Monday, August 5, 2013

Our own "hope & change"

"bin Laden is dead and el Qaeda is on the run".  Let me repeat that cause we've heard it so often  by King Hitler Jr., and his followers and the slave media; "bin Laden is dead and el Qaeda is on the run". Now we know what a joke that is.

The only "phony scandal" that's going on now is King Hitler Jr. hiding behind the Benghazi massacre. This radical Islamic Muslim actually placed himself and his reelection ahead of the four lives of American heroes.

As in the Ft. Hood shooting, this evil dictator, who lives in our White House, would not allow the term "terrorist attack" to be spoken or written just before his reelection bid. To this very day no one in the White House, or our Secretary of State, or Ambassador, or spokesperson can even explain exactly where King Hitler Jr. was at the time of the Benghazi massacre. Do we need any more proof to show that this hubris man cares for no one but his own personal agenda?

This man has completely failed in everything he stands for; our economy, job creation,  our national debt, his horrendous health care plan, his outrageous spending of taxpayers money, and mostly his just plain old lying to the American people on all levels.

Wouldn't you like to ask this evil dictator, "hey if el Qaeda is on the run, why are you so afraid of them"?  All it took was a little "head fake" by the el Qaeda and what does King Hitler Jr. do?
He closes twenty embassies and consulates in the middle east and Africa. And as soon as he did that he ran off to hide in Camp David and had a gigantic birthday celebration. By the way did anyone see Jay-Z and Beyonce at the party?

The media slaves of King Hitler Jr. won't report that el Qaeda is definitely not "on the run". The truth is they are stronger than ever, and have grown substantially since Hitler Jr. has been in office. Thank God for Fox News and the Tea Party Community website, so we can get the actual facts about this evil man.

I'll wager that the 51% that voted to reelect King Hitler Jr. back into our White House are sitting around scratching their heads and uttering, "what the heck were we thinking"?

Many years ago the USSR prime minister Nikita Kruschev claimed, "America is too strong of a super power to overtake physically.....better we just stand back and watch them implode and fall from within". And it certainly appears this is exactly what King Hitler Jr. is attempting to fulfill.

Countries around the world are laughing at us, while other countries hate and despise us. The very sad realization is that some of these very same countries that hate us are receiving money and military aid from us. 

The best proof of this is Hitler Jr.'s health care plan. If it wasn't so true it would be hilarious that the very same people that are jamming Obamacare down our throats are the very same Congressional members, their staff, the IRS, Unions, etc. that are given the privilege of not having to participate in the King's legacy plan. Now there's a good story for the "goose and gander" scenario.

There is great hope though folks. This great country was founded on the principles that we can actually "chase" evil people out of our Congress and start the road to a democratic recovery. Our first step is next November, 2014 we vote to maintain the House and take back the Senate.
By doing this we can just watch this evil dictator continue to fail, and then in 2016 we can elect a solid Republican, and start rebuilding all the damage this man has done, and will do in his second term.

Don't give up folks. There is hope ahead. Let's show this evil dictator what "hope and change" really means.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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