I wish I could take a survey of how many of the 75% welfare-freebie people watch Fox News. I'm sure most of them don't even know who Fox News is. The welfare-freebie people get most of their Kool-Aid from MSNBC, CNN, PBS, ABC, & CBS.
I am so glad to be one of the millions of viewers who have made Fox the number one cable news network for several years. I mean, let's face it; millions of Americans every day can't be all wrong. Even millions of progressive libs will tune into Fox when they want the news honest, fair, balanced, and unafraid. Well, except for the 75% of the freebie-welfare base that voted Mr. Obama into our White House.
To me the most hilarious is there is only one host, Sean Hannity, that openly declares he's a conservative Republican. And yet he still garners more viewers every night at 9:00 than MSNBC and CNN combined. The rest of the Fox programming starting at 6:00 every morning is all televised under the charter of "fair & balanced".
To those critics who may disagree with me I can only proudly point to Fox's monthly published ratings. I always compare Fox to the old UCLA basketball teams under my hero John Wooden.
I lived in Southern California for thirty-five years, and watched John and UCLA win ten national championships; seven in a row.
Coach Wooden's claim to fame was he never actively recruited a player. All the high school basketball stars flocked to UCLA just for a tryout to play for the Wizzard of Westwood.
To make my case I just point to Bill Walton and Kareen Abdul Jabaar. Yet, for all the unprecedented success Coach Wooden had at UCLA, the outstanding citizen, father, grandfather, teacher, and leader that he will always be remembered for, he was still attacked by his opponents. Blasphemy and lies were always cast at him.
But all Coach Wooden did was keep winning; never paying attention to those that constantly castigated him. And what did he do in 1975? He put the exclamation mark on his career. He walked off the court after his final job of coaching with the NCAA championship in hand. What a guy. If John were alive today I'm confident Fox News would be his favorite news source.
To me, Fox News is the same way. Fox keeps getting attacked by the freebie-welfare populate because Mr. Obama has done a great job of convincing this particular group that the "evil-revenge" Republicans want to take their freebies away. Mr. Obama further promises the welfare people that he'll raise taxes on the rich to get revenue to keep their welfare checks flowing.
I guess if I was out of work, and only listened to MSNBC and CNN, I would be drinking Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid also. Really, can you blame them? They actually believe why work....the ugly evil rich cats are going to take care of us because our "Lord & Savior" will make sure they do so through his taxing policies.
If Mr. Obama's policies are so effective why has his approval rating dropped to 49% in the twenty-four days since his election? Yes, CNN and MSNBC won't report that. Another fact the fawning media won't report , and Fox will, is the drastic unemployment and welfare growth under Mr. Obama's watch is the only growth Mr. Obama can report to his welfare base.
Have any of the lame-stream media bothered to report that Mr. Obama, with the help of Senator Reid, wants to increase spending by $1.2.Trillion over the next decade with no promise of spending cuts except for the military. He also wants executive power to raise the national debt without congressional approval. You can bet he won't cut any spending from his 75% of 14.9 millions on welfare. And where is Mr. Obama today? He's out selling this foolish dream on his campaign trail. Someone tell him to stay home, quit campaigning for the 2014 mid term.
Maybe one of may favorite scenarios is the media, along with Mr. Obama's minions are reporting to their welfare base that the Republicans are not offering any solutions to the fiscal cliff problems. What the fawning media and the Democrats won't report is that the House has offered forty-one job market solutions to the Senate. And what does Senator Reid do about it?
He won't even bring a single offer to the floor of the Senate for a vote. I think old Harry is afraid a House suggestion might actually get passed.
If the freebie-welfare people would only spend some time with Fox News they would see that Mr. Obama only wants their votes. He is not concerned about any job creation. If he were would he be sending money to wasteful energy companies instead of focusing on our own resources? Is it because these are the companies that donated to his campaign? Is he still giving them our tax money in bail-outs so they can donate it back for the mid-term elections?
I just can't seem to get a basic question answered, no matter how many times I've asked in my blogs; IF FOX NEWS IS SO TERRIBLE, HOW COME THEY ARE NUMBER ONE IN EVERY TIME SLOT FROM 6:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT EVERY DAY? Please, one of you strong critics of mine answer me. To add insult to injury to the other networks, there are time slots where Fox leads in ratings against all other networks COMBINED. When I ask that I can't seem to get a logical valid challenge from my critics. Why is that?
I'm sure the other networks won't tell you that on election night Fox even topped the the big major networks; ABC, CBS, and NBC. And that's a fact easily proven. Why are CNN and MSNBC constantly apologizing for comments from their show hosts? They just aren't credible.
I encourage all to keep watching your favorite talk shows; be it CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, or NBC. But every once in a while press your remote towards Fox. I guarantee you'll receive the news honest, fair, balanced, and unafraid.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
It's racist of course
Didn't we get enough of the race card baiting during the presidential campaign by the progressive liberals and their fawning media? The election is over, Mr. Obama won, or better yet, his Chicago thuggery machine, along with his rigged electronic voting machines, managed to amass 51% of the votes. It got so bad the humorous MSNBC declared everyone a racist that disagreed with any of Mr. Obama's policies during the campaign.
So what do we have now? It seems the progressive liberals won't let it go. Now the Republicans are racists because they don't approve of Ambassador Susan Rice's possible nomination to Secretary of State. The progressive libs seem to forget the Republicans did have an African-American female as Secretary of State. Her name was Condoleeza Rice.
But the libs and the media fail to understand that the Republican Senators don't care about Ambassador Rice's gender or the color of her skin. They're concerned about her abilities to hold one of the highest jobs in our country. Many believe she just isn't qualified. And let's face it; the way she conducted herself with lies on national TV trying to explain the Benghazi fiasco proves it.
She will probably be nominated by Mr. Obama, and will eventually be confirmed. My belief, along with many others, is that Ambassador Rice is definitely not qualified to be Secretary of State, but her qualifications have nothing at all to do with the color or her skin or her gender. Yet, any disagreement is met with horrible bitter words starting with "racist", or "war on women".
If it wasn't so true it would be comical. Even normal, everyday words seem to invoke tirades of racism from the progressive libs and their fawning media. Al "Rev" Sharpton of MSNBC is now blaming the Republican party for the high unemployment. Is that the biggest laugh you've ever heard? I'm not going to take the time and space in this blog to highlight how are economy has spiraled downward since Mr. Obama has been in our White House. I've done that enough.
Another piecee of race-baiting factual information is that currently there are 14.9 million Americans on food stamps. Over the past three years percentage numbers have grown from 10% to 12%, under Mr. Obama's watch. Yet whenever "food stamps" is mentioned in a sentence it is considered racist. One liberal talk show host even went so far to say that to say "Black Friday" is racist when talking about shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Really?
Layoffs have increased dramatically since election day, but to report that is considered racist.
Seventeen states have opted out of Obamacare; even states that Mr. Obama carried in the election. Well, states he carried or the electronic voting machines were successfully rigged.
The point is these seventeen states are called racist states because they will not support Mr. Obama's health care plan. Really?
Just got this great idea. Why not have two dictionaries in circulation? One dictionary could be labeled Politically Correct, and the other dictionary would be labeled Dictionary of Racist Words.
Is this a great country or what?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
So what do we have now? It seems the progressive liberals won't let it go. Now the Republicans are racists because they don't approve of Ambassador Susan Rice's possible nomination to Secretary of State. The progressive libs seem to forget the Republicans did have an African-American female as Secretary of State. Her name was Condoleeza Rice.
But the libs and the media fail to understand that the Republican Senators don't care about Ambassador Rice's gender or the color of her skin. They're concerned about her abilities to hold one of the highest jobs in our country. Many believe she just isn't qualified. And let's face it; the way she conducted herself with lies on national TV trying to explain the Benghazi fiasco proves it.
She will probably be nominated by Mr. Obama, and will eventually be confirmed. My belief, along with many others, is that Ambassador Rice is definitely not qualified to be Secretary of State, but her qualifications have nothing at all to do with the color or her skin or her gender. Yet, any disagreement is met with horrible bitter words starting with "racist", or "war on women".
If it wasn't so true it would be comical. Even normal, everyday words seem to invoke tirades of racism from the progressive libs and their fawning media. Al "Rev" Sharpton of MSNBC is now blaming the Republican party for the high unemployment. Is that the biggest laugh you've ever heard? I'm not going to take the time and space in this blog to highlight how are economy has spiraled downward since Mr. Obama has been in our White House. I've done that enough.
Another piecee of race-baiting factual information is that currently there are 14.9 million Americans on food stamps. Over the past three years percentage numbers have grown from 10% to 12%, under Mr. Obama's watch. Yet whenever "food stamps" is mentioned in a sentence it is considered racist. One liberal talk show host even went so far to say that to say "Black Friday" is racist when talking about shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Really?
Layoffs have increased dramatically since election day, but to report that is considered racist.
Seventeen states have opted out of Obamacare; even states that Mr. Obama carried in the election. Well, states he carried or the electronic voting machines were successfully rigged.
The point is these seventeen states are called racist states because they will not support Mr. Obama's health care plan. Really?
Just got this great idea. Why not have two dictionaries in circulation? One dictionary could be labeled Politically Correct, and the other dictionary would be labeled Dictionary of Racist Words.
Is this a great country or what?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Plan? Where Mr. Obama?
(Before I start my blog, I want to address a critic that challenged my November 24th. blog. My esteemed critic asked for my sources as to Democrat James Carville's message. It appears my esteemed critic didn't read my blog in its entirety. I did offer two sources as to the validity of Mr. Carville's message. To repeat I offered two sources for Mr. Carville's message. First source is THE WORD PRESS, whereby Mr. Carville's picture appeared showing him delivering his message. The second source is the AMAZON.COM NETWORK, showing the same picture, along with the actual word for word message from Mr. Carville. I don't think THE WORD PRESS, or AMAZON.COM.NETWORK would print a quoted message unless it was straight from Mr. Carville. I was able to locate two more sources; THINKEXIST.COM, and the YAHOO.COM NETWORK. These are also reputable sources, that like my other sources, printed the quotes direct from Mr. Carville, along with a picture of Mr. Carville delivering his message. Now, I'm sure my critic will not recognize the four reputable sources, but that's his problem.)
Has anyone informed Mr. Obama that in order to prevent a "fiscal cliff" fiasco he has to present a plan. Yet, it appears he has no plan, except to raise taxes. Has anyone informed Mr. Obama that raising taxes only alleviates the national debt by less than one per cent. The only spending cuts he has offered is to cut military spending. Mr. Obama himself said in 2009, and again in 2010 that "we should never raise taxes in a recession, and Medicare and Medicaid are doing fine." Me thinks Mr. Obama speaks in forked tongue.
In fact, Mr. Obama met yesterday met with union leaders and promised there would be no entitlement cuts. Can you blame him? His plan is to keep delivering the same campaign message to the 75% of freebie-welfare people that he did campaigning for his presidency.
There is only one thing on Mr. Obama's mind right now. The 2014 mid-term election, and to destroy the Republicans. He continues to remind the freebie-welfare people that he will continue to furnish them with monthly welfare checks, to coerce them how to vote in two years. And this will probably work for Mr. Obama, because our country now has eleven, yes eleven, states that have more "takers" than "makers". This means we have more people on welfare/food stamps/extended unemployment than we do working in a job in these particular eleven states.
Want to know how clueless Mr. Obama is? Guess who he's having lunch with tomorrow? Yes, the same man he attacked and criticized during the presidential campaign, Governor Romney.
Can you see the meeting now....."Governor Romney, you were a successful business man for decades...what should I do to get our country out of this economic mess?" Oh yes, it's a private meeting and no press is allowed. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting.
It's very clear Mr. Obama does not want income and economic growth in the country. What he really wants is income equality through income distribution. This is something he alluded to in his own voice from the movie "2016". I just wonder if Mr. Obama would like all Americans to send their entire assets, holdings, and moneys to him. Then he would sit in a large office with Jarret, Reid, Pelosi, Geithner, Holder, and Bernanke and then "equally" send money out to Americans based on their need. Wow, what a country.
Way to go Mr. Obama. We sure like the way you're looking out for all Americans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Has anyone informed Mr. Obama that in order to prevent a "fiscal cliff" fiasco he has to present a plan. Yet, it appears he has no plan, except to raise taxes. Has anyone informed Mr. Obama that raising taxes only alleviates the national debt by less than one per cent. The only spending cuts he has offered is to cut military spending. Mr. Obama himself said in 2009, and again in 2010 that "we should never raise taxes in a recession, and Medicare and Medicaid are doing fine." Me thinks Mr. Obama speaks in forked tongue.
In fact, Mr. Obama met yesterday met with union leaders and promised there would be no entitlement cuts. Can you blame him? His plan is to keep delivering the same campaign message to the 75% of freebie-welfare people that he did campaigning for his presidency.
There is only one thing on Mr. Obama's mind right now. The 2014 mid-term election, and to destroy the Republicans. He continues to remind the freebie-welfare people that he will continue to furnish them with monthly welfare checks, to coerce them how to vote in two years. And this will probably work for Mr. Obama, because our country now has eleven, yes eleven, states that have more "takers" than "makers". This means we have more people on welfare/food stamps/extended unemployment than we do working in a job in these particular eleven states.
Want to know how clueless Mr. Obama is? Guess who he's having lunch with tomorrow? Yes, the same man he attacked and criticized during the presidential campaign, Governor Romney.
Can you see the meeting now....."Governor Romney, you were a successful business man for decades...what should I do to get our country out of this economic mess?" Oh yes, it's a private meeting and no press is allowed. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting.
It's very clear Mr. Obama does not want income and economic growth in the country. What he really wants is income equality through income distribution. This is something he alluded to in his own voice from the movie "2016". I just wonder if Mr. Obama would like all Americans to send their entire assets, holdings, and moneys to him. Then he would sit in a large office with Jarret, Reid, Pelosi, Geithner, Holder, and Bernanke and then "equally" send money out to Americans based on their need. Wow, what a country.
Way to go Mr. Obama. We sure like the way you're looking out for all Americans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Let 'em have it all
Hey Republicans don't forget that 51% of the American people voted in Mr. Obama for another term. Well, we really don't know how much help he got from alleged rigged electronic machines, or votes that were cast by dead people. But nevertheless Mr. Obama, barring impeachment, is our "Lord & Savior", as Jamie Fox puts it, for another four years.
Therefore my idea for the Republicans in the House & Senate is to stand back and let Mr. Obama and his Democrat supporters do everything they want without a fight. Let Reid and Pelosi structure the "fiscal cliff" anyway they want.
Mr. Obama wants to raise taxes on everyone making over $200,000. per year. Heck, just stand back and let the Democrats raise taxes on anyone making more than $1.00 a year. Don't you understand Republicans that if you don't go along with everything Mr. Obama wants you're going to be criticized for stopping the growth of America's economy.
Presently we have more Americans on welfare than the combined population of 21 states. This has grown substantially since Mr. Obama took office in 2008. The Republicans should just step aside and let Mr. Obama raise taxes all he wants so that he can raise the welfare program to 50 or 60 million. Presently the national average of tax computation is those making one million or more are taxed at 20.4%. Those making $50K- $110K per year are taxed at 7.7%, and those making $30K-$50K per year are taxed at 4.8%. Those making less than $30K per year pay no taxes at all because of their deductions and tax credits. Still, Mr. Obama feels the necessity to raise taxes.
Dividend taxes are going to raise to 39%, layoffs have increased since this past election, more colleges and companies are suing to opt out of Obamacare. So what? Why even care? Just step back and let Mr. Obama, Senator Reid, and Nancy Pelosi take us over the fiscal cliff. Don't protest anything they want. Let them have whatever they want.
Yes, give them all the rope they want. And in three years or less our country will be so far down the drain hole that severe changes will have to be made to get us back on track. However, at least the Republicans can hold up their hands and proclaim, "don't blame us...we had nothing to do with it". Another nice thing is Mr. Obama will be in office for eight years, and he'll not be able to say, "it's Bush's fault".
If we do give Mr. Obama and his team everything, yes everything, they want you can be sure we will not grow enough revenue to sustain welfare, and along with unemployment growing to 12% or higher there will be no more money. We will be so broke that Ben Bernanke won't even be able to buy green ink to print more money.
This is not sarcastic rage. It's very simple reasoning. Mr. Obama and his supporters feel they know what is best for America. They feel the best way to raise revenue is to tax, tax, and tax more. They even feel justified in raising taxes on small businesses is the way to go. Of course the media will support them, and as we continue to spiral downward you can bet they will broadcast, "it's still Bush's fault".
The Republican leaders in the House & Senate should take the easy road and say, "whatever you want Mr. Obama...it's your ballgame". If this happens then even the 75% on welfare that voted in Mr. Obama will start wondering, "hey where's our welfare check Mr. Obama?". You can bet without their monthly welfare checks they're going to start doubting their "Lord and Savior".
Republicans should not put up a fight any longer. Just give Mr. Obama all the rope he wants. Let him raise taxes, let him increase welfare and food stamps, let him pay back all the companies that donated to his campaign with taxpayer's money. Hey, it's not his money.
In fact, the best job now is to be one of Mr. Obama's 36 aides. According to the IRS they owe a combination of $836.Million in back taxes, and have no intention of paying it.
Republicans and the 49% that didn't want Mr. Obama in office are smart enough to realize and predict that if Mr. Obama gets all the rope he wants America will suffer more economically than we ever have. Then when we're at the very bottom there's only one place to go. We'll find another Ronald Reagan and once more America will prosper. But not until we suffer the burden of Mr. Obama.
I guarantee, however, America will again prevail. God sent us Mr. Obama to wake us up. Just be patient.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Therefore my idea for the Republicans in the House & Senate is to stand back and let Mr. Obama and his Democrat supporters do everything they want without a fight. Let Reid and Pelosi structure the "fiscal cliff" anyway they want.
Mr. Obama wants to raise taxes on everyone making over $200,000. per year. Heck, just stand back and let the Democrats raise taxes on anyone making more than $1.00 a year. Don't you understand Republicans that if you don't go along with everything Mr. Obama wants you're going to be criticized for stopping the growth of America's economy.
Presently we have more Americans on welfare than the combined population of 21 states. This has grown substantially since Mr. Obama took office in 2008. The Republicans should just step aside and let Mr. Obama raise taxes all he wants so that he can raise the welfare program to 50 or 60 million. Presently the national average of tax computation is those making one million or more are taxed at 20.4%. Those making $50K- $110K per year are taxed at 7.7%, and those making $30K-$50K per year are taxed at 4.8%. Those making less than $30K per year pay no taxes at all because of their deductions and tax credits. Still, Mr. Obama feels the necessity to raise taxes.
Dividend taxes are going to raise to 39%, layoffs have increased since this past election, more colleges and companies are suing to opt out of Obamacare. So what? Why even care? Just step back and let Mr. Obama, Senator Reid, and Nancy Pelosi take us over the fiscal cliff. Don't protest anything they want. Let them have whatever they want.
Yes, give them all the rope they want. And in three years or less our country will be so far down the drain hole that severe changes will have to be made to get us back on track. However, at least the Republicans can hold up their hands and proclaim, "don't blame us...we had nothing to do with it". Another nice thing is Mr. Obama will be in office for eight years, and he'll not be able to say, "it's Bush's fault".
If we do give Mr. Obama and his team everything, yes everything, they want you can be sure we will not grow enough revenue to sustain welfare, and along with unemployment growing to 12% or higher there will be no more money. We will be so broke that Ben Bernanke won't even be able to buy green ink to print more money.
This is not sarcastic rage. It's very simple reasoning. Mr. Obama and his supporters feel they know what is best for America. They feel the best way to raise revenue is to tax, tax, and tax more. They even feel justified in raising taxes on small businesses is the way to go. Of course the media will support them, and as we continue to spiral downward you can bet they will broadcast, "it's still Bush's fault".
The Republican leaders in the House & Senate should take the easy road and say, "whatever you want Mr. Obama...it's your ballgame". If this happens then even the 75% on welfare that voted in Mr. Obama will start wondering, "hey where's our welfare check Mr. Obama?". You can bet without their monthly welfare checks they're going to start doubting their "Lord and Savior".
Republicans should not put up a fight any longer. Just give Mr. Obama all the rope he wants. Let him raise taxes, let him increase welfare and food stamps, let him pay back all the companies that donated to his campaign with taxpayer's money. Hey, it's not his money.
In fact, the best job now is to be one of Mr. Obama's 36 aides. According to the IRS they owe a combination of $836.Million in back taxes, and have no intention of paying it.
Republicans and the 49% that didn't want Mr. Obama in office are smart enough to realize and predict that if Mr. Obama gets all the rope he wants America will suffer more economically than we ever have. Then when we're at the very bottom there's only one place to go. We'll find another Ronald Reagan and once more America will prosper. But not until we suffer the burden of Mr. Obama.
I guarantee, however, America will again prevail. God sent us Mr. Obama to wake us up. Just be patient.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Monday, November 26, 2012
Must be getting old
Today I'm feeling a little melancholy and benevolent. When you get my age you learn to cherish these serene and peaceful times. What does this have to do with my "Politics with Pete" daily blogs? Well, keep reading.....please.
I continue to thank my two "bosses" Laurel and Cheryl for giving me this opportunity to write my daily conservative blogs. It's been great, and I hope they allow me to continue this passion for years to come. Writing a daily blog has become a hobby that I look forward to every day.
I am grateful for the positive feedback I receive from Twitter, Facebook, and the News-Herald comments. I've received some pretty nice feedback comments from as far away as the Carolina's and even California. Makes an old man feel good. Thanks. Even received a phone call from a close friend of my California daughter, asking, "hey Mr. C. is that you writing those blogs....I read them every day".
Before I break my arm from patting myself on the back I must also acknowledge the comments I receive from those that do not agree with my political views. Rest assure these comments will not dissuade me in any way. I will continue to write on the errors and fallacies of Mr. Obama's policies. I find myself, at times, that these particular negative feed backs allow me a much deserved chuckle.
My wife, children, and grandchildren are the most precious gifts in my life, and right under them is this great country I live in. I will continue to do, speak, and write all this 77-year old body allows to honor this country, and yes I will continue to do, speak, and write against those policies that do not honor and do what they can to advance the growth of this great country. Of course this includes Mr. Obama. Yes, I will continue to refer to him as "Mr.", not President. I will always respect the office of the presidency, but never respect what this man is doing to this great country.
As I've written earlier, I will invoke my First Amendment privileges to do this, as I will welcome the First Amendment rights of those who speak against me. However, I've noticed that with every disagreeing comment I receive I can always count on personal attacks, lies, and blasphemy. I've grown to accept this, but still can't understand why when someone cannot intelligently, with facts, point out their views, they resort to names like "whitey", "supremacist", "old man who has outlived his use fullness". Of course there are names not fit to write in this or any other blog, but my 77 years has afforded me a pretty thick skin.
I find myself this afternoon, as I sit here in my peaceful, melancholy, and benevolent mood trying to understand why people like that feel they are elevating their positions, or themselves for that matter, by degrading someone else. At this moment I actually feel pity for them. Love and God bless to them; more than those who agree with my blogs.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our great country....and our troops.
I continue to thank my two "bosses" Laurel and Cheryl for giving me this opportunity to write my daily conservative blogs. It's been great, and I hope they allow me to continue this passion for years to come. Writing a daily blog has become a hobby that I look forward to every day.
I am grateful for the positive feedback I receive from Twitter, Facebook, and the News-Herald comments. I've received some pretty nice feedback comments from as far away as the Carolina's and even California. Makes an old man feel good. Thanks. Even received a phone call from a close friend of my California daughter, asking, "hey Mr. C. is that you writing those blogs....I read them every day".
Before I break my arm from patting myself on the back I must also acknowledge the comments I receive from those that do not agree with my political views. Rest assure these comments will not dissuade me in any way. I will continue to write on the errors and fallacies of Mr. Obama's policies. I find myself, at times, that these particular negative feed backs allow me a much deserved chuckle.
My wife, children, and grandchildren are the most precious gifts in my life, and right under them is this great country I live in. I will continue to do, speak, and write all this 77-year old body allows to honor this country, and yes I will continue to do, speak, and write against those policies that do not honor and do what they can to advance the growth of this great country. Of course this includes Mr. Obama. Yes, I will continue to refer to him as "Mr.", not President. I will always respect the office of the presidency, but never respect what this man is doing to this great country.
As I've written earlier, I will invoke my First Amendment privileges to do this, as I will welcome the First Amendment rights of those who speak against me. However, I've noticed that with every disagreeing comment I receive I can always count on personal attacks, lies, and blasphemy. I've grown to accept this, but still can't understand why when someone cannot intelligently, with facts, point out their views, they resort to names like "whitey", "supremacist", "old man who has outlived his use fullness". Of course there are names not fit to write in this or any other blog, but my 77 years has afforded me a pretty thick skin.
I find myself this afternoon, as I sit here in my peaceful, melancholy, and benevolent mood trying to understand why people like that feel they are elevating their positions, or themselves for that matter, by degrading someone else. At this moment I actually feel pity for them. Love and God bless to them; more than those who agree with my blogs.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our great country....and our troops.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Hey...I'm on Welfare
I just found out I've been on Welfare since I turned eighteen, and joined the US. Air Force. So that means during my four years in the military the paycheck I received every month was welfare from the government. I didn't know that. Is this a great country or what?
Then after an honorable discharge I enrolled in college, and received government assistance for books and tuition under the G.I. Bill of Rights. I guess that means I was surviving on government assistance. Again, that's welfare huh? Wow.
And now at 77 years young I continue living on welfare, as I receive a monthly Social Security check, and have been receiving it since retirement, for approximately twelve years now. Wow, is this a great country or what? I've been receiving welfare since I was eighteen.
Wait a minute folks. Will someone explain to me how is our government been able to put me on welfare status for almost sixty years? I guess it's from hard working Americans that have money deducted from their pay checks, sent to the government, and the government sends out welfare checks to lazy people like me.
Now wait a minute here. Since I was a teenager, up to the age of sixty-five, I've had money deducted from every payroll check of mine to pay into the Social Security program. The dictionary definition of welfare is, "Government assistance provided to those who are unable to provide for themselves". Does that mean even if I didn't have any funds deducted from my paychecks for over sixty years I could still receive my monthly Social Security check? Hey, that's what happening now under Mr. Obama's extended welfare plan. Wow, is this a great country or what?
One of my critics claim I have "outlived" my monthly Social Security checks. I think this particular critic failed his seventh grad math class. I've been paying into the program for over sixty years, and have been receiving Social Security for twelve years. By the way thank God for DEMOCRAT president FDR for starting this program. I wonder what the reaction would have been had a Republican president initiated the Social Security program.
While, I don't know if it's true, but it does appear that one particular critic of mine that keeps slandering me for receiving a "welfare" monthly Social Security check, does not have a job that has funds for the Social Security program deducted from their paycheck. I would further guess this particular critic is on the government's welfare program.
It seems individuals that are on welfare are so quick demonizing those of us who proudly paid into the Social Security program for decades. Many Americans pay into Social Security for their entire working life, only to pass away before they are able to collect a single Social Security check. Or some retirees that pass away too soon into their retirement and receive only a small fraction of their entitled monthly Social Security check.
Where does their "unused" funds go? Oh yeah, I know. It goes to people, maybe like my critic, for welfare payments, people who do not have a job. Great country huh? Let's hope Mr. Obama doesn't run out of money, as some economists, and the CBO have predicted, in two years. Then where is your welfare check going to come from?
By the way, when all else fails from my critics they resort to name calling. I am called a stupid "whitey". Well that is true. I'm 77, and have a complete head of white hair, so you're right; I am a "whitey". There are many names I can't write here, but another comical name I'm called is "white supremacist". Now there you are wrong. If you were here to watch my wife bark orders to clean the garage, wash the car, etc., etc., etc., you definitely would not attach the word supreme to me. And every Saturday I go to 4:30 Mass, kneel before my Jesus Christ and pray.
Now does that sound like I'm a supremacist in any way?
I'd like to close today's blog with a comical definition a funny friend of mine just sent me.
The definition of INEPTOCRACY: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of the diminishing number of producers.
Wish I could take credit for this clever definition. But it really says why 75% of welfare recipients voted for Mr. Obama, and what his plan is for the next four years.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Then after an honorable discharge I enrolled in college, and received government assistance for books and tuition under the G.I. Bill of Rights. I guess that means I was surviving on government assistance. Again, that's welfare huh? Wow.
And now at 77 years young I continue living on welfare, as I receive a monthly Social Security check, and have been receiving it since retirement, for approximately twelve years now. Wow, is this a great country or what? I've been receiving welfare since I was eighteen.
Wait a minute folks. Will someone explain to me how is our government been able to put me on welfare status for almost sixty years? I guess it's from hard working Americans that have money deducted from their pay checks, sent to the government, and the government sends out welfare checks to lazy people like me.
Now wait a minute here. Since I was a teenager, up to the age of sixty-five, I've had money deducted from every payroll check of mine to pay into the Social Security program. The dictionary definition of welfare is, "Government assistance provided to those who are unable to provide for themselves". Does that mean even if I didn't have any funds deducted from my paychecks for over sixty years I could still receive my monthly Social Security check? Hey, that's what happening now under Mr. Obama's extended welfare plan. Wow, is this a great country or what?
One of my critics claim I have "outlived" my monthly Social Security checks. I think this particular critic failed his seventh grad math class. I've been paying into the program for over sixty years, and have been receiving Social Security for twelve years. By the way thank God for DEMOCRAT president FDR for starting this program. I wonder what the reaction would have been had a Republican president initiated the Social Security program.
While, I don't know if it's true, but it does appear that one particular critic of mine that keeps slandering me for receiving a "welfare" monthly Social Security check, does not have a job that has funds for the Social Security program deducted from their paycheck. I would further guess this particular critic is on the government's welfare program.
It seems individuals that are on welfare are so quick demonizing those of us who proudly paid into the Social Security program for decades. Many Americans pay into Social Security for their entire working life, only to pass away before they are able to collect a single Social Security check. Or some retirees that pass away too soon into their retirement and receive only a small fraction of their entitled monthly Social Security check.
Where does their "unused" funds go? Oh yeah, I know. It goes to people, maybe like my critic, for welfare payments, people who do not have a job. Great country huh? Let's hope Mr. Obama doesn't run out of money, as some economists, and the CBO have predicted, in two years. Then where is your welfare check going to come from?
By the way, when all else fails from my critics they resort to name calling. I am called a stupid "whitey". Well that is true. I'm 77, and have a complete head of white hair, so you're right; I am a "whitey". There are many names I can't write here, but another comical name I'm called is "white supremacist". Now there you are wrong. If you were here to watch my wife bark orders to clean the garage, wash the car, etc., etc., etc., you definitely would not attach the word supreme to me. And every Saturday I go to 4:30 Mass, kneel before my Jesus Christ and pray.
Now does that sound like I'm a supremacist in any way?
I'd like to close today's blog with a comical definition a funny friend of mine just sent me.
The definition of INEPTOCRACY: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of the diminishing number of producers.
Wish I could take credit for this clever definition. But it really says why 75% of welfare recipients voted for Mr. Obama, and what his plan is for the next four years.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Recently a well known Democrat, James Carville, who was Bill Clinton's campaign manager, made some very astute observations regarding Democrat voters. I can't believe I'm writing this, but it's one of the very few times I am in complete and total agreement with a high rankingand respected Democrat icon.
I'm sure my beloved critics are going to attack me, and many will believe I fabricated the information in this blog. Let me assure my critics these quotes from Mr. Carville are just too good to make up. Besides, the sources of his quotes are The Word Press, and Amazon.com.
Hard to believe that Mr. Carville's beliefs and what I've been writing in my blogs for a long time go hand in hand, so I'm really expecting, and I'm ready, for a deluge of attacks. Bring it on. This is going to be fun.
Mr. Carville started his presentation stating "80% of people who call themselves Democrats are completely clueless". Right after that Mr. Carville stated, "Ideologies aren't all that important. What's important is psychology". Right on Mr. Carville, I couldn't agree more.
Another quote from Mr. Carville: "the Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage and they come running." Want some more? From Mr. Carville again: "That's why I became an operative working with Democrats......all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the old cattle prod when a few bolt from the herd".
I love you Mr. Carville. I can't get enough of this. How about you? The reason I'm highlighting Mr. Carville's message is that the main stream media will not report this because Mr. Carville is a Democrat, so I thought I'd give his comments as much attention as possible. Especially when I agree, and they're so right on. Now, if he were a Republican the media and Mr. Obama would be out to ruin him.
Some more juicy tid-bits from Mr. Carville: "another reason I became a Democrat operative is there were more Democrats that didn't have a clue than there were Republicans....the Democrat voter is basically dumb and lazy, and I can make them think whatever I want them to".
Many conservatives, including yours truly, do not agree with a lot of Mr. Carville's political views, and have a lot of "love-hate" feelings toward him. He is truly a Democrat icon, which makes his observations of his own Democrat party all the more appealing to Republicans.
If I may interpret Mr. Carville's message, simply put 75% of welfare recipients cast their votes for Mr. Obama. Again, simply put, they were led to believe that their freebie/welfare state would not only continue, but would continue with growth. Most of theses voters that Mr. Carville referred to don't really care, and can't relate to job growth, national debt, GDP, or most of other issues plaguing America today. They want their freebies to continue, and that's why they are so easy to manipulate, as Mr. Carville so correctly alluded to.
The welfare/freebie mantra is clearly, "gimmee the free stuff, and tax that rich guy over there, so I can continue getting it...start with my Obamaphone".
A very much deserved thank you to Mr. Carville. You just made a lot of friends from the Republicans, starting with yours truly.
Tomorrow we'll discuss the definition of "INEPTOCRACY".
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country....and our troops
I'm sure my beloved critics are going to attack me, and many will believe I fabricated the information in this blog. Let me assure my critics these quotes from Mr. Carville are just too good to make up. Besides, the sources of his quotes are The Word Press, and Amazon.com.
Hard to believe that Mr. Carville's beliefs and what I've been writing in my blogs for a long time go hand in hand, so I'm really expecting, and I'm ready, for a deluge of attacks. Bring it on. This is going to be fun.
Mr. Carville started his presentation stating "80% of people who call themselves Democrats are completely clueless". Right after that Mr. Carville stated, "Ideologies aren't all that important. What's important is psychology". Right on Mr. Carville, I couldn't agree more.
Another quote from Mr. Carville: "the Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage and they come running." Want some more? From Mr. Carville again: "That's why I became an operative working with Democrats......all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the old cattle prod when a few bolt from the herd".
I love you Mr. Carville. I can't get enough of this. How about you? The reason I'm highlighting Mr. Carville's message is that the main stream media will not report this because Mr. Carville is a Democrat, so I thought I'd give his comments as much attention as possible. Especially when I agree, and they're so right on. Now, if he were a Republican the media and Mr. Obama would be out to ruin him.
Some more juicy tid-bits from Mr. Carville: "another reason I became a Democrat operative is there were more Democrats that didn't have a clue than there were Republicans....the Democrat voter is basically dumb and lazy, and I can make them think whatever I want them to".
Many conservatives, including yours truly, do not agree with a lot of Mr. Carville's political views, and have a lot of "love-hate" feelings toward him. He is truly a Democrat icon, which makes his observations of his own Democrat party all the more appealing to Republicans.
If I may interpret Mr. Carville's message, simply put 75% of welfare recipients cast their votes for Mr. Obama. Again, simply put, they were led to believe that their freebie/welfare state would not only continue, but would continue with growth. Most of theses voters that Mr. Carville referred to don't really care, and can't relate to job growth, national debt, GDP, or most of other issues plaguing America today. They want their freebies to continue, and that's why they are so easy to manipulate, as Mr. Carville so correctly alluded to.
The welfare/freebie mantra is clearly, "gimmee the free stuff, and tax that rich guy over there, so I can continue getting it...start with my Obamaphone".
A very much deserved thank you to Mr. Carville. You just made a lot of friends from the Republicans, starting with yours truly.
Tomorrow we'll discuss the definition of "INEPTOCRACY".
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country....and our troops
Friday, November 23, 2012
Walmart?? Really unions?
Walmart has 1.2 million employees in a non-union environment, and with the exception of 47 employees have decided to stay within the non-union environment. So what did the big union bosses do? They bussed in protesters in several key Walmart locations to scream stupid rhyming words as they paraded around Walmart parking lots carrying hand-made picket signs.
Walmart has reported that this "Black Friday" was the most profitable they've ever had, meaning the union protesting failed. I'm a little amused with the thinking and reasoning of the unions at this point. What did they think they were going to accomplish with their singing and rhyming protests in Walmart parking lots?
The unions were just recently successful in shutting down Hostess Products and forcing 18,000 workers out of jobs. To add insult to injury, there are several firms that want to buy the Hostess product names and restart, so consumers can still enjoy their Twinkies, Ho-Ho's, and Wonder Bread. I can see the irony now. A new owner takes over Hostess, rehires the 18,000 workers with the stipulation there will be no union. Aren't unions supposed to help workers KEEP their jobs? Not lose them.
I will venture to say the 18,000 now out of work will be happy to get their jobs back without the unions. I think Americans are beginning to realize that unions really have outdated themselves, and really serve no purpose. Union leaders and protesters are really showing they want "members" so they can receive revenue through dues. What other purpose does a union serve in today's economy?
There aren't too many available jobs for the unions to "protect", or "bargain" for raises. Americans just want jobs, not some union to "represent" or "bargain". Now if unions can create some jobs for the 23 million Americans out of work, well that might help. But if unions are going around the country forcing strikes, protests, walk-outs when Americans are out there looking for work, well really, who has any use for a union?
Recently a cake decorator at Walmart, who makes $12.00 per hour told the interviewer that yes, she'd like like to make more money. She further said, "who wouldn't want more money, but right now I'm just glad I have a job, and I want to hold on to it".
The only unions that are stable right now are public sector unions, and Mr. Obama will do all he can to assure that, so these particular unions will continue to do his bidding. Private sector union membership is the lowest it has ever been in modern times. I think it's pretty safe to write that we're witnessing the downfalls of private sector unions.
On another matter, have you noticed that for four consecutive years during his Thanksgiving presidential message Mr. Obama has never mentioned the word God? Along with this Mr. Obama will not comment on the Muslim Brotherhood leader of Egypt, Morsi, that has arbitrarily expanded his powers just recently. But Mr. Obama is certainly assuring Egypt they will recieve their $1.6.Billion aid from America this year. You think maybe Mr. Obama is truly a Muslim sympathizer? Nah...
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Walmart has reported that this "Black Friday" was the most profitable they've ever had, meaning the union protesting failed. I'm a little amused with the thinking and reasoning of the unions at this point. What did they think they were going to accomplish with their singing and rhyming protests in Walmart parking lots?
The unions were just recently successful in shutting down Hostess Products and forcing 18,000 workers out of jobs. To add insult to injury, there are several firms that want to buy the Hostess product names and restart, so consumers can still enjoy their Twinkies, Ho-Ho's, and Wonder Bread. I can see the irony now. A new owner takes over Hostess, rehires the 18,000 workers with the stipulation there will be no union. Aren't unions supposed to help workers KEEP their jobs? Not lose them.
I will venture to say the 18,000 now out of work will be happy to get their jobs back without the unions. I think Americans are beginning to realize that unions really have outdated themselves, and really serve no purpose. Union leaders and protesters are really showing they want "members" so they can receive revenue through dues. What other purpose does a union serve in today's economy?
There aren't too many available jobs for the unions to "protect", or "bargain" for raises. Americans just want jobs, not some union to "represent" or "bargain". Now if unions can create some jobs for the 23 million Americans out of work, well that might help. But if unions are going around the country forcing strikes, protests, walk-outs when Americans are out there looking for work, well really, who has any use for a union?
Recently a cake decorator at Walmart, who makes $12.00 per hour told the interviewer that yes, she'd like like to make more money. She further said, "who wouldn't want more money, but right now I'm just glad I have a job, and I want to hold on to it".
The only unions that are stable right now are public sector unions, and Mr. Obama will do all he can to assure that, so these particular unions will continue to do his bidding. Private sector union membership is the lowest it has ever been in modern times. I think it's pretty safe to write that we're witnessing the downfalls of private sector unions.
On another matter, have you noticed that for four consecutive years during his Thanksgiving presidential message Mr. Obama has never mentioned the word God? Along with this Mr. Obama will not comment on the Muslim Brotherhood leader of Egypt, Morsi, that has arbitrarily expanded his powers just recently. But Mr. Obama is certainly assuring Egypt they will recieve their $1.6.Billion aid from America this year. You think maybe Mr. Obama is truly a Muslim sympathizer? Nah...
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
No Politics with Pete today. I'm pretty sure God isn't a Democrat or Republican or Independent. He just wants us all to live in peace.
So, love and God bless to all of mankind today, especially our troops who sacrifice every day for the freedoms we enjoy. We owe them so many thanks. If you happen to see one be sure to thank them in person. It means a lot to them. I'm 77, and wear my old baseball cap that says Air Force Veteran, and still get thanks for my service. I always reply, "it was an honor to serve".
Even a Happy Thanksgiving for my critics, and don't worry I'll be back tomorrow.
And that's (not) Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country.....and our troops
So, love and God bless to all of mankind today, especially our troops who sacrifice every day for the freedoms we enjoy. We owe them so many thanks. If you happen to see one be sure to thank them in person. It means a lot to them. I'm 77, and wear my old baseball cap that says Air Force Veteran, and still get thanks for my service. I always reply, "it was an honor to serve".
Even a Happy Thanksgiving for my critics, and don't worry I'll be back tomorrow.
And that's (not) Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country.....and our troops
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Way to go unions
Will someone please tell the unions that their job is to protect jobs for the working class. It's not to shut down private businesses that do not want unions in their work places.Unions are acting like a boyfriend that got dumped by his girlfriend, and then walks in her front yard with a sign that said she was unfair for dumping him, and had no right to dump him.
I find it so puzzling that we have 23 million Americans out of work, we have a true unemployment of over 12%, we have over 47 millions on welfare, and yet the union leaders are joyous that they shut down Hostess Products, which left 18,000 workers without jobs. Can't see the logic in that. Why are union leaders pleased with that? What did they prove?
The company that supplies the Los Angeles International airport with workers decided to end their relations with the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) and with the workers approval I might add. The workers were more than satisified to have a job in this critical economy. And what does the union do? They actually block entrances into the airport so Americans can't fly to their destinations to celebrate this holiday with their families. Finally unions are showing Americans what they are really all about.
Of course the unions have a right to collective bargaining. People have a First Amendment right to assemble. However, and this is a gigantic however, when the workers and private owners of a company do not wish to bargain with a union any longer then the union must fold up their tents and go home.
Yes, the word "collectively" is very key here. When the workers want jobs, and are satisified with the job and conditions that the private owner is supplying them, and do not want a union to represent them, then why would the union want to stage unruly and threatening protests?
In many cases, in many companies, unions don't seem to get it that they are not wanted. Go ahead, stand outside with your picket signs. Sure, you may do a little disruption, but with the economy in dire straits, do you think standing in front of a company with a sign is going to help Americans get jobs? Don't think so.
Everyone knows Walmart is the world's largest retailer, and employs thousands all over the world. Also, everyone knows Walmart is a non-union company. This Friday is being called "Black Friday" at Walmart to kick off the Christmas shopping season with huge price bargains. Guess what the unions are doing? Yep, you guessed it. The unions actually plan to stage large disturbing mob-like protests. Why? Walmart is a private company and has no plans to allow a union to operate within their stores.
Union enrollment is down to the lowest it has ever been. There just aren't enough jobs for the unions to protect. Unions have outlived their usefullnes. Somone please get the message to the unions that they aren't needed as they once were to help middle class workers in the work place.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
I find it so puzzling that we have 23 million Americans out of work, we have a true unemployment of over 12%, we have over 47 millions on welfare, and yet the union leaders are joyous that they shut down Hostess Products, which left 18,000 workers without jobs. Can't see the logic in that. Why are union leaders pleased with that? What did they prove?
The company that supplies the Los Angeles International airport with workers decided to end their relations with the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) and with the workers approval I might add. The workers were more than satisified to have a job in this critical economy. And what does the union do? They actually block entrances into the airport so Americans can't fly to their destinations to celebrate this holiday with their families. Finally unions are showing Americans what they are really all about.
Of course the unions have a right to collective bargaining. People have a First Amendment right to assemble. However, and this is a gigantic however, when the workers and private owners of a company do not wish to bargain with a union any longer then the union must fold up their tents and go home.
Yes, the word "collectively" is very key here. When the workers want jobs, and are satisified with the job and conditions that the private owner is supplying them, and do not want a union to represent them, then why would the union want to stage unruly and threatening protests?
In many cases, in many companies, unions don't seem to get it that they are not wanted. Go ahead, stand outside with your picket signs. Sure, you may do a little disruption, but with the economy in dire straits, do you think standing in front of a company with a sign is going to help Americans get jobs? Don't think so.
Everyone knows Walmart is the world's largest retailer, and employs thousands all over the world. Also, everyone knows Walmart is a non-union company. This Friday is being called "Black Friday" at Walmart to kick off the Christmas shopping season with huge price bargains. Guess what the unions are doing? Yep, you guessed it. The unions actually plan to stage large disturbing mob-like protests. Why? Walmart is a private company and has no plans to allow a union to operate within their stores.
Union enrollment is down to the lowest it has ever been. There just aren't enough jobs for the unions to protect. Unions have outlived their usefullnes. Somone please get the message to the unions that they aren't needed as they once were to help middle class workers in the work place.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thanks all
I wanted to take time to give a humble "thank you" and shout-out for the positive feedback I've received on my three latest blogs; "Mish-Mash", "Still Complaining", and "Taxes, taxes, more taxes". Also, a big thank you to the News-Herald, starting with Ms. Cheryl Sadler for allowing me the forum to offer a daily blog to present my conservative views. Kind of give a special thanks from me on this Thanksgiving week.
Hey, I even want to acknowledge my critics for their views on disagreeing with my blogs. While I strongly disagree with their blasphemy, lies, and personal attacks, I do respect their 1st. Amendment rights. I have written before that I accept all points of view concerning my blogs, but will not acknowledge unwarranted personal attacks.
At times, I even find my critics amusing. One of my critics obviously doesn't understand the Social Security system. It's probably because this particular critic is on Mr. Obama's freebie welfare program and has no job to pay into the Social Security benefits program. As I've written before, I am 77 years young, and since my teen-age years paid into Social Security. Of course I do not approach this as a monthly welfare check. A welfare check is given to individuals who do not have a job to pay into the program, like my critic.
The critic who claimed my monthly Social Security check is a welfare check should have met my late father. Dad was an immigrant who came here from Italy at the age of seventeen, worked in the steel mills for forty-eight years, paying into the Social Security program. Dad made sure my two sisters and I went to college. Dad's gone now, but if this critic were to approach Dad and call him a welfare recipient after paying taxes for forty-eight years I would suggest he "stand back".
Another of my critics is probably one of the 93% African-Americans who voted for Mr. Obama. I can only assume this because he/she always refers to me as "whitey", or calls me a "white supremicist", and other names I can't print here. I've never heard one caucasian calling another caucasian "whitey", so I can only presume he's one of the 93% African-Americans mentioned above. Now, this is not a slam on African-Americans. Growing up in an urban area, and serving in the military I strongly believe in Martin Luther King's philosophy of "not color of skin, but content of character".
Another name-calling critic of mine clearly shows they are a Mr. Obama Kool-Aid drinker, and only believes what the left-wing media tells them. This is particularly true as this critic believes the economy is "doing fine". I wanted to pass on to this critic a few FACTS that the main stream media would not discuss this past year. These are areas that occured in the past two years under Mr. Obama's watch: family earnings falling by $5,300 a year, poverty rising by 38%, food stamp enrollment increase to 47.9 million, jobless claims rising to average 400,00 per week, 200 coal plants closing, closing of small banks, GDP lowest it's been since the '30's. I could go on, but that's enough for now. Mr. critic, don't tell me the economy is fine.
In the two weeks since Mr. Obama has been reelected there have been too many companies to name here that have layed off employees, cut back hours of employees, and raised prices solely because of Obamacare. What if these areas were under a Republican? Do you think the media would have ignored this news? No, I think not.
And I can't go any further without writing about the "comical" view of union leader Trumka bragging how the union shut down Hostess Products, and then blamed it all on Governor Romney and Bain Capital. I guess the "blame Bush" mantra has run its course.
How come the media is not reporting at all that Mr. Obama has sent $1.5.Billion of taxpayer money to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? It's been speculated that some of this money is used for arms for terrorists, but you won't hear that from the main stream media.
Why won't the media report that Mr. Obama also sent $147.Million of taxpayer money to the Gaza strip, while claiming Israel is our ally? Again, is there any way to track how much of this money is used for arms? You'll never know watching the main stream media.
Just a final question to Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid drinkers. What are you going to do in two years when unemployment is around 12%, and there's no more freebies and/or welfare money? God help you poor souls.
Stay tuned folks. Tomorrow we'll talk about immigration.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Hey, I even want to acknowledge my critics for their views on disagreeing with my blogs. While I strongly disagree with their blasphemy, lies, and personal attacks, I do respect their 1st. Amendment rights. I have written before that I accept all points of view concerning my blogs, but will not acknowledge unwarranted personal attacks.
At times, I even find my critics amusing. One of my critics obviously doesn't understand the Social Security system. It's probably because this particular critic is on Mr. Obama's freebie welfare program and has no job to pay into the Social Security benefits program. As I've written before, I am 77 years young, and since my teen-age years paid into Social Security. Of course I do not approach this as a monthly welfare check. A welfare check is given to individuals who do not have a job to pay into the program, like my critic.
The critic who claimed my monthly Social Security check is a welfare check should have met my late father. Dad was an immigrant who came here from Italy at the age of seventeen, worked in the steel mills for forty-eight years, paying into the Social Security program. Dad made sure my two sisters and I went to college. Dad's gone now, but if this critic were to approach Dad and call him a welfare recipient after paying taxes for forty-eight years I would suggest he "stand back".
Another of my critics is probably one of the 93% African-Americans who voted for Mr. Obama. I can only assume this because he/she always refers to me as "whitey", or calls me a "white supremicist", and other names I can't print here. I've never heard one caucasian calling another caucasian "whitey", so I can only presume he's one of the 93% African-Americans mentioned above. Now, this is not a slam on African-Americans. Growing up in an urban area, and serving in the military I strongly believe in Martin Luther King's philosophy of "not color of skin, but content of character".
Another name-calling critic of mine clearly shows they are a Mr. Obama Kool-Aid drinker, and only believes what the left-wing media tells them. This is particularly true as this critic believes the economy is "doing fine". I wanted to pass on to this critic a few FACTS that the main stream media would not discuss this past year. These are areas that occured in the past two years under Mr. Obama's watch: family earnings falling by $5,300 a year, poverty rising by 38%, food stamp enrollment increase to 47.9 million, jobless claims rising to average 400,00 per week, 200 coal plants closing, closing of small banks, GDP lowest it's been since the '30's. I could go on, but that's enough for now. Mr. critic, don't tell me the economy is fine.
In the two weeks since Mr. Obama has been reelected there have been too many companies to name here that have layed off employees, cut back hours of employees, and raised prices solely because of Obamacare. What if these areas were under a Republican? Do you think the media would have ignored this news? No, I think not.
And I can't go any further without writing about the "comical" view of union leader Trumka bragging how the union shut down Hostess Products, and then blamed it all on Governor Romney and Bain Capital. I guess the "blame Bush" mantra has run its course.
How come the media is not reporting at all that Mr. Obama has sent $1.5.Billion of taxpayer money to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? It's been speculated that some of this money is used for arms for terrorists, but you won't hear that from the main stream media.
Why won't the media report that Mr. Obama also sent $147.Million of taxpayer money to the Gaza strip, while claiming Israel is our ally? Again, is there any way to track how much of this money is used for arms? You'll never know watching the main stream media.
Just a final question to Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid drinkers. What are you going to do in two years when unemployment is around 12%, and there's no more freebies and/or welfare money? God help you poor souls.
Stay tuned folks. Tomorrow we'll talk about immigration.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Why are you still complaining?
Will someone please tell Mr. Obama's freebie welfare people that the election is over, and they will continue to get all their freebies; welfare checks, 99 weeks of unemployment, food stamps, subsidized housing, etc., etc., etc. Wake up Dems, you won.
Everyone knows the only way Mr. Obama was reelected is because 75% of all welfare recipients cast their votes for him. It makes me believe that hard-working Americans that go to work every day are fast becoming a minority.
However, what is more alarming is that it seems Democrat leaders are still trying to justify the way the election went. It's over Dems. You won, so why are you still attacking Governor Romney and the rest of the Republicans? Why are you continuing with the blasphemy and lies?
It wasn't tragic enough that union leaders claimed a "victory" when Hostess Products closed down and 18,000 workers are now out of work. One union boss even said their union planned it that way. Did the union ever figure how they were going to continue to receive union dues from these jobless workers? Hmm...never figured that huh?
I guess the mantra of "it's all Bush's fault" will be replaced by "it's Romney's fault". You had to figure that eventually the Democrats would need to blame someone for what's going to happen to our economy in the upcoming four years. Union leader Trumka is now bloviating that the main reason that Hostess Products shut down operations is because of Bain. Well, of course it's Romney's fault that Hostess shut down, not Trumpka's unions.
Recently I read a Viewpoint article in the News-Herald where the writer proudly wrote that he was not a 'maker' or a 'taker', and was glad he voted for Obama. The Viewpoint writer feels that it's better to tax people to continue to help the welfare base, giving no thought that people with money to invest, small businesses, and corporations are the bases that create jobs.
I never seem to get an answer when I ask that age-old question; "when is the last time someone on welfare created a job"? I guess the Viewpoint writer never heard of President Ronald Reagan, who immediatly lowered taxes after he took over from Carter to encourage investment people, small businesses, and corporations to create jobs. Then when unemployment became drastically lowered, and jobs were monumentally created, President Reagan increased certain taxes to create more revenue. Is that successful policy so backward? Think not.
Is this Viewpoint writer aware of the latest two broken promises by Mr. Obama? First, Mr. Obama is now ceasing any direction to close Gitmo. Remember the first bill he ever signed in January, 2009? The Viewpoint writer claims one major reason he voted for Mr. Obama was because Mr. Obama was a strong support of Gay-Lesbian-Same Sex Marriage rights. Well, in just two weeks after he garnered many Gay and Lesbian votes for his reelection Mr. Obama has decided to cease any support of same-sex marriage, along with non-support of Gay and Lesbian rights. He just keep breaking his campaign promises, and so soon after election. Hmm.
Our enemployment is growing, our GDP to debt is in shambles, our welfare costs are growing, Americans on welfare are at an all-time high, and there is no clear truths emerging regarding the Benghazi massacre, and yet Mr. Obama and the Democrats are still throwing stones at the Republican Party. Why?
Dems, you won. You get to sit back and watch what the White House resident is planning for the next four years. Oh wait, he doesn't have a plan, except to raise taxes by $514.Billion a year. Is this a great country or what?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops
Everyone knows the only way Mr. Obama was reelected is because 75% of all welfare recipients cast their votes for him. It makes me believe that hard-working Americans that go to work every day are fast becoming a minority.
However, what is more alarming is that it seems Democrat leaders are still trying to justify the way the election went. It's over Dems. You won, so why are you still attacking Governor Romney and the rest of the Republicans? Why are you continuing with the blasphemy and lies?
It wasn't tragic enough that union leaders claimed a "victory" when Hostess Products closed down and 18,000 workers are now out of work. One union boss even said their union planned it that way. Did the union ever figure how they were going to continue to receive union dues from these jobless workers? Hmm...never figured that huh?
I guess the mantra of "it's all Bush's fault" will be replaced by "it's Romney's fault". You had to figure that eventually the Democrats would need to blame someone for what's going to happen to our economy in the upcoming four years. Union leader Trumka is now bloviating that the main reason that Hostess Products shut down operations is because of Bain. Well, of course it's Romney's fault that Hostess shut down, not Trumpka's unions.
Recently I read a Viewpoint article in the News-Herald where the writer proudly wrote that he was not a 'maker' or a 'taker', and was glad he voted for Obama. The Viewpoint writer feels that it's better to tax people to continue to help the welfare base, giving no thought that people with money to invest, small businesses, and corporations are the bases that create jobs.
I never seem to get an answer when I ask that age-old question; "when is the last time someone on welfare created a job"? I guess the Viewpoint writer never heard of President Ronald Reagan, who immediatly lowered taxes after he took over from Carter to encourage investment people, small businesses, and corporations to create jobs. Then when unemployment became drastically lowered, and jobs were monumentally created, President Reagan increased certain taxes to create more revenue. Is that successful policy so backward? Think not.
Is this Viewpoint writer aware of the latest two broken promises by Mr. Obama? First, Mr. Obama is now ceasing any direction to close Gitmo. Remember the first bill he ever signed in January, 2009? The Viewpoint writer claims one major reason he voted for Mr. Obama was because Mr. Obama was a strong support of Gay-Lesbian-Same Sex Marriage rights. Well, in just two weeks after he garnered many Gay and Lesbian votes for his reelection Mr. Obama has decided to cease any support of same-sex marriage, along with non-support of Gay and Lesbian rights. He just keep breaking his campaign promises, and so soon after election. Hmm.
Our enemployment is growing, our GDP to debt is in shambles, our welfare costs are growing, Americans on welfare are at an all-time high, and there is no clear truths emerging regarding the Benghazi massacre, and yet Mr. Obama and the Democrats are still throwing stones at the Republican Party. Why?
Dems, you won. You get to sit back and watch what the White House resident is planning for the next four years. Oh wait, he doesn't have a plan, except to raise taxes by $514.Billion a year. Is this a great country or what?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Just a mish-mash
When a chef threw a lot of ingredients into their cooking presentation they usually said it was a "mish-mash" of stuff. Or a journalist writing an article might throw a "mish-mash" of ideas or thoughts in their article.
Well, today's blog is a mish-mash of different items, rather than sticking to one topic for the entire blog. Hope that's OK.
First of all, on taxes again. Right after Mr. Obama was reelected he stood, and stared into his teleprompter and extended his hand with a writing pen, and said, "I have the pen right here ready to raise taxes". Yes, Mr. Obama is going to raise taxes on just about everyone starting in January, 2013. Well, there are still two groups who will not have to abide by his new tax increase.
One group is the 49.7 million Americans on welfare that do not have a job to pay any taxes. Any wonder over 75% of them voted to reelect Mr. O. And there's another group we shouldn't forget about. It's the 36 aides that work for Mr. Obama. Collectively they owe nearly $850,000. in back taxes, and have no desire to pay their back taxes. Nice to get a job as a Mr. Obama aid huh?
Another item on my mish-mash blog today is the election is less than two weeks old, and already we've got some lies uncovered from promises made by Mr. Obama. While campaigning Mr. Obama promised that he would support same-sex marriage. Now that he's reelected he has backed away and there are very strong indications he will not support same-sex marriage.
Mr. Obama also promised while campaigning that he would recognize and honor veterans from the Cold War, including Viet Nam veterans. He has now completely backed away from that promise. When he was challenged about these items he just smirked with his condescending smile and remarked, "well, uh, um, uh, all candidates promise a lot when campaigning". Stand by folks. I got a feeling we're in for a lot more broken promises from Mr. Obama in the next four years.
I've tried to stay away from the voter fraud allegations, as I don't want to be tagged as a Republican whiner. However, it's pretty difficult to ignore some very startling bits of valid information that is beginning to emerge. Governor Romney was leading in the pols in Florida, Virginia, Ohio, and Colorado. On election day Mr. Obama won these four states by a total of 400,000 votes for all four states. These four states have a total of sixty-nine electoral college votes.
In Florida, the county of St. Lucie with a population of 175,000 registered voters, there were 250,000 votes cast which means a voter turn-out of 141%. By the way Mr. Obama won this county. In Philadelphia over 50 wards cast 19,605 votes for Mr. Obama and zero, nada for Governor Romney. In Ohio thirteen counties showed 100% of their votes were cast for Mr. Obama and again none for Governor Romney.
So, I did some more research and this is certainly worth mentioning. In 1982 the Democrat and Republican parties entered into agreement that there would be no challenging of voter fraud. The source for this is the Judicial Review based on 1981 case #09-4615. Yes, three Republicans were investigated, so both parties agreed to avoid any controversy to hamper upcoming elections there would be no voter fraud challenges.
The interesting issue here is that this Consent Decree must be renewed every year. Judge D.R. Debevoise revisits every year to renew the decree. A provision is made whereby the Republican party can appeal and have the decree vacated, which RNC chairman Reince Prebus did this year. However the appeal was denied by Judge J. Greenway, an African-American liberal Judge. Now do you get the picture?
Don't think for a second that the Democrat Party were not aware of this "Consent Decree", and knew that it would not be vacated. Therefore if, by chance, the Democratic Party decided to commit voter fraud they knew the Republican Party could not challenge them.
Did you know the states that required voter I.D., with the exception of Michigan, were won by Governor Romney? Did you know a county in the state of Maine, with a very low African-American population, had literally dozens, yes dozens of African-Americans showing up to vote? Did I mention that Maine is one of the states that do not require voter I.D.
With the Consent Decree law in effect, and many states not requiring voter I.D., is it any wonder that Mr. Obama received 93% of the African-American vote? Just sayin'.
Now we know that the Republican Party is in favor of voter I.D., and the Democratic Party is against it. Not having any form of identification certainly favors the Democratic Party.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Well, today's blog is a mish-mash of different items, rather than sticking to one topic for the entire blog. Hope that's OK.
First of all, on taxes again. Right after Mr. Obama was reelected he stood, and stared into his teleprompter and extended his hand with a writing pen, and said, "I have the pen right here ready to raise taxes". Yes, Mr. Obama is going to raise taxes on just about everyone starting in January, 2013. Well, there are still two groups who will not have to abide by his new tax increase.
One group is the 49.7 million Americans on welfare that do not have a job to pay any taxes. Any wonder over 75% of them voted to reelect Mr. O. And there's another group we shouldn't forget about. It's the 36 aides that work for Mr. Obama. Collectively they owe nearly $850,000. in back taxes, and have no desire to pay their back taxes. Nice to get a job as a Mr. Obama aid huh?
Another item on my mish-mash blog today is the election is less than two weeks old, and already we've got some lies uncovered from promises made by Mr. Obama. While campaigning Mr. Obama promised that he would support same-sex marriage. Now that he's reelected he has backed away and there are very strong indications he will not support same-sex marriage.
Mr. Obama also promised while campaigning that he would recognize and honor veterans from the Cold War, including Viet Nam veterans. He has now completely backed away from that promise. When he was challenged about these items he just smirked with his condescending smile and remarked, "well, uh, um, uh, all candidates promise a lot when campaigning". Stand by folks. I got a feeling we're in for a lot more broken promises from Mr. Obama in the next four years.
I've tried to stay away from the voter fraud allegations, as I don't want to be tagged as a Republican whiner. However, it's pretty difficult to ignore some very startling bits of valid information that is beginning to emerge. Governor Romney was leading in the pols in Florida, Virginia, Ohio, and Colorado. On election day Mr. Obama won these four states by a total of 400,000 votes for all four states. These four states have a total of sixty-nine electoral college votes.
In Florida, the county of St. Lucie with a population of 175,000 registered voters, there were 250,000 votes cast which means a voter turn-out of 141%. By the way Mr. Obama won this county. In Philadelphia over 50 wards cast 19,605 votes for Mr. Obama and zero, nada for Governor Romney. In Ohio thirteen counties showed 100% of their votes were cast for Mr. Obama and again none for Governor Romney.
So, I did some more research and this is certainly worth mentioning. In 1982 the Democrat and Republican parties entered into agreement that there would be no challenging of voter fraud. The source for this is the Judicial Review based on 1981 case #09-4615. Yes, three Republicans were investigated, so both parties agreed to avoid any controversy to hamper upcoming elections there would be no voter fraud challenges.
The interesting issue here is that this Consent Decree must be renewed every year. Judge D.R. Debevoise revisits every year to renew the decree. A provision is made whereby the Republican party can appeal and have the decree vacated, which RNC chairman Reince Prebus did this year. However the appeal was denied by Judge J. Greenway, an African-American liberal Judge. Now do you get the picture?
Don't think for a second that the Democrat Party were not aware of this "Consent Decree", and knew that it would not be vacated. Therefore if, by chance, the Democratic Party decided to commit voter fraud they knew the Republican Party could not challenge them.
Did you know the states that required voter I.D., with the exception of Michigan, were won by Governor Romney? Did you know a county in the state of Maine, with a very low African-American population, had literally dozens, yes dozens of African-Americans showing up to vote? Did I mention that Maine is one of the states that do not require voter I.D.
With the Consent Decree law in effect, and many states not requiring voter I.D., is it any wonder that Mr. Obama received 93% of the African-American vote? Just sayin'.
Now we know that the Republican Party is in favor of voter I.D., and the Democratic Party is against it. Not having any form of identification certainly favors the Democratic Party.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Taxes, taxes, & more taxes
My major in college was Marketing, but I guess with my C- average I didn't understand the taxing system. I always believed you worked, and in your paycheck you noticed money was taken out for "taxes". When you bought a product there was money taken out of your bill for "taxes". This money was then sent to our city, state, and federal governments so they would have money to operate on their own designed policies called "budgets".
How am I doing so far? Wish my Marketing professor could read that paragraph to see that I was really paying attention in class.Well, not all the time. Am I wrong in writing that this money called "taxes" are not to be used as max'd out credit cards? It's like a husband telling his wife, "honey, can't use the credit card...it's max'd out". Whereupon she replies, "that's OK..call the bank and tell them to raise our limit"., or else she might say, "just get another credit card and transfer the balance, then we can start over".
While this may seem comical, it's exactly what our government is doing now. It's like the same family above that complains their outgoing bill payments are more than what they bring home each month. Thousands and thousands of American families are being forced to cut back and stay on track with their family budget.
Ah, budgets...what a nice word. Millions of Americans will gladly live within their budget constraints, but our own federal government has not passed a budget in over three years. The last budget Mr. Obama submitted was shot down 0-97.
But hey, let's get back to the context of taxes. Effective January 1, 2013 Mr. Obama is assessing an additional $514.Billion a year on Americans, or $2,100. a year per family. But hey, he doesn't care; his salary is payed by the taxes from hard working Americans. And of course the freebie welfare people, who voted Mr. Obama into office don't care, because welfare entitlement spending is not going to be cut, and they don't have a job to be taxed, so they couldn't care less.
But let's roll with this for a minute OK? Our true enemployment is over 14%, our GDP is less than 2%, our job growth is less than our job-population growth, and the only answer and plan that Mr. Obama can give us is, "those making over $200,000. will have their taxes increased ".
Now as I wrote earlier, I was a C- Marketing student, but with a national debt of $16.Trillion and climbing, if you taxed everyone making over $200,000. a year 100%, yes 100%, you couldn't run the government for more than eight days.
Of course there's always the Ben Bernanke route. Go down to the basement of Congress, turn on the little green money printing machine and spend, spend, spend. Wouldn't it be great if we all had a money printing machine in our basements, and when a bill came due we just turned on our little printing machine, and lived happily ever after. Well, at least till the dollar value hit rock bottom.
And the additional taxing is not done yet by any means. It is now being proposed that we have a tax called the stimulus spending tax. Wow. And then an addititional payroll tax, and wait, even Al Gore is getting into the act. Yes, Mr. Gore is strongly proposing a carbon tax. Seems the mantra of Mr. Obama's plan is tax, tax, and more tax.
If we continue on the path of tax, tax, and tax more, within a few short years what's going to happen if our unemployment rises to Europe's level? What if there's no jobs being created, and more jobs are being shipped overseas? What happens then? What happens when Ben Bernanke's little printing machine runs out of ink or paper? What happens when our credit rating drops further down the hole? What happens when China says they must increase the rate of interest on their loan? What happens when the mid-east raises the cost of oil?
What happens when the entitlement welfare community grows, but there is no more money to sustain our welfare community? What happens when we run out of pension money to give to the retired people that paid taxes for years expecting a retirement pension?
Do you want to see what happens? Take a peek at Greece, Spain, and the rest of Europe. And if we continue on the path we're on today we may be only two years away from becoming them.
There is only one sure way to rise from this crisis, and that is to create jobs for the American people, and get the 49.7 million Americans off welfare and back into earning a living, and yes paying taxes. We had an opportunity to elect a strong business leader in Governor Romney, but 51% of the voting population turned their back on him. You may not have agreed with everything about him, and you may not even have liked him, but he had a proven track record of creating jobs. That's what he promised the American people.
Instead 75% of people on welfare voted to have their welfare benefits continue under Mr. Obama, and it appears they only cared about themselves on a "short-term fix". But let me give you welfare people a clue. On this path that money for your welfare is going to dry up soon.
What will you do then?
Government is operating above their means, and taxing, taxing, taxing is not the answer. Creating jobs is the only true answer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country.....God bless our troops.
How am I doing so far? Wish my Marketing professor could read that paragraph to see that I was really paying attention in class.Well, not all the time. Am I wrong in writing that this money called "taxes" are not to be used as max'd out credit cards? It's like a husband telling his wife, "honey, can't use the credit card...it's max'd out". Whereupon she replies, "that's OK..call the bank and tell them to raise our limit"., or else she might say, "just get another credit card and transfer the balance, then we can start over".
While this may seem comical, it's exactly what our government is doing now. It's like the same family above that complains their outgoing bill payments are more than what they bring home each month. Thousands and thousands of American families are being forced to cut back and stay on track with their family budget.
Ah, budgets...what a nice word. Millions of Americans will gladly live within their budget constraints, but our own federal government has not passed a budget in over three years. The last budget Mr. Obama submitted was shot down 0-97.
But hey, let's get back to the context of taxes. Effective January 1, 2013 Mr. Obama is assessing an additional $514.Billion a year on Americans, or $2,100. a year per family. But hey, he doesn't care; his salary is payed by the taxes from hard working Americans. And of course the freebie welfare people, who voted Mr. Obama into office don't care, because welfare entitlement spending is not going to be cut, and they don't have a job to be taxed, so they couldn't care less.
But let's roll with this for a minute OK? Our true enemployment is over 14%, our GDP is less than 2%, our job growth is less than our job-population growth, and the only answer and plan that Mr. Obama can give us is, "those making over $200,000. will have their taxes increased ".
Now as I wrote earlier, I was a C- Marketing student, but with a national debt of $16.Trillion and climbing, if you taxed everyone making over $200,000. a year 100%, yes 100%, you couldn't run the government for more than eight days.
Of course there's always the Ben Bernanke route. Go down to the basement of Congress, turn on the little green money printing machine and spend, spend, spend. Wouldn't it be great if we all had a money printing machine in our basements, and when a bill came due we just turned on our little printing machine, and lived happily ever after. Well, at least till the dollar value hit rock bottom.
And the additional taxing is not done yet by any means. It is now being proposed that we have a tax called the stimulus spending tax. Wow. And then an addititional payroll tax, and wait, even Al Gore is getting into the act. Yes, Mr. Gore is strongly proposing a carbon tax. Seems the mantra of Mr. Obama's plan is tax, tax, and more tax.
If we continue on the path of tax, tax, and tax more, within a few short years what's going to happen if our unemployment rises to Europe's level? What if there's no jobs being created, and more jobs are being shipped overseas? What happens then? What happens when Ben Bernanke's little printing machine runs out of ink or paper? What happens when our credit rating drops further down the hole? What happens when China says they must increase the rate of interest on their loan? What happens when the mid-east raises the cost of oil?
What happens when the entitlement welfare community grows, but there is no more money to sustain our welfare community? What happens when we run out of pension money to give to the retired people that paid taxes for years expecting a retirement pension?
Do you want to see what happens? Take a peek at Greece, Spain, and the rest of Europe. And if we continue on the path we're on today we may be only two years away from becoming them.
There is only one sure way to rise from this crisis, and that is to create jobs for the American people, and get the 49.7 million Americans off welfare and back into earning a living, and yes paying taxes. We had an opportunity to elect a strong business leader in Governor Romney, but 51% of the voting population turned their back on him. You may not have agreed with everything about him, and you may not even have liked him, but he had a proven track record of creating jobs. That's what he promised the American people.
Instead 75% of people on welfare voted to have their welfare benefits continue under Mr. Obama, and it appears they only cared about themselves on a "short-term fix". But let me give you welfare people a clue. On this path that money for your welfare is going to dry up soon.
What will you do then?
Government is operating above their means, and taxing, taxing, taxing is not the answer. Creating jobs is the only true answer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country.....God bless our troops.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Obama shutting down businesses
When Mr. Obama was in his first two years as our White House resident it was easy to pass his infamous Obamacare health plan with his Democrat controlled House & Senate. They went behind closed doors, passed the bill, then got media support to broadcast to America how this bill was going to make life better for all. Liar, Liar
We should've known something was amiss when Leader Pelosi stood giggling at her podium and said, "you have to read the bill to find out what's in it". Mr. Obama, the House & Senate, and the media lied to the American people. Again, liar, liar
Immediately after Mr. Obama's healthcare bill was passed 200 entities were given waivers. Those entities consisted of certain schools, hospitals, and specific unions. I always wondered if Obamacare was so great why were 200 waivers issued almost immediately after the bill was passed?
Today over 2,000 waivers have been issued to companies, unions, schools, etc. Is this because there has been some investigation into the 2,977 pages and many are scratching their heads in wonderment as to how this bill was even passed?
For example, buried in Section 34-03 of Obamacare is a provision for a 15-board panel that will be known as the Investigation Payment Advisory Board. This bureaucratic board will make decisions if patients qualify for specific operations. This board will also make decisions regarding Medicare payments to Doctors and hospitals. As a senior this scares the heck out of me. It means if this panel thinks I'm too old for a certain operation, then I'll get the pill, and go sit on my porch and wait to die.
And now we can reliably say that Obamacare, Mr. Obama's legacy, is actually on a path to close down businesses, increase unemployment, and increase our welfare rolls. Is this that hope and change Mr. Obama was referring to in his first term? It seems the only people who think this is a good idea are the freebie welfare people that are getting free health care on my dollar, and probably don't even understand what's going on.
Denny's Restaurant chain has not only foregone any hiring, they will be starting layoffs soon, and cutting back hours for employees so they will not have to offer any health insurance. Denny's will also add a 5% sur-charge on all customer checks. It will simply be called."Obamacare sur-charge - 5%, and you'll see it on your check as you head to the cashier to pay. PaPa John's Pizza chain will begin laying off employees, cutting back hours, and will raise the price of their pizzas starting at 14 cents a pizza. More hope and change huh?
Many other companies, too many to list here, are following this trend of laying off employees, cutting back hours, and adding costs to their end product to offset the cost of Obamacare. Now add to this that Mr. Obama is robbing Medicare of $716.Billion to help pay for his Obamacare legacy. Wow, that Obamacare is really something? It's going to sink us if we don't stop it.
Pol statistics reflect that one in every six Doctors have now stopped taking any new Medicare patients. When you add to this that 25-30 million people that will now be added to health insurance rolls, with no additional Doctors or hospitals, you begin to foresee many health care problems for Americans. God help us, and save us from Obamacare, please.
Tomorrow we'll write about taxes. Thanks again Mr. Obama for all the ammunition.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
We should've known something was amiss when Leader Pelosi stood giggling at her podium and said, "you have to read the bill to find out what's in it". Mr. Obama, the House & Senate, and the media lied to the American people. Again, liar, liar
Immediately after Mr. Obama's healthcare bill was passed 200 entities were given waivers. Those entities consisted of certain schools, hospitals, and specific unions. I always wondered if Obamacare was so great why were 200 waivers issued almost immediately after the bill was passed?
Today over 2,000 waivers have been issued to companies, unions, schools, etc. Is this because there has been some investigation into the 2,977 pages and many are scratching their heads in wonderment as to how this bill was even passed?
For example, buried in Section 34-03 of Obamacare is a provision for a 15-board panel that will be known as the Investigation Payment Advisory Board. This bureaucratic board will make decisions if patients qualify for specific operations. This board will also make decisions regarding Medicare payments to Doctors and hospitals. As a senior this scares the heck out of me. It means if this panel thinks I'm too old for a certain operation, then I'll get the pill, and go sit on my porch and wait to die.
And now we can reliably say that Obamacare, Mr. Obama's legacy, is actually on a path to close down businesses, increase unemployment, and increase our welfare rolls. Is this that hope and change Mr. Obama was referring to in his first term? It seems the only people who think this is a good idea are the freebie welfare people that are getting free health care on my dollar, and probably don't even understand what's going on.
Denny's Restaurant chain has not only foregone any hiring, they will be starting layoffs soon, and cutting back hours for employees so they will not have to offer any health insurance. Denny's will also add a 5% sur-charge on all customer checks. It will simply be called."Obamacare sur-charge - 5%, and you'll see it on your check as you head to the cashier to pay. PaPa John's Pizza chain will begin laying off employees, cutting back hours, and will raise the price of their pizzas starting at 14 cents a pizza. More hope and change huh?
Many other companies, too many to list here, are following this trend of laying off employees, cutting back hours, and adding costs to their end product to offset the cost of Obamacare. Now add to this that Mr. Obama is robbing Medicare of $716.Billion to help pay for his Obamacare legacy. Wow, that Obamacare is really something? It's going to sink us if we don't stop it.
Pol statistics reflect that one in every six Doctors have now stopped taking any new Medicare patients. When you add to this that 25-30 million people that will now be added to health insurance rolls, with no additional Doctors or hospitals, you begin to foresee many health care problems for Americans. God help us, and save us from Obamacare, please.
Tomorrow we'll write about taxes. Thanks again Mr. Obama for all the ammunition.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Supreme Ruler Obama
Just a short humorous blog that shot through my thick empty skull. Got to have a little humor in the midst of all the stuff going on now. Right?
Anyway, in a blog of mine a few days ago one of my progresive liberal critics, while calling me names that I can't write in any of my decent blogs, said it was only a few cities that wanted to secede from the United States since Mr. Obama's reelection, and not any states.
My critic further said it was just a few signatures from a few cities. Obviously my critic didn't do any valid research. The state of Texas, for example, has 65,000 signatures. Only 25,000 are needed by any state to "start the ball rolling". Hmmm, still wonder how Mr. Obama got 51% of the votes?
Well, in less than a hour it has been reported on more than one news source that in all fifty states close to one million signatures have been submitted for secession from the United States.
This led me to comically think that if all states were successful in seceding from the Union, then Mr. Obama can stay and have his own little kingdom, and be anointed Supreme Ruler of Washington, D.C..
Funny huh?
Short one from Politics with Pete....God bless the 50 states....and our troops
Anyway, in a blog of mine a few days ago one of my progresive liberal critics, while calling me names that I can't write in any of my decent blogs, said it was only a few cities that wanted to secede from the United States since Mr. Obama's reelection, and not any states.
My critic further said it was just a few signatures from a few cities. Obviously my critic didn't do any valid research. The state of Texas, for example, has 65,000 signatures. Only 25,000 are needed by any state to "start the ball rolling". Hmmm, still wonder how Mr. Obama got 51% of the votes?
Well, in less than a hour it has been reported on more than one news source that in all fifty states close to one million signatures have been submitted for secession from the United States.
This led me to comically think that if all states were successful in seceding from the Union, then Mr. Obama can stay and have his own little kingdom, and be anointed Supreme Ruler of Washington, D.C..
Funny huh?
Short one from Politics with Pete....God bless the 50 states....and our troops
There just is not a better title for this blog than 439,000. I wonder if any of Mr. Obama's welfare freebie people know what 439,000 signifies.
Well, what it means is that in the week ending November 10, 2013, 439,000 Americans, for the first time, filed for unemployment benefits. Has it ever been explained to the entitlement freebie people that voted for Mr. Obama, where the money comes from that supports these unemployed people? Here's a clue: it comes from hard working Americans that go to work every day, earn a living to take care of their family, and yes, pay taxes that help support these 439,000 that filed for benefits for the first time.
And it has gotten worse since Mr. Obama entered office in 2009. Since Mr. Obama became a resident of our White House in '09 the poverty level has RISEN to 16% of the population, or simply put one in every six Americans now live in poverty. What is startling is that in September of this year 46.2 million Americans lived in poverty, which was 15%. Today, November 15, 2012 we have 49.7 million Americans living in poverty. By the way this figure was not reported from the media until AFTER the election. Today 16% of our population live in poverty.
I'm sure my next factual statistic will have my liberal progressive Democrats howling. It is a proven fact that 75% of Americans living in poverty voted for Mr. Obama this past week. Now I know that this correlation is due to Mr. Obama's campaign message to this 49.7 million poverty Americans that if they voted for Governor Romney all their freebie welfare benefits would vanish.
Ready for another statistical fact that I'm sure my liberal progressive Democrats will find very interesting. Effective January 1, 2013 Mr. Obama will raise taxes by $514.Billion, with his "fiscal cliff" tax policy. This calculates to $2,100 per year in additional taxes for every American family that goes to work every day to earn a living, take care of their family, and yes, pay taxes.
Yes, I'm sure there are some Americans that should be on welfare, but the increase since Mr. Obama has been in office is staggering. Really, 49.7 million Americans? Why?
Guess who will not be paying any of this additional $514.Billion in taxes? Yes, you guessed it; the 49.7 million Americans that are on poverty, and do not pay any taxes, because they just plain do not work. If Mr. Obama keeps expending money to his welfare base we will run out of money within a very short few years. I'm sure Mr. Obama, the media, or our welfare base has not paid any attention to our Congressional Budget Office (CBO), that reports if our national debt exceeds $20.Trillion we may never recover. What then?
Mr. Obama's welfare base is drastically growing, and in 2013 will hit over 50 million Americans. Are we going to continue to rely on hard working Americans to support Mr. Obama's welfare base while he's raising taxes by $514.Billion in just two months? Before my liberal progressive Democrat critics scream about taxing "the rich", please remember taxing everyone that makes over $200,00 per year will only equate to $80.Billion in revenue; hardly a dent in the $514.Billion tax increase.
Mr. Obama successfully convinced his 75% of the welfare base to hate the "ugly rich fat cats" enough to vote him back in our White House for another four years. Has anyone told these welfare freebie people that these are the very people, along with small business owners, that invest money and create jobs? Someone, please tell me where and how else jobs are to be created? Can we expect any of Mr. Obama's 49.7 million Americans on welfare to create a single job? Don't think so.
It must also be noted that dividends tax will increase 15% to 25%. Do you think this will encourage those "fat cats" to invest money to create jobs? Don't think so. Come on now my liberal progressive critics; do you have any brilliant ideas as to where and how we're going to create jobs to reduce our welfare population? Please don't answer with lies, blasphemy, and personal attacks on me and the Republican Party. Give me something intelligent. You probably don't have anything. Right?
Please read tomorrow's blog. We're going to write about how Mr. Obama is causing drastic cuts in the work force, increase in unemployment, businesses shutting down, and increased prices to the consumer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Well, what it means is that in the week ending November 10, 2013, 439,000 Americans, for the first time, filed for unemployment benefits. Has it ever been explained to the entitlement freebie people that voted for Mr. Obama, where the money comes from that supports these unemployed people? Here's a clue: it comes from hard working Americans that go to work every day, earn a living to take care of their family, and yes, pay taxes that help support these 439,000 that filed for benefits for the first time.
And it has gotten worse since Mr. Obama entered office in 2009. Since Mr. Obama became a resident of our White House in '09 the poverty level has RISEN to 16% of the population, or simply put one in every six Americans now live in poverty. What is startling is that in September of this year 46.2 million Americans lived in poverty, which was 15%. Today, November 15, 2012 we have 49.7 million Americans living in poverty. By the way this figure was not reported from the media until AFTER the election. Today 16% of our population live in poverty.
I'm sure my next factual statistic will have my liberal progressive Democrats howling. It is a proven fact that 75% of Americans living in poverty voted for Mr. Obama this past week. Now I know that this correlation is due to Mr. Obama's campaign message to this 49.7 million poverty Americans that if they voted for Governor Romney all their freebie welfare benefits would vanish.
Ready for another statistical fact that I'm sure my liberal progressive Democrats will find very interesting. Effective January 1, 2013 Mr. Obama will raise taxes by $514.Billion, with his "fiscal cliff" tax policy. This calculates to $2,100 per year in additional taxes for every American family that goes to work every day to earn a living, take care of their family, and yes, pay taxes.
Yes, I'm sure there are some Americans that should be on welfare, but the increase since Mr. Obama has been in office is staggering. Really, 49.7 million Americans? Why?
Guess who will not be paying any of this additional $514.Billion in taxes? Yes, you guessed it; the 49.7 million Americans that are on poverty, and do not pay any taxes, because they just plain do not work. If Mr. Obama keeps expending money to his welfare base we will run out of money within a very short few years. I'm sure Mr. Obama, the media, or our welfare base has not paid any attention to our Congressional Budget Office (CBO), that reports if our national debt exceeds $20.Trillion we may never recover. What then?
Mr. Obama's welfare base is drastically growing, and in 2013 will hit over 50 million Americans. Are we going to continue to rely on hard working Americans to support Mr. Obama's welfare base while he's raising taxes by $514.Billion in just two months? Before my liberal progressive Democrat critics scream about taxing "the rich", please remember taxing everyone that makes over $200,00 per year will only equate to $80.Billion in revenue; hardly a dent in the $514.Billion tax increase.
Mr. Obama successfully convinced his 75% of the welfare base to hate the "ugly rich fat cats" enough to vote him back in our White House for another four years. Has anyone told these welfare freebie people that these are the very people, along with small business owners, that invest money and create jobs? Someone, please tell me where and how else jobs are to be created? Can we expect any of Mr. Obama's 49.7 million Americans on welfare to create a single job? Don't think so.
It must also be noted that dividends tax will increase 15% to 25%. Do you think this will encourage those "fat cats" to invest money to create jobs? Don't think so. Come on now my liberal progressive critics; do you have any brilliant ideas as to where and how we're going to create jobs to reduce our welfare population? Please don't answer with lies, blasphemy, and personal attacks on me and the Republican Party. Give me something intelligent. You probably don't have anything. Right?
Please read tomorrow's blog. We're going to write about how Mr. Obama is causing drastic cuts in the work force, increase in unemployment, businesses shutting down, and increased prices to the consumer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Cheaters never win?
Along with learning the Golden Rule while growing up, another axiom drilled into my young thick skull was, Cheaters Never Win". Although the results of the election a week ago has made me think twice about cheaters never winning.
Can't believe the things emerging from election sites since last Tuesday. It's probably treasonous to call the current White House resident a cheater, but I think it's OK to call his campaign people and supporters just outright Chicago thugs and cheaters.
Of course none of the cases of voter fraud will ever be investigated. In fact, even if hard evidence of voter fraud were proven to be factual, it would never make to through our Senate's main man Reid, or to our esteemed Attorney General Holder.
Thirteen counties in the state of Ohio were shown that not a single vote was cast for Governor Romney. If that wasn't bad enough fifty-nine voting wards in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania reflected not a single vote was cast for Romney. Another voting bloc showed 108% percent of voters registered, and all their votes were cast for Mr. Obama.
Another voting area showed 19,605 votes cast for Mr. Obama, and none again for Governor Romney. The tragedy of this is that there weren't that many people residing in that voting bloc. A voting monitor in a ward actually witnessed voting fraud taking place, and even spoke of it.
But of course, it never made it through the media, and nothing will ever be done about it anyway.
Of course my progressive liberal critics are calling me a sore loser, but I'd rather rely on the old axiom of Cheaters Never Win. I'm a strong believer of what goes around comes around. To me that simply means someday, maybe not today, or tomorrow, or next year, but these disgraceful people that blatantly cheated the American people out of an honest electoral process will pay the price for their cheating criminal exploits.
I strongly believe that if the election were held again today, and only manual voting was available, and all military votes were counted, and a more intense monitoring was made available, Governor Romney would be our 45th. President.
Please stay tuned. There's more of Mr. Obama coming your way through my blogs.
And that's Politics with Pete for today. God Bless our country....and our troops.
Can't believe the things emerging from election sites since last Tuesday. It's probably treasonous to call the current White House resident a cheater, but I think it's OK to call his campaign people and supporters just outright Chicago thugs and cheaters.
Of course none of the cases of voter fraud will ever be investigated. In fact, even if hard evidence of voter fraud were proven to be factual, it would never make to through our Senate's main man Reid, or to our esteemed Attorney General Holder.
Thirteen counties in the state of Ohio were shown that not a single vote was cast for Governor Romney. If that wasn't bad enough fifty-nine voting wards in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania reflected not a single vote was cast for Romney. Another voting bloc showed 108% percent of voters registered, and all their votes were cast for Mr. Obama.
Another voting area showed 19,605 votes cast for Mr. Obama, and none again for Governor Romney. The tragedy of this is that there weren't that many people residing in that voting bloc. A voting monitor in a ward actually witnessed voting fraud taking place, and even spoke of it.
But of course, it never made it through the media, and nothing will ever be done about it anyway.
Of course my progressive liberal critics are calling me a sore loser, but I'd rather rely on the old axiom of Cheaters Never Win. I'm a strong believer of what goes around comes around. To me that simply means someday, maybe not today, or tomorrow, or next year, but these disgraceful people that blatantly cheated the American people out of an honest electoral process will pay the price for their cheating criminal exploits.
I strongly believe that if the election were held again today, and only manual voting was available, and all military votes were counted, and a more intense monitoring was made available, Governor Romney would be our 45th. President.
Please stay tuned. There's more of Mr. Obama coming your way through my blogs.
And that's Politics with Pete for today. God Bless our country....and our troops.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thank you Mr. Obama
Whew...I thought if Governor Romney won the election I would have to retire from blog writing because the Romney-Ryan plan would immediately create jobs, balance the budget, and there wouldn't be too many controversial issues to blog about.
But, WOW, in less than a week after Mr. Obama's reelection I have enough ammunition to blog about for his next four years that he's in our White House; that's providing Mr. O doesn't get impeached over the Benghazi massacre.
Gee, I don't even know where to start. Oh yeah, I got it...to kick things off for my next four years let's start with the twenty two states that are currently petitioning to secede from Mr. Obama's world. Leading, is the great state of Texas. They have garnered over 25,000 petition signatures for submission to Mr Obama, for secession from the United States. Texas is currently the fifteenth largest economy in the world, and are excited at the possibility that they can increase their economic growth immediately as they will not need Mr. Obama's approval to drill for oil, build oil refineries, lower taxes, initiate tort reform, offer affordable health insurance, while offering a better way of life in Texas.
More states are now soliciting for petition signatures to also secede from Mr. Obama's world. Of course the liberal progressives are already screaming, "Republicans want a confederacy like the one that put Blacks back in slavery". Someone should remind the progressive libs that it was the Republicans that freed slavery. Remember when Biden said, "they wanna put y'all back in chains"? Did Gaffer Joe mean the Dems? In a later blog we'll discuss Mr. Obama's 93% of the Black vote last week.
Rather than throw lies and blasphemy at the states that are soliciting petition signatures to secede from Mr. Obama, maybe it would be better to investigate as to WHY over twenty states want to "get out from under" the policies of this White House resident that will destroy our economy and any growth of this great nation.
It's obvious that these states that want to secede from Mr. Obama feel very confident they can increase growth in their individual states by "going it alone" with no interference from our current federal government. A factual example is one state that is currently soliciting for petition signatures is in the process of closing down 175 coal-fired plants, only to have the current federal government deny this state any permits to operate their plants. It's plain to see that if this particular state was "on its own" with no government interference there would be operations in these coal-fired plants and the Americans in these plants would be holding on to their jobs.
More states are becoming discouraged at Mr. Obama's Socialist progressive liberal policies, along with the growth of his regulations to prohibit private businesses from growing and succeeding. Yes, it's sad over the divisiveness that is growing among the states of this great nation. Almost seems like it's planned.
So many states are now protesting the enormous cost increase in welfare in this country. They see no relief in sight to reduce our national debt of $16.Trillion. These states also see an increase of over $1.Trillion a year under Mr. Obama's policies. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has already announced to continue on this path will increase unemployment to 10% by year's end in 2013.
States may be beginning to view Mr. Obama as the same type of person they escaped from when Pilgrims came to this country escaping from the tyranny in England. These states want to start on their own, set up their own land of freedoms designated by the founding fathers of our U.S. Constitution. Just maybe if these states do go out on their own they will find another George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln, or even another Ronald Reagan. It's obvious we will never find leaders like that here under Mr. Obama's failed leadership.
Many more issues coming in future blogs thanks to Mr. Obama.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops
But, WOW, in less than a week after Mr. Obama's reelection I have enough ammunition to blog about for his next four years that he's in our White House; that's providing Mr. O doesn't get impeached over the Benghazi massacre.
Gee, I don't even know where to start. Oh yeah, I got it...to kick things off for my next four years let's start with the twenty two states that are currently petitioning to secede from Mr. Obama's world. Leading, is the great state of Texas. They have garnered over 25,000 petition signatures for submission to Mr Obama, for secession from the United States. Texas is currently the fifteenth largest economy in the world, and are excited at the possibility that they can increase their economic growth immediately as they will not need Mr. Obama's approval to drill for oil, build oil refineries, lower taxes, initiate tort reform, offer affordable health insurance, while offering a better way of life in Texas.
More states are now soliciting for petition signatures to also secede from Mr. Obama's world. Of course the liberal progressives are already screaming, "Republicans want a confederacy like the one that put Blacks back in slavery". Someone should remind the progressive libs that it was the Republicans that freed slavery. Remember when Biden said, "they wanna put y'all back in chains"? Did Gaffer Joe mean the Dems? In a later blog we'll discuss Mr. Obama's 93% of the Black vote last week.
Rather than throw lies and blasphemy at the states that are soliciting petition signatures to secede from Mr. Obama, maybe it would be better to investigate as to WHY over twenty states want to "get out from under" the policies of this White House resident that will destroy our economy and any growth of this great nation.
It's obvious that these states that want to secede from Mr. Obama feel very confident they can increase growth in their individual states by "going it alone" with no interference from our current federal government. A factual example is one state that is currently soliciting for petition signatures is in the process of closing down 175 coal-fired plants, only to have the current federal government deny this state any permits to operate their plants. It's plain to see that if this particular state was "on its own" with no government interference there would be operations in these coal-fired plants and the Americans in these plants would be holding on to their jobs.
More states are becoming discouraged at Mr. Obama's Socialist progressive liberal policies, along with the growth of his regulations to prohibit private businesses from growing and succeeding. Yes, it's sad over the divisiveness that is growing among the states of this great nation. Almost seems like it's planned.
So many states are now protesting the enormous cost increase in welfare in this country. They see no relief in sight to reduce our national debt of $16.Trillion. These states also see an increase of over $1.Trillion a year under Mr. Obama's policies. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has already announced to continue on this path will increase unemployment to 10% by year's end in 2013.
States may be beginning to view Mr. Obama as the same type of person they escaped from when Pilgrims came to this country escaping from the tyranny in England. These states want to start on their own, set up their own land of freedoms designated by the founding fathers of our U.S. Constitution. Just maybe if these states do go out on their own they will find another George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln, or even another Ronald Reagan. It's obvious we will never find leaders like that here under Mr. Obama's failed leadership.
Many more issues coming in future blogs thanks to Mr. Obama.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops
Monday, November 12, 2012
After the parades?
I was honored to wear the U.S. Air Force uniform for four years, '54-'58, and was personally thankful that was not ordered into harm's way into combat. There were many times I had felt so guilty, and so I decided to embrace our military war heroes, and do what I can to recognize those heroes who have done so much to afford all Americans the freedom we enjoy today, and also help in anyway I can to help them fit into today's world.
Two years ago I buried a friend, 91 years old, who served honorably in WWII. He was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and many campaign ribbons. Sgt. Stan, as we affectionatly called him, served in the Pacific Theater, and served in many combat missions.
Another friend of mine, whose son is married to my daughter, served in Vietnam, and is also the recipient of the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart. He retired from the U.S. Marine Corpse as a Major, and spends most of his time locating and recognizing Marines who served in Vietnam. A book, "Lions Of Medina" has been published highlighting this brave Marine's military heroism.
Today, I spent nearly three hours with a retired Sergeant First Class, who recently moved into our neighborhood. He served for thirty years in the U.S. Army, with two tours in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan. He told many stories of his combat missions, as he spent over twenty years as a Green Beret, and was classified as an expert marksman, serving as a sniper. Many of his injuries went unreported as he was involved in covert affairs, but he told me of how his body had endured parachute jumps, long marches, and flying shrapnel. Because he was involved in covert operations, some combined with the Navy Seals, he could not be awarded any medals, but was awarded "Special Accomodation & Achievement" awards. He received fifteen of them. As he said, "you don't get these for doing KP, or driving a bus".
I could write forever on the attributes of these three war heroes, and what's amazing is they all have one thing in common. To them, what they did was, "not heroic...just doing our job".
America needs stronger approaches to our military heroes. Think this out: A young man or woman enlists in the military and sacrifices so much, even their life at times, to protect the freedom of all Americans. It seems we stick a gun in their hands, tell them to go out and fight for us, and then when they come home it seems just we think a yearly parade is enough.
Our military heroes deserve so much more than a yearly parade. They gave their all to protect the freedoms we so richly enjoy in this country. And yet in comparison our military heroes are not given what we truly owe them. Can you imagine that several thousand military heroes that once fought for all Americans now live under bridges.
Is it right that currently there is an estimation of nearly 150,000 veterans that have spent time in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program? Maybe the most disparaging statistic is that on one single night in January, 2011 it was reported that nearly 70,000 veterans were homeless. Is this the way we treat men/women who were willing to die to protect us?
Our heroes are completely and easily forgotten; almost like an anti-war stigma. Ask any teen-ager today who Justin Beiber or Lady Gaga is, and they'll quickly respond. Then ask them who Audie Murphy or George Patton was. I'm sure they'll just give you a dumb look. Bruce Springsteen makes millions writing and singing songs about how horrible wars are. Bruce never wore the uniform and has no right to degrade our military. Maybe if he ever wore the uniform he would've understood the plights of our military heroes, instead of just acting like Hanoi Jane Fonda.
Yes, the Veteran's Administration is doing all they can, but they need more professional help to properly assist our veterans. It's not enough to just thank a vet for their service, or give them a yearly parade, or place a wreath at Arlington Cemetery. Our homecoming war veterans just want to function in today's world, take care of their families, and move forward. As my new neighborhood friend and returning veteran remarked, "it seems easier to go on welfare, and get food stamps, than it is to get veterans' benefits".
So today folks, please think of what you can do, however small, to help a veteran fit in our world today. Just to thank them for their years of service is not enough. Do what you can. They deserve it for the sacrifices they gave for all of us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops
Two years ago I buried a friend, 91 years old, who served honorably in WWII. He was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and many campaign ribbons. Sgt. Stan, as we affectionatly called him, served in the Pacific Theater, and served in many combat missions.
Another friend of mine, whose son is married to my daughter, served in Vietnam, and is also the recipient of the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart. He retired from the U.S. Marine Corpse as a Major, and spends most of his time locating and recognizing Marines who served in Vietnam. A book, "Lions Of Medina" has been published highlighting this brave Marine's military heroism.
Today, I spent nearly three hours with a retired Sergeant First Class, who recently moved into our neighborhood. He served for thirty years in the U.S. Army, with two tours in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan. He told many stories of his combat missions, as he spent over twenty years as a Green Beret, and was classified as an expert marksman, serving as a sniper. Many of his injuries went unreported as he was involved in covert affairs, but he told me of how his body had endured parachute jumps, long marches, and flying shrapnel. Because he was involved in covert operations, some combined with the Navy Seals, he could not be awarded any medals, but was awarded "Special Accomodation & Achievement" awards. He received fifteen of them. As he said, "you don't get these for doing KP, or driving a bus".
I could write forever on the attributes of these three war heroes, and what's amazing is they all have one thing in common. To them, what they did was, "not heroic...just doing our job".
America needs stronger approaches to our military heroes. Think this out: A young man or woman enlists in the military and sacrifices so much, even their life at times, to protect the freedom of all Americans. It seems we stick a gun in their hands, tell them to go out and fight for us, and then when they come home it seems just we think a yearly parade is enough.
Our military heroes deserve so much more than a yearly parade. They gave their all to protect the freedoms we so richly enjoy in this country. And yet in comparison our military heroes are not given what we truly owe them. Can you imagine that several thousand military heroes that once fought for all Americans now live under bridges.
Is it right that currently there is an estimation of nearly 150,000 veterans that have spent time in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program? Maybe the most disparaging statistic is that on one single night in January, 2011 it was reported that nearly 70,000 veterans were homeless. Is this the way we treat men/women who were willing to die to protect us?
Our heroes are completely and easily forgotten; almost like an anti-war stigma. Ask any teen-ager today who Justin Beiber or Lady Gaga is, and they'll quickly respond. Then ask them who Audie Murphy or George Patton was. I'm sure they'll just give you a dumb look. Bruce Springsteen makes millions writing and singing songs about how horrible wars are. Bruce never wore the uniform and has no right to degrade our military. Maybe if he ever wore the uniform he would've understood the plights of our military heroes, instead of just acting like Hanoi Jane Fonda.
Yes, the Veteran's Administration is doing all they can, but they need more professional help to properly assist our veterans. It's not enough to just thank a vet for their service, or give them a yearly parade, or place a wreath at Arlington Cemetery. Our homecoming war veterans just want to function in today's world, take care of their families, and move forward. As my new neighborhood friend and returning veteran remarked, "it seems easier to go on welfare, and get food stamps, than it is to get veterans' benefits".
So today folks, please think of what you can do, however small, to help a veteran fit in our world today. Just to thank them for their years of service is not enough. Do what you can. They deserve it for the sacrifices they gave for all of us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Caveat Emptor
I don't want to insult anyone with the meaning of the Latin phrase, Caveat Emptor, well other than the majority of the 51 per cent'ers on Mr. Obama's freebie-welfare list. Caveat Emptor in English is simply "let the buyer beware", or in the case of the freebie welfare people that voted Mr. Obama in, it interprets to "we don't wanna beware...just show us where the kool-aid is". I am happy to report however, 49% of Americans are really aware of what's going to happen in the next four years.
As I've written in a previous blog, Mr. Obama did a masterful job of convincing the freebie welfare people that if they reelected him he would make sure their freebies would continue. This is evidenced that for all the bloviating Mr. Obama is doing about spending cuts to the military and Medicare, he continues to raise the welfare spending. I find it amazing that in less than a week after the 51 per cent'ers voted in Mr. Obama how the factual information is emerging from "the woodwork".
Before I go any further; we still have over 400,000 Americans out of power, some out of food, clothing, and shelter, and I'll give three guesses as to where Mr. Obama was yesterday. Of course the first two guesses don't count. Yep, you guessed it; with his waving and smiling face he was on the golf course. What a leader huh?
OK, now let's go to Mr. Obama's great cover-ups. First there is Benghazi with CIA Director Petrateus resigning just a few days after the election. Sorry Director, you're going to get subpeoned. You're not getting off that easy, and someone tell Hillary she's next. Holder will still probably sweep it under the rug, but it's going to be fun to watch them squirm a little.
Then there's the drone attack by Mr. Obama's friend Iran. Firing on an American military aircraft in a neutral zone constitutes an act of war. However, Mr. Obama convinced the authorities to withhold any information until after the election. He was so busy with Springsteen and Jay-Z that he didn't want to deal with it. What a leader huh?
How about our energy crisis? Right after the election, not before, Mr. Obama announced there will be no oil drilling on Government land in several states. Hmmm. wonder why he didn't make this announcement BEFORE the election. Of course he wants us to keep buying oil from his Muslim friends in the mid east. Now that'll sure create jobs. What a leader.
How 'bout dem taxes huh? Mr. Obama's main man, David Axelrod publicly announced that Mr. Obama "has a mandate to raise taxes". Gee, just another axiom that didn't surface till after the election. Now Mr. Obama is smart enough, at least I presume he is, that if tax everyone in the United States that has an income of $200,000 or more, including ALL millionaires and billionaires you won't even dent our national debt, and could only run the Government for approximately eight days.
But what you can do, and most likely what Mr. Obama will do, is increase taxes to assure his freebie welfare people that their welfare and food stamps will continue and will increase.
My favorite: Obamacare. Remember when giggling Nancy Pelosi reminded us that we have to read the 2,977 pages of Obamacare if we wanted to know what was in it. Well, we still don't know everything that's in it. However, there are some issues that have emerged, and if they weren't so true they'd be funny. First, if Obamacare is so great for the country why are there twenty-seven states suing the Federal Government to opt out of Obamacare?
Why are there many, many companies that are now in the process of laying off employees rather than pay for their health care? Why are so many companies cutting hours of their employees to less than thirty hours per week, so they can consider them part-time, therefore denying them healthcare? Buried in the 2,977 pages is a mandated tax on healthcare equipment manufacturers that will be passed on to hospitals, insurers, and lastly down to patients.
Why are there many, many companies initiating a hiring freeze so they will not have to have medical healthcare insurance for new employees? Currently there are thirteen companies, most in the healthcare industry, that will initiate layoffs of over 30,000 employees due to anticipation of escalating healthcare costs. These layoff will begin in 2013.
Obamacare is starting off great by robbing Medicare of $716.Billion to help put Mr. Obama's freebie welfare followers onto his Obamacare plan. This is going to be great in 2013.
I've decided that I'm going to spend the next four years, watching and reporting on my blogs the complete and utter failure of our economic path that Mr. Obama is taking America down.
It's easy to surmise that the facts I'm reporting is still getting under the skin of my critics. Someone please tell the liberal progressives that they won. The election is over, and yet they continue to spew lies and personal attacks on me and the Republican party. No one is going to stop me from writing researched facts in my blogs. I will never stop reporting the lies and cowardice coming from the White House. I have promised the News-Herald that I have researched my facts and will stand by my reporting.
I can also about report that just about everything coming from the "other side" will continue to be blasphemy and lies. It's going to be an interesting four years, and you can expect a lot of "I told you so" coming from me.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops
As I've written in a previous blog, Mr. Obama did a masterful job of convincing the freebie welfare people that if they reelected him he would make sure their freebies would continue. This is evidenced that for all the bloviating Mr. Obama is doing about spending cuts to the military and Medicare, he continues to raise the welfare spending. I find it amazing that in less than a week after the 51 per cent'ers voted in Mr. Obama how the factual information is emerging from "the woodwork".
Before I go any further; we still have over 400,000 Americans out of power, some out of food, clothing, and shelter, and I'll give three guesses as to where Mr. Obama was yesterday. Of course the first two guesses don't count. Yep, you guessed it; with his waving and smiling face he was on the golf course. What a leader huh?
OK, now let's go to Mr. Obama's great cover-ups. First there is Benghazi with CIA Director Petrateus resigning just a few days after the election. Sorry Director, you're going to get subpeoned. You're not getting off that easy, and someone tell Hillary she's next. Holder will still probably sweep it under the rug, but it's going to be fun to watch them squirm a little.
Then there's the drone attack by Mr. Obama's friend Iran. Firing on an American military aircraft in a neutral zone constitutes an act of war. However, Mr. Obama convinced the authorities to withhold any information until after the election. He was so busy with Springsteen and Jay-Z that he didn't want to deal with it. What a leader huh?
How about our energy crisis? Right after the election, not before, Mr. Obama announced there will be no oil drilling on Government land in several states. Hmmm. wonder why he didn't make this announcement BEFORE the election. Of course he wants us to keep buying oil from his Muslim friends in the mid east. Now that'll sure create jobs. What a leader.
How 'bout dem taxes huh? Mr. Obama's main man, David Axelrod publicly announced that Mr. Obama "has a mandate to raise taxes". Gee, just another axiom that didn't surface till after the election. Now Mr. Obama is smart enough, at least I presume he is, that if tax everyone in the United States that has an income of $200,000 or more, including ALL millionaires and billionaires you won't even dent our national debt, and could only run the Government for approximately eight days.
But what you can do, and most likely what Mr. Obama will do, is increase taxes to assure his freebie welfare people that their welfare and food stamps will continue and will increase.
My favorite: Obamacare. Remember when giggling Nancy Pelosi reminded us that we have to read the 2,977 pages of Obamacare if we wanted to know what was in it. Well, we still don't know everything that's in it. However, there are some issues that have emerged, and if they weren't so true they'd be funny. First, if Obamacare is so great for the country why are there twenty-seven states suing the Federal Government to opt out of Obamacare?
Why are there many, many companies that are now in the process of laying off employees rather than pay for their health care? Why are so many companies cutting hours of their employees to less than thirty hours per week, so they can consider them part-time, therefore denying them healthcare? Buried in the 2,977 pages is a mandated tax on healthcare equipment manufacturers that will be passed on to hospitals, insurers, and lastly down to patients.
Why are there many, many companies initiating a hiring freeze so they will not have to have medical healthcare insurance for new employees? Currently there are thirteen companies, most in the healthcare industry, that will initiate layoffs of over 30,000 employees due to anticipation of escalating healthcare costs. These layoff will begin in 2013.
Obamacare is starting off great by robbing Medicare of $716.Billion to help put Mr. Obama's freebie welfare followers onto his Obamacare plan. This is going to be great in 2013.
I've decided that I'm going to spend the next four years, watching and reporting on my blogs the complete and utter failure of our economic path that Mr. Obama is taking America down.
It's easy to surmise that the facts I'm reporting is still getting under the skin of my critics. Someone please tell the liberal progressives that they won. The election is over, and yet they continue to spew lies and personal attacks on me and the Republican party. No one is going to stop me from writing researched facts in my blogs. I will never stop reporting the lies and cowardice coming from the White House. I have promised the News-Herald that I have researched my facts and will stand by my reporting.
I can also about report that just about everything coming from the "other side" will continue to be blasphemy and lies. It's going to be an interesting four years, and you can expect a lot of "I told you so" coming from me.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops
Friday, November 9, 2012
51 per cent'ers
In case you haven't heard, the election is over and Mr. Obama by a margin of 51% to 49% has been reelected to live in our White House for another four years. Of course that's barring a possible impeachment over the Benghazi massacre.
Yesterday I wrote a blog featuring the breakdown of the voting blocs in the Presidential election. The blog reflected age, gender, and income groups that voted for Mr. Obama and Governor Romney. I just wish they there was a bloc reflecting how many of the 51% that voted for Mr. Obama actually held a job, had a viable 401-K, or was living on welfare.
When you look at the classifications of these groups it's easy to see that Mr. Obama did not get reelected on any of his accomplishments, mainly because he didn't have any accomplishments to run on. He did, however, promise the majority of the 51% that voted him in he would provide free health care, an increase in welfare, a tax on anyone who is successful making $200K per year, even free cell phones.
The election is over and still the progressive liberals continue to berate the hard working 49% of Americans that didn't vote for Mr. Obama. They're calling Republicans the party of old, white, outdated men. Just yesterday two of my blog critics called me racist, and a white supremacist. And my "team" lost. I can just imagine the name calling from them if Governor Romney had won. Would you call them "good" winners?
Mr. Obama ran a remarkable platform convincing the 23 million Americans out of work, and the people on welfare that if Governor Romney was elected they would lose their "freebies", and may have to find a job. I guess you can get an enormous following from a group if you keep promising them free stuff. Ever wonder where Mr. Obama is going to continue to raise money to keep giving "freebies" to the 23 million millions out of work?
The most effective way Mr. Obama is assuring his funding of "freebies" to the majority of the 51% who voted him in office is to take our country over the fiscal cliff. When the 51 per cent'ers voted in Mr. Obama they automatically signed on the dotted line for a $500. Billion dollar tax increase. I'm sure his 51% didn't even realize this, and if they did, they didn't care.
Mr. Obama will expire the Bush tax cuts, along with spending cuts in our military, and cuts in Medicare. He will not, however, reduce any spending in the welfare program, which he has increased dramatically in his first term; some say over 100%.
Most of the 51% that live on welfare and other "freebies" don't know, or for that matter, really don't care, about the upcoming fiscal cliff that the Congressional Budget Office has proclaimed will take us to over 9% unemployment during 2013. Mr. Obama will not tell the American people that his fiscal cliff policy will raise our national debt approximately $1.Trillion a year.
Of course this means when Mr. Obama leaves office in 2016 our national debt will be in excess of $20.Trillion. This is an unsustainable debt that we may never recover from.
But to the 51 per cent'ers that are on the "freebie" welfare list, don't worry you won't have to work, or try to help our country rise up from the financial crisis we're in. You'll be well taken care of.
Tomorrow my blog will discuss the lay-offs that Obamacare is causing.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops.
Yesterday I wrote a blog featuring the breakdown of the voting blocs in the Presidential election. The blog reflected age, gender, and income groups that voted for Mr. Obama and Governor Romney. I just wish they there was a bloc reflecting how many of the 51% that voted for Mr. Obama actually held a job, had a viable 401-K, or was living on welfare.
When you look at the classifications of these groups it's easy to see that Mr. Obama did not get reelected on any of his accomplishments, mainly because he didn't have any accomplishments to run on. He did, however, promise the majority of the 51% that voted him in he would provide free health care, an increase in welfare, a tax on anyone who is successful making $200K per year, even free cell phones.
The election is over and still the progressive liberals continue to berate the hard working 49% of Americans that didn't vote for Mr. Obama. They're calling Republicans the party of old, white, outdated men. Just yesterday two of my blog critics called me racist, and a white supremacist. And my "team" lost. I can just imagine the name calling from them if Governor Romney had won. Would you call them "good" winners?
Mr. Obama ran a remarkable platform convincing the 23 million Americans out of work, and the people on welfare that if Governor Romney was elected they would lose their "freebies", and may have to find a job. I guess you can get an enormous following from a group if you keep promising them free stuff. Ever wonder where Mr. Obama is going to continue to raise money to keep giving "freebies" to the 23 million millions out of work?
The most effective way Mr. Obama is assuring his funding of "freebies" to the majority of the 51% who voted him in office is to take our country over the fiscal cliff. When the 51 per cent'ers voted in Mr. Obama they automatically signed on the dotted line for a $500. Billion dollar tax increase. I'm sure his 51% didn't even realize this, and if they did, they didn't care.
Mr. Obama will expire the Bush tax cuts, along with spending cuts in our military, and cuts in Medicare. He will not, however, reduce any spending in the welfare program, which he has increased dramatically in his first term; some say over 100%.
Most of the 51% that live on welfare and other "freebies" don't know, or for that matter, really don't care, about the upcoming fiscal cliff that the Congressional Budget Office has proclaimed will take us to over 9% unemployment during 2013. Mr. Obama will not tell the American people that his fiscal cliff policy will raise our national debt approximately $1.Trillion a year.
Of course this means when Mr. Obama leaves office in 2016 our national debt will be in excess of $20.Trillion. This is an unsustainable debt that we may never recover from.
But to the 51 per cent'ers that are on the "freebie" welfare list, don't worry you won't have to work, or try to help our country rise up from the financial crisis we're in. You'll be well taken care of.
Tomorrow my blog will discuss the lay-offs that Obamacare is causing.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
The Breakdown
A look back at American history reveals that in 1789 Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton were locked in on-going heated disputes regarding the financial welfare of the American people.
I could pen several blogs on their heated disputes, but I would rather highlight the one basic belief they held in common:
The Federal Government should be treated as the golden trough to protect the money that stimulates private commerce for Americans. The golden trough should not be treated as a means to just "give" money to its citizens.
Mr. Obama's reelection proves that we are not heading in the direction of a "welfare state". In reality we are, in fact, in a welfare state right now. In 1970 America's yearly cost of its entitlement program was $10.1 Billion. In 2011 our yearly expense for entitlement programs was $569.6 Billion. This does not include Social Security for seniors.
There was a time if you made $40,000 a year you could survive and get through. Today an income of $40,000 means you have to scrimp, sacrifice, and struggle, but you can still make it.
That symbolizes that the American people are all about. Many of Americans want to feel they are "makers", not "takers".
Today an individual, through the different entitlement programs, can secure a value of $40,000 a year by doing absolutely nothing. To them it doesn't matter that currently every individual has a debt to pay of over $200,000. What a burden to lay upon our youth, as they emerge into the working world. The "gimmee welfare" population can receive enough through the entitlement programs that they need not seek employment. Why should they work?
Of course the obvious question is what happens when Mr. Ben Bernanke can longer just print money, and our dollar value plummits to a deep abyss? What happens to the millions of Americans when they are told there is no money for the pensions they worked so hard for?
Has anyone noticed the citizens rioting in the streets in Greece that is happening right now because they have just completely run out of money? Are we headed in that direction?
Our borrowing power with China is weakening, and many are fearful we are just two short years from becoming like Greece. While it can't be thoroughly proven if this will happen, when you look at the breakdown of people who decided to amass a 50-49 per cent of votes to reelect Mr. Obama , it appears we are well on the way.
This past year the liberal progressive Democrats, along with the support of the media, did a great job of convincing America that every individual who worked hard and became financially comfortable was a "fat cat" that had too much money, and must "share" with the less fortunate. Of course this is done through welfare and numerous entitlement programs, and we all know that entitlement programs can only exist by making the hard working people pay more through increased taxes.
We all agree this country needs jobs, jobs, and more jobs. Has anyone discovered a way that a person on welfare/unemployment/food stamps can create a job? And yet welfare is the largest expense in America today.
Please indulge me as I break down the voting blocs in the Presidential election. These are pure and honest facts. It reflects where our country is at in terms of the welfare state:
So, it's obvious Mr. Obama carried the "gimmee" poor in the election. Am I the only one who noticed that Americans making $50,000. or more overwhelmingly voted for Governor Romney? No one gave these people $50,000 a year through entitlements; they earned it.
Am I the only one who noticed that 14% more married people voted for Governor Romney?
Given that Chris Matthews from MSNBC will call me a racist, a true fact is that Blacks have suffered a drastic rise in unemployment under Mr. Obama; more than any other President, and yet Mr. Obama enjoyed a 93% approval rating from Blacks. I'll go way out on a limb and say if Mr. Obama were White he would not have enjoyed a 93% approval rating from the Black population. Anyone agree?
It's also factually obvious that our youth, who have not spent many years in the work force, or working to support a family, have strayed over to the "gimmee" state. I personally know a college senior with close to $50,000. debt in student loan who stated, "I voted for Obama because he's going to clear my student loan debt for me".
Another obvious fact is that female unemployment has risen dramatically under Mr. Obama, and yet there was an 11% voting favor for Mr. Obama with women. During the campaigning women, supporting Mr. Obama kept reiterating that Governor Romney was declaring a war on women, believing in their mantra, "Women must think with their smarts, not their body parts".
Well, Mr. Obama has no plan to increase employment for women, but at least they'll get free contraceptives and abortions. Now who's thinking with their parts, instead of their smarts?
Lockheed-Martin and Boing Aircraft combined are now in the process of laying off close to 150,000 employees, but were "persuaded" by Mr. Obama and his minions to hold off on lay-offs until after the election. Wonder how they were repayed for delaying these notices?
Folks, our country is in a mess, but please don't harbor any thoughts that Mr. Obama is going to do anything about it. He's in a lame duck four years, and he will just answer, "Can't get anything done with these Republicans in the House". Then he'll just smile, hit the golf links, then the basketball court, and then tell Michelle to make plans for their next vacation.
The more serious information we must take away from this is that this country will not survive if we continue on the path of "gimmee welfare" instead of creating jobs. We are on a borrowing and money printing path to destruction. If Mr. Obama repeats exactly what he did or didn't do in the next four years we may reach a disaster that we may never recover from.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops
I could pen several blogs on their heated disputes, but I would rather highlight the one basic belief they held in common:
The Federal Government should be treated as the golden trough to protect the money that stimulates private commerce for Americans. The golden trough should not be treated as a means to just "give" money to its citizens.
Mr. Obama's reelection proves that we are not heading in the direction of a "welfare state". In reality we are, in fact, in a welfare state right now. In 1970 America's yearly cost of its entitlement program was $10.1 Billion. In 2011 our yearly expense for entitlement programs was $569.6 Billion. This does not include Social Security for seniors.
There was a time if you made $40,000 a year you could survive and get through. Today an income of $40,000 means you have to scrimp, sacrifice, and struggle, but you can still make it.
That symbolizes that the American people are all about. Many of Americans want to feel they are "makers", not "takers".
Today an individual, through the different entitlement programs, can secure a value of $40,000 a year by doing absolutely nothing. To them it doesn't matter that currently every individual has a debt to pay of over $200,000. What a burden to lay upon our youth, as they emerge into the working world. The "gimmee welfare" population can receive enough through the entitlement programs that they need not seek employment. Why should they work?
Of course the obvious question is what happens when Mr. Ben Bernanke can longer just print money, and our dollar value plummits to a deep abyss? What happens to the millions of Americans when they are told there is no money for the pensions they worked so hard for?
Has anyone noticed the citizens rioting in the streets in Greece that is happening right now because they have just completely run out of money? Are we headed in that direction?
Our borrowing power with China is weakening, and many are fearful we are just two short years from becoming like Greece. While it can't be thoroughly proven if this will happen, when you look at the breakdown of people who decided to amass a 50-49 per cent of votes to reelect Mr. Obama , it appears we are well on the way.
This past year the liberal progressive Democrats, along with the support of the media, did a great job of convincing America that every individual who worked hard and became financially comfortable was a "fat cat" that had too much money, and must "share" with the less fortunate. Of course this is done through welfare and numerous entitlement programs, and we all know that entitlement programs can only exist by making the hard working people pay more through increased taxes.
We all agree this country needs jobs, jobs, and more jobs. Has anyone discovered a way that a person on welfare/unemployment/food stamps can create a job? And yet welfare is the largest expense in America today.
Please indulge me as I break down the voting blocs in the Presidential election. These are pure and honest facts. It reflects where our country is at in terms of the welfare state:
Obama | Romney | |
Under $30,000 | 63% | 35% |
30K-49K | 57% | 42% |
50K or more | 45% | 53% |
Men | 45% | 52% |
AGE | ||
18-29 | 60% | 37% |
30-44 | 52% | 45% |
45-64 | 47% | 52% |
65+ | 44% | 56% |
Married | 42% | 56% |
Unmarried | 62% | 35% |
Big Cities | 69% | 29% |
Midsized Cities | 58% | 40% |
Small Cities | 42% | 56% |
Suburbs | 48% | 50% |
RACE | ||
White | 39% | 59% |
Black | 93% | 7% |
Hispanic | 71% | 27% |
Asian | 73% | 26% |
So, it's obvious Mr. Obama carried the "gimmee" poor in the election. Am I the only one who noticed that Americans making $50,000. or more overwhelmingly voted for Governor Romney? No one gave these people $50,000 a year through entitlements; they earned it.
Am I the only one who noticed that 14% more married people voted for Governor Romney?
Given that Chris Matthews from MSNBC will call me a racist, a true fact is that Blacks have suffered a drastic rise in unemployment under Mr. Obama; more than any other President, and yet Mr. Obama enjoyed a 93% approval rating from Blacks. I'll go way out on a limb and say if Mr. Obama were White he would not have enjoyed a 93% approval rating from the Black population. Anyone agree?
It's also factually obvious that our youth, who have not spent many years in the work force, or working to support a family, have strayed over to the "gimmee" state. I personally know a college senior with close to $50,000. debt in student loan who stated, "I voted for Obama because he's going to clear my student loan debt for me".
Another obvious fact is that female unemployment has risen dramatically under Mr. Obama, and yet there was an 11% voting favor for Mr. Obama with women. During the campaigning women, supporting Mr. Obama kept reiterating that Governor Romney was declaring a war on women, believing in their mantra, "Women must think with their smarts, not their body parts".
Well, Mr. Obama has no plan to increase employment for women, but at least they'll get free contraceptives and abortions. Now who's thinking with their parts, instead of their smarts?
Lockheed-Martin and Boing Aircraft combined are now in the process of laying off close to 150,000 employees, but were "persuaded" by Mr. Obama and his minions to hold off on lay-offs until after the election. Wonder how they were repayed for delaying these notices?
Folks, our country is in a mess, but please don't harbor any thoughts that Mr. Obama is going to do anything about it. He's in a lame duck four years, and he will just answer, "Can't get anything done with these Republicans in the House". Then he'll just smile, hit the golf links, then the basketball court, and then tell Michelle to make plans for their next vacation.
The more serious information we must take away from this is that this country will not survive if we continue on the path of "gimmee welfare" instead of creating jobs. We are on a borrowing and money printing path to destruction. If Mr. Obama repeats exactly what he did or didn't do in the next four years we may reach a disaster that we may never recover from.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...and our troops
Sunday, November 4, 2012
My final blog
OK, I'm just teasing my critics. It's not my final blog; just my last one before the election. I'm still standing strong with my prediction that the Romney-Ryan platform gets close to or right at 300 electoral college votes. Of course my blogs will resume after Tuesday's election, when Governor Romney is voted in as our 45th. President.
My very first blog for the News-Herald was on May 18th., of this year. I've averaged a blog a day, and I must admit, other than a few blogs about our dedicated service men/women, all of my blogs are slanted towards my strong conservative Republican values. I thank the News-Herald for extending to me the privilege of writing my daily blogs.
All of my blogs have been and will always be based on facts, and all my facts have been verified. I challenge anyone to dispute my writings on unemployment, debt, welfare, food stamps, etc. While I have accused the liberal Democrats from spewing lies and personal attacks on the Romney-Ryan ticket, I am proud to say I have avoided any such tactics. I never felt I needed to personally attack the other side to advance my blogs.
There's an old axiom that if you keep downgrading your adversary just to make yourself look good your bad words will backfire on you.Of course that hasn't stopped Mr. Obama and his supporters. He states the Governor is suffering from "Romnesia", and can be cured with Obamacare. His latest personal attack is Mr. Obama's calling on Americans to vote against Governor Romney, "out of revenge".
Webster's dictionary defines revenge as "making someone suffer for a wrong done", or "repaying with evil". Governor Romney says don't vote out of revenge, but "vote out of love for our country". Isn't that the kind of leader we want in our White House?
I'm not going to insult any of the readers of this blog by repeating facts and statistics I've been writing in my previous blogs. So I'll just make one final pitch for the Romney-Ryan platform:
Are you better off today than you were four years ago?
I'm still predicting a Romney victory. My blogs will start up again after the election.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops.
My very first blog for the News-Herald was on May 18th., of this year. I've averaged a blog a day, and I must admit, other than a few blogs about our dedicated service men/women, all of my blogs are slanted towards my strong conservative Republican values. I thank the News-Herald for extending to me the privilege of writing my daily blogs.
All of my blogs have been and will always be based on facts, and all my facts have been verified. I challenge anyone to dispute my writings on unemployment, debt, welfare, food stamps, etc. While I have accused the liberal Democrats from spewing lies and personal attacks on the Romney-Ryan ticket, I am proud to say I have avoided any such tactics. I never felt I needed to personally attack the other side to advance my blogs.
There's an old axiom that if you keep downgrading your adversary just to make yourself look good your bad words will backfire on you.Of course that hasn't stopped Mr. Obama and his supporters. He states the Governor is suffering from "Romnesia", and can be cured with Obamacare. His latest personal attack is Mr. Obama's calling on Americans to vote against Governor Romney, "out of revenge".
Webster's dictionary defines revenge as "making someone suffer for a wrong done", or "repaying with evil". Governor Romney says don't vote out of revenge, but "vote out of love for our country". Isn't that the kind of leader we want in our White House?
I'm not going to insult any of the readers of this blog by repeating facts and statistics I've been writing in my previous blogs. So I'll just make one final pitch for the Romney-Ryan platform:
Are you better off today than you were four years ago?
I'm still predicting a Romney victory. My blogs will start up again after the election.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops.
Kool-Aid drinking
Of course Mr. Obama is going to lose his reelection bid in two short days, but I still couldn't figure out, at first, why he is high in the polls.
Then the light bulb went on. Millions of Americans still get their news from only three sources; ABC, NBC, and CBS. This group of Americans only listen to and watch the likes of Dianne Sawyer from ABC, Brian Williams from NBC, and the ever changing newscaster spot from CBS.
I'm not going to belabor the fact that these three networks are very far into Mr. Obama's back pocket; we all know that. Therefore these Americans truly believe what they are told by these networks, and continue to drink Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid.
Here's an example: My wife and I went to Wickliffe, Ohio to a Paul Ryan rally. We were selected to stand on the riser stand behind Congressman Ryan. We were so excited. When we got home my wife called her friend in Lorain, Ohio, an avowed Democrat, and told her of our exciting rally visit in Wickliffe, Ohio.
My wife's friend replied, "who's Paul Ryan"? And this avowed Democrat had already informed my wife, "of course I'm voting for Obama...my family has been Democrats forever". She further commented, "I only watch ABC, NBC, and CBS for the news".
There you have it folks. In addition to the three major networks dispensing Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid, these same networks continue to spew lies and personal attacks on the cable news networks that try to present the news fair and balanced. The sadness is that this election may be the most critical in America's history. Every American needs to research all the facts about both candidates, everywhere they can.
Of course I know my daily blogs are not going to convince a die-hard Obama Kool-Aid drinker to cast their vote for Governor Romney, but don't we all owe it to our country and our future generations to look at all sides of all issues, not just the lop-sided views of ABC, CBS, and NBC.
It's not so much what these three networks broadcast to the people as what they WON'T tell the American people. Here's an example: The major networks, along with Mr. Obama will brag that over five million jobs have been created since Mr. Obama has been in office.
What these major networks won't tell you, and this is so important, is that for every job created under Mr. Obama five workers had to leave the work force. Do you think these major networks will tell you that there are still 23 million Americans are still out of work? Of course they won't.
Even with the so-called "disaster" that Mr. Obama inherited from his predecessor, why don't the major networks inform Americans that under Mr. Obama unemployment has gone up 2.7%, and there are 4.5 million Americans more out of work than when his predecessor was in office? No of course they won't tell Americans this bit of information.
The major networks won't tell Americans that the price of gasoline has doubled to nearly $4.00 per gallon, and that Mr. Obama, if reelected will NOT drill for oil, and will continue to purchase oil from his Muslim friends in the mid-east. Do Americans know that along with the continuous buying of oil from the mid-east the price of a barrel of oil has risen under Mr. Obama from $48.86/barrel to currently $92.89/barrel. Of course the mid-east Muslim countries that sell us oil are certainly glad to know that Mr. Obama will not drill for oil here in the U.S.
How can Mr. Obama preach that, "we've come too far to quit now"? The major networks preach this also, but won't report that median household income has dropped $4,800 under Mr. Obama. We are currently at 7.9% unemployment, but everyone knows the true unemployment is 14.6%. Do you call this "coming far"? You think the major networks are going to report that? Of course not.
And I save the best for last. If this weren't so true it would be laughable. The three major networks, along with Mr. Obama are touting that America is on its way to recovery, as 171,000 jobs were created in October. What a joke. What the major networks, along with Mr. Obama will not report is that 170,000 Americans left the job force in October. So America had only a net gain of 1,000 jobs last month. Think the networks will report this? Of course not.
My wife suggested, even encouraged, her Democrat friend from Lorain, Ohio that she should expand her viewing and start watching the cable news networks. You know what her reply was? "The major networks say that the cable news networks just lie, and lean towards the Republicans, so I won't watch them". People like this are just plain dangerous and scary. This is proof that we should give competency tests to voters.
And that Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
Then the light bulb went on. Millions of Americans still get their news from only three sources; ABC, NBC, and CBS. This group of Americans only listen to and watch the likes of Dianne Sawyer from ABC, Brian Williams from NBC, and the ever changing newscaster spot from CBS.
I'm not going to belabor the fact that these three networks are very far into Mr. Obama's back pocket; we all know that. Therefore these Americans truly believe what they are told by these networks, and continue to drink Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid.
Here's an example: My wife and I went to Wickliffe, Ohio to a Paul Ryan rally. We were selected to stand on the riser stand behind Congressman Ryan. We were so excited. When we got home my wife called her friend in Lorain, Ohio, an avowed Democrat, and told her of our exciting rally visit in Wickliffe, Ohio.
My wife's friend replied, "who's Paul Ryan"? And this avowed Democrat had already informed my wife, "of course I'm voting for Obama...my family has been Democrats forever". She further commented, "I only watch ABC, NBC, and CBS for the news".
There you have it folks. In addition to the three major networks dispensing Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid, these same networks continue to spew lies and personal attacks on the cable news networks that try to present the news fair and balanced. The sadness is that this election may be the most critical in America's history. Every American needs to research all the facts about both candidates, everywhere they can.
Of course I know my daily blogs are not going to convince a die-hard Obama Kool-Aid drinker to cast their vote for Governor Romney, but don't we all owe it to our country and our future generations to look at all sides of all issues, not just the lop-sided views of ABC, CBS, and NBC.
It's not so much what these three networks broadcast to the people as what they WON'T tell the American people. Here's an example: The major networks, along with Mr. Obama will brag that over five million jobs have been created since Mr. Obama has been in office.
What these major networks won't tell you, and this is so important, is that for every job created under Mr. Obama five workers had to leave the work force. Do you think these major networks will tell you that there are still 23 million Americans are still out of work? Of course they won't.
Even with the so-called "disaster" that Mr. Obama inherited from his predecessor, why don't the major networks inform Americans that under Mr. Obama unemployment has gone up 2.7%, and there are 4.5 million Americans more out of work than when his predecessor was in office? No of course they won't tell Americans this bit of information.
The major networks won't tell Americans that the price of gasoline has doubled to nearly $4.00 per gallon, and that Mr. Obama, if reelected will NOT drill for oil, and will continue to purchase oil from his Muslim friends in the mid-east. Do Americans know that along with the continuous buying of oil from the mid-east the price of a barrel of oil has risen under Mr. Obama from $48.86/barrel to currently $92.89/barrel. Of course the mid-east Muslim countries that sell us oil are certainly glad to know that Mr. Obama will not drill for oil here in the U.S.
How can Mr. Obama preach that, "we've come too far to quit now"? The major networks preach this also, but won't report that median household income has dropped $4,800 under Mr. Obama. We are currently at 7.9% unemployment, but everyone knows the true unemployment is 14.6%. Do you call this "coming far"? You think the major networks are going to report that? Of course not.
And I save the best for last. If this weren't so true it would be laughable. The three major networks, along with Mr. Obama are touting that America is on its way to recovery, as 171,000 jobs were created in October. What a joke. What the major networks, along with Mr. Obama will not report is that 170,000 Americans left the job force in October. So America had only a net gain of 1,000 jobs last month. Think the networks will report this? Of course not.
My wife suggested, even encouraged, her Democrat friend from Lorain, Ohio that she should expand her viewing and start watching the cable news networks. You know what her reply was? "The major networks say that the cable news networks just lie, and lean towards the Republicans, so I won't watch them". People like this are just plain dangerous and scary. This is proof that we should give competency tests to voters.
And that Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
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