Wednesday, August 10, 2016

There's no rigging???

In 2012 a young man attending Temple University voted for Mitt Romney. When the election tally came in it was announced that Barry Soetero carried 100% of the votes in that very same precinct. In fact of the 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia voting districts Barry Soetero received 100% of ALL votes, with Mitt Romney not receiving a single vote.  Of course that's a mathematical and statistical impossibility.  But what department in Soetero's regime was going to check it?

In the 2012 election in the 21 districts of Woods county in Ohio Barry Soetero received 100% of the votes. Also to be noted GOP inspectors were illegally from their polling stations. Barry also received 100% of the votes. Not a single vote for Romney. Another mathematical and statistical error, but what department in Soetero's regime was going to check that out.

Also, in Woods county, Ohio with only 98,213 eligible registered voters, there were 102,258 votes cast in the booths.  In St. Lucie county in Florida, with 175,574 registered voters, there were 247,713 votes cast.  Can you guess what percentage of the votes went to Barry?

Palm Beach, Florida had a voter turnout of 141%. Ever wonder what caused that? Can you say voter I.D.? In another Ohio county Barry Soetero won by 108% of the vote. Again, can you say voter I.D.?

Never, ever forget a statistic that the media will not report. Barry Soetero, in the 2012 election, won EVERY state that did not require voter I.D.  Now here's another statistical fact: Mitt Romeny, in the 2012 election, WON every state that required voter I.D.

How can voters be assured that when we walk into the voting booth, and push the lever for Trump, that the rigged voting maching will publish Crooked Hillary? With all the decades of scandals, lies, corruption, and even mysterious deaths, please don't think that the vast and powerful Crooked Hillary machine won't go to any extremes to win this election.

Don't know about anyone else, but I'm terrified that the Crooked Hillary machine is going to illegally buy and steal this very important election. I can't imagine any man/woman in the military or in Blue would vote for this criminal that should be indicted and in prison instead of our White House. 

So what can us average Americans do to insure we have a legal and Constitutional voting process this November? Well, I'm going to phone and write our Republican Congressional Senate and House Representatives to do everything in their power to make sure our voting process is held in check, legal, and Constitutional. This is so very important.

Never forget that Crooked Hillary and her machine doesn't want to be President of the United States, she wants to be the "Queen", and rule over us with all the people she will repay favors to for helping getting her elected. She is a very dangerous and evil person, driven by power.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless America, our troops, and men/women in Blue. (Pls. follow me on my video You Tube blogs, Politics with Pete)

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