Monday, August 8, 2016


OK, I get it. You're a Republican that won't vote for Trump, but claim you're a Republican that  says you'll "write in"someone like Mickey Mouse, because you pride yourself on being a "never-Trump" Republican.  As I've written in previous blogs that Trump was not my first choice, but take a look at what another disaster Crooked Hillary would bring to America's White House.

I'm not going to write about all her lies, scandals, Benghazi, corruption, and her mental unfitness. You've heard those stories many times.  Let's just think of Crooked Hillary, for just a few minutes, as our 46th. President, and the damage she brings with her.

The most glaring damage Crooked Hillary would to to America is through the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). Even if Crooked Hillary lasts only four years she may have the ability to nominate up to four Supreme Court Justices, that could last for decades.

First, there's a vacancy created by the passing of Antonin Scalia, and you know Crooked Hillary will put forth a strong liberal progressive judge that will help her demolish our second amendment. In fact, Chelsea is already on the circuits claiming "my mother will repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate guns". As an NRA member and owner of legally purhased and registered of four firearms this frightens me.

Next, Justice Ginsberg at 82 is set to resign. Justice Kennedy at 79, along with Justice Thomas at 67 are rumored to retire. What does this mean to America? If Crooked Hillary is elected, God forbid, she could still "stack the deck" for generations to come with lifetime appointments to SCOTUS.  And then there's the federal circuit judgeships throughout the country. 

And the most terrifying of all is that someone suggested to Crooked Hillary that she should push for Barry Soetero to be on the Supreme Court if she's elected. That alone should make Americans horrified,

To have our Supreme Court and federal circuit courts loaded with liberal judges that are in Crooked Hillary's back pocket could destroy our democratic way of life as we knew it before Barry Soetero was elected. This is possible one main reason  that we can't allow this corrupt woman in our White House.

I respect what Trump said, "even if I'm not your first Republican choice, please vote for me so that Crooked Hillary doesn't stack our Supreme Court with a host of liberal judges that owe the Obama-Clinton machine big time".

Folks, it's our responsibility to stop the Obama machine, and get behind the support for Trump.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America....and our troops
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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