Monday, November 19, 2012

Why are you still complaining?

Will someone please tell Mr. Obama's freebie welfare people that the election is over, and they will continue to get all their freebies; welfare checks, 99 weeks of unemployment, food stamps, subsidized housing, etc., etc., etc. Wake up Dems, you won.

Everyone knows the only way Mr. Obama was reelected is because 75% of all welfare recipients cast their votes for him.  It makes me believe that hard-working Americans that go to work every day are fast becoming a minority.

However, what is more alarming is that it seems Democrat leaders are still trying to justify the way the election went. It's over Dems. You won, so why are you still attacking Governor Romney and the rest of the Republicans? Why are you continuing with the blasphemy and lies?

It wasn't tragic enough that union leaders claimed a "victory" when Hostess Products closed down and 18,000 workers are now out of work. One union boss even said their union planned it that way. Did the union ever figure how they were going to continue to receive union dues from these jobless workers? Hmm...never figured that huh?

I guess the mantra of "it's all Bush's fault" will be replaced by "it's Romney's fault". You had to figure that eventually the Democrats would need to blame someone for what's going to happen to our economy in the upcoming four years. Union leader Trumka is now bloviating that the main reason that Hostess Products shut down operations is because of Bain. Well, of course it's Romney's fault that Hostess shut down, not  Trumpka's unions.

Recently I read a Viewpoint article in the News-Herald where the writer proudly wrote that he was not a 'maker' or a 'taker', and was glad he voted for Obama.  The Viewpoint writer feels that it's better to tax people to continue to help the welfare base, giving no thought that people with money to invest, small businesses, and corporations are the bases that create jobs. 

I never seem to get an answer when I ask that age-old question; "when is the last time someone on welfare created a job"? I guess the Viewpoint writer never heard of President Ronald Reagan, who immediatly lowered taxes after he took over from Carter to encourage investment people, small businesses, and corporations to create jobs. Then when unemployment became drastically lowered, and jobs were monumentally created,  President Reagan increased certain taxes to create more revenue. Is that successful policy so backward? Think not.

Is this Viewpoint writer aware of the latest two broken promises by Mr. Obama? First, Mr. Obama is now ceasing any direction to close Gitmo. Remember the first bill he ever signed in January, 2009?  The Viewpoint writer claims one major reason he voted for Mr. Obama was because Mr. Obama was a strong support of Gay-Lesbian-Same Sex Marriage rights.  Well, in just two weeks after he garnered many Gay and Lesbian votes for his reelection Mr. Obama has decided to cease any support of same-sex marriage, along with non-support of Gay and Lesbian rights. He just keep breaking his campaign promises, and so soon after election. Hmm.

Our enemployment is growing, our GDP to debt is in shambles, our welfare costs are growing, Americans on welfare are at an all-time high, and there is no clear truths emerging regarding the Benghazi massacre, and yet Mr. Obama and the Democrats are still throwing stones at the Republican Party.  Why? 

Dems, you won. You get to sit back and watch what the White House resident is planning for the next four years.  Oh wait, he doesn't have a plan, except to raise taxes by $514.Billion a year.  Is this a great country or what?

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops



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