Never has the small two-letter word "If" had more meaning and consequences. Before I get into today's blog regarding this powerful word Iwould like to give a personal meaning to describing the word "If".
If I would've disciplined nyself more in high school and college I would've been a Doctor today. If I would've taken my piano lessons seriously I'd be playing concerts at Carnegie Hall today instead of graduating with a C- average. Last month I got 5 out of the six required numbers for the state lottery. Gee, "If" I would've got one more correct number I'd be a millionaire. There's that word "If" again.
If I were a foot taller I would've had a career in the NBA. If I were a better baseball player, and had a stronger arm I would've played shortstop for the New York Yankees. So, you see, nothing is my fault. My problem through life has been there were too many "If"s around.
Which brings me to today's message about the audacity of America's future citizen, Barry Soetero. In just 22 short days Barry Soetero will be nothing more than a citizen like you and me. Of course, like you and me, he still has his First Amendment rights. He can go around claiming "shoulda-coulda-woulda". Well, those words, along with "If" and a dollar will get him nothing more than a cup of coffee at MacDonalds.
Nearly all of previous Presidents, after their term is over, just walks away from the White House and goes off into the sunset living happily ever after. Former Presidents don't "hang around" to give their input into the duties of the new incoming administration.
This man, Barry Soetero, is doing serious harm to our country before he leaves office with his decisions regarding oil drilling, Federal land restrictions, and mostly what he did to our most valued mid-east ally Israel. Yes, President Trump will clean up the horrid messes citizen Barry Soetero will leave behind, and evil Barry will make sure President Trump will have plenty of messes to clean up.
It's clear that citizen Barry Soetero is an egomaniac that just will not go away, as decent presidents before him have done. He now claims that he will erect a "shadow government" so that he can"keep an eye on Trump". After what this worst president in American history has done what gives him the moral right to hover over the Trump administration?
Barry Soetero and his husband Michael campaigned for over a year pledging their support to Crooked Hillary. In fact Barry went so far as to say, "Hillary is the most qualified person ever to run for the office of the presidency". Then, if that wasn't enough, Barry kept telling claiming, "when you vote for Hillary, you're voting for me, my eight-year policies, and my legacy".
So, what does Barry do after Crooked Hillary suffers a horrible defeat, and suffers again with a failed recount, and losing four more electoral votes on December 19th.? Why he just uses his entire bully pulpit and throws Crooked Hillary completely under the bus by declaring "I would've won if I had been allowed to run another term". There's that word "If" again.
Does "citizen" Barry Soetero realize that America stopped listening to him during his second term in the White House. What makes "citizen" Barry think America is going to listen to him now? Americans are so eagerly awaiting for Donald J. Trump to take over the reins and steer us in the right direction.
Someone, maybe Barry's boss Valerie Jarrett, should get the message through to "citizen" Barry Soetero that on January 20, 2017 he will be well on his way to becoming Mr. Irrelevant. I predict that within one year after President Trump's inauguration Barry Soetero and his husband Michael will be nothing more than a bad taste in America's mouth.
Yes, Barry Soetero and husband Michael Robinson will be gone AND forgotten in one year. But let's let him leave our White House with the word "If".
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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