Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Way to go unions

Will someone please tell the unions that their job is to protect jobs for the working class. It's not to shut down private businesses that do not want unions in their work places.Unions are acting like a boyfriend that got dumped by his girlfriend, and then walks in her front yard with a sign that said she was unfair for dumping him, and had no right to dump him.

I find it so puzzling that we have 23 million Americans out of work, we have a true unemployment of over 12%, we have over 47 millions on welfare, and yet the union leaders are joyous that they shut down Hostess Products, which left 18,000 workers without jobs. Can't see the logic in that. Why are union leaders pleased with that? What did they prove?

The company that supplies the Los Angeles International airport with workers decided to end their relations with the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) and with the workers approval I might add. The workers were more than satisified to have a job in this critical economy. And what does the union do? They actually block entrances into the airport so Americans can't fly to their destinations to celebrate this holiday with their families. Finally unions are showing Americans what they are really all about.

Of course the unions have a right to collective bargaining. People have a First Amendment right to assemble. However, and this is a gigantic however, when the workers and private owners of a company do not wish to bargain with a union any longer then the union must fold up their tents and  go home.

Yes, the word "collectively" is very key here.  When the workers want jobs, and are satisified with the job and conditions that the private owner is supplying them, and do not want a union to represent them, then why would the union want to stage unruly and threatening protests?

In many cases, in many companies, unions don't seem to get it that they are not wanted. Go ahead, stand outside with your picket signs. Sure, you may do a little disruption, but with the economy in dire straits, do you think standing in front of a company with a sign is going to help Americans get jobs? Don't think so.

Everyone knows Walmart is the world's largest retailer, and employs thousands all over the world. Also, everyone knows Walmart is a non-union company.  This Friday is being called "Black Friday" at Walmart to kick off the Christmas shopping season with huge price bargains. Guess what the unions are doing? Yep, you guessed it. The unions actually plan to stage large disturbing mob-like protests. Why? Walmart is a private company and has no plans to allow a union to operate within their stores.  

Union enrollment is down to the lowest it has ever been. There just aren't enough jobs for the unions to protect. Unions have outlived their usefullnes. Somone please get the message to the unions that they aren't needed as they once were to help middle class workers in the work place.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.

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