Saturday, November 3, 2012

Finally got it!

I finally get the logic behind Mr. Obama's claims that all is well. Took me a while, but actually I was using this logic years ago. All day yesterday Mr. Obama stood on his stump on his campaign speeches touting that 171,000 new jobs were created last month.

Now, first of all, I must admit that math was my worst subject in my school years, along with anything connected to the world of mathematics. I was so bad I would take my freshman college algebra home for my high school kid sister to do for me.

However, I followed Mr. Obama's "trail" of his touted economic success, and realized I did the same thing years ago when I lived in Southern California and frequented the local race tracks.
I would bet $20. on all nine races. Losing the first eight races meant I was down $160. then I would bet $20. on the last race and win. When I got home and was asked, "how did you do today"?, I would just answer, "won $20. in race nine". Sounds familiar huh?

Yesterday Mr. Obama emphatically stressed on his campaign stump speeches, "we've had 32 straight months of job growth". Well, technically that is true, however going back to my race track days, Mr. Obama has put our country in a negative. Now, here's where I need some help with my math calculations.

If we've had 32 straight months of job growth, why is the unemployment higher now than when he took office? Just a guess, but does that mean more people are leaving the work force than jobs being created? However, last month was a banner month for Mr. Obama. Yes, 171,000 jobs were created, and guess what: 170,000 left the work force, so Mr. Obama congratulations; you had a net gain of 1,000 jobs for America.

Want some additional facts? Welfare has grown nearly 100% since Mr. Obama has been in office. Today welfare remains our country's biggest expense, even surpassing our military spending. Also today one of every six Americans now live in poverty and that is since Mr. Obama took office. You won't hear that on his campaign stump speeches will you?

Want another fact that Mr. Obama will not tell you? Of course you do. Our national debt was $10.Trillion when Mr. Obama took office. Today our national debt is $16.Trillion, and the CBO says under current plans we'll be at $20.Trillion by 2016. Mr. Obama will also tell Americans that our economy is growing and doing better, but why won't he tell the Americans that household income is down $4,500. for every family. Now is that growth?

Mr. Obama is just plain "star-struck". He actually believes if you seem him carousing with the likes of Springsteen, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Letterman, Clooney, etc., you'll be so impressed by his celebrity status that you'll surely vote for him. Is that true leadership for average American families? Of course not.

Would someone please explain to Mr. Obama that when John and Jane Doe are sitting at the kitchen table worrying about their finances they really don't care about all these celebrities; they care about taking care of their family. America needs jobs; not listening to Bruce Springsteen scream as he runs around a stage, or Jay-Z screaming some rap lyrics that no one truly understands.

Yes, I know that with only three days left, no one is going to change anyone else's voting choice, but maybe, just maybe, some will do a little more thinking before going into the voting booth Tuesday.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and out troops.


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