Friday, November 2, 2012

No more Mr. O

I'm happy to report that there's an ever so slight crack in the fortress that is surrounding and protecting Mr. Obama from the Benghazi massacre cover up. Of course we know that "fortress" is the combination of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and MSNBC.

The main theme of the "fortress" is to continue to ignore the news of the Benghazi massacre cover up until after the election. They refuse t report any news on it.  Very recently an ABC female reporter yelled out to Mr. Obama as he left helicopter Marine 1, "When are you going to tell Americans the whole story about the Benghazi massacre"? Mr. Obama wouldn't respond. He just smiled and kept walking.

I guess Mr. Obama and his fortress feel that after the election he and his main stream media can say and do what they want in his "lame duck" presidency.  However,  there are some in the media that are beginning to push Mr. Obama and his staff for answers. 

Jake Tapper of ABC and journalist Peggy Noonan seem to be leading the charge from the "fortress" for Mr. Obama to report the truth to the public, and yet Mr. Obama continues to stonewall the American public, and refuses to answer the truth, or even discus it for that matter.

His staff continues to stall with the phrase, "the situation is under investigation".  Simply put, it really means that nothing will be said or done until after the election. Ever wonder why that is?

American people are not stupid. We all know why no one is being honest and forthcoming with the news of Benghazi. We know it is simply because if Americans knew the complete truth before the election likely Mr. Obama may not get a single vote.

The Benghazi massacre is surely a combination of incompetence and cover up. During a debate Mr. Obama said, "I find it offensive if anyone thinks MY staff is not being forthcoming about the Benghazi uprising".  Well, Mr. Obama Americans feel you are being offensive by not being a true leader and telling the truth. Four, yes four Americans, including a distinguished Ambassador was slain in Benghazi, and you stand there close-mouthed.

That was nearly two months ago, and Americans, including the families of the four slain Americans are not being told what happened in Benghazi. What are you hiding?  Why won't you tell the truth? What really happened? What are you afraid of? Is the real truth going to stop Americans from voting for you?

Just a very few short hours after bin Laden was killed you couldn't wait to stand in front of cameras to announce, "got bin Laden". You took all the glory and credit for the killing of bin Laden, but after nearly two months you still won't even discuss what happened that caused the slaying of four Americans.

You couldn't wait to fly to New Jersey and walk among the Hurricane Sandy ruins in front of many cameras. You should've brought your teleprompters with you. After just a short visit you were on your plane again heading for Vegas.

It seems you are more concerned with your own personal gain of being reelected than being honest with the 52% of Americans that voted you in office.  All that Americans know is that beginning with November 15th., there will be an "open investigation for all the Americans to know".  Really?  Not now, but AFTER the election?

Mr. Obama you do not exhibit the true leadership that is needed to function honestly in our great country. You run and hide every time a situation arises that needs strong leadership.  However, you sure like to show us what a celebrity you are.

Your "posse" includes Letterman, Jay-Z, Beyonce, The View, Pimp with a Limp, George Clooney, Eva Longoria, etc. Your campaign speeches are of no value to us. All you do is spew lies and personal attacks on Governor Romney. You have only convinced us that you intend to repeat what you've done the past four years.

Mr. Obama, in the words of Abe Lincoln, "you can't fool all the people all the time". The Kool-Aid is not being drunk anymore. Your time is getting short. Four days left Mr. Obama.

Mr. Obama you are arrogant, self-centered, and have accomplished nothing in your first and only term.  We just don't want you in OUR  White House any longer.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


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