When there were seventeen GOP candidates campaigning for the Republican nomination for President the last person I was cheering for was Donald Trump. I keep thinking Bush, Rubio, Carson, and even my own Ohio Governor would be a better choice. I even predicted that Trump would be the first to fall.
So Trump emerged as the candidate that will oppose Crooked Hillary on November 8th., so why would or should we vote for him? Why would I vote for a business man instead of someone with thirty years of political experience? Why would I not vote for a former first lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State?
Why would I vote for a brash, arrogant, loud speaking, controversial successful businessman instead of an "experienced" politician? Why would I not want to take the "safe route" and keep things in Washington status-quo, and extend Barry Soetero for another four, maybe eight years?
If Trump emerges as our next President-elect on November 8th., he can stand proud and say he did this amid all the backlash from the media, with no support at all from many of the elitist. There are so very many reasons why our great country cannot aaccept Crooked Hillary as our next President.
One staunch Clinton supporter said, "Oh let's forget about Benghazi...it's old news". Really? Tell that to the survivors of the four men her and Barry refused to help because it was "election time". To this day no one knows where Hillary or Barry were when our Benghazi consulate was under fire, let alone sending in planes and troops to rescue them. And of course our wonderful media just swept it under the rug.
Trump makes one brash controversial statement and the media can't wait to "lead" with the story. However, the media has not said a word about the corrupt Clinton Charity Foundation. Money is still being laundered in and out of that foundation like holes in Swiss cheese. Talk about a media and White House cover up.
Remember the song, "If I had a hammer"? Well that was a big part of Crooked Hillary's e-mail scandal. In addition to her unsecured private server where she successfully maintained her "pay for play" deals, she had her aide literally smash thirteen cell phones with a hammer, while another aide "bleach-scrubbed" her server to eliminate 33,000 e-mails.
And of course our lame FBI won't do a thing because FBI Director Comey works for AG Loretta Lynch, who works for Barry. Director Comey gave immunity to five Clinton aides only to hear them all say, "I can't recall". Even Crooked Hillary said thirty-nine times "I can't recall", when the FBI questioned her. By the way does anyone else know that FBI Director Comey sits on the board of one of the corrupted Clinton Foundations companies?
Maybe the biggest incentive to cast your vote for Trump is who Crooked Hillary will bring with her if she gets into our oval office. Don't forget there will be four openings for the Supreme Court in Crooked Hillary's four years. She has already announced she will fill the openings with left-leaning progressive libs.
Crooked Hillary's daughter has already announced on TV talk shows that her mother will bring down the NRA and repeal the 2nd. Amendment,even if she has to use executive recess orders, and one of those appointments may well be Barry Soetero along with three women. Crooked Hillary has already alluded to that.
The only true way we'll be rid of Barry Soetero and what he's done to us for eight years is to vote for Trump. Can you imagine Huma Abedin as Secretary of State? She has strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and used to write articles for their news editions
And don't think for a minute that Crooked Hillary isn't going to return favors to all those mid-east countries that have donated to her "charity" fund that is hidden in her lost 33,000 e-mails.
She may even attack our country's principles and freedoms more than Barry has done. She is attacking our men/women in Blue to cater to the Black vote, but you can bet she will do nothing for the African-American community if she enters our oval office.
To sum it up, even if you're not a true Trump supporter, for the sake of our country don't vote for a corrupt scandolous woman who only wants the presidency for her own personal gains and power. If she were a Republican she would right now be where she belongs....in prison.
Right now Trump is our only chance to start rebuilding and restoring our country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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