Monday, August 12, 2013

I want asylum too!!

So there I was down in my man-cave seating primers, and loading 4.1 grams of Bullseye powder into my .38 special casings. You re-loaders know what I'm writing about.

Anyway, there I was reloading while listening to Rush with one ear and watching Fox News on the man-cave TV. Suddenly some news flashed on the TV that, at first, I didn't quite understand. When I first saw it on my TV I hollered up to my wife, "turn on your won't believe this".

The Fox News satellite reporter was reporting from Otay, California, which is a small border town separating the U.S. and Mexico. It was reported that in the past week over 550 Mexicans crossed the border in this small town claiming they needed "asylum from the Mexican drug cartel".

OK, get off the floor, wake up, and read the last paragraph again. Yes, the United States government is legally allowing Mexicans asylum, and guess who's paying for it? C'mon, now guess...yep, you're paying for it with your taxpayer dollars.

Of course this is a scam. Congress is now fighting over an amnesty bill, so in the meantime there are those finding loopholes to enter this country illegally. How are these people being taken care of; food, shelter, housing, education, and health care. 

And for every one of these seeking asylum through "the loophole" there are those that are being prevented from properly seeking asylum here; professionals like engineers, doctors, educators, etc., because those from Mexico are destroying the true meaning of asylum.

Mexicans are now crossing the border claiming they are seeking asylum from the bad drug cartels in Mexico, and we are putting them up in very nice hotels, and even supplying armed guards to protect them.

They are coming across in such droves that we're even sending them to Texas and Florida for asylum protection. Is this a great country or what?

Last year over 30,000 foreigners were granted asylum in the U.S. Over thirty-four percent of these seeking asylum were from China; that's the country we are debt to for billions of dollars. We even borrow money from China to pay interest on the loan for the money we borrow from China. Go figure.

So, I've decided that there is so much crime here in my native country, so much national debt, and so much fear that my great country is declining that I'm thinking of moving to Switzerland to seek asylum from my declining country.

Switzerland would be ideal for this old gun owner. There is no military in Swiss land, and the government relies on its citizens for its own militia protection. In fact, in Switzerland every household must have a firearm. I love that.

Switzerland is a rich country, and ranks among the top five countries in GDP. There is virtually no gun crime, and I love that Christianity is the overwhelmin religious belief there; mostly Roman Catholic, of which I am one.

You can also believe that you won't find people roaming the streets there handing out flyers that encourage people to go on food stamps. Their unemployment is among the lowest in the free world. 

Of course I'm being sarcastic. I love this U.S.A., and I could never leave, but I'm having trouble that we allow over thirty-thousand people a year to seek refuge here, and many of these countries we provide aid to already, and many of these that seek asylum here are from countries that hate the U.S.

We came to this country when it was just a vast wasteland and made it the greatest and most powerful country the world has ever known. Why can't other cultures do the same in their own country? Why not strive to make themselves strong, resourceful, and rich for their own citizens? Of course it won't come easy, but we did it.  And if any want to come here do it the legal way.

We cannot maintain this country as the greatest if we keep supporting those that come here illegally, wanting financial support from us. Our national debt will reach $20.trillion before Hitler Jr. leaves office. What then? 

This great country is having enormous problems taking care of our own citizens. We cannot and will not survive if millions continue to come here illegally. We'll become the United States of Greece if we don't grow our own economy for our own legal citizens.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


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