Thursday, August 8, 2013

Don't give up!

Yeah, I know; it seems like a hard uphill battle we face as we prepare for the November 2014 mid-term elections. First, we are saddled with this hubris, self-centered egotist "using" our White House and infusing a nanny state with dependent Americans.

And in turn these uninformed Americans are buying into this arrogant man's program because they believe with him in our White House their "free" life will continue.

As if it wasn't bad enough having this self-centered hubris of a man in our White House we have a fawning slave media that dares not tell Americans how bad our economy really is.

Well, what are we going to do about it? Throw in the towel?  Do you think our forefathers came over in luxury ocean liners when they fled the tyranny in the British empire? When they landed at Plymouth Rock to start life anew, do you think they were welcomed to a resort area? 

Do you think our great Revolutionary War leader George Washington didn't have any horrific problems as he took our first war to free America from tyranny? Of course not.

Our forefathers drafted a Constitution and Declaration of Independence to help steer our country in the right direction. Do you think these were easy tasks? Of course not.

After what the Plymouth Rock travelers, and our forefathers did for this great country, now is not the time for us to roll over and throw the towel in because of what the dictator King Hitler Jr. is trying to do to this great country. 

We have seen and heard the lies that spew from this arrogant self-centered man, while his slave media spreads this lies like manure on a farm. So, we should put our tails between our legs and run off, right? Yeah, all is lost.  Don't you dare give up on this great country. Don't you dare!

Right now we have a Congress full of people that seem more concerned about their daily battles against each other's political party, and at times more interested in getting reelected than doing what we sent them there to do......represent us. What are we to do?

Well, the framers of our Constitution gave us plenty of ammunition in the Articles and Bills of Rights in our Constitution. By the way this is the very same Constitution that the dictator King Hitler Jr. calls "flawed", and wants to change.

Now, why would King Hitler Jr. want to change and revamp our Constitution? Can you guess? Give up? He just plain and simple wants to continue to "rule" the United States of America. He actually believes he can do a better job than our forefathers did.

He does not believe in the Constitution. He does not believe in the American democratic way of life.  Someday, in the future, it will be proven that this man, whose identity has been hidden for years, does not even have the right to be the president of this great country.

But, there is great hope folks. Very great hope. This man and his regime administration can and must be taken down. With his slave media supporting him, there is only one true way to bring this man down. It is the true right and privilege our founding fathers bestowed upon us.

And that is in a two-step process. The first step is to vote in the November, 2014 mid term elections to retain our House and take back our Senate.

The second step is to strongly stand behind the right GOP candidate, and vote him/her into our White House and undo all the damage this horrible dictator King Hitler Jr. is doing now, and will continue to do.

The temporary good news is that if we have the House and the Senate starting in January, 2015, this man can do no harm.  He'll just go on vacation and golf, and that's a good thing for America; a very good thing. Encourage all Americans to vote to take back our country.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.



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