I've got to stop watching the TV news and the Internet news. How do I stop gloating? I've been on this emotional high since 3:30 AM, November 9, 2016. I must get off this "drug". Has anyone but me noticed more people are saying MERRY CHRISTMAS now more than ever in the past eight years?
Of course you stupid uninformed ignorant lib Dems that voted Barry Soetero are still running around whining while you say "happy holidays", and I suspect, like your leader Barry, are running around saying "allah akbar". Don't worry, we good Christian Americans will still wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS.
And please don't forget lib Dems, that in less than a year your man Barry will be nothing more than a morbid forgotten memory. His legacy will deflate like a punctured balloon. Wait...what legacy?
Can any lib Dem cite a positiive legacy Barry will leave behind? Maybe it's Fast & Furious. Maybe it's Benghazi. Maybe it's Obamacare. Maybe it's Barry's constant golfing, or his family vacations. Maybe it's his firing of all Generals and Admirals that disagreed with him.
Maybe it's Barry's calling ISIS " a JV TEAM", or never calling them by their correct name. Maybe his legacy will be his refusal to drill for oil and gas in Alaska and the lower forty-eight states. Do you lib Dems think that maybe his legacy will be be giving $140Billion to Iran for their nuclear program to help their terrorist organization.
Maybe the ignorant lib Dems will think Barry's legacy is that he sent a team to Israel with over $100,000 of taxpayer's money to help undermine Israel's Netenhayu's Prime Minister election.
Or maybe Barry's legacy will be his latest refusal to cast a UN vote to support Israel's support of constructing settlements.
The U.S. is now ranked 23rd. as the best country with which to do business.That only took eight years of Soetero in office. Is that a legacy for Barry? Maybe the increase of terrorist attacks in the U.S. in the past eight years will be Barry's legacy. Maybe the creation of Black Lives Matter, along with the rise of the New Black Panthers would be an acceptable legacy for the ignorant lib Dems.
How about the Blacks vs. White racial divide that has greatly increased in the past eight years? Would that be an acceptable legacy for Barry? I wonder if the horrible increase of slayings of our men/women in Blue is a legacy you ignorant lib Dems want to attach to Barry.
There are some legacies that can rightfully follow Barry as he leaves our hallowed White House. He increased our welfare to the highest its been in decades, while increasing our national debt more than all the presidents prior to him combined. Has anyone informed you ignorant lib Dems that our national debt is now very close to $20Trillion?
And so to all you stupid ignorant lib Dems that voted to help your hero Barry Soetero reduce our great country to its lowest point ever we PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump supporters want to wish you a very blessed MERRY CHRISTMAS, and thanks for allowing me to continue my gloating.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
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