I wanted to take time to give a humble "thank you" and shout-out for the positive feedback I've received on my three latest blogs; "Mish-Mash", "Still Complaining", and "Taxes, taxes, more taxes". Also, a big thank you to the News-Herald, starting with Ms. Cheryl Sadler for allowing me the forum to offer a daily blog to present my conservative views. Kind of give a special thanks from me on this Thanksgiving week.
Hey, I even want to acknowledge my critics for their views on disagreeing with my blogs. While I strongly disagree with their blasphemy, lies, and personal attacks, I do respect their 1st. Amendment rights. I have written before that I accept all points of view concerning my blogs, but will not acknowledge unwarranted personal attacks.
At times, I even find my critics amusing. One of my critics obviously doesn't understand the Social Security system. It's probably because this particular critic is on Mr. Obama's freebie welfare program and has no job to pay into the Social Security benefits program. As I've written before, I am 77 years young, and since my teen-age years paid into Social Security. Of course I do not approach this as a monthly welfare check. A welfare check is given to individuals who do not have a job to pay into the program, like my critic.
The critic who claimed my monthly Social Security check is a welfare check should have met my late father. Dad was an immigrant who came here from Italy at the age of seventeen, worked in the steel mills for forty-eight years, paying into the Social Security program. Dad made sure my two sisters and I went to college. Dad's gone now, but if this critic were to approach Dad and call him a welfare recipient after paying taxes for forty-eight years I would suggest he "stand back".
Another of my critics is probably one of the 93% African-Americans who voted for Mr. Obama. I can only assume this because he/she always refers to me as "whitey", or calls me a "white supremicist", and other names I can't print here. I've never heard one caucasian calling another caucasian "whitey", so I can only presume he's one of the 93% African-Americans mentioned above. Now, this is not a slam on African-Americans. Growing up in an urban area, and serving in the military I strongly believe in Martin Luther King's philosophy of "not color of skin, but content of character".
Another name-calling critic of mine clearly shows they are a Mr. Obama Kool-Aid drinker, and only believes what the left-wing media tells them. This is particularly true as this critic believes the economy is "doing fine". I wanted to pass on to this critic a few FACTS that the main stream media would not discuss this past year. These are areas that occured in the past two years under Mr. Obama's watch: family earnings falling by $5,300 a year, poverty rising by 38%, food stamp enrollment increase to 47.9 million, jobless claims rising to average 400,00 per week, 200 coal plants closing, closing of small banks, GDP lowest it's been since the '30's. I could go on, but that's enough for now. Mr. critic, don't tell me the economy is fine.
In the two weeks since Mr. Obama has been reelected there have been too many companies to name here that have layed off employees, cut back hours of employees, and raised prices solely because of Obamacare. What if these areas were under a Republican? Do you think the media would have ignored this news? No, I think not.
And I can't go any further without writing about the "comical" view of union leader Trumka bragging how the union shut down Hostess Products, and then blamed it all on Governor Romney and Bain Capital. I guess the "blame Bush" mantra has run its course.
How come the media is not reporting at all that Mr. Obama has sent $1.5.Billion of taxpayer money to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? It's been speculated that some of this money is used for arms for terrorists, but you won't hear that from the main stream media.
Why won't the media report that Mr. Obama also sent $147.Million of taxpayer money to the Gaza strip, while claiming Israel is our ally? Again, is there any way to track how much of this money is used for arms? You'll never know watching the main stream media.
Just a final question to Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid drinkers. What are you going to do in two years when unemployment is around 12%, and there's no more freebies and/or welfare money? God help you poor souls.
Stay tuned folks. Tomorrow we'll talk about immigration.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
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I welcome all views, and am open for discussion, but will not tolerate personal attacks