Please wake up folks, and give yourself some credit. ABC, CBS, NBC,, and NPR is just reporting their biased news that they think will help Crooked Hillary get elected. These biased news networks know full and well that many Americans do not receive cable or satellite news. They know the only news outlets many Americans have are the three major networks.
The Crooked Hillary machine is being carried mainly by ABC, CBS, and NBC. The media will not address any of Hillary's lies, scandals, and corruption. Their main job is to attack Donald Trump any way they can. Have you noticed how the media keeps touting that Hillary is ahead in the polls, but three non-biased groups have reported that the recent polls are purposely polling mostly Democrats, so they can tell Americans that Hillary is doing great.
Have you ever noticed Hillary's campaign speeches can't even fill a high school gym, while Trump's campaign garners thousands, with thousands outside the arena waiting to get in. It's obvious the public is supporting Trump more than Crooked Hillary, but of course the media won't report that to you.
Can you just imagine if Trump had the father of the ISIS sympathizer who murdered 49 Americans at a LGBT night club in the visible background at one of his campaigns? And yet the media won't even touch that Crooked Hillardy's team invited the father of the ISIS supporter who did the horrible act of killing 49 Americans to her Florida rally.
Let's talk about what the media reported about Trump's statement regarding the 2nd Amendment voters. He was encouraging NRA members and 2nd. Amendment advocates to stop Hillary by not voting for her. But of course the media reported that Trump wanted Hillary assassinated. Why didn't the media report that Crooked Hillary said that Justice Scalia's death "was an opportunity" for her campaign? Of course the media will never report that Crooked Hillary's daughter Chelsea said that "Scalia's death is a great opportunity for my mother to repeal the 2nd. Amendment". Nah, you'll never see that in the media or in the New York Times.
Now we know that the inept Attorney General Loretta Lynch very recently denied the FBI's request for the DOJ to investigate Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy's foundation. You'll never hear about this in the mainstream media news broadcast. Can you just imagine if Trump had privately met on a tarmac with AG Lynch?
Can you imagine if the media found that Trump had a private unsecured computer server in his basement that he never disclosed that he had? Can you imagine what the media would do to Trump if it was disclosed that he received millions in donations from countries that hate America, and most of that money went to his wallet instead of his campaign?
What if Trump had something to do with the savage death of Libyan Ambassador Stevens by refusing to send aid to him and the other Americans that were killed? You know what the media would have done to that bit of news.
And just why is Crooked Hillary doing everything she can by lying about the deleted e-mails?
Why won't she just tell us? What she did was treasonous, and accepting money from countries who hate us is treasonous as the Secretary of State, in exchange of favors. Everyone knows Crooked Hillary belongs in jail, not in our White House, but ABC, CBS, and NBC will do all they can to hide Crooked Hillary's corruption, liess, and scandals.
How about the "double-dipping" by Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills? When Crooked Hillary was Sec'y. of State these two were on the State Department payroll, and at the same time they were receiving paychecks from the Clinton Foundation. Of course this is not only unethical and immoral, it's also illegal and is criminal. But know full well that ABC, CBS, and NBC, along with the NY Times will never report this to Americans.
For years we've known that ABC, CBS, and NBC was always left-leaning, progressive, and support the Dems, but now they've taken to lying and twisting all of their reporting to fit the agenda of the Democratic party. Has anyone researched the connection between the Soetero administration and these networks? Can you say nepotism? Many are married, along with brothers, sisters, etc., between these networks and the corrupt Soetero/Clinton machine, even up to the White House.
And now we have solid proof that the White House, probably Soetero himself, told their war analysts to report that the war on ISIS is rapidly improving, ISIS is falling, and we will soon eliminate them. The real truth is that ISIS has grown under Barry's administration. By falsifying information he is outwardly responsible for endangering the lives of our troops in the middle east fighting ISIS.
With Barry's continued lying about ISIS' JV team he also endangers the lives of Americans here in the U.S. This action is treasonous, and Barry Soetero must be arrested as an agent of ISIS, but of course we'll never get any reporting or support of this from ABC, CBS, or NBC.
The bottom line here is that if elected, Crooked Hillary may be far more dangerous than what we've experienced these past eight years. The Crooked Clinton machine is so vast, powerful, and full of scandals and lies that she could put a horrendous block to American freedoms and rights. She will ruin this country if elected. Only we Americans can stop this; in the voting booth, and then be assured the voting machines and counting aren't rigged.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America, our troops, and our men/women in Blue. (Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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