "elite" rich class that is worth millions. He's been found cheating on his taxes, but of course like Sharpton, Barry gives him a pass because he's one of his Hollywood buddies.
The other item that needs mentioning is Michael Moore's movies(does he make any anymore?) are now discovered as a disaster to good Americans. Ah, but I digress. I want to thank Mr. Moore for making me think of a strong retort to his recent escapade.
This low-life stood outside Trump Tower with a sign that read, We are all Muslims. Wonder how many armed body guards he had with him. Well, you over weight piece of inhuman flesh, I've got a very strong response for you.
WE ARE ALL SAN BERNARDINO We Americans would love to live in piece with Muslims of Islamic faith. But they are the people who come to this country, sequester themselves in their own communities here, and then try to spread their beliefs on all of us. Even those Muslims that "proclaim" they are not radical terrorists still defy our Bible while they live by and preach their strong beliefs in their Quran, mainly their Sharia Law.
They strongly believe in their so-called "Honor killings". Tell me Mr. Moor, where is the honor in a father murdering his own daughter just because she wants to acclimate herself to the American way of life. Have you heard the stories Mr. Moore? You should hold a sign up telling Americans the number of Muslim teen-agers slain by their fathers in their "Honor Killings".
As I asked in a previous blog, what do these Muslims contribute to America? Absolutely nothing, while they make outrageous demands in our American schools, in restaurants, stores, and just about every aspect of our cultures we cherish in our country.
If they hate us so much, why don't they go back to their oil-rich countries and flourish in the Muslim ways of life, with their Sharia Law? I'll tell you why...they are slaughtered, raped, and behaded by terrorists in their own homeland. And these ISIS terrorist want to set up shop(cells) right here in America.
And it seems our White House resident is paving the way for them. Attorney General Lynch and DHS Director Johns says they will protect Muslims, and prosecute any American that stands against them. Now doesn't that give us all piece of mind? It seems the only truthful Washington leader that is telling the truth is FBI Director Coomey. He's not afraid of Barry and Valerie. He says it like it is.
Director Coomey says we should be watchful that Muslim "gangs" may appear on the American scene. And the ignorant gun control nuts are angry because gun sales and concealed carrying is going rampant in this country. You can bet Americans are going to protect themselves. Our White House resident sure won't protect us.
Even with D.C. Intelligence saying there may be radical Islamic terrorists "mixed in" with the thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees Barry is now threatening to exercise another of his infamous executive orders allowing the refugees entrance into our country. Ever wonder why?
As I've asked and answered before....when did all this start? SEPTEMBER 20, 2009!
So Mr. Moore you can believe we are all Muslims, but I choose to write we are all San Bernardino; living our American way of life while fearing while the radical Islamic Muslims are plotting to kill us all. You are one pathetic American.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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