Thursday, December 29, 2016


Never has the small two-letter word "If" had more meaning and consequences. Before I get into  today's blog regarding this powerful word Iwould like to give a personal meaning to describing the word "If".

If I would've disciplined nyself more in high school and college I would've been a Doctor today. If I would've taken my piano lessons seriously I'd be playing concerts at Carnegie Hall today instead of graduating with a C- average. Last month I got 5 out of the six required numbers for the state lottery. Gee, "If" I would've got one more correct number I'd be a millionaire. There's that word "If" again.

If I were a foot taller I would've had a career in the NBA. If I were a better baseball player, and had a stronger arm I would've played shortstop for the New York Yankees. So, you see, nothing is my fault. My problem through life has been there were too many "If"s around.

Which brings me to today's message about the audacity of America's future citizen, Barry Soetero. In just 22 short days Barry Soetero will be nothing more than a citizen like you and me. Of course, like you and me, he still has his First Amendment rights. He can go around claiming "shoulda-coulda-woulda". Well, those words, along with "If" and a dollar will get him nothing more than a cup of coffee at MacDonalds.

Nearly all of previous Presidents, after their term is over, just walks away from the White House and goes off into the sunset living happily ever after. Former Presidents don't "hang around" to give their input into the duties of the new incoming administration. 

This man, Barry Soetero, is doing serious harm to our country before he leaves office with his decisions regarding oil drilling, Federal land restrictions, and mostly what he did to our most valued mid-east ally Israel. Yes, President Trump will clean up the horrid messes citizen Barry Soetero will leave behind, and evil Barry will make sure President Trump will have plenty of messes to clean up.

It's clear that citizen Barry Soetero is an egomaniac that just will not go away, as decent presidents before him have done. He now claims that he will erect a "shadow government" so that he can"keep an eye on Trump".  After what this worst president in American history has done what gives him the moral right to hover over the Trump administration?

Barry Soetero and his husband Michael campaigned for over a year pledging their support to Crooked Hillary. In fact Barry went so far as to say, "Hillary is the most qualified person ever to run for the office of the presidency".  Then, if that wasn't enough, Barry kept telling claiming, "when you vote for Hillary, you're voting for me, my eight-year policies, and my legacy".

So, what does Barry do after Crooked Hillary suffers a horrible defeat, and suffers again with a failed recount, and losing four more electoral votes on December 19th.? Why he just uses his entire bully pulpit and throws Crooked Hillary completely under the bus by declaring "I would've won if I had been allowed to run another term". There's that word "If" again.

Does "citizen" Barry Soetero realize that America stopped listening to him during his second term in the White House. What makes "citizen" Barry think America is going to listen to him now? Americans are so eagerly awaiting for Donald J. Trump to take over the reins and steer us in the right direction.

Someone, maybe Barry's boss Valerie Jarrett, should get the message through to "citizen" Barry Soetero that on January 20, 2017 he will be well on his way to becoming Mr. Irrelevant. I predict that within one year after President Trump's inauguration Barry Soetero and his husband Michael will be nothing more than a bad taste in America's mouth. 

Yes, Barry Soetero and husband Michael Robinson will be gone AND forgotten in one year. But let's let him leave our White House with the word "If".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

MERRY??? Christmas

I've got to stop watching the TV news and the Internet news. How do I stop gloating?  I've been on this emotional high since 3:30 AM, November 9, 2016. I must get off this "drug". Has anyone but me noticed more people are saying MERRY CHRISTMAS now more than ever in the past eight years?

Of course you stupid uninformed ignorant lib Dems that voted Barry Soetero are still running around whining while you say "happy holidays", and I suspect, like your leader Barry, are running around saying "allah akbar".  Don't worry, we good Christian Americans will still wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

And please don't forget lib Dems, that in less than a year your man Barry will be nothing more than a morbid forgotten memory. His legacy will deflate like a punctured balloon. Wait...what legacy?

Can any lib Dem cite a positiive legacy Barry will leave behind? Maybe it's Fast & Furious. Maybe it's Benghazi. Maybe it's Obamacare. Maybe it's Barry's constant golfing, or his family vacations. Maybe it's his firing of all Generals and Admirals that disagreed with him. 

Maybe it's Barry's calling ISIS " a JV TEAM", or never calling them by their correct name. Maybe his legacy will be his refusal to drill for oil and gas in Alaska and the lower forty-eight states. Do you lib Dems think that maybe his legacy will be be giving $140Billion to Iran for their nuclear program to help their terrorist organization.

Maybe the ignorant lib Dems will think Barry's legacy is that he sent a team to Israel with over $100,000 of taxpayer's money to help undermine Israel's Netenhayu's Prime Minister election.
Or maybe Barry's legacy will be his latest refusal to cast a UN vote to support Israel's support of constructing settlements.

The U.S. is now ranked 23rd. as the best country with which to do business.That only took eight years of Soetero in office. Is that a legacy for Barry? Maybe the increase of terrorist attacks in the U.S. in the past eight years will be Barry's legacy. Maybe the creation of Black Lives Matter, along with the rise of the New Black Panthers would be an acceptable legacy for the ignorant lib Dems.

How about the Blacks vs. White racial divide that has greatly increased in the past eight years? Would that be an acceptable legacy for Barry?  I wonder if the horrible increase of slayings of our men/women in Blue is a legacy you ignorant lib Dems want to attach to Barry. 

There are some legacies that can rightfully follow Barry as he leaves our hallowed White House. He increased our welfare to the highest its been in decades, while increasing our national debt more than all the presidents prior to him combined. Has anyone informed you ignorant lib Dems that our national debt is now very close to $20Trillion?

And so to all you stupid ignorant lib Dems that voted to help your hero Barry Soetero reduce our great country to its lowest point ever we PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump supporters want to wish you a very blessed MERRY CHRISTMAS, and thanks for allowing me to continue my gloating.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Now what Dems?

Do you remember, when in 2008 and 2012, Americans demanded a recount of the votes in the presidential election? Do you remember when we had violent protests against the elected president Barack Obama? Do you remember when all Republicans blamed everyone but themselves for their loss? Do you remember when Republicans sent threatening letters to the electorate voters in 2008 and 2012 to change their votes to McCain and Romney respectively? Do you remember when high-powered billionaires tried to bribe electorate voters to change their votes to stop Obama from becoming America's president? You mean you don't remember all this? 

Well, neither do I. No, Americans accepted the electoral college voting, and respected the incoming president Barack Obama. Many of us had a very sad eight years while we watched president Obama put himself above the American people. We witnessed the rise of radical Islamic terrorists, and never protested. We witnessed the law of Obamacare. We witnessed Benghazi, Fast & Furious, and raising our national more than all other presidents combined. 

Yes, we quietly witnessed all of these atrocities, while news outlets from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC supported everything Barack Obama did. 

I stayed awake until 4:00 AM on November 9th. When it was projected by all the news outlets, except MSNBC, broadcasted that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump reached the goal of 270 electoral votes. I finally went to bed with a glorious feeling that I haven't felt for the past eight years.

I never though I would have such a feeling that fantastic....that is until yesterday evening, December 19th., when the electoral colleges swore there votes to officially make Donald J. Trump America's 45th. President of our great country. Then another burst of jubilation and joy were infused in me, when I realized Barack Obama will just be a normal citizen (?) in only thirty days. 

Yes, in thirty days the Obama's and the Clinton's will commence to becoming very irrelevant to the political world. Never before, in the history of our great country, have Americans decided that "enough is enough". Unlike Michelle Obama, never before have I been as proud to be an American and proud of the United States as I am now.

I ama also so very proud of my incoming PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump. After the Christmas and New Year's seasons, on January 6, 2017, out-going Vice President Joe Biden will certify the 304 electoral votes cast for PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump. That just ay upset Uncle Jdoe because he knows he would've done a better job than Hillary.

Remember, other than a few loyal supporters, PRESIDENT-ELECT virtually "went it alone". He fought against the total media; the lies from Hillary's campaign, even the ridicule from our out-going president. The progressive liberals tried everything, even amid all the proven corruption against Hillary Clinton.

After the Dems lost they demanded a recount. When that failed they blamed their loss on the FBI director, Russian cyber-hacking, and a multitude of unfounded lies. Then, as a last ditch effort they tried to bribe, even threaten the Republican electorate college. To add more humility to Hillary when the final tallies of the electoral college she even lost four more electoral votes.

Hillary Clinton ran a horrible campaign. She, and only she, lost the election. It was not Russia's fault. It was not FBI director Comey's fault. It was not the media's fault. If only Hillary Clinton  will admit that she was the reason she lost the election, then maybe the lib Dems can begin to try and rebuild their political party.

As for me, I'm still riding the wave of PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump's rousing victory.  Maybe, just maybe the progressive lib Dems will set aside their defeat, and rally around PRESIDENT TRUMP to make our country great again, and move to its rightful place as the leader of the free world.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)

Friday, December 16, 2016

Gotta love Americans

I was going to use the title "WTF "(What The F***) as the title of today's blog. I was so infuriated that the ignorant uninformed lib Dems would not accept the election results. First it was the recounts, but only in three of the states Crooked Hillary lost. Then it was the lib Dems screaming that Crooked Hillary won the popular vote. 

Of course  the stupid lib Dems can't blame Bush anymore (can they?), so they claimed that Putin of Russia hacked into our voting precincts to help PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump steal votes. All of these lying ploys failed, so the Dems, still unwilling to concede that they lost, turned to their last resort.

Yes, they rounded up all the Hollywood elites to beg and plead with the Republican electoral college voters to cancel their votes for the PRESIDENT-ELECT. You would think that the stupid lib Dems learned during Crooked Hillary's campaign that the American people couldn't care less what these elites have to say. Americans voted for America, not for Jay-Z, Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and the rest of the entertainment mis-fits.

Before we go any further let's get the "popular vote" crap out of the way first. Yes, Crooked Hillary won California and New York; the two highest populated states in the U.S. Governor Brown of California allowed the illegal immigrants to vote, and in Detroit, thousands of fraudulant votes were discovered, all cast for Crooked Hillary.

PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump won the popular "legal" votes on November 8th. I, for one, would like to see the entire fifty United States vote again, with one stipulation. You must be a U.S. citizen, and have the proper I.D. to get into the voting booth. Plus, I'd like to witness Crooked Hillary losing again.

Then in the midst of all my frustration and WTF moments I realized that I was allowing the stupid lib Dems to take away my joy that Donald J. Trump, by 306 electoral votes, will be the 45th. U.S. President, in spite of the crooked Clintons, Barry Soetero, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.

Throughout history Americans have been tested, as in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, the two World Wars, the Korean and VietNam wars. And what happens when Americans are pushed right to the brink as in the past eight years of Obama? Yes, we push back harder and harder until we emerge victorious.

I love this great country, and the Americans who live here. You can only push us around so much; Benghazi, Obamacare, Fast & Furious, illegal executive decisions, military depletion, scandals, lies, and corruption.  Well, after eight years of this the good American people voted on November 8th. that we are not going to take this anymore.

I just watched Barry Soetero's final press conference. He still won't accept the main reasons Crooked Hillary lost the election. He even went so far as to say, "the media wasn't fair to Sec'y. Clinton during the campaign". Never mind all the lies and corruption the American people saw her commit. 

No one, no one, not even a Barry Soetero, can push around Americans around for too many years. We all remember the great quote from President Abraham Lincoln, "you can fool some of the people all the time, and you can fool all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Monday, December 12, 2016


This news flash just in! The Republican nominee, DONALD J. TRUMP, has won the presidential election, and will become the 45th. president of our United States. Wouldn't it be great if the ignorant lib Dems will finally get this message, and help to move our country forward, instead of trying to find stupid meaningless ways to change the election results.

Instead, it's obvious  the ignorant, uninformed lib Dems, starting with Barry Soetero and Crooked Hillary will not move on from their loss, get over their disappointment, and do all they can to make our country what it once was. Sort of proves the lib Dems, especially Crooked Hillary, want power instead of doing what's good for America.

PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump proved he's not a politician, and further convinced and proved to America that he's going to become a President for all citizens of our great country. What is clear to most Americans is we are going to have a president that will put us first and repair the damage Barry Soetero's administration has done for eight years.

I think America has the inkling of how the media and the stupid, ignorant, and corrupt lib Dems are going to respond to everything PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump and his administration will put forward in the next four, or eight years. And if nothing else factual emerges from the left and media then you can bet the personal attacks will continue until PRESIDENT TRUMP leaves office.

When Barry Soetero entered the offfice in January, 2009 he put three generals in his administration, and not a word from the media. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump nominates three generals and he is immediately compared to Nazi Hitler. Because of his military experience and his war-time knowledge General "mad dog" Mattis has been nominated for Secretary of Defense, and the left, along with the media vehemently declares there will be an enormous middle-east war perpetuated by PRESIDENT TRUMP.

It's over. Donald J. Trump won the election fair and square, but the Dems just refuse to stop wasting valuable time by digging into anything they can "manufacture" with fake news to attempt to overthrow the election. Even with 39 days left in office, Barry Soetero is demanding an investigation be made intimating that Russia hacked our election to seal the election for PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump.

America realizes it's a little chilly for Barry to go golfing, but with 39 days left in office his time would be much better spent in a transition road to help the incoming administration. Instead Barry Soetero is spending his remaining days in office reviewing election results, and demanding reports on Russian hacking "be on my desk before I leave office". Is this the way an outgoing president should act? Get over it Barry, your team lost.

The liberal elite Dems were so sure Crooked Hillary was going to win the election many, many entertainment elites, trying to get to press attention, declared that if PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump won they would leave the country. Even Barry said he and his husband Michael would move to Canada if Crooked Hillary didn't win the election.

However, Crooked Hillary did prove one important notice. The American people don't care, and are not influenced by the likes of Bruce Sprinstein, Katy Perry, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Bon-Jovi, and that group of power hungry Dem elites. The truth is Americans live in a different world than these irrelevant elites. Did Crooked Hillary really think Miley Cyrus was going to convince young Americans to vote for her?

Does Crooked Hillary think that just maybe by ignoring Michigan and Wisconsin during her campaign , and callig over half of the electorate voters deplorable could have been her downfall?

Let me quote something your own Barry Soetero told John McCain an a meeting after the 2008 election, "elections have consequences, you lost, I won". 

Does anyone believe the electoral college voters are going to change their votes to allow Crooked Hillary should be in our White House? Go away lib Dems...your corrupt, lying, corrosive, and prison-bound candidate lost, and DONALD J. TRUMP will be our 45th. President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Friday, December 9, 2016

Media? What media?

Wouldn't you think by now that the liberal left-wing media would get the message. As they conue to attack, trash, and lie about PRESIDENT-ELECT Donaald Trump the media is rapidly getting the message that the Trump administration does not need the press. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump went so far as to inform the press that there may be no more daily press briefings. 

And as Mr. Trump has said many, many times "when the press start treating me fairly and honestly maybe then I'll cooperate more with them".  For eight years we were subjected to a fawning press corps that kissed up to the Barry Soetero administration. And if any reporter dare ask a question that didn't coincide with Barry's policies they were immediately shot down, and was not called upon again for a long time.

So what does PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump do? He just decides he doesn't need the media at all. He'll just use Twitter, and other social media outlets to reach the American people. I, for one of many, thinks it's a great idea. Did the left-leaning progressive lib media think they were any kind of a match for PRESIDEN-ELECT Trump?

And how about Newt Gingrich's idea? Let's just eliminate the White House press corps completely, while expanding the social media so that reporters from all over the world can ask the White House any question they want. Then President Trump can answer the questions directly to the American people, without any liberal left-wing media filtering his comments into lies. 

Face it folks', press secretary Josh Earnest has made a frustrating joke out of press corps meetings in the White House. Just think about it objectively. Expand Twitter, Facebook, etc.,  then set up programs so reporters, and even citizens can submit questions to the Trump administration. After all, we all know, by now that communicating directly to the American people is a gigantic reason that Mr. Trump won the election.

The glaring reality is the incoming Trump administration has no use or need from the media. In fact, he regularly takes them on, and then uses social media to go directly to the American people. And the truth is most Americans support the idea of the Trump administration by-passing the media and going directly to the people through the social media.

It took someone like PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump to put ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC in their place. They are beginning to realize that America is fed up with their reporting of nothing but liberal Democrat slants on the news. 

To sum it up, the factual truth is America really doesn't need the media any more. The Trump administration will, however, welcome media back into the fold when they start reporting news fairly, honestly, and with integrity. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Isn't this fun?

I wake up every morning now deleriously happy, anxdious to turn on my Fox News channel and watch what PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump will do next, and aalso excitingly happy that Crooked Hillary is still on the hook for possible indictment and prison, and will not ever again reside in our White House.

Last Chrismas I got a "Farewell Obama" calendar showing his remaining days in office. The caldendar shows all the stupid, corrupt, and evil things Barry Soetero has done, and the stupid quips from Uncle Joe Biden, our Gaffer-In-Chief. Today, my calendar shows that Barry Soetero has exactly 47 more days in America's White House.  Then we'll be rid of him and his husband Michael.  I'm sure not gonna miss his stuttering when a teleprompter isn't near by.

All during PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump's campaign the media, daily radio and TV talk show hosts, many athletes, and Hollywood elites spent their entire time attacking Mr. Trump, even when facts showed that Crooked Hillary was, and still is, corrupt and treasonous.

While the media was viscously attacking PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump and his family they were continually praising Crooked Hillary, all the while publishing erroneous poll numbers,  The media actually felt that if they broadcasted and published lies and distortions about Mr. Trump then of course the middle class American would believe them and vote for Crooked Hillary.

Yes, Mr. Trump was in the race by himself, with no media support, except from the number one cable news network Fox. Even Fox had Megan Kelly and Shep Smith came after PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump. Crooked Hillary even gathered many of the entertainment elites to appear on stage with her, praising Crooked Hillary while lambasting Mr. Trump endlessly. 

Mr. Trump's beautiful wife and family were even attacked by the media and the entertainment elites. They hated Mr. Trump so much, and they were so cock-sure that Crooked Hillary was going to win the election that they promised, yes promised, that if Mr. Trump were to win the election they would leave the country. By the way has any of them left yet?

On election night the vitriolic lambasting by the media covering the election continued. They were all declaring Crooked Hillary was going to win in a landslide. Newsweek magazine even had a news edition "in the wings' with "Madame President" on the cover with a smiling Crooked Hillary picture.

So what did the media do, and still does? Of course, their continued assault on the Trump family. Every decision and movement made by PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is met with whining and crying by the media. At first I was so angry that I allowed it to take away from my joy that Mr. Trump fought back on his own terms against the media and won. 

For the past eight years if anyone spoke out against Barry Soetero they were called a racist. Today, PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and the media along with the "elites" are throwing names at him like "White Supremist, womanizer", and many other names not fit for print. But according to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that's OK. She's now attacking the people PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is appointing to his administration.

Barry Soetero has such sour grapes, he even went so far as to blame restaurants, taverns, and bars for carrying the Fox News channel on their TV's. If only the media would realize that the very main reason Crooked Hillary lost is because the American people looked long and hard at what Barry Soetero did for the past eight years, and decided electing Crooked Hillary would only bring more of the same for the next four years.

Green Party leader Jill Stein is failing in her attempt to overthrow the will of the American people with a recount of votes. Now that's the definition of insanity; doing something repeatedly hoping to get a different result. I'd like to see another election recount in all fifty states just to witness Crooked Hillary losing again.

The Democrat leaders in the House and Senate never seem to learn from their horrible defeats. This is proven by electing Pelosi and Schumer to lead their party again. Of course the frosting on the cake is the possibility of Kieth Ellison becoming the DNC chairman. Instead of spending all that energy attacking PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump, the Democrat party would do well by trying to repair their own party.

During the campaigns I keep repeating over and over, "How could anyone elect this crooked and corrupt woman as president of this great country".  I thought, at first, that the media and entertainmentd elites would let up on PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump, and I became extremely angry. Then I decided these uninformed ignorant people are not going to take away my joy that the man I voted for will be MY President in forty-seven days.

Go right ahead media and you entertainment elites that didn't help Crdooked Hillary one iota, keep crying, whining, and complaining about the election results. See how much that helps your party's future. The rest of us will just "hang around" and support the efforts of our forty-fifth U.S. President,  DONALD J. TRUMP. Get over it Dems.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You tube videos, Politics with Pete)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thank you Dems

Now that the election is over the Republican Party would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to its biigest supporter in winning the 2016 presidential election, and of course I refer to the Democratic Party. The progressive lib Dems conducted their campaign in such a manner that defied all aspects of decency, honesty, and integrity.

With Crooked Hillary at the helm the Democratic Party sought to lie and cheat their way to an election victory.  Isn't it amazing that despite all the evil corruption by Crooked Hillary's campaign, and all the false reporting by the media, the good people of America saw right through their veil of lying and deceit?

Also want to thank the Dem House for re-electing tunnel-face Nancy Pelosi as their minority leader. The way the Dem House has been losing elections the GOP must be deliriously happy over her re-election to again lead the House Dems "down the tube". How about Muslim racist Kieth Ellison as DNC chair? Now that alone will be a big help to the GOP. He's already advocating a separate state for Blacks only.

And let us not forget the biggest help to PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is the White House leader himself, Barry Soetero. The lack of leadership, his spineless attitude of "leading from behind" was a great incentive to middle class America to finally show the curtain is closing on the Barry Soetero dictatorship.

The only definite location Barry Soetero could be found was on the golf course, not the oval office conducting presidential duties. He and his husband Michael have been deceitful to us, and finally after eight years the American voter have spoken out the main way they the voting booth.

Of course the ignorant, uninformed progressive liberal Dems will continue to attack and criticize the Trump administration. Already Dem Senator Schumer has said "if Obamacare is repealed it will literally kill our senior citizens". Never mind that no one can afford Barry's ludicrous attempt at a legacy.

Don't forget the other source of heavy attacks and criticism against the Trump administration, and that's our newly-discredited media, namely the news outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, HuffPost, NPR, and other uninformed news outlets.  Oh yeah, don't forget Jorge of Telemundo.

Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn in, and already he's done more for middle class America than Barry Soetero has done in eight years, i.e., Carrier Air Conditioning. The only things that Barry really accomplised was enormous gun sales for law-abiding Americans to protect themselves. In eight years Barry has managed to destroy our healthcare system. He has also managed to help the largest race division this country has experienced since the Civil War.

We must also credit Barry Soetero with the horrific number of terrorist attacks here in America by illegals that are pouring into our country, with the adamant approval of Barry's administration. Just another reminder how the increase of Black-on-Black crimes have increased in the last eight years. Ever wonder what caused that? It was Barry trying to start a race war.

There are rumors that Barry "instructed" Crooked Hillary to call Trump at 3:00 on the morning of Nov. 9th. to concede the election. Supposedly Crooked Hillary was to negotiate with Trump that there would not be any criminal investigations by the Trump's administration against her. The underlying rumor is Barry was afraid he would be dragged into Crooked Hillary's investigation.

It seemed all was OK, until Crooked Hillary joined forces with Jill Stein  in demanding voter recounts in three states. Even though the recount won't even happen there has now emerged rumors that Crooked Hillary may have lost her "get out of jail free" card from President Trump. Can you imagine how Barry is quaking in his boots.

In closing, we of the GOP want to sincerely thank the lib Dem party, Barry Soeter, and the media for lending your valuable assistance in assuring Donald Trump will be our president for the next four, maybe eight, years.  We love you, and look forward to your help in the next general election.

An that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
(please follow me on my YouTube videos, Politics with Pete)

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Media isn't done

PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald J. Trump has been elected by the American people exactly nine days ago. He won't even officially take office till January 20, 2017, in sixty-one days, and the media is still relentlessly attacking him.  It appears that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is going to endure as much attacking from the media during his four years as President as he did when he was campaigning. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet, and the media will not let up with the personal attacks.

For any of you who entertained the idea that the media was going to "back off" on their attacks on PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump are greatly mistaken. Can you imagine What's going to happen if/when President Trump does make a mistake? The media will crucify the Trump administration. And as we all know, there was only one guy who never made a mistake and we hung him on a cross. 

Of course I refer to the news outlets controlled by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, NY Times, and many other Internet social media outlets. I've been channel and Internet surfing since the election was called for PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump. It has actually been quite entertaining watching, reading, and listening to this group of sour-grape losers.

The other evening I watched MSNBC's Rachel Maddow waving her arms, and attaacking the entire Trump family. My wife and I thought she was deep into some Scotch or drugs. She was waving her arms crying, and it was easy to discern that she could not accept the election, and she was going to do her best to attack the entire Trump family for the next four years. She was definitely making a fool of herself.

Teachers and college professors are actually urging students to skip classes so they can protest and "start a race war against Whites". Does anyone remember so much race divisiveness before Barry Soetero took office in 2009. Now what does that tell you? This country will be a better place to live once Barry leaves our White House and PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump takes over.

Oh yes, by the way this is for all the racists that keep screaming Crooked Hillary won the popular vote. Just yesterday is was discovered that over 3,000,000 votes for Crooked Hillary were cast by illegal aliens. So another fact in this election that the media will not report is that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump won the popular vote by a landslid in addition to winning the electoral college vote by a landslide.

You see folks, Crroked Hillary, along with with the lying main stream media, felt they could overlook the middle class hard working Americans that wanted a change from what the horrible Barry Soetero did to our country. They actually felt that us "deplorable" would vote the way that Beyonce, Lada Gaga, Miley Cyrus, etc., wanted us to vote.  Liberal Dems didn't pay any attention to what us lowly  deplorable Americans really wanted. 

And now we have the personal vile attacks on all of the nominations for the administration of PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump. Because these nominees are White the media, along with the liberal Dems are calling them racists. They can't find anything to truthfully attack them on, they dig up just utter junk from years, even decades ago.

Talk about double standards. What does Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, and Jeh Johnson have in common? Yes, they're Black. Remember when Whitey protested and rioted because Barry Soetero put these people in his cabinet? I don't either.  

Why is it that the media will not give any information about Congressman Kieth Ellison who wants to be the new House Minority leader. He's a Muslim, he hates israel and and all Jews, and is a disciple of Louis Farrakhan. Thank you lib Dems, because having this man as your minority leader just guaranteed more success in the House for Republicans.

It was discovered that 3,000,000 votes for Crooked Hillary were cast by illegal aliens.  Of course those votes were discounted. That also means that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump won the popular vote by a landslide in much the same way he won the electoral college vote. however, that still didn't stop the lib Dems. They are now trying to get the electoral voters to change their final vote next month. Some electorate voters have even received death threats to change their
electoral college vote.

Crooked Hillary carried 87% of the votes in New York city, so get prepared for the media to broadcast and spew more vile and attacking lies aimed at the Trump administration for the next four years. Instead of embracing the change, and showing PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump the support and respect he deserves because he won the election by a landslide.

I urge everyone to research all the news that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will be sending your way. Most of it will be lies and distored views against our 45th. President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, our troops and PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald J. Trump 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Can you imagine?

I'm 81, and there are many times my morning 1.5 mile walks and my hour at the gym gets a little tough for me. Like most people I do a little fantasizing to help me get through my "healthy" ordeals. 

Of course those who know me know I'm a news junkie, and a strong conservative Republican. So I started to"trip out" on my walk this morning imagining what it would be like having Crroked Hillary in America's White House.

Let's look at the scandals surrounding the crooked and scandalous "Bill & Hillary Show" for the past 30+ years. First, beginning way back in the 1980's and continuing up to this very month there have been in excess of thirty "mysterious" deaths of people associated with the Clintons. Recently the very Doctor that diagnosed Crooked Hillary with a brain tumor was found dead, and "determined" it was by suicide.

As a New York U.S. Senator Crooked Hillary did not author a single bill, and over 2,000 jobs were lost. She was responsible for the deaths of four Americans, and during the horrific debacle in Benghazi. It was discovered that she actually sold arms that funnelled to the terrorist in Libya.

She was never challenged, and when she appeared befiore Congress she lied, and was never found guilty of any charges. Of course the media never reported it. As New York's U.S. Senator and Barry's Secretary of State she was held above the law by the FBI and the DOJ.

Now, we have unrefutable evidence of the evil corrupt things she has done during her campaign, never having to answer to any of the horrible things she has done. Anyone following the news and emails from Wikileaks know the horrendous things she has done, and has not been challlenged to answer for any charges against her.

Of course it is very said and deplorable to even think this woman can lead our country instead of being sentenced to prison for espionage and treason. If Crooked Hillary were a Republican or in the private sector she would most definitely be indicted by our once decent and honest FBI and DOJ. Today, both of these once presigious departments are now as corrupt as Crooked Hilary, and continue to "carry her water" in hopes of a presidential appointment should she win.

So today's short blog is to plead with Americans to think about all the scandals and corruptions Crooked Hillary has walked away unscathed as a first lady, Senator, and Secretary of State because of enormous support from the entire Obama administration. 

If this evil, corrupt, scandalous woman got away with all these proven indiscretions before, CAN YOU IMAGINE what this woman is going to do if she is elected by the American people? Then she will answer to no one and furthermore she will have these organizations answering to her. Can you imagine how our Supreme Court will operate under Crooked Hillary's administration?

Can you imagine all the presidential executive actions she will be enforcing without letting Americans know about?  Can you imagine what favors she will be paying to all the mid-east leaders that have heavily contributed to her? Can you imagine who her cabinet members will be, and the duties they will carry out?  Can you imagine the roles Slick Willy and Chelsea will be performing, especially Slick Willy as the first gentleman?

America, please take a minute to IMAGINE these scenarios before you walk into the voting booth on November 8, 2016. The media and even Slick Willy's wife looked away while he was having all these scandalous affairs while he was president, hardly ever reporting it. And yet the media is crucifying Donald Trumpd for comments he made. Has there been any proof that Trump actually committed any indiscretions?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my video You Tube blogs on Politics with Pete)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Are you ready America?

From all indications from the media it appears that Crooked Hillary Clinton, instead of going to a Federal prison, will be the 45th. president  heading for the America's hallowed White House and oval office. And so my deep burning question to all Americans is ARE YOU READY?

Is America ready for the corrupt dealings behind closed doors that Crooked Hillary will be presiding with countries that hate Americad, and yet donated large sums of money to Hdillary's phony "charity" foundation? Do you wonder what kind of "favors" she will be recipcrotating to Iran, Libya, Afghanistan, and yes even Russia. Don't forget she sold 20% of our uranium to a Russian enterprise that turned around and gave enormous sums of money for Slick Willy's speech.

Are you ready America for Loretta Lynch and Barry Soetero to be granted Supreme Court Justice appointments during a recess period when Congress is not in session? Are you ready for the supposition that Crooked Hillary could very well appoint four Supreme Court Justices that will be far left? Are you ready for the return of Eric Holder?

Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary's promise, broadcasted by her daughter that she will "bring down the NRA"? Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary to repeal the 2nd. Amendment. She even admitted, "the 2nd Amendment is flawed, and must be changed". Please remember a man in Germany in the '30's and '40's was successful in removing arms from citizens, and we all know what happened next.

Are you ready America for Huma Abedin to be America's Secretary of State, even though she has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood?  Are you ready for Cheryl Mills to be White House Chief of Staff? Are you ready to have MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell as the White House press secretary?

Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary to expand "Obamacare" so much until it evolves into total government control raising our health insurance premiums so lazy unemployed people on welfare and food stamps receive free healthcare? Has anyone ever asked who will be paying for the "free" college that Crooked Hillary touts on her campaign?

Are you ready America for Craooked Hillary to pass into law that it's lawful for 36-week abortions to physically tear a baby from its mother's womb?  Are you ready to vote a woman in office that will not refer to a baby, only a fetus, when it is in the womb? 

Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary's selections for Cabinet positions, i.e., Secretary of Defense, EPA Director, Secretary of Treasure, Homeland Security Director, etc.? Are you ready for a left-wing liberal take over of these appointments?

Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary to allow 65,000 unvetted refugees from Syria to come to our country?   Are you ready for Crooked Hillary to allow open borders from Mexico?
Are you ready America to have your taxes increased to pay for the health, education, and unemployment of the refugees that Crooked Hillary allows into our country?

Are you ready America to have a president that wants to continue to "scale down" our military and other first line defenses that protect our country? Are you ready for a president who claims "our Veteran's Administration is doing a good job for our veterans and there is no need to change their status"

Are you ready America to have Slick Willy as the White House "First Gentleman", and have him run amok in the White House having affairs with interns when Crooked Hillary travels?Are you ready to have Podesta and Palmeri on Crooked Hillary's staff?

Are you ready America to have Crooked Hillary appoint Chelsea as the chief director of the corrupt Clinton "charity" fund, so that more illegal dollars flow into the coffers of the Clintons, and not to people of need? Can you truly accept and respect Crooked Hillary after she was responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi?

Are you ready America for a president that has lied to the FBI and 39 times swore under oath that "I do not recall", and erased over 33,000 emails AFTER she was directed to undergo questioning from Congress?

Are you ready America for four more years of Barry Soetero, and a gigantic increase in our national debt while our country suffers its most rapid decline in GDP growth since the depression? Are you ready to continue to live in a country where more Americans are out of work than are actually employed?

America, if you are ready to accept all these things then by all means declare yourself a faithful left-wing liberal progressive Democrat and vote for Crooked Hillary. And when all of these things mentioned above come to fruition after she's elected....well then America you will get exactly what you asked for, and our country will become another third world country.

Remember, on November 8th., you have a choice. Don't let our country down.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, and our troops.
(Please follow me on my video You Tube blogs, Politics with Pete)

Friday, September 30, 2016

Why Trump???

When there were seventeen GOP candidates campaigning for the Republican nomination for President the last person I was cheering for was Donald Trump. I keep thinking Bush, Rubio, Carson, and even my own Ohio Governor would be a better choice. I even predicted that Trump would be the first to fall.

So Trump emerged as the candidate that will oppose Crooked Hillary on November 8th., so why would or should we vote for him?  Why would I vote for a business man instead of someone with thirty years of political experience? Why would I not vote for a former first lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State? 

Why would I vote for a brash, arrogant, loud speaking, controversial successful businessman instead of an "experienced" politician? Why would I not want to take the "safe route" and keep things in Washington status-quo, and extend Barry Soetero for another four, maybe eight years?

If Trump emerges as our next President-elect on November 8th., he can stand proud and say he did this amid all the backlash from the media, with no support at all from many of the elitist. There are so very many reasons why our great country cannot aaccept Crooked Hillary as our next President.

One staunch Clinton supporter said, "Oh let's forget about's old news".  Really? Tell that to the survivors of the four men her and Barry refused to help because it was "election time". To this day no one knows where Hillary or Barry were when our Benghazi consulate was under fire, let alone sending in planes and troops to rescue them.  And of course our wonderful media just swept it under the rug.

Trump makes one brash controversial statement and the media can't wait to "lead" with the story. However, the media has not said a word about the corrupt Clinton Charity Foundation. Money is still being laundered in and out of that foundation like holes in Swiss cheese.  Talk about a media and White House cover up. 

Remember the song, "If I had a hammer"? Well that was a big part of Crooked Hillary's e-mail scandal. In addition to her unsecured private server where she successfully maintained her "pay for play" deals, she had her aide literally smash thirteen cell phones with a hammer, while another aide "bleach-scrubbed" her server to eliminate 33,000 e-mails.

And of course our lame FBI won't do a thing because FBI Director Comey works for AG Loretta Lynch, who works for Barry. Director Comey gave immunity to five Clinton aides only to hear them all say, "I can't recall".  Even Crooked Hillary said thirty-nine times "I can't recall", when the FBI questioned her. By the way does anyone else know that FBI Director Comey sits on the board of one of the corrupted Clinton Foundations companies?

Maybe the biggest incentive to cast your vote for Trump is who Crooked Hillary will bring with her if she gets into our oval office. Don't forget there will be four openings for the Supreme Court in Crooked Hillary's four years. She has already announced she will fill the openings with left-leaning progressive libs.

Crooked Hillary's daughter has already announced on TV talk shows that her mother will bring down the NRA and repeal the 2nd. Amendment,even if she has to use executive recess orders, and one of those appointments may well be Barry Soetero along with three women. Crooked Hillary has already alluded to that.  

The only true way we'll be rid of Barry Soetero and what he's done to us for eight years is to vote for Trump. Can you imagine Huma Abedin as Secretary of State? She has strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and used to write articles for their news editions

And don't think for a minute that Crooked Hillary isn't going to return favors to all those mid-east countries that have donated to her "charity" fund that is hidden in her lost 33,000 e-mails.
She may even attack our country's principles and freedoms more than Barry has done.  She is attacking our men/women in Blue to cater to the Black vote, but you can bet she will do nothing for the African-American community if she enters our oval office.

To sum it up, even if you're not a true Trump supporter, for the sake of our country don't vote for a corrupt scandolous woman who only wants the presidency for her own personal gains and power.  If she were a Republican she would right now be where she prison.
Right now Trump is our only chance to start rebuilding and restoring our country.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

United States of ??????

United States of Greece?  United States of Venezuela? United States of Cuba? Yes, pick one folks because if Crooked Hillary corrupts her way into our White House we will no longer be the United States of America. Maybe we'll become the United States of Iran, or the United States of Middle-East.

Our great country could possibly, just possibly survive if Crooked Hillary came by herself into the White House.  However, when you consider the people she will bring with her, and the damage they will do with her for four years America cannot afford this corrupt woman in our White House, or give her the reins to make decisions relating to the safety, security, and economy of our great nation.

First abominable thing she'll do is appoint strong liberal left-leaning Justices to the Supreme Court. Just think for a minute what that's going to do to Americans. First, our 2nd. Amendment rights will be gone, along with the NRA, and your guns. Chelsea has already bragged about that recently on one of the talk shows. Remember, "Scalia's death is an opportunity for us".

This will , of course, be followed with mandatory removal of American flags in public facilities, along with removal of Judeo-Christian prays in public schools. Natually Muslim prayers and prayer rugs will be mandatory in public schools.  

And how about all the "Male", "Female" signs being removed from bathroom and shower facilities in public schools? Yep, picture your daughter taking a shower after gym class and a young man comes into the shower area, and starts soaping up right then and there. Great huh? By the way how come we never hear stories of girls "gendering' into boys locker rooms?  Hmmm?

And then there's our national security. If Crooked Hillary is elected we all know that Huma Abedin will be her Chief of Staff. Human was a writer for the Muslim Brotherhood, and has strong Muslim ties to the middle east. Huma Abedin will be a mole for her Brotherhood. Now add to this equation that over half of the 158 visitors Crooked Hillary visited with as Secretary of State gave generous donations to the corrupt Clinton Foundation, with her famous 'pay for play" scandal.

Some of these donors are from countries that actually hate America. You can imagine the "pay-back" favors she'll be giving those countries, as she makes our borders more porous inviting many ISIS fighters and sympathizers into our country with no background checks. In her own words Crooked Hillary said, "I want to build bridges, unlike Trump who wants to build walls".

Of course there will be two sex maniacs that will enjoy free rein in the White House; Slick Willy and the porn sexter Weiner-Man, who is Abedin's husband. Can you imagine the orgies these two are gonna have when Crooked Hillary and her Huma leave town? Gonna be fun.

Crooked Hillary will reduce the strength of our military while she taxes, taxes, taxes, so she can continue playing the Pied Piper to the welfar and food stamps community for control purposes.
Notice I never mentioned Benghazi or her continuous lying about her emails and her private servers? I don't have to. What's in this blog is enough to put this woman in prison.

Let me end today's blog with yes Crooked Hillary is up in the polls right now, but there's still much time left for Americans to realize the fate of our great nation if this woman is elected. Never forget that she doesn't want the White house to help America. Rather, she wants the power that goes with the White House all for herself.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America, our troops, and officers in Blue.
(Please see my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Just doesn't matter

Every one who knows me knows what a news junkie I am, and also a very strong Republican conservative. Before the first swallow of coffee the TV is on, and I'm watching the news. Of course my poor wife gets the brunt of all my complaints agains the Crooked Hillary scandals and the fawning media that are doing all they can, illegal or not, to get her elected.

Then I did something I've never done since becoming a news junkie. I shut off the TV, sat at the computer to pay some bills, write some e-mails to friends, and even posted some pictures of the grandkids on my site. My wife came into the TV room, saying, "what's wrong? Is the TV broke?"

I told her that I just got so fed up that I turned off the TV, and then I explained why. I pray that Id'm totally and completely wrong, and at 81 I guess it really doesn't matter much to me personally.  Get ready folks....Crooked Hillary is going to be our next president. 

Of course she doesn't deserve to be out president. She deserves to be in prison, but do you really believe the Dept. of Justice or the FBI is going to indict or prosecute? Of course not. We average Americans have no idea of how vast and powerful the corrupt Clinton machine is. Nor do we have any idea how far  their corrupt tentacles reach.

Crooked Hillary thoroughly believes she is not only entitled to the presidency, she actually believes she's going to win in November. The media has her already picking her cabinet, picking out drapes and furntiture for the White House. She's got the entire Democratic party, the fawning media, and billionaire Soros all pushing like mad to get her into America's White House. Even Okra Winfrey says Crooked Hillary deserves it because she's a woman. Really?

With "the machine" behind her pushing so hard she pays no attention at all to all the lies, scandals, and corruption that befalls her. She firmly believes she is above the law. Her, her staff, and Slick Willy can lie all they want knowing nothing will be done. Even with all the damming evidence surrouding her she knows her buddy Barry Soetero won't let anything happen to his legacy.  I'm sure Barry has already directed AG Lynch there will be no indictment. Simple as that.

No matter what evidence is found and pushed forward, you can bet everything, and I mean everything will be delayed until after the election when she can then, as president, stop all investigations. This evil corrupt woman even defiles the Constitution. Our Constitution says a member of Congress can receive no funds from foreign entities. So Crooked Hillary says "Oh yeah, watch me". She forms a corrupt illegal Foundation for all her foreign cronies can contribute to for her, Bill and Chelsea to siphon from. What a scam, and it's working.

She's been lying since she was first in the White House with her scandolous husband, and she continues to spew out lies after lies, and she knows she will never be held accountable for any of her lies, scandals, and corruption. Get prepared folks, it's coming.

Even if all else fails, and Trump is up by 20 points on election day, you can bet the election will be rigged. Write-in ballots, on-line voting, and rigged electronic voting booths will all "punch out" Crooked Hillary, no matter who you vote for, and you can bet this will happen again in 2020. 

I pray deeply that I'm wrong, but get ready folks for Crooked Hdillary to turn this great country into another Greece, Venezuela, and Cuba. Of course the media and her chief of staff Huma Abedin will secure the downfall with their propaganda. 

Please pray, and pray hard that I'm completely wrong, but I got a feeling I'm not.

And that's Politicw with Pete for today...God bless America, our troops, and those in Blue
(Please follow me on my video you tube blogs, Politics with Pete)

Monday, August 22, 2016


My favorite part of this year's Olympics and all Olympics I have watched has been at the end of the medal events when all the winners and losers embrace each other with heartfelt respect. No Olympian cares about the race, color, or creed of the other Olympians when the event is over.  They all just share mutual respect for one another. Oh, how the whole world could learn from these athletes.

I know it's an old cliche that's been repeated so many times, but really wouldn't it be great if ALL  countries acted like Olympians after the events were over? This really got me thinking about the problems our own country is experiencing today.

America honors those that come to our country legally, and we celebrate their different cultures and religions, but we also stress that they assimilate to our Constitutional laws. We also ask that all who enter our country legally respect  all of America's cultures, races, and religions. 

However, it's obvious that the religion of Islam, who always prides themselves that they come from peace, it's apparent that many Muslims who follow Islam do not and will never accept the  laws of the United States of America. Of course not all Muslims who follow Islam are unfaithful to the U.S. Constitution. However, too many are disrespectful of our country.

Think about the Muslims of Islam that refuse to assimilate in any way to our country. It seems the only thing they believe in our Constitution is their right to free speech.  They continue to constantly complain about our way of life, and strongly want to impose their own culture, law, and religion on America. Today, we have cities that even allow Sharia Law.

Can you imagine stoning your wife to death because she left the house without her head covered. Or killing your own daughter for wearing make-up and going to the movies with a Christian young man? Islam is not a religion of peace; rather it's a religion of warriors.

Have you thought about all  the ethnicity's that have entered our great country, and have contributed to our greatness, success, and growth? Spanish, Irish, Polish, Russian, Italian, Asian, German, and on and on. The have followed our Constitutional laws while honoring their own religion and culture. They didn't want to change America, they wanted to assimilate.

Complaints are all we hear from the Islamic Muslim following. They want to change our way of life to suit their own, i.e. schools, restaurants, wardrobes, food choices, child rearing, etc., etc.
Have you ever seen a Muslim candy striper, or a Muslim symphonic orchestra, or an Islamic-Muslim restaurant that allows all to patronize? Has anyone seen the Islamic-Muslim culture invent, contribute, build anything that advances our great country.

And now they are demanding welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, separate prayer rooms in schools, while Christians are being held back so as not to insult the religion of Islam, by not saying the pledge of allegiance, or waving the American flag because it may offend Islam and Atheir Allah.

Americans should all wake up to the true depiction of the lettering ISIS. What does the first letter spell out  I-S-L-A-M.  

So don't anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyplace anyway tell me Islam means peace. Islam means warriors. You want proof? Look what they're doing to women and children in the mid-east. And good old Crooked Hillary wants more of them to come here.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America, our troops, and those in Blue
(please follow me on my video You tube blogs, Politics with Pete)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ya think, just maybe?

After Donald Trump went through the rigorous task of legally and successfully capturing the nomination many thought the entire GOP would endorse, support, and lend all their resources.
It was obvious Trump was the GOP candidate to move forward to defeat Crooked Hillary. I mean, after all, isn't the main role of the GOP party to get behind their candidate, and do all that's necessary to dethrone the vast, powerful, and extremely corrupt Soetero/Clinton machine?

Many, including me, will tell you that Trump was not the first choice of the 17 candidates that started the debates last year. But why have so many GOP individuals still fighting against supporting Mr. Trump? Just what are the reasons that these GOP'ers will refuse to endorse and help Mr. Trump? Of course they must know by now that not supporting Mr. Trump in reality is supportong Crooked Hillary.

The Bush's, Ohio's Gov. Kasich, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnel, Susan Collins, and a host of other GOP Congress men/women have even taken to writing a letter to RNC Chairman Priebus to cut off funding for Mr. Trump's campaign. Why is that?  Even cry-baby Cruz was seen at the DNC convention a few weeks ago. Is there something going on that we average middle class Americans aren't being told?

There was plenty of time last year when there were 17 candidates that could've been bolstered and supported by these cry babies instead of Trump. And we all know that despite these losers, along with the horrible leftist media, the American spoke out in overwhelming droves that the choice of American people to represent them to challenge Crooked Hillary is Donald Trump.

To me, personally, my biggest disappointment is Ohio's Governor John Kasich, as I reside in Ohio. He is certainly showing a cry-baby playground mentality. He says he just doesn't share Trump's policies. Really, Gov. Kasich....are you going with that? Someone should wake up and tell Kasich that there is no such thing as a "perfect" candidate, but we're talking Crooked Hillary here. Does Ohio's Governor think about what Crooked Hillary will bring to the White House if she's elected.  Mr. Trump needs Ohio's electorate votes. Don't deny him that Governor Kasich because you don't like some of his policies.

I also have entertained an "out of left field" theory that has been rattling around in my empty  head. We all know that Mr. Trump wants to attack American companies that have sent their businesses to foreign countries. Many American manufacturers are having their products made cheaper in places like China, Taiwan, India, Sri Lanka, etc., etc.

Now we all know that many of these Americans have lobbyists that represent them to keep these companies overseas for cheaper labor.  My questioning theory is that just maybe there are a lot of GOP turncoats on the lobbyists' "payroll", and do not want Mr. Trump to cut off the cheap labor profits that many manufacturers are enjoying now. Mr. Trump wants to cut corporate taxes from 35% to 15%, in order to bring jobs back to the U.S.

As of this morning there are over 100 GOP Congressmen/women vowing to not endorse and/or support Mr. Trump. Are they so selfish in putting themselves ahead of the American people?
Or is it because they feel they can't get elected by their constituents  if they support Mr. Trump come this November? These turncoats are endangering America into four more years of Barry Soetero. This is actually by Crooked Hillary's own admission. 

Crooked Hillary wants to expand the failed Obamacare, she wants to attack corporations by increasing heavier taxes, so she can continue Barry Soetero's give-away programs. She wants to bring Slick Willy and Sext maniac Anthony Weiner back into the White House, along with Muslim Brotherhood member Huma Abedin.  She also wants to open our country's borders even wider, while giving automatic amnesty to illegals already here with free health care and education.

Why would these GOP turncoat cry-babies want to give Crooked Hillary a chance to continue the downward spiral of our country. Wouldn't you think that these GOP cry-baby turncoats would listen to the millions of Americans that support Mr. Trump? Something's going on.

So I'll close with my "left field" theory in a question. Are D.C. lobbyists funnelling money to these GOP cry-baby turncoats to stop Mr. Trump from trying to bring jobs back to the American people.  Think about it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America, our troops, and officers in Blue.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Monday, August 15, 2016

It's the family, stupid

This morning I grabbed my first cup of coffee early,  got in my favorite chair, and turned on the news. What I saw was the rioting, looting, and burning in the streets of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The developing story was a 23-year old Black man, Sylville Smith, was running from police with a stolen firearm in easy view of the officer. The unfolding story further said the officer shouted to the 23-yr . old to stop and drop his weapon.  The man refused, and the officer, fearing for his life and the lives of others, fired his weapon at the man, killing him.

In retaliation Black youths took to the streets of Milwaukee looting, setting property and autos on fire. It was horrifying to watch. The Black thugs considered it justified for the killing of their 23-yr. old "brother". Of course what ABC, CBS NBC won't report is that Mr. Smith was a career criminal at 23. His rap sheet includes drug possessions, armed robbery, witness tampering, violence and a host of other crimes, but you won't hear this on ABC, CBS, NBC.

Then, the pundits, experts, journalists, news anchors took to the microphones to give their reasons and solutions for the uprising on the streets of Milwaukee. First, some said the man with the stolen gun should have stopped and dropped the gun, showing he was obeying the law. Of course the media blamed everything and everybody except the Black thug evil criminal.

But many others, mostly from ABC, CBS, and NBC, along with Black Lives Matter supporters
argued that poor economic conditions, police brutality, and an uncaring community are at fault for this type of killing.  No one, not anyone, addressed the true problem in this killing. 

Just imagine if this 23-year old had been raised in a caring, loving family that taught him respct of others and respect of the law, and maybe more importantly, self-respect.  Just imagine if the parents of this 23-year old had, through loving discipline, demanded that he did the simple things like staying school, and doing school assignments. His sister or cousin got in front of a mic and screamed that men/wimen in Blue were violent killers of all Blacks.

Yes, of course these are simple enough tasks and responsibilities, but maybe the parents of this 23-year old never disciplinded themselves to the tasks of parenthood. Maybe these parents didn't live by the famous saying, "proper parenthood is the toughest, but most rewarding job in the world".  Mr. Smith's own father admitted, "even though I was in and out of prison while he was growing up, I did the best I could". Really? You want us to accept you're a good parent? 

Everyone has so many "after the fact" opinions, but I'd like to know what began 23 years ago with this young man that led to yesterday. What led this man to live a life of crime? Why does the blame rest solely at the feet of racial inequality, the economy, the ghetto, or the worst blame; "Whitey".

There have now been two days of looting, arson, lawlessness on the streets of Milwaukee, with Black Lives Matter claiming moreviolence against "whitey" and officers in Blue  is to come. 
Someone tell me what good will come of all this mayhem on the streets of Milwaukee?  What are Black Lives Matter hoping to accomplish by burning the very businesses that thrive to make Milwaukee great. These businesses pay taxes to help Milwaukee, and now they're destroyed thanks to evil black thugs led by BLM.

The deceased criminal, Sylville Smith, was video-taped on the African-American officer's body-cam showing Mr. Smith was shot in the chest,also revealing he had a weapon, with 17 rounds in it, and turned to face the officer with gun in hand. Preliminary investigation shows the shooting was within lawful police parameters. But, of course you will never hear about this on ABC, CBS or NBC.

Another bit of reporting you won't hear from the main stream media is that while the mayhem was occuring on the streets of Milwaukee, two officers, yes men in Blue , were mercilessly gunned down by evil black thugs. No, you can bet the major networks will never report this.

And that'sPolitics with Pete for today...God bless America, our troops, and officers in Blue
(please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Where were you then?

Right now it seems like Donald Trump is like a one-armed boxer in the ring with Mike Tyson, and it's the twelfth round and is getting pummeled. The corrupt judges and referee won't stop the fight. At the same time most of the people in the audience is cheering for Mike Tyson to keep pummeling  Trump. Think about it folks.

Remember the mid-term 2014 elections of our House & Senate representatives? I stayed up till very late into the night and celebrated like a little kid when the tallied votes reflected that Republicans took control of the House & Senate.  I strongly felt that Paul Ryan, leader in the House, and Mitch McConnell, leader in the Senate, would start bringing us back on the road to where America belongs.

The truth is Ryan, McConnell did absolutely nothing and in fact even bowed down to Barry Soetero, and let him do as exactly as he pleased for his remaining time in office. They did nothing to even try to overturn the dastardly executive actions Barry has done for several years. Both of these are as spineless as Mitt Romney,  John McCain, and Ohio's Kasich.

And now what are these sissies doing? They're turning on Trump as fast as you can say "turncoat".  These turncoats aren't even decent enough to address that if they get Republicans to turn on Trump, they're assuring the Crooked Hillary machine will be assured of four more years of continued Barry Soetero. Can you say Sharia Law?


Crooked Hillary and her corrupt machine is the Bernie Madoff of politics, but only on a much larger and more dangerous course. Crooked Hillary has been promising countries outlandish favors in her 'pay for play' schemes. She's even taking money from countries that hate us and support the very terrorists that want to massacre us. Of course ABC, CBS, NBC won't report any of this. The media is too bas "helping Tyson knock Trump out of the race".

Crooked Hillary and the media wants you to focus on Trump's relationship with Putin, which has proven nothing. And yet ABC, CBS, and NBC will not report that Hillary brokered a deal to sell one-fifth of America's uranium to Russia for very large donations that were laundered to their crooked foundation by way of Slick Willy's outrageous speaking fees in Russia. Has anyone heard any of this on ABCCBS or NBC?

Trump has a long hard road ahead of him. He's got the media attacking him, and now the help of the elite GOP is even trying to find ways to get Trump out of the race. Don't you just wish these wussy GOP'rs could look into our country's future if Crooked Hillary gets elected?

Even if the GOP holds the House & Senate Crooked Hillary will just use her executive pen and move to destroy us. Amnesty will be given to all illegals, and the borders will be re-named the Swiss cheese wall. Thousands of Syrian refugees will come here with terrorists hidden among them. Anyone here anything from ABC, CBS or NBC?

My own person immediate worry is if Crooked Hillary is in our White House her appointment of Supreme Court Justices could well turn America into a third world country. Her first order of business will be to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and take our guns away. Next she'll raise taxes to eliminate all college debts, then the illegals will receive free health care which will be paid for by hard-working Americans.  Can you say Venezuela?

Trump is alone. All he has is we Americans that believe in him. No one else is getting behind the support for him. Did you hear what former CBS reporter Dan Rather just said. He strongly suggests "that ALL media do all they can in their reporting to degrade Trump and all the Americans who support him".  Yeah, spoken like a true journalist Dan. weren't you the guy that lied and lost your job over the lies you reported on G.W. Bush's military record?

Yes, Trump keeps getting battered, knocked down in his fight, so bad that he doesn't even have anyone in his "boxing" corner, except those of us who beliieve in him.  The media will continue to lie and invent drama into Trump's campaign, but have you noticed that Trumps is the fighter that Americans need. Don't look for the sissies like Ryan, McConnel, McCain, Bush family, Romney, Kasich, and other GOP leaders to get behind Trump.

All Trump has is us powerful Americans that will make the ultimate decision in November. Please vote to help him make America great again, and don't forget to contact your House and Senate to do all they can to monitor the voting process. Crooked Hillary is not above rigging the tally counts anyway she can.

And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless America, our troops, and our Blue lives
Please follow me on my You Tube videos Politics with Pete)

Friday, August 12, 2016

Not the public-it's the media

Please wake up folks, and give yourself some credit. ABC, CBS, NBC,, and NPR is just reporting their biased news that they think will help Crooked Hillary get elected.  These biased news networks know full and well that many Americans do not receive cable or satellite news. They know the only news outlets many Americans have are the three major networks.

The Crooked Hillary machine is being carried mainly by ABC, CBS, and NBC. The media will not address any of Hillary's lies, scandals, and corruption. Their main job is to attack Donald Trump any way they can.  Have you noticed how the media keeps touting that Hillary is ahead in the polls, but three non-biased groups have reported that the recent polls are purposely polling mostly Democrats, so they can tell Americans that Hillary is doing great.

Have you ever noticed Hillary's campaign speeches can't even fill a high school gym, while Trump's campaign garners thousands, with thousands outside the arena waiting to get in. It's obvious the public is supporting Trump more than Crooked Hillary, but of course the media won't report that to you. 

Can you just imagine if Trump had the father of the ISIS sympathizer who murdered 49 Americans at a LGBT night club in the visible background at one of his campaigns? And yet the media won't even touch that Crooked Hillardy's team invited the father of the ISIS supporter who did the horrible act of killing 49 Americans to her Florida rally.

Let's talk about what the media reported about Trump's statement regarding the 2nd Amendment voters. He was encouraging NRA members and 2nd. Amendment advocates to stop Hillary by not voting for her. But of course the media reported that Trump wanted Hillary assassinated. Why didn't the media report that Crooked Hillary said that Justice Scalia's death "was an opportunity" for her campaign? Of course the media will never report that Crooked Hillary's daughter Chelsea said that "Scalia's death is a great opportunity for my mother to repeal the 2nd. Amendment".  Nah, you'll never see that in the media or in the New York Times.

Now we know that the inept Attorney General Loretta Lynch very recently denied the FBI's request for the DOJ to investigate Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy's foundation.  You'll never hear about this in the mainstream media news broadcast. Can you just imagine if Trump had privately met on a tarmac with AG Lynch?  

Can you imagine if the media found that Trump had a private unsecured computer server in his basement that he never disclosed that he had? Can you imagine what the media would do to Trump if it was disclosed  that he received millions in donations from countries that hate America, and most of that money went to his wallet instead of his campaign?

What if Trump had something to do with the savage death of Libyan Ambassador Stevens by refusing to send aid to him and the other Americans that were killed? You know what the media would have done to that bit of news. 

And just why is Crooked Hillary doing everything she can by lying about the deleted e-mails?
Why won't she just tell us? What she did was treasonous, and accepting money from countries who hate us is treasonous as the Secretary of State, in exchange of favors. Everyone knows Crooked Hillary belongs in jail, not in our White House, but ABC, CBS, and NBC will do all they can to hide Crooked Hillary's corruption, liess, and scandals.

How about the "double-dipping" by Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills? When Crooked Hillary was Sec'y. of State these two were on the State Department payroll, and at the same time they were receiving  paychecks from the Clinton Foundation.  Of course this is not only unethical and immoral, it's also illegal and is criminal.  But know full well that ABC, CBS, and NBC, along with the NY Times will never report this to Americans.

For years we've known that ABC, CBS, and NBC was always left-leaning, progressive, and support the Dems, but now they've taken to lying and twisting all of their reporting to fit the agenda of the Democratic party. Has anyone researched the connection between the Soetero administration and these networks? Can you say nepotism? Many are married, along with brothers, sisters, etc., between these networks and the corrupt Soetero/Clinton machine, even up to the White House.

And now we have solid proof that the White House, probably Soetero himself, told their war analysts to report that the war on ISIS is rapidly improving, ISIS is falling, and we will soon eliminate them. The real truth is that ISIS has grown under Barry's administration. By falsifying information he is outwardly responsible for endangering the lives of our troops in the middle east fighting ISIS. 

With Barry's continued lying about ISIS' JV team he also endangers the lives of Americans here in the U.S. This action is treasonous, and Barry Soetero must be arrested as an agent of ISIS, but of course we'll never get any reporting or support of this from ABC, CBS, or NBC.

The bottom line here is that if elected, Crooked Hillary may be far more dangerous than what we've experienced these past eight years. The Crooked Clinton machine is so vast, powerful, and full of scandals and lies that she could put a horrendous block to American freedoms and rights. She will ruin this country if elected.  Only we Americans can stop this; in the voting booth, and then be assured the voting machines and counting aren't rigged.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America, our troops, and our men/women in Blue. (Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

There's no rigging???

In 2012 a young man attending Temple University voted for Mitt Romney. When the election tally came in it was announced that Barry Soetero carried 100% of the votes in that very same precinct. In fact of the 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia voting districts Barry Soetero received 100% of ALL votes, with Mitt Romney not receiving a single vote.  Of course that's a mathematical and statistical impossibility.  But what department in Soetero's regime was going to check it?

In the 2012 election in the 21 districts of Woods county in Ohio Barry Soetero received 100% of the votes. Also to be noted GOP inspectors were illegally from their polling stations. Barry also received 100% of the votes. Not a single vote for Romney. Another mathematical and statistical error, but what department in Soetero's regime was going to check that out.

Also, in Woods county, Ohio with only 98,213 eligible registered voters, there were 102,258 votes cast in the booths.  In St. Lucie county in Florida, with 175,574 registered voters, there were 247,713 votes cast.  Can you guess what percentage of the votes went to Barry?

Palm Beach, Florida had a voter turnout of 141%. Ever wonder what caused that? Can you say voter I.D.? In another Ohio county Barry Soetero won by 108% of the vote. Again, can you say voter I.D.?

Never, ever forget a statistic that the media will not report. Barry Soetero, in the 2012 election, won EVERY state that did not require voter I.D.  Now here's another statistical fact: Mitt Romeny, in the 2012 election, WON every state that required voter I.D.

How can voters be assured that when we walk into the voting booth, and push the lever for Trump, that the rigged voting maching will publish Crooked Hillary? With all the decades of scandals, lies, corruption, and even mysterious deaths, please don't think that the vast and powerful Crooked Hillary machine won't go to any extremes to win this election.

Don't know about anyone else, but I'm terrified that the Crooked Hillary machine is going to illegally buy and steal this very important election. I can't imagine any man/woman in the military or in Blue would vote for this criminal that should be indicted and in prison instead of our White House. 

So what can us average Americans do to insure we have a legal and Constitutional voting process this November? Well, I'm going to phone and write our Republican Congressional Senate and House Representatives to do everything in their power to make sure our voting process is held in check, legal, and Constitutional. This is so very important.

Never forget that Crooked Hillary and her machine doesn't want to be President of the United States, she wants to be the "Queen", and rule over us with all the people she will repay favors to for helping getting her elected. She is a very dangerous and evil person, driven by power.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless America, our troops, and men/women in Blue. (Pls. follow me on my video You Tube blogs, Politics with Pete)

Monday, August 8, 2016


OK, I get it. You're a Republican that won't vote for Trump, but claim you're a Republican that  says you'll "write in"someone like Mickey Mouse, because you pride yourself on being a "never-Trump" Republican.  As I've written in previous blogs that Trump was not my first choice, but take a look at what another disaster Crooked Hillary would bring to America's White House.

I'm not going to write about all her lies, scandals, Benghazi, corruption, and her mental unfitness. You've heard those stories many times.  Let's just think of Crooked Hillary, for just a few minutes, as our 46th. President, and the damage she brings with her.

The most glaring damage Crooked Hillary would to to America is through the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). Even if Crooked Hillary lasts only four years she may have the ability to nominate up to four Supreme Court Justices, that could last for decades.

First, there's a vacancy created by the passing of Antonin Scalia, and you know Crooked Hillary will put forth a strong liberal progressive judge that will help her demolish our second amendment. In fact, Chelsea is already on the circuits claiming "my mother will repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate guns". As an NRA member and owner of legally purhased and registered of four firearms this frightens me.

Next, Justice Ginsberg at 82 is set to resign. Justice Kennedy at 79, along with Justice Thomas at 67 are rumored to retire. What does this mean to America? If Crooked Hillary is elected, God forbid, she could still "stack the deck" for generations to come with lifetime appointments to SCOTUS.  And then there's the federal circuit judgeships throughout the country. 

And the most terrifying of all is that someone suggested to Crooked Hillary that she should push for Barry Soetero to be on the Supreme Court if she's elected. That alone should make Americans horrified,

To have our Supreme Court and federal circuit courts loaded with liberal judges that are in Crooked Hillary's back pocket could destroy our democratic way of life as we knew it before Barry Soetero was elected. This is possible one main reason  that we can't allow this corrupt woman in our White House.

I respect what Trump said, "even if I'm not your first Republican choice, please vote for me so that Crooked Hillary doesn't stack our Supreme Court with a host of liberal judges that owe the Obama-Clinton machine big time".

Folks, it's our responsibility to stop the Obama machine, and get behind the support for Trump.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America....and our troops
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Saturday, August 6, 2016

But Trump's got us

Conservative Americans that are hoping for a complete change and ouster of the corrupt administration that has been in our White House for eight years know it's going to be a long struggling uphill battle.

When the GOP debates started with seventeen hopefuls on the stage I will admit Mr. Trump was surely not my first, second, third, etc., choice. I actually thought he's be the first one to drop out of the race.  But I sure remember what Governor Huckabee said during one of the debates, "anyone of the candidates here on stage would be a much better president than Hillary Clinton".

When you add the vast, corrupt, and powerful Obama-Clinton "machine" to the entire media it's going to be a long hard struggle for the GOP this November.  With 96 days to the election we're seeing the polls of Trump vs. Hillary are even rigged. For example it was disclosed that a recent ABC poll reflected that 75% of the people in the poll were registered Democrats.

Of course we can't forget our great Hollywood elite who are constantly using their "platform" to stand behind Crooked Hillary, while throwing personal attacks at Trump. Vicious lies from the likes of Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, and Rachel Maddow just throw more gasoline on the fire of the media war against Trump.

Strong Trump supporters are urging Trump to "just stay on course and go after the Barry-Hillary team". Never before has the Democratic party had such a poor, weak, and corrupt candidate nominated for the presidency. You can believe if the Dems had a better and stronger candidate Hillary would be well under the bus. 

There is so much ammunition for Trump to rightfully attack against Crooked Hillary and Barry Soetero. Fast & Furious, Obamacare, the Iran deal ($400M?), Crooked Hillarys's email scandals, Benghazi, and let's not forget the corrupt Clinton "foundation".

And Trump was right about Khizr Khan. Yes, it's a tragedy to lose one's son in war, but how come it took so long for Mr. Khan to speak out? He didn't even write the speech he gave; Hillary's team did. Did you know five families were asked before Mr. Khan, and they all denied, refusing to exploit their fallen son's death to help the DNC machine.

Did you know Mr. Khan was paid $25,000. to read that speech at the DNC? yes, and he was offered $100,00 each by CNN and NBC to appear on their networks to bash Trump. Never once did Mr. Khan blame the extreme Islamist radicals for his son's death. It was all Trump's fault.
Did anyone tell him that the lady that paid Mr. Khan $25,000 also voted for the Iraq war?

And here's the frosting on the cake: Mr. Khan is an attorney, that his practice spends all or most of its time acquiring visa for Muslims to come here.  His practice is doing so poorly that he owes over one million dollars to the IRS,  and owes $850,000 in back taxes. Want some more frosting?......the IRS has suspended pursuing Mr. Khan and his back taxes.

So there you have it folks. The vast, powerful, and corrupt Soetero-Clinton machine, along with their fawning media is going to be very tough to beat, but I have faith in the American people, because Trump's got us. Let's just pray the election isn't rigged in the voting booths.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube videos,  Politics with Pete)