A few days ago three of us old timers, all in our 70's, got on a crazy topic. We started to ask one another, "hey, how long would you like to live"?
Old timer Ron said, "I'd just like to live long enough to watch my granddaughter get married".
My other buddy Ted, said, "I'd like make it to my great-granddaughter's high school graduation".
After some silence my two buddies started joking and teasing me as they said, "OK, Mr. news junkie, how long do you want to live"?
I was like a race horse at the starting gate, chomping on the bit. Then I started:
I would like to live long enough so that years after King Hitler Jr. is out of our White House, I can witness the large shrouds of camouflage being lifted and the truth about this man become known to the American people.
First, where was this guy really born? I'd like to see a real authentic birth certificate. What about all those hidden passports when he traveled? Was he really a foreign aid student receiving U.S. taxpayers' dollars to attend college? Speaking of college, I want to see some of his college grades. How come none are made available to us? Yeah, and that's not all.
I want to live long enough to see Hitler Jr.'s slave media wake up and start reporting the news fair and objectively to the American people. I may live long enough to see that in ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, but I know I'll never see that in MSNBC.
I want to live long enough to hear from and/or read about all of Hitler Jr.'s college professors and friends? I want to live long enough to know the real truth about Reverend Wright's facilitating a "Down Low" men's club for Hitler Jr. and his friends. Was this a secret men's club for Black homosexual men of which Hitler Jr. was an avid member? Is it still in operation?
I want to live long enough to find out where Hitler Jr. really was on the night of the Benghazi massacre of for American heroes. I want to live long enough to find out the true objective facts surrounding the "phony scandals" of Benghazi, the IRS, Fast & Furious, the DOJ spying, and the illegal NSA snooping.
I just figured it out: If I have to live until Americans find out all these things I'm really going to live a long time.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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