PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald J. Trump has been elected by the American people exactly nine days ago. He won't even officially take office till January 20, 2017, in sixty-one days, and the media is still relentlessly attacking him. It appears that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is going to endure as much attacking from the media during his four years as President as he did when he was campaigning. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet, and the media will not let up with the personal attacks.
For any of you who entertained the idea that the media was going to "back off" on their attacks on PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump are greatly mistaken. Can you imagine What's going to happen if/when President Trump does make a mistake? The media will crucify the Trump administration. And as we all know, there was only one guy who never made a mistake and we hung him on a cross.
Of course I refer to the news outlets controlled by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, NY Times, and many other Internet social media outlets. I've been channel and Internet surfing since the election was called for PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump. It has actually been quite entertaining watching, reading, and listening to this group of sour-grape losers.
The other evening I watched MSNBC's Rachel Maddow waving her arms, and attaacking the entire Trump family. My wife and I thought she was deep into some Scotch or drugs. She was waving her arms crying, and it was easy to discern that she could not accept the election, and she was going to do her best to attack the entire Trump family for the next four years. She was definitely making a fool of herself.
Teachers and college professors are actually urging students to skip classes so they can protest and "start a race war against Whites". Does anyone remember so much race divisiveness before Barry Soetero took office in 2009. Now what does that tell you? This country will be a better place to live once Barry leaves our White House and PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump takes over.
Oh yes, by the way this is for all the racists that keep screaming Crooked Hillary won the popular vote. Just yesterday is was discovered that over 3,000,000 votes for Crooked Hillary were cast by illegal aliens. So another fact in this election that the media will not report is that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump won the popular vote by a landslid in addition to winning the electoral college vote by a landslide.
You see folks, Crroked Hillary, along with with the lying main stream media, felt they could overlook the middle class hard working Americans that wanted a change from what the horrible Barry Soetero did to our country. They actually felt that us "deplorable" would vote the way that Beyonce, Lada Gaga, Miley Cyrus, etc., wanted us to vote. Liberal Dems didn't pay any attention to what us lowly deplorable Americans really wanted.
And now we have the personal vile attacks on all of the nominations for the administration of PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump. Because these nominees are White the media, along with the liberal Dems are calling them racists. They can't find anything to truthfully attack them on, they dig up just utter junk from years, even decades ago.
Talk about double standards. What does Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, and Jeh Johnson have in common? Yes, they're Black. Remember when Whitey protested and rioted because Barry Soetero put these people in his cabinet? I don't either.
Why is it that the media will not give any information about Congressman Kieth Ellison who wants to be the new House Minority leader. He's a Muslim, he hates israel and and all Jews, and is a disciple of Louis Farrakhan. Thank you lib Dems, because having this man as your minority leader just guaranteed more success in the House for Republicans.
It was discovered that 3,000,000 votes for Crooked Hillary were cast by illegal aliens. Of course those votes were discounted. That also means that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump won the popular vote by a landslide in much the same way he won the electoral college vote. however, that still didn't stop the lib Dems. They are now trying to get the electoral voters to change their final vote next month. Some electorate voters have even received death threats to change their
electoral college vote.
Crooked Hillary carried 87% of the votes in New York city, so get prepared for the media to broadcast and spew more vile and attacking lies aimed at the Trump administration for the next four years. Instead of embracing the change, and showing PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump the support and respect he deserves because he won the election by a landslide.
I urge everyone to research all the news that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will be sending your way. Most of it will be lies and distored views against our 45th. President.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, our troops and PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald J. Trump
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