Conservative Americans that are hoping for a complete change and ouster of the corrupt administration that has been in our White House for eight years know it's going to be a long struggling uphill battle.
When the GOP debates started with seventeen hopefuls on the stage I will admit Mr. Trump was surely not my first, second, third, etc., choice. I actually thought he's be the first one to drop out of the race. But I sure remember what Governor Huckabee said during one of the debates, "anyone of the candidates here on stage would be a much better president than Hillary Clinton".
When you add the vast, corrupt, and powerful Obama-Clinton "machine" to the entire media it's going to be a long hard struggle for the GOP this November. With 96 days to the election we're seeing the polls of Trump vs. Hillary are even rigged. For example it was disclosed that a recent ABC poll reflected that 75% of the people in the poll were registered Democrats.
Of course we can't forget our great Hollywood elite who are constantly using their "platform" to stand behind Crooked Hillary, while throwing personal attacks at Trump. Vicious lies from the likes of Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, and Rachel Maddow just throw more gasoline on the fire of the media war against Trump.
Strong Trump supporters are urging Trump to "just stay on course and go after the Barry-Hillary team". Never before has the Democratic party had such a poor, weak, and corrupt candidate nominated for the presidency. You can believe if the Dems had a better and stronger candidate Hillary would be well under the bus.
There is so much ammunition for Trump to rightfully attack against Crooked Hillary and Barry Soetero. Fast & Furious, Obamacare, the Iran deal ($400M?), Crooked Hillarys's email scandals, Benghazi, and let's not forget the corrupt Clinton "foundation".
And Trump was right about Khizr Khan. Yes, it's a tragedy to lose one's son in war, but how come it took so long for Mr. Khan to speak out? He didn't even write the speech he gave; Hillary's team did. Did you know five families were asked before Mr. Khan, and they all denied, refusing to exploit their fallen son's death to help the DNC machine.
Did you know Mr. Khan was paid $25,000. to read that speech at the DNC? yes, and he was offered $100,00 each by CNN and NBC to appear on their networks to bash Trump. Never once did Mr. Khan blame the extreme Islamist radicals for his son's death. It was all Trump's fault.
Did anyone tell him that the lady that paid Mr. Khan $25,000 also voted for the Iraq war?
And here's the frosting on the cake: Mr. Khan is an attorney, that his practice spends all or most of its time acquiring visa for Muslims to come here. His practice is doing so poorly that he owes over one million dollars to the IRS, and owes $850,000 in back taxes. Want some more frosting?......the IRS has suspended pursuing Mr. Khan and his back taxes.
So there you have it folks. The vast, powerful, and corrupt Soetero-Clinton machine, along with their fawning media is going to be very tough to beat, but I have faith in the American people, because Trump's got us. Let's just pray the election isn't rigged in the voting booths.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
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