Did you ever look up the definition of the word "sanctuary"? it's means "a place for safety and refuge". I guess it means it's a place you go to when you're in danger. I'm pretty sure a sanctuary is not someplace you go to where breaking the law is acceptable, and you receive protection from persecution for breaking the law.
Dad must be spinning in his grave right about now over these "Sanctuary Cities" here in the U.S. He came here at 17, through Ellis Island, from a foreign country, not speaking a word of English. Got a job in the steel mills where he proudly and honestly worked for 48 years. No one gave Dad any "sanctuary". He had a personal sanctuary, which was work hard, love your God, take care of your family, and don't break the law.
He was so proud to call himself an American after he received his citizenship document. It seems that pride and loyalty to this great country is eroding. Late night TV comics are even making jokes about the ease of illegals sneaking across our porous borders in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and California.
Jokes and a base for more comedy is spewed about how an illegal can go go a designated sanctuary city, and even start a life of crime if and when they are caught committing a crime the local law enforcement has many "loophole" problems about turning over the illegal criminal to ICE for the criminal to be deported.
ICE says they can't have a trial for the criminal because he/she is not a U.S. citizen, and therefore get sent back to the original sanctuary city. Therefore with all these cracks and loopholes in our judicial system regarding illegals, the illegal criminal is then released. And so local law enforcement blame ICE, and ICE blames local law enforcement.
Eventually the illegal alien is somehow deported, but still no firm responsible follow up. After this scenario of deportation to the same illegal alien criminal he somehow ends up once again in a sanctuary city. He knows he's in a good zone of protection so he continues his life of drugs and crime in this area that PROMISES him safety and refuge.
One evening while all drugged up the illegal alien criminal gets a handgun, walks on the waterfront pier of this sanctuary city, sees a lovely young lady walking with her father on the pier, and RANDOMLY shoots and kills this lovely young American. The last words her father heard from her were, "help me Daddy".
News anchor, Bill O'Reilly from Fox News, is desperately trying to establish "Kate's Law" so the U.S. can incarcerate these illegal felons for five years in prison, and then deport them permanently to their home country. Mr. O'Reilly is not receiving the support, and will have a difficult battle to accomplish this law.
Illinois Congressman Guiterriz is against this law proposal, and even went so far as to say, "we shouldn't let this LITTLE THING stop us from providing proper amnesty to these illegals". I wonder how this Congressman would feel if it was his daughter gunned down. And then there's my favorite, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin. When asked if he would support Kate's Law, he responded, "I don't know much about any Kate's Law".
And the biggest tragedy of this is that the White House and Barry Soetero act like nothing is going on. Barry is now paving the way for the illegal alien criminals with the freebies he started with Americans back in '09. Sure, you ask why is Barry doing this? Well for two reasons. Number one, he hopes to register these illegals as Democrats, and secondly he gets to control more of the masses just like the little man in Germany in the '30's and '40's.
This must be stopped before America turns into one gigantic foreign country with strong tyrannical government rule. Please remember this during Hillary's campaigning. She can't get the chance to follow in Barry's footsteps.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog Politics with Pete)
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