OK, here's how it looks; C R E D I B I L I T Y. That's the word, in case you're wondering what it looks like Mr. President. Does anyone in this administration know what credibility means? Of course not. This President has done so much of "kicking the can down the road" maybe he should give up golf and take up soccer.
Since this man walked into our White House our credibility among countries around the world, including our allies, has plummeted to the lowest it has ever been. We have countries that we are sending foreign aid of billions a year that still hate us while they burn our flag in their streets screaming their hatred for the United States.
Will someone please tell this President to lead from somewhere; behind, front, sideways, up, down, etc., but for the sake of our country, please lead. That's why you were voted in as the leader of the free world in 2008. People from all over the world are watching this man continue to fail as the leader of our United States, and the free world.
And all this does is continue to lose our credibility around the world. He actually believes the American people don't know what he's doing in regards to Syria. He is so afraid of losing his political capital that he won't even create a plan regarding Syria. He stands in front of his teleprompters in the Rose Garden for five minutes, and then goes golfing.
Why isn't he communicating with his Generals? Why doesn't he call Congress back early from their August recess? This man cannot make a decision of any kind. America knew this in 2008 when they decided to allow an inexperienced community organizer move into our White House.
And what did he do in his first four years in office that America would like him to repeat? Not a darn thing. Well, there is that Obamacare, that everyone is trying to escape from. Then what does 51% of Americans turn around and do in November, 2012? They allow him again to stay in our White House.
He has continued to play "hide & seek" from all the main issues surrounding our country and our allies; fast & furious, Benghazi, DOJ spying, NSA spying, IRS scandals. He has yet to lead our country in all these scandals, but he hasn't missed his vacations and golfing.
He has made our great country the laughing stock around the world. He can't even make a definitive plan about Syria. Regardless of what any may believe about attacking Asaad in Syria, we need our President to come up with a plan, any plan. He just continues to hold his meetings, read from his teleprompters, and then you can bet he'll be heading to the golf course this afternoon.
Where is the U.N. in all this? They have remained completely silent. There are evil leaders in many countries around the world committing genocide against their own people, and we rarely hear about it. If we were drilling for our own oil here and in Alaska and building refineries would we even consider attacking Syria? No one has the answer.
Now, more than ever, our country needs a strong decisive leader; not a community organizer. This man is so hubris and arrogant that he refuses to discuss any issue with anyone who disagrees with him. That is not the true definition of a leader.
This man must be impeached. He is openly trying to dismantle the truths and freedoms of what so many before us have sacrificed for. Maybe, just maybe, if we retain the House and recapture the Senate in 2014 we can take steps to impeach this man.
If not, God help us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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