Friday, December 9, 2016

Media? What media?

Wouldn't you think by now that the liberal left-wing media would get the message. As they conue to attack, trash, and lie about PRESIDENT-ELECT Donaald Trump the media is rapidly getting the message that the Trump administration does not need the press. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump went so far as to inform the press that there may be no more daily press briefings. 

And as Mr. Trump has said many, many times "when the press start treating me fairly and honestly maybe then I'll cooperate more with them".  For eight years we were subjected to a fawning press corps that kissed up to the Barry Soetero administration. And if any reporter dare ask a question that didn't coincide with Barry's policies they were immediately shot down, and was not called upon again for a long time.

So what does PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump do? He just decides he doesn't need the media at all. He'll just use Twitter, and other social media outlets to reach the American people. I, for one of many, thinks it's a great idea. Did the left-leaning progressive lib media think they were any kind of a match for PRESIDEN-ELECT Trump?

And how about Newt Gingrich's idea? Let's just eliminate the White House press corps completely, while expanding the social media so that reporters from all over the world can ask the White House any question they want. Then President Trump can answer the questions directly to the American people, without any liberal left-wing media filtering his comments into lies. 

Face it folks', press secretary Josh Earnest has made a frustrating joke out of press corps meetings in the White House. Just think about it objectively. Expand Twitter, Facebook, etc.,  then set up programs so reporters, and even citizens can submit questions to the Trump administration. After all, we all know, by now that communicating directly to the American people is a gigantic reason that Mr. Trump won the election.

The glaring reality is the incoming Trump administration has no use or need from the media. In fact, he regularly takes them on, and then uses social media to go directly to the American people. And the truth is most Americans support the idea of the Trump administration by-passing the media and going directly to the people through the social media.

It took someone like PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump to put ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC in their place. They are beginning to realize that America is fed up with their reporting of nothing but liberal Democrat slants on the news. 

To sum it up, the factual truth is America really doesn't need the media any more. The Trump administration will, however, welcome media back into the fold when they start reporting news fairly, honestly, and with integrity. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)

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