Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Where was this in 1958?

I am so freakin' mad. To know that I've had a job since my first paper route at the age of eleven. Then as a stock boy in two grocery stores. Then I delivered food orders for a delicatessen. Then I graduated from high school, went to work in the steel mills for eight months, and then enlisted in the U.A. Air Force.

Then college under the G.I. Bill of Rights after I was discharged, and on to work, work, work, till I retired. Today my wife and I live on Social Security, a monthly insurance annuity, and a stock program. 

Now, at the age of 78 I'm being told I did it all wrong. Now they tell me I could have lived very well by doing absolutely nothing. Why, in heaven's name did I bust my hump all those years?

Today, in 35 states a person can get unemployment, food stamps, medicaid, subsidized housing, even free cell phones that calculates to approximately $38,000. per year. Statistics now show that this FREE $38,000. is actually higher than average entry-level employment of $21,000. per year. Now, I ask you, why would you go out and try to get a job?

And the good news for King Hitler Jr. is that as long as he keeps handing out these benefits he will be the Pied Piper of the entitlement class. He and his Democrat leaders actually have these people believing they are "entitled" to their nanny state on the backs of hard working taxpayers.

I just want to know where was all this in January, 1958 when I was discharged from the U.S. Air Force at the age of 22, and became a freshman in a state university.  I got married, got a job, and had to finish college in night school. Gee, where was King Hitler Jr.'s plan then? 

And then to know I could've received even more from welfare because my wife and I had two daughters back then. Then a few years after college another daughter came along. Man, I could've been living like a king with all these "entitled" benefits.

Just last week the news anchors were exploiting a 29-year old beach bum in California for living the good life, surfing every day, while not having a job. This 29-year old "surfin' dude" keept telling the news anchors, "why work my food all I need thanks to taxpayers".  Everyone is angry at this "beach bum", I'm jealous. Where was all this in January, 1958?

TV was showing this 29-year old buying lobster with his food stamps, strumming his guitar on the beach with pretty young ladies; having a great time...all thanks to us taxpayers. Didn't seem it was that many years ago that I was bragging to a friend over a beer after being promoted to salary that "I was now at $1,058.00 a month".  Wow, I had arrived! But to think I could've received all this free from the government.

Of course I'm being sarcastic. My education and hard work has enabled my wife and I to live a decent life financially in our 70's.  What is the 29-year old going to do when the nanny state of entitlements run out of money? You can bet he'll be part of that riot crowd "demanding" his entitlements. I can see him now throwing chairs through the windows of hard working, taxpaying, small business shops, while screaming, "this isn't fair...where's my money...I'm entitled".

Then, all together we can say: Welcome to the United States of Greece.

But we can take the first step to stop this next November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


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