Sunday, December 4, 2016

Isn't this fun?

I wake up every morning now deleriously happy, anxdious to turn on my Fox News channel and watch what PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump will do next, and aalso excitingly happy that Crooked Hillary is still on the hook for possible indictment and prison, and will not ever again reside in our White House.

Last Chrismas I got a "Farewell Obama" calendar showing his remaining days in office. The caldendar shows all the stupid, corrupt, and evil things Barry Soetero has done, and the stupid quips from Uncle Joe Biden, our Gaffer-In-Chief. Today, my calendar shows that Barry Soetero has exactly 47 more days in America's White House.  Then we'll be rid of him and his husband Michael.  I'm sure not gonna miss his stuttering when a teleprompter isn't near by.

All during PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump's campaign the media, daily radio and TV talk show hosts, many athletes, and Hollywood elites spent their entire time attacking Mr. Trump, even when facts showed that Crooked Hillary was, and still is, corrupt and treasonous.

While the media was viscously attacking PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump and his family they were continually praising Crooked Hillary, all the while publishing erroneous poll numbers,  The media actually felt that if they broadcasted and published lies and distortions about Mr. Trump then of course the middle class American would believe them and vote for Crooked Hillary.

Yes, Mr. Trump was in the race by himself, with no media support, except from the number one cable news network Fox. Even Fox had Megan Kelly and Shep Smith came after PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump. Crooked Hillary even gathered many of the entertainment elites to appear on stage with her, praising Crooked Hillary while lambasting Mr. Trump endlessly. 

Mr. Trump's beautiful wife and family were even attacked by the media and the entertainment elites. They hated Mr. Trump so much, and they were so cock-sure that Crooked Hillary was going to win the election that they promised, yes promised, that if Mr. Trump were to win the election they would leave the country. By the way has any of them left yet?

On election night the vitriolic lambasting by the media covering the election continued. They were all declaring Crooked Hillary was going to win in a landslide. Newsweek magazine even had a news edition "in the wings' with "Madame President" on the cover with a smiling Crooked Hillary picture.

So what did the media do, and still does? Of course, their continued assault on the Trump family. Every decision and movement made by PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is met with whining and crying by the media. At first I was so angry that I allowed it to take away from my joy that Mr. Trump fought back on his own terms against the media and won. 

For the past eight years if anyone spoke out against Barry Soetero they were called a racist. Today, PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and the media along with the "elites" are throwing names at him like "White Supremist, womanizer", and many other names not fit for print. But according to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that's OK. She's now attacking the people PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is appointing to his administration.

Barry Soetero has such sour grapes, he even went so far as to blame restaurants, taverns, and bars for carrying the Fox News channel on their TV's. If only the media would realize that the very main reason Crooked Hillary lost is because the American people looked long and hard at what Barry Soetero did for the past eight years, and decided electing Crooked Hillary would only bring more of the same for the next four years.

Green Party leader Jill Stein is failing in her attempt to overthrow the will of the American people with a recount of votes. Now that's the definition of insanity; doing something repeatedly hoping to get a different result. I'd like to see another election recount in all fifty states just to witness Crooked Hillary losing again.

The Democrat leaders in the House and Senate never seem to learn from their horrible defeats. This is proven by electing Pelosi and Schumer to lead their party again. Of course the frosting on the cake is the possibility of Kieth Ellison becoming the DNC chairman. Instead of spending all that energy attacking PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump, the Democrat party would do well by trying to repair their own party.

During the campaigns I keep repeating over and over, "How could anyone elect this crooked and corrupt woman as president of this great country".  I thought, at first, that the media and entertainmentd elites would let up on PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump, and I became extremely angry. Then I decided these uninformed ignorant people are not going to take away my joy that the man I voted for will be MY President in forty-seven days.

Go right ahead media and you entertainment elites that didn't help Crdooked Hillary one iota, keep crying, whining, and complaining about the election results. See how much that helps your party's future. The rest of us will just "hang around" and support the efforts of our forty-fifth U.S. President,  DONALD J. TRUMP. Get over it Dems.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You tube videos, Politics with Pete)

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