Of course my favorite quote is from our esteemed Vice President Joe Biden, when he proclaimed, "bin Laden is dead and GM (Detroit) is alive and well".
And when you add Hitler Jr.'s media slaves to the mix all America through ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC is supposed to be cheering in the streets that we are certainly on our way to a prosperous America. What is truly sad, is that so many Americans, uninformed Americans, actually believe this garbage.
Now, everyone who knows me knows that math is my truly biggest downfall. It's shameful how bad I am at math. In high school, after one da
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I want to show that even a very mathematically challenged person like me can figure just how bad our jobs economy is doing, and how the Hitler Jr. administration is lying every month to the American people.
OK, grab your calculator and go with me on this. Since King Hitler Jr. has been in our White House starting January, 2009, over nine million jobs have been lost to the American public.
Now fast-forward to the past six months OK? Since January, 2013 through June, 2013 there have been 900,000 jobs created. However, what Hitler Jr. won't tell you, or for that matter, either will his media slaves, is that of these 900,000 jobs created, over 700,000 of these jobs are nothing more than part time.
Every month the White House and the slave media will proudly announce the thousands of jobs created, however, King Hitler Jr. and his slave media will never announce the "adjusted" jobs created figure in the following three weeks reflects a much, much lower figure every month.
The main fact that the White House and the media will never, ever disclose is that the jobs created is less than those coming into the work force for the first time every month. Here's another fact you can bet you won't get from the White House or slave media: over 350,000 Americans left the work force last week alone. Yes, just threw in the towel and stopped looking for any type of work.
Now we all know that we are averaging close to 350,000 Americans per week, yes, per week filing for the first time unemployment.
So, even a dummy like me can "crunch" these figures against America's work force and arrive at the true figure of 11.6% unemployment.
So, instead of opening the Keystone Pipeline, and stopping the strict EPA regulations on coal manufacturing in West Virginia, what does Hitler Jr. do? He hops on Air Force One, and spends over seven million tax payers dollars and flies to hide in Martha's Vineyard.
And we all know the ethnic group that has been hit the hardest by unemployment since Hitler Jr. has been in office. Yes, the African-American population, specifically the young African-Americans. Young Blacks are sustaining over 40% unemployment since King Hitler Jr. has been in office.
So, last night Bill O'Reilly was interviewing the director of Black Entertainment Television (BET), and Bill asked the gentleman, "there has been more unemployment among Blacks than ever before, and yet over 93% of Blacks voted him for a second term...why is that"?
Want to read the answer this BET executive told O'Reilly? He said, "well, the African-American population want to express how proud they are of an African-American being elected president, so they voted him in to prove it". So, with the highest rate of Black unemployment ever, and proof that this man in the White House cares more about his own personal agenda than he does for the African-American population, the Black community still put this man ahead of themselves. Why?
This man has done nothing at all to advance the great African-American race. More Blacks were employed under G.W. Bush than this man by a very large margin, and yet the Black leader activists like Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson will urge Blacks that it is the White race, and Republicans like President Bush that has caused their employment problems, and even urging riots against Whites.
The African-American race must wake up and realize this man they voted into our White House does not care about them at all. He just gives great speeches.....and by the way has anyone seen King Hitler Jr. speaking to Blacks in Detroit and Chicago? Hmmm....why?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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