Friday, November 23, 2012

Walmart?? Really unions?

Walmart has 1.2 million employees in a non-union environment, and with the exception of 47 employees have decided to stay within the non-union environment.  So what did the big union bosses do? They bussed in protesters in several key Walmart locations to scream stupid rhyming words as they paraded around Walmart parking lots carrying hand-made picket signs.

Walmart has reported that this "Black Friday" was the most profitable they've ever had, meaning the union protesting failed.  I'm a little amused with the thinking and reasoning of the unions at this point. What did they think they were going to accomplish with their singing and rhyming protests in Walmart parking lots?

The unions were just  recently successful in shutting down Hostess Products and forcing 18,000 workers out of jobs. To add insult to injury, there are several firms that want to buy the Hostess product names and restart, so consumers can still enjoy their Twinkies, Ho-Ho's, and Wonder Bread. I can see the irony now. A new owner takes over Hostess, rehires the 18,000 workers with the stipulation there will be no union. Aren't unions supposed to help workers KEEP their jobs? Not lose them.

I will venture to say the 18,000 now out of work will be happy to get their jobs back without the unions.  I think Americans are beginning to realize that unions really have outdated themselves, and really serve no purpose. Union leaders and protesters are really showing they want "members" so they can receive revenue through dues. What other purpose does a union serve in today's economy? 

There aren't too many available jobs for the unions to "protect", or "bargain" for raises. Americans just want jobs, not some union to "represent" or "bargain".  Now if unions can create some jobs for the 23 million Americans out of work, well that might help.  But if unions are going around the country forcing strikes, protests, walk-outs when Americans are out there looking for work, well really, who has any use for a union? 

Recently a cake decorator at Walmart, who makes $12.00 per hour told the interviewer that yes, she'd like like to make more money. She further said, "who wouldn't want more money, but right now I'm just glad I have a job, and I want to hold on to it".

The only unions that are stable right now are public sector unions, and Mr. Obama will do all he can to assure that, so these particular unions will continue to do his bidding. Private sector union membership is the lowest it has ever been in modern times. I think it's pretty safe to write that we're witnessing the downfalls of private sector unions.

On another matter, have you noticed that for four consecutive years during his Thanksgiving presidential message Mr. Obama has never mentioned the word God? Along with this Mr. Obama will not comment on the Muslim Brotherhood leader of Egypt, Morsi,  that has arbitrarily expanded his powers just recently. But Mr. Obama is certainly assuring Egypt they will recieve their $1.6.Billion aid from America this year.   You think maybe Mr. Obama is truly a Muslim sympathizer? Nah...

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops. 


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