From all indications from the media it appears that Crooked Hillary Clinton, instead of going to a Federal prison, will be the 45th. president heading for the America's hallowed White House and oval office. And so my deep burning question to all Americans is ARE YOU READY?
Is America ready for the corrupt dealings behind closed doors that Crooked Hillary will be presiding with countries that hate Americad, and yet donated large sums of money to Hdillary's phony "charity" foundation? Do you wonder what kind of "favors" she will be recipcrotating to Iran, Libya, Afghanistan, and yes even Russia. Don't forget she sold 20% of our uranium to a Russian enterprise that turned around and gave enormous sums of money for Slick Willy's speech.
Are you ready America for Loretta Lynch and Barry Soetero to be granted Supreme Court Justice appointments during a recess period when Congress is not in session? Are you ready for the supposition that Crooked Hillary could very well appoint four Supreme Court Justices that will be far left? Are you ready for the return of Eric Holder?
Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary's promise, broadcasted by her daughter that she will "bring down the NRA"? Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary to repeal the 2nd. Amendment. She even admitted, "the 2nd Amendment is flawed, and must be changed". Please remember a man in Germany in the '30's and '40's was successful in removing arms from citizens, and we all know what happened next.
Are you ready America for Huma Abedin to be America's Secretary of State, even though she has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood? Are you ready for Cheryl Mills to be White House Chief of Staff? Are you ready to have MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell as the White House press secretary?
Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary to expand "Obamacare" so much until it evolves into total government control raising our health insurance premiums so lazy unemployed people on welfare and food stamps receive free healthcare? Has anyone ever asked who will be paying for the "free" college that Crooked Hillary touts on her campaign?
Are you ready America for Craooked Hillary to pass into law that it's lawful for 36-week abortions to physically tear a baby from its mother's womb? Are you ready to vote a woman in office that will not refer to a baby, only a fetus, when it is in the womb?
Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary's selections for Cabinet positions, i.e., Secretary of Defense, EPA Director, Secretary of Treasure, Homeland Security Director, etc.? Are you ready for a left-wing liberal take over of these appointments?
Are you ready America for Crooked Hillary to allow 65,000 unvetted refugees from Syria to come to our country? Are you ready for Crooked Hillary to allow open borders from Mexico?
Are you ready America to have your taxes increased to pay for the health, education, and unemployment of the refugees that Crooked Hillary allows into our country?
Are you ready America to have a president that wants to continue to "scale down" our military and other first line defenses that protect our country? Are you ready for a president who claims "our Veteran's Administration is doing a good job for our veterans and there is no need to change their status"?
Are you ready America to have Slick Willy as the White House "First Gentleman", and have him run amok in the White House having affairs with interns when Crooked Hillary travels?Are you ready to have Podesta and Palmeri on Crooked Hillary's staff?
Are you ready America to have Crooked Hillary appoint Chelsea as the chief director of the corrupt Clinton "charity" fund, so that more illegal dollars flow into the coffers of the Clintons, and not to people of need? Can you truly accept and respect Crooked Hillary after she was responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi?
Are you ready America for a president that has lied to the FBI and 39 times swore under oath that "I do not recall", and erased over 33,000 emails AFTER she was directed to undergo questioning from Congress?
Are you ready America for four more years of Barry Soetero, and a gigantic increase in our national debt while our country suffers its most rapid decline in GDP growth since the depression? Are you ready to continue to live in a country where more Americans are out of work than are actually employed?
America, if you are ready to accept all these things then by all means declare yourself a faithful left-wing liberal progressive Democrat and vote for Crooked Hillary. And when all of these things mentioned above come to fruition after she's elected....well then America you will get exactly what you asked for, and our country will become another third world country.
Remember, on November 8th., you have a choice. Don't let our country down.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, and our troops.
(Please follow me on my video You Tube blogs, Politics with Pete)
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